#ifndef __BDK_CSRS_SATA_H__ #define __BDK_CSRS_SATA_H__ /* This file is auto-generated. Do not edit */ /***********************license start*************** * Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Cavium Inc. (support@cavium.com). All rights * reserved. * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Cavium Inc. nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * This Software, including technical data, may be subject to U.S. export control * laws, including the U.S. Export Administration Act and its associated * regulations, and may be subject to export or import regulations in other * countries. * TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" * AND WITH ALL FAULTS AND CAVIUM NETWORKS MAKES NO PROMISES, REPRESENTATIONS OR * WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE, WITH RESPECT TO * THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ITS CONDITION, ITS CONFORMITY TO ANY REPRESENTATION OR * DESCRIPTION, OR THE EXISTENCE OF ANY LATENT OR PATENT DEFECTS, AND CAVIUM * SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED (IF ANY) WARRANTIES OF TITLE, * MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, LACK OF * VIRUSES, ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS, QUIET ENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION OR * CORRESPONDENCE TO DESCRIPTION. THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF USE OR * PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE LIES WITH YOU. ***********************license end**************************************/ /** * @file * * Configuration and status register (CSR) address and type definitions for * Cavium SATA. * * This file is auto generated. Do not edit. * */ /** * Enumeration sata_bar_e * * SATA Base Address Register Enumeration * Enumerates the base address registers. */ #define BDK_SATA_BAR_E_SATAX_PF_BAR0(a) (0x810000000000ll + 0x1000000000ll * (a)) #define BDK_SATA_BAR_E_SATAX_PF_BAR0_SIZE 0x200000ull #define BDK_SATA_BAR_E_SATAX_PF_BAR2(a) (0x810000200000ll + 0x1000000000ll * (a)) #define BDK_SATA_BAR_E_SATAX_PF_BAR2_SIZE 0x100000ull #define BDK_SATA_BAR_E_SATAX_PF_BAR4_CN8(a) (0x810000200000ll + 0x1000000000ll * (a)) #define BDK_SATA_BAR_E_SATAX_PF_BAR4_CN8_SIZE 0x100000ull #define BDK_SATA_BAR_E_SATAX_PF_BAR4_CN9(a) (0x810000000000ll + 0x1000000000ll * (a)) #define BDK_SATA_BAR_E_SATAX_PF_BAR4_CN9_SIZE 0x200000ull /** * Enumeration sata_int_vec_e * * SATA MSI-X Vector Enumeration * Enumerates the MSI-X interrupt vectors. */ #define BDK_SATA_INT_VEC_E_UAHC_INTRQ_IP (0) #define BDK_SATA_INT_VEC_E_UAHC_INTRQ_IP_CLEAR (1) #define BDK_SATA_INT_VEC_E_UAHC_PME_REQ_IP (2) #define BDK_SATA_INT_VEC_E_UAHC_PME_REQ_IP_CLEAR (3) #define BDK_SATA_INT_VEC_E_UCTL_INTSTAT_CN88XXP1 (4) #define BDK_SATA_INT_VEC_E_UCTL_INTSTAT_CN9 (1) #define BDK_SATA_INT_VEC_E_UCTL_INTSTAT_CN81XX (1) #define BDK_SATA_INT_VEC_E_UCTL_INTSTAT_CN83XX (1) #define BDK_SATA_INT_VEC_E_UCTL_INTSTAT_CN88XXP2 (1) #define BDK_SATA_INT_VEC_E_UCTL_RAS (4) /** * Enumeration sata_uctl_dma_read_cmd_e * * SATA UCTL DMA Read Command Enumeration * Enumerates NCB inbound command selections for DMA read operations. */ #define BDK_SATA_UCTL_DMA_READ_CMD_E_LDI (0) #define BDK_SATA_UCTL_DMA_READ_CMD_E_LDT (1) #define BDK_SATA_UCTL_DMA_READ_CMD_E_LDY (2) /** * Enumeration sata_uctl_dma_write_cmd_e * * SATA UCTL DMA Write Command Enumeration * Enumerate NCB inbound command selections for DMA writes. */ #define BDK_SATA_UCTL_DMA_WRITE_CMD_E_RSTP (1) #define BDK_SATA_UCTL_DMA_WRITE_CMD_E_STP (0) /** * Enumeration sata_uctl_ecc_err_source_e * * SATA UCTL ECC Error Source Enumeration * Enumerate sources of ECC error log information. */ #define BDK_SATA_UCTL_ECC_ERR_SOURCE_E_FB_DBE (0xf) #define BDK_SATA_UCTL_ECC_ERR_SOURCE_E_FB_SBE (7) #define BDK_SATA_UCTL_ECC_ERR_SOURCE_E_NONE (0) #define BDK_SATA_UCTL_ECC_ERR_SOURCE_E_RX_DBE (0xd) #define BDK_SATA_UCTL_ECC_ERR_SOURCE_E_RX_SBE (5) #define BDK_SATA_UCTL_ECC_ERR_SOURCE_E_TX_DBE (0xe) #define BDK_SATA_UCTL_ECC_ERR_SOURCE_E_TX_SBE (6) #define BDK_SATA_UCTL_ECC_ERR_SOURCE_E_XM_R_DBE (0xa) #define BDK_SATA_UCTL_ECC_ERR_SOURCE_E_XM_R_SBE (2) #define BDK_SATA_UCTL_ECC_ERR_SOURCE_E_XM_W_DBE (9) #define BDK_SATA_UCTL_ECC_ERR_SOURCE_E_XM_W_SBE (1) /** * Enumeration sata_uctl_xm_bad_dma_type_e * * SATA UCTL XM Bad DMA Type Enumeration * Enumerates the type of DMA error seen. */ #define BDK_SATA_UCTL_XM_BAD_DMA_TYPE_E_ADDR_OOB (1) #define BDK_SATA_UCTL_XM_BAD_DMA_TYPE_E_LEN_GT_8 (2) #define BDK_SATA_UCTL_XM_BAD_DMA_TYPE_E_MULTIBEAT_BYTE (3) #define BDK_SATA_UCTL_XM_BAD_DMA_TYPE_E_MULTIBEAT_HALFWORD (4) #define BDK_SATA_UCTL_XM_BAD_DMA_TYPE_E_MULTIBEAT_QWORD (6) #define BDK_SATA_UCTL_XM_BAD_DMA_TYPE_E_MULTIBEAT_WORD (5) #define BDK_SATA_UCTL_XM_BAD_DMA_TYPE_E_NONE (0) /** * Register (NCB) sata#_msix_pba# * * SATA MSI-X Pending Bit Array Registers * This register is the MSI-X PBA table, the bit number is indexed by the SATA_INT_VEC_E enumeration. */ union bdk_satax_msix_pbax { uint64_t u; struct bdk_satax_msix_pbax_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t pend : 64; /**< [ 63: 0](RO/H) Pending message for the associated SATA()_MSIX_VEC()_CTL, enumerated by SATA_INT_VEC_E. Bits that have no associated SATA_INT_VEC_E are zero. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t pend : 64; /**< [ 63: 0](RO/H) Pending message for the associated SATA()_MSIX_VEC()_CTL, enumerated by SATA_INT_VEC_E. Bits that have no associated SATA_INT_VEC_E are zero. */ #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_msix_pbax_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_msix_pbax bdk_satax_msix_pbax_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_MSIX_PBAX(unsigned long a, unsigned long b) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_MSIX_PBAX(unsigned long a, unsigned long b) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && ((a<=1) && (b==0))) return 0x8100002f0000ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1) + 8ll * ((b) & 0x0); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && ((a<=5) && (b==0))) return 0x8100002f0000ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7) + 8ll * ((b) & 0x0); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && ((a<=15) && (b==0))) return 0x8100002f0000ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf) + 8ll * ((b) & 0x0); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && ((a<=3) && (b==0))) return 0x8100002f0000ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3) + 8ll * ((b) & 0x0); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_MSIX_PBAX", 2, a, b, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_MSIX_PBAX(a,b) bdk_satax_msix_pbax_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_MSIX_PBAX(a,b) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB #define basename_BDK_SATAX_MSIX_PBAX(a,b) "SATAX_MSIX_PBAX" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_MSIX_PBAX(a,b) 0x2 /* PF_BAR2 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_MSIX_PBAX(a,b) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_MSIX_PBAX(a,b) (a),(b),-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB) sata#_msix_vec#_addr * * SATA MSI-X Vector Table Address Registers * This register is the MSI-X vector table, indexed by the SATA_INT_VEC_E enumeration. */ union bdk_satax_msix_vecx_addr { uint64_t u; struct bdk_satax_msix_vecx_addr_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t reserved_53_63 : 11; uint64_t addr : 51; /**< [ 52: 2](R/W) IOVA to use for MSI-X delivery of this vector. */ uint64_t reserved_1 : 1; uint64_t secvec : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](SR/W) Secure vector. 0 = This vector may be read or written by either secure or nonsecure states. 