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THE ENTIRE RISK * ARISING OUT OF USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE LIES WITH YOU. ***********************license end**************************************/ /** * @file * * Interface to the hardware Free Pool Allocator. * * @addtogroup hal * @{ */ #define BDK_FPA_NUM_AURAS 128 /* Must not be bigger than FPA_CONST[auras] or NPA_AF_LFX_AURAS_CFG[loc_aura_size] */ /** * This enum represents the FPA hardware pools in use by the BDK */ typedef enum { BDK_FPA_PACKET_POOL, /* Stores PKI packet buffers */ BDK_FPA_SSO_POOL, /* Used for internal storage in the SSO, CN83XX and CN9XXX */ BDK_FPA_PKO_POOL, /* Used for queue storage in the CN83XX PKO and CN9XXX SQB */ BDK_FPA_NUM_POOLS = 16 /* Can be 16, or 32 for CN83XX. Must not be bigger than FPA_CONST[pools] */ } bdk_fpa_pool_t; /** * Structure representing the global state of the FPA */ typedef struct { uint16_t buffer_size_pool[BDK_FPA_NUM_POOLS]; uint16_t buffer_size_aura[BDK_FPA_NUM_AURAS]; int next_free_aura; int next_free_lf; /* Used on CN9XXX for RVU PF allocation */ void *npa_auras_ptr; /* Pointer to Aura Context Table: BDK_FPA_NUM_AURAS * (Aura HW context) */ void *npa_pools_ptr; /* Pointer to Pool Context Table: BDK_FPA_NUM_POOLS * (Pool HW context) */ } __bdk_fpa_state_t; extern __bdk_fpa_state_t __bdk_fpa_node_state[BDK_NUMA_MAX_NODES]; /** * Get a new block from an aura * * @param node Node to use in a Numa setup. See bdk-numa.h * @param aura Aura to get the block from (0-BDK_FPA_NUM_AURAS) * * @return Pointer to the block or NULL on failure */ extern void* (*bdk_fpa_alloc)(bdk_node_t node, int aura); /** * Free a block allocated with bdk_fpa_alloc(). Does NOT provide memory ordering * for core stores. Software must insure all pending writes are flushed before * calling this function. * * @param node Node to use in a Numa setup. See bdk-numa.h * @param address Physical address to free to the FPA aura * @param aura Aura number to free to (0-BDK_FPA_NUM_AURAS) * @param num_cache_lines * Cache lines to invalidate. Use this if the data in the buffer is no longer * requires cache coherency. Normally best to set this to zero. */ extern void (*__bdk_fpa_raw_free)(bdk_node_t node, uint64_t address, int aura, int num_cache_lines); /** * Fill a pool with buffers * * @param node Node to use in a Numa setup. See bdk-numa.h * @param pool Pool to initialize (0 <= pool < BDK_FPA_NUM_POOLS) * @param num_blocks Number of blocks * * @return Zero on Success, negative on failure */ extern int (*bdk_fpa_fill_pool)(bdk_node_t node, bdk_fpa_pool_t pool, int num_blocks); /** * Initialize an Aura for a specific pool * * @param node Node to use in a Numa setup. See bdk-numa.h * @param aura Aura to initialize, or -1 to dynamically allocate a free aura * @param pool Pool this aura is for (0 <= pool < BDK_FPA_NUM_POOLS) * @param num_blocks Number of buffers to allow this aura to contain. This may be different * from the pool * * @return Aura number or negative on failure */ extern int (*bdk_fpa_init_aura)(bdk_node_t node, int aura, bdk_fpa_pool_t pool, int num_blocks); /** * Free a block allocated with bdk_fpa_alloc(). Provides memory ordering * for core stores. * * @param node Node to use in a Numa setup. See bdk-numa.h * @param ptr Pointer to the block to free * @param aura Aura number to free to (0-BDK_FPA_NUM_AURAS) * @param num_cache_lines * Cache lines to invalidate. Use this if the data in the buffer is no longer * requires cache coherency. Normally best to set this to zero. */ static inline void bdk_fpa_free(bdk_node_t node, void *ptr, int aura, int num_cache_lines) { BDK_WMB; __bdk_fpa_raw_free(node, bdk_ptr_to_phys(ptr), aura, num_cache_lines); } /** * Get the size of blocks controlled by the aura * * @param node Node to use in a Numa setup. See bdk-numa.h * @param aura Aura number to access (0-BDK_FPA_NUM_AURAS) * * @return Size of the block in bytes */ static inline int bdk_fpa_get_block_size(bdk_node_t node, int aura) { __bdk_fpa_state_t *fpa_state = &__bdk_fpa_node_state[node]; return fpa_state->buffer_size_aura[aura]; } /** * Global FPA initialization * * @return Zero on success, negative on failure */ int bdk_fpa_init(bdk_node_t node); /** @} */