#ifndef __CB_BDK_DRAM_TEST_H__ #define __CB_BDK_DRAM_TEST_H__ /***********************license start*********************************** * Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Cavium Inc. (support@cavium.com). All rights * reserved. * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of Cavium Inc. nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * This Software, including technical data, may be subject to U.S. export * control laws, including the U.S. Export Administration Act and its * associated regulations, and may be subject to export or import * regulations in other countries. * * TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" * AND WITH ALL FAULTS AND CAVIUM INC. MAKES NO PROMISES, REPRESENTATIONS OR * WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE, WITH RESPECT * TO THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ITS CONDITION, ITS CONFORMITY TO ANY * REPRESENTATION OR DESCRIPTION, OR THE EXISTENCE OF ANY LATENT OR PATENT * DEFECTS, AND CAVIUM SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED (IF ANY) WARRANTIES * OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE, LACK OF VIRUSES, ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS, QUIET ENJOYMENT, * QUIET POSSESSION OR CORRESPONDENCE TO DESCRIPTION. THE ENTIRE RISK * ARISING OUT OF USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE LIES WITH YOU. ***********************license end**************************************/ /** * @file * * Functions for configuring DRAM. * *
$Revision: 49448 $
* * @defgroup dram DRAM related functions * @{ */ /** * Flags to pass to DRAM tests to control behavior */ typedef enum { /* Which nodes to check. If none are specified, default to all */ BDK_DRAM_TEST_NODE0 = 1 << BDK_NODE_0, BDK_DRAM_TEST_NODE1 = 1 << BDK_NODE_1, BDK_DRAM_TEST_NODE2 = 1 << BDK_NODE_2, BDK_DRAM_TEST_NODE3 = 1 << BDK_NODE_3, BDK_DRAM_TEST_NO_STOP_ERROR = 1 << 8, /**< Don't stop running tests on errors, continue counting all errors */ BDK_DRAM_TEST_NO_PROGRESS = 1 << 9, /**< Don't report progress percentage during run, for batch runs */ BDK_DRAM_TEST_NO_STATS = 1 << 10, /**< Don't report usage status for LMC, or CCPI with USE_CCPI */ BDK_DRAM_TEST_NO_BANNERS = 1 << 11, /**< Don't display banenrs at beginning of test */ BDK_DRAM_TEST_USE_CCPI = 1 << 12, /**< Test using other node across CCPI. Use to verify CCPI. This automatically enables CCPI usage reporting unless NO_STATS is also specified */ } bdk_dram_test_flags_t; /** * Convert a test enumeration into a string * * @param test Test to convert * * @return String for display */ extern const char* bdk_dram_get_test_name(int test); /** * Perform a memory test. * * @param test Test type to run * @param start_address * Physical address to start at * @param length Length of memory block * @param flags Flags to control memory test options. Zero defaults to testing all * node with statistics and progress output. * * @return Number of errors found. Zero is success. Negative means the test * did not run due to some other failure. */ extern int bdk_dram_test(int test, uint64_t start_address, uint64_t length, bdk_dram_test_flags_t flags); /** * Given a physical DRAM address, extract information about the node, LMC, DIMM, * rank, bank, row, and column that was accessed. * * @param address Physical address to decode * @param node Node the address was for * @param lmc LMC controller the address was for * @param dimm DIMM the address was for * @param prank Physical RANK on the DIMM * @param lrank Logical RANK on the DIMM * @param bank BANK on the DIMM * @param row Row on the DIMM * @param col Column on the DIMM */ extern void bdk_dram_address_extract_info(uint64_t address, int *node, int *lmc, int *dimm, int *prank, int *lrank, int *bank, int *row, int *col); /** * Construct a physical address given the node, LMC, DIMM, rank, bank, row, and column. * * @param node Node the address was for * @param lmc LMC controller the address was for * @param dimm DIMM the address was for * @param prank Physical RANK on the DIMM * @param lrank Logical RANK