1 = This vector's SATA()_MSIX_VEC()_ADDR, SATA()_MSIX_VEC()_CTL, and corresponding bit of SATA()_MSIX_PBA() are RAZ/WI and does not cause a fault when accessed by the nonsecure world. If PCCPF_SATA(0..15)_VSEC_SCTL[MSIX_SEC] (for documentation, see PCCPF_XXX_VSEC_SCTL[MSIX_SEC]) is set, all vectors are secure and function as if [SECVEC] was set. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t secvec : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](SR/W) Secure vector. 0 = This vector may be read or written by either secure or nonsecure states. 1 = This vector's SATA()_MSIX_VEC()_ADDR, SATA()_MSIX_VEC()_CTL, and corresponding bit of SATA()_MSIX_PBA() are RAZ/WI and does not cause a fault when accessed by the nonsecure world. If PCCPF_SATA(0..15)_VSEC_SCTL[MSIX_SEC] (for documentation, see PCCPF_XXX_VSEC_SCTL[MSIX_SEC]) is set, all vectors are secure and function as if [SECVEC] was set. */ uint64_t reserved_1 : 1; uint64_t addr : 51; /**< [ 52: 2](R/W) IOVA to use for MSI-X delivery of this vector. */ uint64_t reserved_53_63 : 11; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; struct bdk_satax_msix_vecx_addr_cn9 { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t reserved_53_63 : 11; uint64_t addr : 51; /**< [ 52: 2](R/W) IOVA to use for MSI-X delivery of this vector. */ uint64_t reserved_1 : 1; uint64_t secvec : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](SR/W) Secure vector. 0 = This vector may be read or written by either secure or nonsecure states. 1 = This vector's SATA()_MSIX_VEC()_ADDR, SATA()_MSIX_VEC()_CTL, and corresponding bit of SATA()_MSIX_PBA() are RAZ/WI and does not cause a fault when accessed by the nonsecure world. If PCCPF_SATA()_VSEC_SCTL[MSIX_SEC] (for documentation, see PCCPF_XXX_VSEC_SCTL[MSIX_SEC]) is set, all vectors are secure and function as if [SECVEC] was set. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t secvec : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](SR/W) Secure vector. 0 = This vector may be read or written by either secure or nonsecure states. 1 = This vector's SATA()_MSIX_VEC()_ADDR, SATA()_MSIX_VEC()_CTL, and corresponding bit of SATA()_MSIX_PBA() are RAZ/WI and does not cause a fault when accessed by the nonsecure world. If PCCPF_SATA()_VSEC_SCTL[MSIX_SEC] (for documentation, see PCCPF_XXX_VSEC_SCTL[MSIX_SEC]) is set, all vectors are secure and function as if [SECVEC] was set. */ uint64_t reserved_1 : 1; uint64_t addr : 51; /**< [ 52: 2](R/W) IOVA to use for MSI-X delivery of this vector. */ uint64_t reserved_53_63 : 11; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } cn9; struct bdk_satax_msix_vecx_addr_cn81xx { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t reserved_49_63 : 15; uint64_t addr : 47; /**< [ 48: 2](R/W) IOVA to use for MSI-X delivery of this vector. */ uint64_t reserved_1 : 1; uint64_t secvec : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](SR/W) Secure vector. 0 = This vector may be read or written by either secure or nonsecure states. 1 = This vector's SATA()_MSIX_VEC()_ADDR, SATA()_MSIX_VEC()_CTL, and corresponding bit of SATA()_MSIX_PBA() are RAZ/WI and does not cause a fault when accessed by the nonsecure world. If PCCPF_SATA(0..1)_VSEC_SCTL[MSIX_SEC] (for documentation, see PCCPF_XXX_VSEC_SCTL[MSIX_SEC]) is set, all vectors are secure and function as if [SECVEC] was set. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t secvec : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](SR/W) Secure vector. 0 = This vector may be read or written by either secure or nonsecure states. 1 = This vector's SATA()_MSIX_VEC()_ADDR, SATA()_MSIX_VEC()_CTL, and corresponding bit of SATA()_MSIX_PBA() are RAZ/WI and does not cause a fault when accessed by the nonsecure world. If PCCPF_SATA(0..1)_VSEC_SCTL[MSIX_SEC] (for documentation, see PCCPF_XXX_VSEC_SCTL[MSIX_SEC]) is set, all vectors are secure and function as if [SECVEC] was set. */ uint64_t reserved_1 : 1; uint64_t addr : 47; /**< [ 48: 2](R/W) IOVA to use for MSI-X delivery of this vector. */ uint64_t reserved_49_63 : 15; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } cn81xx; struct bdk_satax_msix_vecx_addr_cn88xx { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t reserved_49_63 : 15; uint64_t addr : 47; /**< [ 48: 2](R/W) IOVA to use for MSI-X delivery of this vector. */ uint64_t reserved_1 : 1; uint64_t secvec : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](SR/W) Secure vector. 0 = This vector may be read or written by either secure or nonsecure states. 1 = This vector's SATA()_MSIX_VEC()_ADDR, SATA()_MSIX_VEC()_CTL, and corresponding bit of SATA()_MSIX_PBA() are RAZ/WI and does not cause a fault when accessed by the nonsecure world. If PCCPF_SATA(0..15)_VSEC_SCTL[MSIX_SEC] (for documentation, see PCCPF_XXX_VSEC_SCTL[MSIX_SEC]) is set, all vectors are secure and function as if [SECVEC] was set. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t secvec : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](SR/W) Secure vector. 0 = This vector may be read or written by either secure or nonsecure states. 1 = This vector's SATA()_MSIX_VEC()_ADDR, SATA()_MSIX_VEC()_CTL, and corresponding bit of SATA()_MSIX_PBA() are RAZ/WI and does not cause a fault when accessed by the nonsecure world. If PCCPF_SATA(0..15)_VSEC_SCTL[MSIX_SEC] (for documentation, see PCCPF_XXX_VSEC_SCTL[MSIX_SEC]) is set, all vectors are secure and function as if [SECVEC] was set. */ uint64_t reserved_1 : 1; uint64_t addr : 47; /**< [ 48: 2](R/W) IOVA to use for MSI-X delivery of this vector. */ uint64_t reserved_49_63 : 15; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } cn88xx; struct bdk_satax_msix_vecx_addr_cn83xx { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t reserved_49_63 : 15; uint64_t addr : 47; /**< [ 48: 2](R/W) IOVA to use for MSI-X delivery of this vector. */ uint64_t reserved_1 : 1; uint64_t secvec : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](SR/W) Secure vector. 0 = This vector may be read or written by either secure or nonsecure states. 1 = This vector's SATA()_MSIX_VEC()_ADDR, SATA()_MSIX_VEC()_CTL, and corresponding bit of SATA()_MSIX_PBA() are RAZ/WI and does not cause a fault when accessed by the nonsecure world. If PCCPF_SATA(0..5)_VSEC_SCTL[MSIX_SEC] (for documentation, see PCCPF_XXX_VSEC_SCTL[MSIX_SEC]) is set, all vectors are secure and function as if [SECVEC] was set. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t secvec : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](SR/W) Secure vector. 0 = This vector may be read or written by either secure or nonsecure states. 1 = This vector's SATA()_MSIX_VEC()_ADDR, SATA()_MSIX_VEC()_CTL, and corresponding bit of SATA()_MSIX_PBA() are RAZ/WI and does not cause a fault when accessed by the nonsecure world. If PCCPF_SATA(0..5)_VSEC_SCTL[MSIX_SEC] (for documentation, see PCCPF_XXX_VSEC_SCTL[MSIX_SEC]) is set, all vectors are secure and function as if [SECVEC] was set. */ uint64_t reserved_1 : 1; uint64_t addr : 47; /**< [ 48: 2](R/W) IOVA to use for MSI-X delivery of this vector. */ uint64_t reserved_49_63 : 15; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } cn83xx; }; typedef union bdk_satax_msix_vecx_addr bdk_satax_msix_vecx_addr_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_MSIX_VECX_ADDR(unsigned long a, unsigned long b) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_MSIX_VECX_ADDR(unsigned long a, unsigned long b) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && ((a<=1) && (b<=3))) return 0x810000200000ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1) + 0x10ll * ((b) & 0x3); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && ((a<=5) && (b<=3))) return 0x810000200000ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7) + 0x10ll * ((b) & 0x3); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX_PASS1_X) && ((a<=15) && (b<=4))) return 0x810000200000ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf) + 0x10ll * ((b) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX_PASS2_X) && ((a<=15) && (b<=3))) return 0x810000200000ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf) + 0x10ll * ((b) & 0x3); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && ((a<=3) && (b<=4))) return 0x810000200000ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3) + 0x10ll * ((b) & 0x7); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_MSIX_VECX_ADDR", 2, a, b, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_MSIX_VECX_ADDR(a,b) bdk_satax_msix_vecx_addr_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_MSIX_VECX_ADDR(a,b) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB #define basename_BDK_SATAX_MSIX_VECX_ADDR(a,b) "SATAX_MSIX_VECX_ADDR" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_MSIX_VECX_ADDR(a,b) 0x2 /* PF_BAR2 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_MSIX_VECX_ADDR(a,b) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_MSIX_VECX_ADDR(a,b) (a),(b),-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB) sata#_msix_vec#_ctl * * SATA MSI-X Vector Table Control and Data Registers * This register is the MSI-X vector table, indexed by the SATA_INT_VEC_E enumeration. */ union bdk_satax_msix_vecx_ctl { uint64_t u; struct bdk_satax_msix_vecx_ctl_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t reserved_33_63 : 31; uint64_t mask : 1; /**< [ 32: 32](R/W) When set, no MSI-X interrupts will be sent to this vector. */ uint64_t data : 32; /**< [ 31: 0](R/W) Data to use for MSI-X delivery of this vector. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t data : 32; /**< [ 31: 0](R/W) Data to use for MSI-X delivery of this vector. */ uint64_t mask : 1; /**< [ 32: 32](R/W) When set, no MSI-X interrupts will be sent to this vector. */ uint64_t reserved_33_63 : 31; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; struct bdk_satax_msix_vecx_ctl_cn8 { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t reserved_33_63 : 31; uint64_t mask : 1; /**< [ 32: 32](R/W) When set, no MSI-X interrupts will be sent to this vector. */ uint64_t reserved_20_31 : 12; uint64_t data : 20; /**< [ 19: 0](R/W) Data to use for MSI-X delivery of this vector. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t data : 20; /**< [ 19: 0](R/W) Data to use for MSI-X delivery of this vector. */ uint64_t reserved_20_31 : 12; uint64_t mask : 1; /**< [ 32: 32](R/W) When set, no MSI-X interrupts will be sent to this vector. */ uint64_t reserved_33_63 : 31; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } cn8; /* struct bdk_satax_msix_vecx_ctl_s cn9; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_msix_vecx_ctl bdk_satax_msix_vecx_ctl_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_MSIX_VECX_CTL(unsigned long a, unsigned long b) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_MSIX_VECX_CTL(unsigned long a, unsigned long b) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && ((a<=1) && (b<=3))) return 0x810000200008ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1) + 0x10ll * ((b) & 0x3); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && ((a<=5) && (b<=3))) return 0x810000200008ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7) + 0x10ll * ((b) & 0x3); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX_PASS1_X) && ((a<=15) && (b<=4))) return 0x810000200008ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf) + 0x10ll * ((b) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX_PASS2_X) && ((a<=15) && (b<=3))) return 0x810000200008ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf) + 0x10ll * ((b) & 0x3); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && ((a<=3) && (b<=4))) return 0x810000200008ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3) + 0x10ll * ((b) & 0x7); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_MSIX_VECX_CTL", 2, a, b, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_MSIX_VECX_CTL(a,b) bdk_satax_msix_vecx_ctl_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_MSIX_VECX_CTL(a,b) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB #define basename_BDK_SATAX_MSIX_VECX_CTL(a,b) "SATAX_MSIX_VECX_CTL" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_MSIX_VECX_CTL(a,b) 0x2 /* PF_BAR2 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_MSIX_VECX_CTL(a,b) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_MSIX_VECX_CTL(a,b) (a),(b),-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_gbl_bistafr * * SATA UAHC BIST Activate FIS Register * This register is shared between SATA ports. Before accessing this * register, first select the required port by writing the port number * to the SATA()_UAHC_GBL_TESTR[PSEL] field. * * This register contains the pattern definition (bits 23:16 of the * first DWORD) and the data pattern (bits 7:0 of the second DWORD) * fields of the received BIST activate FIS. * * Internal: * See DWC_ahsata databook v5.00. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_bistafr { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_bistafr_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t reserved_16_31 : 16; uint32_t ncp : 8; /**< [ 15: 8](RO) Bits 7:0 of the second DWORD of BIST activate FIS. 0xF1 = Low transition density pattern (LTDP). 0xB5 = High transition density pattern (HTDP). 0xAB = Low frequency spectral component pattern (LFSCP). 0x7F = Simultaneous switching outputs pattern (SSOP). 0x78 = Mid frequency test pattern (MFTP). 0x4A = High frequency test pattern (HFTP). 0x7E = Low frequency test pattern (LFTP). else = Lone bit pattern (LBP). */ uint32_t pd : 8; /**< [ 7: 0](RO) Bits 23:16 of the first DWORD of the BIST activate FIS. Only the following values are supported: 0x10 = Far-end retimed. 0xC0 = Far-end transmit only. 0xE0 = Far-end transmit only with scrambler bypassed. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t pd : 8; /**< [ 7: 0](RO) Bits 23:16 of the first DWORD of the BIST activate FIS. Only the following values are supported: 0x10 = Far-end retimed. 0xC0 = Far-end transmit only. 0xE0 = Far-end transmit only with scrambler bypassed. */ uint32_t ncp : 8; /**< [ 15: 8](RO) Bits 7:0 of the second DWORD of BIST activate FIS. 0xF1 = Low transition density pattern (LTDP). 0xB5 = High transition density pattern (HTDP). 0xAB = Low frequency spectral component pattern (LFSCP). 0x7F = Simultaneous switching outputs pattern (SSOP). 0x78 = Mid frequency test pattern (MFTP). 0x4A = High frequency test pattern (HFTP). 0x7E = Low frequency test pattern (LFTP). else = Lone bit pattern (LBP). */ uint32_t reserved_16_31 : 16; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_bistafr_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_bistafr bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_bistafr_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTAFR(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTAFR(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x8100000000a0ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x8100000000a0ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x8100000000a0ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x8100000000a0ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTAFR", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTAFR(a) bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_bistafr_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTAFR(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTAFR(a) "SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTAFR" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTAFR(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTAFR(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTAFR(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_gbl_bistcr * * SATA UAHC BIST Control Register * This register is shared between SATA ports. Before accessing this * register, first select the required port by writing the port number * to the SATA()_UAHC_GBL_TESTR[PSEL] field. * * Internal: * See DWC_ahsata databook v5.00. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_bistcr { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_bistcr_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t reserved_26_31 : 6; uint32_t old_phy_ready : 1; /**< [ 25: 25](R/W) Old phy_ready. Do not change the value of this bit. */ uint32_t late_phy_ready : 1; /**< [ 24: 24](R/W) Late phy_ready. */ uint32_t reserved_21_23 : 3; uint32_t ferlib : 1; /**< [ 20: 20](WO) Far-end retimed loopback. */ uint32_t reserved_19 : 1; uint32_t txo : 1; /**< [ 18: 18](WO) Transmit only. */ uint32_t cntclr : 1; /**< [ 17: 17](WO) Counter clear. */ uint32_t nealb : 1; /**< [ 16: 16](WO) Near-end analog loopback. */ uint32_t llb : 1; /**< [ 15: 15](R/W) Lab loopback mode. */ uint32_t reserved_14 : 1; uint32_t errlossen : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](R/W) Error loss detect enable. */ uint32_t sdfe : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](R/W) Signal detect feature enable. */ uint32_t rsvd_1rsvd_11 : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](R/W) Reserved. */ uint32_t llc : 3; /**< [ 10: 8](R/W) Link layer control. \<10\> = RPD - repeat primitive drop enable. \<9\> = DESCRAM - descrambler enable. \<8\> = SCRAM - scrambler enable. */ uint32_t reserved_7 : 1; uint32_t erren : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W) Error enable. */ uint32_t flip : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W) Flip disparity. */ uint32_t pv : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W) Pattern version. */ uint32_t pattern : 4; /**< [ 3: 0](RO) SATA compliant pattern selection. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t pattern : 4; /**< [ 3: 0](RO) SATA compliant pattern selection. */ uint32_t pv : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W) Pattern version. */ uint32_t flip : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W) Flip disparity. */ uint32_t erren : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W) Error enable. */ uint32_t reserved_7 : 1; uint32_t llc : 3; /**< [ 10: 8](R/W) Link layer control. \<10\> = RPD - repeat primitive drop enable. \<9\> = DESCRAM - descrambler enable. \<8\> = SCRAM - scrambler enable. */ uint32_t rsvd_1rsvd_11 : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](R/W) Reserved. */ uint32_t sdfe : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](R/W) Signal detect feature enable. */ uint32_t errlossen : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](R/W) Error loss detect enable. */ uint32_t reserved_14 : 1; uint32_t llb : 1; /**< [ 15: 15](R/W) Lab loopback mode. */ uint32_t nealb : 1; /**< [ 16: 16](WO) Near-end analog loopback. */ uint32_t cntclr : 1; /**< [ 17: 17](WO) Counter clear. */ uint32_t txo : 1; /**< [ 18: 18](WO) Transmit only. */ uint32_t reserved_19 : 1; uint32_t ferlib : 1; /**< [ 20: 20](WO) Far-end retimed loopback. */ uint32_t reserved_21_23 : 3; uint32_t late_phy_ready : 1; /**< [ 24: 24](R/W) Late phy_ready. */ uint32_t old_phy_ready : 1; /**< [ 25: 25](R/W) Old phy_ready. Do not change the value of this bit. */ uint32_t reserved_26_31 : 6; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_bistcr_s cn8; */ struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_bistcr_cn9 { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t reserved_26_31 : 6; uint32_t old_phy_ready : 1; /**< [ 25: 25](R/W) Old phy_ready. Do not change the value of this bit. */ uint32_t late_phy_ready : 1; /**< [ 24: 24](R/W) Late phy_ready. */ uint32_t reserved_21_23 : 3; uint32_t ferlib : 1; /**< [ 20: 20](WO) Far-end retimed loopback. */ uint32_t reserved_19 : 1; uint32_t txo : 1; /**< [ 18: 18](WO) Transmit only. */ uint32_t cntclr : 1; /**< [ 17: 17](WO) Counter clear. */ uint32_t nealb : 1; /**< [ 16: 16](WO) Near-end analog loopback. */ uint32_t llb : 1; /**< [ 15: 15](R/W) Lab loopback mode. */ uint32_t reserved_14 : 1; uint32_t errlossen : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](R/W) Error loss detect enable. */ uint32_t sdfe : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](R/W) Signal detect feature enable. */ uint32_t rsvd_1rsvd_11 : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](R/W) Reserved. */ uint32_t llc : 3; /**< [ 10: 8](R/W) Link layer control. \<10\> = RPD - repeat primitive drop enable. \<9\> = DESCRAM - descrambler enable. \<8\> = SCRAM - scrambler enable. */ uint32_t reserved_7 : 1; uint32_t erren : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W) Error enable. */ uint32_t flip : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W) Flip disparity. */ uint32_t pv : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W) Pattern version. */ uint32_t pattern : 4; /**< [ 3: 0](R/W) SATA compliant pattern selection. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t pattern : 4; /**< [ 3: 0](R/W) SATA compliant pattern selection. */ uint32_t pv : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W) Pattern version. */ uint32_t flip : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W) Flip disparity. */ uint32_t erren : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W) Error enable. */ uint32_t reserved_7 : 1; uint32_t llc : 3; /**< [ 10: 8](R/W) Link layer control. \<10\> = RPD - repeat primitive drop enable. \<9\> = DESCRAM - descrambler enable. \<8\> = SCRAM - scrambler enable. */ uint32_t rsvd_1rsvd_11 : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](R/W) Reserved. */ uint32_t sdfe : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](R/W) Signal detect feature enable. */ uint32_t errlossen : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](R/W) Error loss detect enable. */ uint32_t reserved_14 : 1; uint32_t llb : 1; /**< [ 15: 15](R/W) Lab loopback mode. */ uint32_t nealb : 1; /**< [ 16: 16](WO) Near-end analog loopback. */ uint32_t cntclr : 1; /**< [ 17: 17](WO) Counter clear. */ uint32_t txo : 1; /**< [ 18: 18](WO) Transmit only. */ uint32_t reserved_19 : 1; uint32_t ferlib : 1; /**< [ 20: 20](WO) Far-end retimed loopback. */ uint32_t reserved_21_23 : 3; uint32_t late_phy_ready : 1; /**< [ 24: 24](R/W) Late phy_ready. */ uint32_t old_phy_ready : 1; /**< [ 25: 25](R/W) Old phy_ready. Do not change the value of this bit. */ uint32_t reserved_26_31 : 6; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } cn9; }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_bistcr bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_bistcr_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTCR(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTCR(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x8100000000a4ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x8100000000a4ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x8100000000a4ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x8100000000a4ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTCR", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTCR(a) bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_bistcr_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTCR(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTCR(a) "SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTCR" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTCR(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTCR(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTCR(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_gbl_bistdecr * * SATA UAHC BIST DWORD Error Count Register * This register is shared between SATA ports. Before accessing this * register, first select the required port by writing the port number * to the SATA()_UAHC_GBL_TESTR[PSEL] field. * Access to the register is disabled on power-on (system reset) or global * SATA block reset, and when the TESTR.BSEL is set to 0. * * Internal: * See DWC_ahsata databook v5.00. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_bistdecr { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_bistdecr_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t dwerr : 32; /**< [ 31: 0](RO) DWORD error count. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t dwerr : 32; /**< [ 31: 0](RO) DWORD error count. */ #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_bistdecr_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_bistdecr bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_bistdecr_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTDECR(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTDECR(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x8100000000b0ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x8100000000b0ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x8100000000b0ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x8100000000b0ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTDECR", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTDECR(a) bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_bistdecr_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTDECR(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTDECR(a) "SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTDECR" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTDECR(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTDECR(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTDECR(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_gbl_bistfctr * * SATA UAHC BIST FIS Count Register * This register is shared between SATA ports. Before accessing this * register, first select the required port by writing the port number * to the SATA()_UAHC_GBL_TESTR[PSEL] field. * * Internal: * See DWC_ahsata databook v5.00. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_bistfctr { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_bistfctr_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t count : 32; /**< [ 31: 0](RO) Received BIST FIS count. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t count : 32; /**< [ 31: 0](RO) Received BIST FIS count. */ #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_bistfctr_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_bistfctr bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_bistfctr_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTFCTR(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTFCTR(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x8100000000a8ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x8100000000a8ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x8100000000a8ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x8100000000a8ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTFCTR", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTFCTR(a) bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_bistfctr_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTFCTR(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTFCTR(a) "SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTFCTR" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTFCTR(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTFCTR(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTFCTR(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_gbl_bistsr * * INTERNAL: SATA UAHC BIST Status Register * * Internal: * See DWC_ahsata databook v5.00. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_bistsr { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_bistsr_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; uint32_t brsterr : 8; /**< [ 23: 16](RO) Burst error. */ uint32_t framerr : 16; /**< [ 15: 0](RO) Frame error. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t framerr : 16; /**< [ 15: 0](RO) Frame error. */ uint32_t brsterr : 8; /**< [ 23: 16](RO) Burst error. */ uint32_t reserved_24_31 : 8; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_bistsr_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_bistsr bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_bistsr_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTSR(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTSR(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x8100000000acll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x8100000000acll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x8100000000acll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x8100000000acll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTSR", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTSR(a) bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_bistsr_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTSR(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTSR(a) "SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTSR" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTSR(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTSR(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_BISTSR(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_gbl_cap * * SATA AHCI HBA Capabilities Register * This register indicates basic capabilities of the SATA core to software. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_cap { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_cap_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t s64a : 1; /**< [ 31: 31](RO) Supports 64-bit addressing. */ uint32_t sncq : 1; /**< [ 30: 30](RO) Supports native command queuing. */ uint32_t ssntf : 1; /**< [ 29: 29](RO) Supports SNotification register. */ uint32_t smps : 1; /**< [ 28: 28](R/W) Supports mechanical presence switch. */ uint32_t sss : 1; /**< [ 27: 27](R/W) Supports staggered spin-up. */ uint32_t salp : 1; /**< [ 26: 26](RO) Supports aggressive link power management. */ uint32_t sal : 1; /**< [ 25: 25](RO) Supports activity LED. */ uint32_t sclo : 1; /**< [ 24: 24](RO) Supports command list override. */ uint32_t iss : 4; /**< [ 23: 20](RO) Interface speed support. */ uint32_t snzo : 1; /**< [ 19: 19](RO) Supports nonzero DMA offsets. */ uint32_t sam : 1; /**< [ 18: 18](RO) Supports AHCI mode only. */ uint32_t spm : 1; /**< [ 17: 17](RO) Supports port multiplier. */ uint32_t fbss : 1; /**< [ 16: 16](RO) Supports FIS-based switching. */ uint32_t pmd : 1; /**< [ 15: 15](RO) PIO multiple DRQ block. */ uint32_t ssc : 1; /**< [ 14: 14](RO) Slumber state capable. */ uint32_t psc : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](RO) Partial state capable. */ uint32_t ncs : 5; /**< [ 12: 8](RO) Number of command slots. */ uint32_t cccs : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](RO) Command completion coalescing support. */ uint32_t ems : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](RO) Enclosure management support. */ uint32_t sxs : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](RO) Supports external SATA. */ uint32_t np : 5; /**< [ 4: 0](RO) Number of ports. 0x0 = 1 port. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t np : 5; /**< [ 4: 0](RO) Number of ports. 