on the DIMM * @param bank BANK on the DIMM * @param row Row on the DIMM * @param col Column on the DIMM */ extern uint64_t bdk_dram_address_construct_info(bdk_node_t node, int lmc, int dimm, int prank, int lrank, int bank, int row, int col); /** * Inject a DRAM error at a specific address in memory. The injection can either * be a single bit inside the byte, or a double bit error in the ECC byte. Double * bit errors may corrupt memory, causing software to crash. The corruption is * written to memory and will continue to exist until the cache line is written * again. After a call to this function, the BDK should report a ECC error. Double * bit errors corrupt bits 0-1. * * @param address Physical address to corrupt. Any byte alignment is supported * @param bit Bit to corrupt in the byte (0-7), or -1 to create a double bit fault in the ECC * byte. */ extern void bdk_dram_test_inject_error(uint64_t address, int bit); /* These variables count the number of ECC errors. They should only be accessed atomically */ /* Keep the counts per memory channel (LMC) for more detail. */ #define BDK_MAX_MEM_CHANS 4 extern int64_t __bdk_dram_ecc_single_bit_errors[BDK_MAX_MEM_CHANS]; /* FIXME(dhendrix): redundant declaration in original BDK */ //extern int64_t __bdk_dram_ecc_double_bit_errors[BDK_MAX_MEM_CHANS]; /* These are internal support functions */ extern void __bdk_dram_flush_to_mem(uint64_t address); extern void __bdk_dram_flush_to_mem_range(uint64_t area, uint64_t max_address); extern void __bdk_dram_report_error(uint64_t address, uint64_t data, uint64_t correct, int burst, int fails); extern void __bdk_dram_report_error2(uint64_t address1, uint64_t data1, uint64_t address2, uint64_t data2, int burst, int fails); extern int __bdk_dram_retry_failure(int burst, uint64_t address, uint64_t data, uint64_t expected); extern int __bdk_dram_retry_failure2(int burst, uint64_t address1, uint64_t data1, uint64_t address2, uint64_t data2); static inline void __bdk_dram_write64(uint64_t address, uint64_t data) { volatile uint64_t *ptr = bdk_phys_to_ptr(address); *ptr = data; } static inline uint64_t __bdk_dram_read64(uint64_t address) { volatile uint64_t *ptr = bdk_phys_to_ptr(address); return *ptr; } /* This is the function prototype that all test must use. "start_address" is the first byte to be tested (inclusive), "end_address" is the address right after the region (exclusive). For example, if start_address equals end_address, no memory will be tested */ typedef int (*__bdk_dram_test_t)(uint64_t start_address, uint64_t end_address, int bursts); /* These are the actual tests that get run. Each test is meant to be run with a small range and repeated on lots of cores and large ranges. The return value is the number of errors found */ extern int __bdk_dram_test_mem_address_bus(uint64_t start_address, uint64_t end_address, int bursts); extern int __bdk_dram_test_mem_checkerboard(uint64_t start_address, uint64_t end_address, int bursts); extern int __bdk_dram_test_mem_data_bus(uint64_t start_address, uint64_t end_address, int bursts); extern int __bdk_dram_test_mem_leftwalk0(uint64_t start_address, uint64_t end_address, int bursts); extern int __bdk_dram_test_mem_leftwalk1(uint64_t start_address, uint64_t end_address, int bursts); extern int __bdk_dram_test_mem_random(uint64_t start_address, uint64_t end_address, int bursts); extern int __bdk_dram_test_mem_rightwalk0(uint64_t start_address, uint64_t end_address, int bursts); extern int __bdk_dram_test_mem_rightwalk1(uint64_t start_address, uint64_t end_address, int bursts); extern int __bdk_dram_test_mem_rows(uint64_t start_address, uint64_t end_address, int bursts); extern int __bdk_dram_test_mem_self_addr(uint64_t start_address, uint64_t end_address, int bursts); extern int __bdk_dram_test_mem_solid(uint64_t start_address, uint64_t end_address, int bursts); extern int __bdk_dram_test_mem_xor(uint64_t start_address, uint64_t end_address, int bursts); extern int __bdk_dram_test_fast_scan(uint64_t area, uint64_t max_address, int bursts); /** @} */ #endif /* !__CB_BDK_DRAM_TEST_H__ */