0x0 = 1 port. */ uint32_t sxs : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](RO) Supports external SATA. */ uint32_t ems : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](RO) Enclosure management support. */ uint32_t cccs : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](RO) Command completion coalescing support. */ uint32_t ncs : 5; /**< [ 12: 8](RO) Number of command slots. */ uint32_t psc : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](RO) Partial state capable. */ uint32_t ssc : 1; /**< [ 14: 14](RO) Slumber state capable. */ uint32_t pmd : 1; /**< [ 15: 15](RO) PIO multiple DRQ block. */ uint32_t fbss : 1; /**< [ 16: 16](RO) Supports FIS-based switching. */ uint32_t spm : 1; /**< [ 17: 17](RO) Supports port multiplier. */ uint32_t sam : 1; /**< [ 18: 18](RO) Supports AHCI mode only. */ uint32_t snzo : 1; /**< [ 19: 19](RO) Supports nonzero DMA offsets. */ uint32_t iss : 4; /**< [ 23: 20](RO) Interface speed support. */ uint32_t sclo : 1; /**< [ 24: 24](RO) Supports command list override. */ uint32_t sal : 1; /**< [ 25: 25](RO) Supports activity LED. */ uint32_t salp : 1; /**< [ 26: 26](RO) Supports aggressive link power management. */ uint32_t sss : 1; /**< [ 27: 27](R/W) Supports staggered spin-up. */ uint32_t smps : 1; /**< [ 28: 28](R/W) Supports mechanical presence switch. */ uint32_t ssntf : 1; /**< [ 29: 29](RO) Supports SNotification register. */ uint32_t sncq : 1; /**< [ 30: 30](RO) Supports native command queuing. */ uint32_t s64a : 1; /**< [ 31: 31](RO) Supports 64-bit addressing. */ #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_cap_s cn8; */ struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_cap_cn9 { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t s64a : 1; /**< [ 31: 31](RO) Supports 64-bit addressing. */ uint32_t sncq : 1; /**< [ 30: 30](RO) Supports native command queuing. */ uint32_t ssntf : 1; /**< [ 29: 29](RO) Supports SNotification register. */ uint32_t smps : 1; /**< [ 28: 28](R/W) Supports mechanical presence switch. */ uint32_t sss : 1; /**< [ 27: 27](R/W) Supports staggered spin-up. */ uint32_t salp : 1; /**< [ 26: 26](RO) Supports aggressive link power management. */ uint32_t sal : 1; /**< [ 25: 25](RO) Supports activity LED. */ uint32_t sclo : 1; /**< [ 24: 24](RO) Supports command list override. */ uint32_t iss : 4; /**< [ 23: 20](RO) Interface speed support. */ uint32_t snzo : 1; /**< [ 19: 19](RO) Supports nonzero DMA offsets. */ uint32_t sam : 1; /**< [ 18: 18](RO) Supports AHCI mode only. */ uint32_t spm : 1; /**< [ 17: 17](RO) Supports port multiplier. */ uint32_t fbss : 1; /**< [ 16: 16](RO) Supports FIS-based switching. */ uint32_t pmd : 1; /**< [ 15: 15](RO) PIO multiple DRQ block. */ uint32_t ssc : 1; /**< [ 14: 14](RO) Slumber state capable. */ uint32_t psc : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](RO) Partial state capable. */ uint32_t ncs : 5; /**< [ 12: 8](RO) Number of command slots. */ uint32_t cccs : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](RO) Command completion coalescing support. */ uint32_t ems : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](RO) Enclosure management support, as in termination of commands. CNXXXX does not terminate enclosure management commands, but does support passing enclosure management commands through to downstream controllers. */ uint32_t sxs : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](RO) Supports external SATA. */ uint32_t np : 5; /**< [ 4: 0](RO) Number of ports. 0x0 = 1 port. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t np : 5; /**< [ 4: 0](RO) Number of ports. 0x0 = 1 port. */ uint32_t sxs : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](RO) Supports external SATA. */ uint32_t ems : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](RO) Enclosure management support, as in termination of commands. CNXXXX does not terminate enclosure management commands, but does support passing enclosure management commands through to downstream controllers. */ uint32_t cccs : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](RO) Command completion coalescing support. */ uint32_t ncs : 5; /**< [ 12: 8](RO) Number of command slots. */ uint32_t psc : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](RO) Partial state capable. */ uint32_t ssc : 1; /**< [ 14: 14](RO) Slumber state capable. */ uint32_t pmd : 1; /**< [ 15: 15](RO) PIO multiple DRQ block. */ uint32_t fbss : 1; /**< [ 16: 16](RO) Supports FIS-based switching. */ uint32_t spm : 1; /**< [ 17: 17](RO) Supports port multiplier. */ uint32_t sam : 1; /**< [ 18: 18](RO) Supports AHCI mode only. */ uint32_t snzo : 1; /**< [ 19: 19](RO) Supports nonzero DMA offsets. */ uint32_t iss : 4; /**< [ 23: 20](RO) Interface speed support. */ uint32_t sclo : 1; /**< [ 24: 24](RO) Supports command list override. */ uint32_t sal : 1; /**< [ 25: 25](RO) Supports activity LED. */ uint32_t salp : 1; /**< [ 26: 26](RO) Supports aggressive link power management. */ uint32_t sss : 1; /**< [ 27: 27](R/W) Supports staggered spin-up. */ uint32_t smps : 1; /**< [ 28: 28](R/W) Supports mechanical presence switch. */ uint32_t ssntf : 1; /**< [ 29: 29](RO) Supports SNotification register. */ uint32_t sncq : 1; /**< [ 30: 30](RO) Supports native command queuing. */ uint32_t s64a : 1; /**< [ 31: 31](RO) Supports 64-bit addressing. */ #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } cn9; }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_cap bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_cap_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CAP(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CAP(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x810000000000ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x810000000000ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x810000000000ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x810000000000ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CAP", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CAP(a) bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_cap_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CAP(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CAP(a) "SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CAP" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CAP(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CAP(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CAP(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_gbl_cap2 * * SATA AHCI HBA Capabilities Extended Register * This register indicates capabilities of the SATA core to software. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_cap2 { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_cap2_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; uint32_t deso : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](RO) Device sleep entrance from slumber only. */ uint32_t sadm : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](RO) Supports aggressive device sleep management. */ uint32_t sds : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](RO) Supports device sleep. */ uint32_t apst : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](RO) Automatic partial to slumber transitions. */ uint32_t nvmp : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](RO) NVMHCI present. */ uint32_t boh : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](RO) Supports BIOS/OS handoff. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t boh : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](RO) Supports BIOS/OS handoff. */ uint32_t nvmp : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](RO) NVMHCI present. */ uint32_t apst : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](RO) Automatic partial to slumber transitions. */ uint32_t sds : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](RO) Supports device sleep. */ uint32_t sadm : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](RO) Supports aggressive device sleep management. */ uint32_t deso : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](RO) Device sleep entrance from slumber only. */ uint32_t reserved_6_31 : 26; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_cap2_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_cap2 bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_cap2_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CAP2(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CAP2(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x810000000024ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x810000000024ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x810000000024ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x810000000024ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CAP2", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CAP2(a) bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_cap2_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CAP2(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CAP2(a) "SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CAP2" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CAP2(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CAP2(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CAP2(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_gbl_ccc_ctl * * SATA AHCI CCC Control Register * This register is used to configure the command completion coalescing (CCC) feature for the * SATA core. It is reset on global reset. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_ccc_ctl { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_ccc_ctl_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t tv : 16; /**< [ 31: 16](R/W) Time-out value. Writable only when [EN] = 0. */ uint32_t cc : 8; /**< [ 15: 8](R/W) Command completions. Writable only when [EN] = 0. */ uint32_t intr : 5; /**< [ 7: 3](RO) Specifies the port interrupt used by the CCC feature. */ uint32_t reserved_1_2 : 2; uint32_t en : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W) CCC enable. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t en : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W) CCC enable. */ uint32_t reserved_1_2 : 2; uint32_t intr : 5; /**< [ 7: 3](RO) Specifies the port interrupt used by the CCC feature. */ uint32_t cc : 8; /**< [ 15: 8](R/W) Command completions. Writable only when [EN] = 0. */ uint32_t tv : 16; /**< [ 31: 16](R/W) Time-out value. Writable only when [EN] = 0. */ #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_ccc_ctl_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_ccc_ctl bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_ccc_ctl_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CCC_CTL(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CCC_CTL(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x810000000014ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x810000000014ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x810000000014ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x810000000014ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CCC_CTL", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CCC_CTL(a) bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_ccc_ctl_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CCC_CTL(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CCC_CTL(a) "SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CCC_CTL" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CCC_CTL(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CCC_CTL(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CCC_CTL(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_gbl_ccc_ports * * SATA AHCI CCC Ports Register * This register specifies the ports that are coalesced as part of the command completion * coalescing * (CCC) feature when SATA()_UAHC_GBL_CCC_CTL[EN]=1. It is reset on global reset. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_ccc_ports { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_ccc_ports_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t reserved_1_31 : 31; uint32_t prt : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W) Per port CCC enable. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t prt : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W) Per port CCC enable. */ uint32_t reserved_1_31 : 31; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_ccc_ports_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_ccc_ports bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_ccc_ports_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CCC_PORTS(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CCC_PORTS(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x810000000018ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x810000000018ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x810000000018ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x810000000018ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CCC_PORTS", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CCC_PORTS(a) bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_ccc_ports_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CCC_PORTS(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CCC_PORTS(a) "SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CCC_PORTS" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CCC_PORTS(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CCC_PORTS(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_CCC_PORTS(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_gbl_diagnr3 * * SATA UAHC DIAGNR3 Register * Internal: * See DWC_ahsata databook v5.00. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_diagnr3 { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_diagnr3_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t fbcsw_cnt : 32; /**< [ 31: 0](R/W1C) FIS-based context switching counter. Any 32-bit write to this location clears the counter. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t fbcsw_cnt : 32; /**< [ 31: 0](R/W1C) FIS-based context switching counter. Any 32-bit write to this location clears the counter. */ #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_diagnr3_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_diagnr3 bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_diagnr3_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_DIAGNR3(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_DIAGNR3(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x8100000000c4ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_GBL_DIAGNR3", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_DIAGNR3(a) bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_diagnr3_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_DIAGNR3(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_DIAGNR3(a) "SATAX_UAHC_GBL_DIAGNR3" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_DIAGNR3(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_DIAGNR3(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_DIAGNR3(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_gbl_ghc * * SATA AHCI Global HBA Control Register * This register controls various global actions of the SATA core. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_ghc { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_ghc_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t ae : 1; /**< [ 31: 31](RO) AHCI enable. */ uint32_t reserved_2_30 : 29; uint32_t ie : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W) Interrupt enable. */ uint32_t hr : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1/H) HBA reset. Writing a 1 resets the UAHC. Hardware clears this bit once reset is complete. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t hr : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1/H) HBA reset. Writing a 1 resets the UAHC. Hardware clears this bit once reset is complete. */ uint32_t ie : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W) Interrupt enable. */ uint32_t reserved_2_30 : 29; uint32_t ae : 1; /**< [ 31: 31](RO) AHCI enable. */ #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_ghc_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_ghc bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_ghc_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GHC(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GHC(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x810000000004ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x810000000004ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x810000000004ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x810000000004ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GHC", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GHC(a) bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_ghc_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GHC(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GHC(a) "SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GHC" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GHC(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GHC(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GHC(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_gbl_gparam1r * * SATA UAHC Global Parameter Register 1 * Internal: * See DWC_ahsata databook v5.00. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_gparam1r { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_gparam1r_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t align_m : 1; /**< [ 31: 31](RO) RX data alignment mode (ALIGN_MODE). */ uint32_t rx_buffer : 1; /**< [ 30: 30](RO) RX data buffer mode (RX_BUFFER_MODE). */ uint32_t phy_data : 2; /**< [ 29: 28](RO) PHY data width (PHY_DATA_WIDTH). */ uint32_t phy_rst : 1; /**< [ 27: 27](RO) PHY reset mode (PHY_RST_MODE). */ uint32_t phy_ctrl : 6; /**< [ 26: 21](RO) PHY control width (PHY_CTRL_W). */ uint32_t phy_stat : 6; /**< [ 20: 15](RO) PHY status width (PHY_STAT_W). */ uint32_t latch_m : 1; /**< [ 14: 14](RO) Latch mode (LATCH_MODE). */ uint32_t phy_type : 3; /**< [ 13: 11](RO) PHY interface type (PHY_INTERFACE_TYPE). */ uint32_t return_err : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](RO) AMBA error response (RETURN_ERR_RESP). */ uint32_t ahb_endian : 2; /**< [ 9: 8](RO) AHB bus endianness (AHB_ENDIANNESS). */ uint32_t s_haddr : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](RO) AMBA slave address bus width (S_HADDR_WIDTH). */ uint32_t m_haddr : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](RO) AMBA master address bus width (M_HADDR_WIDTH). */ uint32_t s_hdata : 3; /**< [ 5: 3](RO) AMBA slave data width (S_HDATA_WIDTH). */ uint32_t m_hdata : 3; /**< [ 2: 0](RO) AMBA master data width (M_HDATA_WIDTH). */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t m_hdata : 3; /**< [ 2: 0](RO) AMBA master data width (M_HDATA_WIDTH). */ uint32_t s_hdata : 3; /**< [ 5: 3](RO) AMBA slave data width (S_HDATA_WIDTH). */ uint32_t m_haddr : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](RO) AMBA master address bus width (M_HADDR_WIDTH). */ uint32_t s_haddr : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](RO) AMBA slave address bus width (S_HADDR_WIDTH). */ uint32_t ahb_endian : 2; /**< [ 9: 8](RO) AHB bus endianness (AHB_ENDIANNESS). */ uint32_t return_err : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](RO) AMBA error response (RETURN_ERR_RESP). */ uint32_t phy_type : 3; /**< [ 13: 11](RO) PHY interface type (PHY_INTERFACE_TYPE). */ uint32_t latch_m : 1; /**< [ 14: 14](RO) Latch mode (LATCH_MODE). */ uint32_t phy_stat : 6; /**< [ 20: 15](RO) PHY status width (PHY_STAT_W). */ uint32_t phy_ctrl : 6; /**< [ 26: 21](RO) PHY control width (PHY_CTRL_W). */ uint32_t phy_rst : 1; /**< [ 27: 27](RO) PHY reset mode (PHY_RST_MODE). */ uint32_t phy_data : 2; /**< [ 29: 28](RO) PHY data width (PHY_DATA_WIDTH). */ uint32_t rx_buffer : 1; /**< [ 30: 30](RO) RX data buffer mode (RX_BUFFER_MODE). */ uint32_t align_m : 1; /**< [ 31: 31](RO) RX data alignment mode (ALIGN_MODE). */ #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_gparam1r_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_gparam1r bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_gparam1r_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GPARAM1R(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GPARAM1R(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x8100000000e8ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x8100000000e8ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x8100000000e8ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x8100000000e8ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GPARAM1R", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GPARAM1R(a) bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_gparam1r_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GPARAM1R(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GPARAM1R(a) "SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GPARAM1R" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GPARAM1R(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GPARAM1R(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GPARAM1R(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_gbl_gparam2r * * SATA UAHC Global Parameter Register 2 * Internal: * See DWC_ahsata databook v5.00. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_gparam2r { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_gparam2r_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t fbs_mem_mode : 1; /**< [ 31: 31](RO) Selects FBS memory read port type. */ uint32_t rxoob_clk_units : 1; /**< [ 30: 30](RO) RX OOB clock frequency units. */ uint32_t rxoob_clk_upper : 10; /**< [ 29: 20](RO) Upper bits of RX OOB clock frequency. */ uint32_t bist_m : 1; /**< [ 19: 19](RO) BIST loopback checking depth (BIST_MODE). */ uint32_t fbs_mem_s : 1; /**< [ 18: 18](RO) Context RAM memory location. */ uint32_t fbs_pmpn : 2; /**< [ 17: 16](RO) Maximum number of port multiplier ports (FBS_PMPN_MAX). */ uint32_t fbs_support : 1; /**< [ 15: 15](RO) FIS-based switching support (FBS_SUPPORT). */ uint32_t dev_cp : 1; /**< [ 14: 14](RO) Cold presence detect (DEV_CP_DET). */ uint32_t dev_mp : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](RO) Mechanical presence switch (DEV_MP_SWITCH). */ uint32_t encode_m : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](RO) 8/10 bit encoding/decoding (ENCODE_MODE). */ uint32_t rxoob_clk_m : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](RO) RX OOB clock mode (RXOOB_CLK_MODE). */ uint32_t rx_oob_m : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](RO) RX OOB mode (RX_OOB_MODE). */ uint32_t tx_oob_m : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](RO) TX OOB mode (TX_OOB_MODE). */ uint32_t rxoob_clk : 9; /**< [ 8: 0](RO) RX OOB clock frequency (RXOOB_CLK). */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t rxoob_clk : 9; /**< [ 8: 0](RO) RX OOB clock frequency (RXOOB_CLK). */ uint32_t tx_oob_m : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](RO) TX OOB mode (TX_OOB_MODE). */ uint32_t rx_oob_m : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](RO) RX OOB mode (RX_OOB_MODE). */ uint32_t rxoob_clk_m : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](RO) RX OOB clock mode (RXOOB_CLK_MODE). */ uint32_t encode_m : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](RO) 8/10 bit encoding/decoding (ENCODE_MODE). */ uint32_t dev_mp : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](RO) Mechanical presence switch (DEV_MP_SWITCH). */ uint32_t dev_cp : 1; /**< [ 14: 14](RO) Cold presence detect (DEV_CP_DET). */ uint32_t fbs_support : 1; /**< [ 15: 15](RO) FIS-based switching support (FBS_SUPPORT). */ uint32_t fbs_pmpn : 2; /**< [ 17: 16](RO) Maximum number of port multiplier ports (FBS_PMPN_MAX). */ uint32_t fbs_mem_s : 1; /**< [ 18: 18](RO) Context RAM memory location. */ uint32_t bist_m : 1; /**< [ 19: 19](RO) BIST loopback checking depth (BIST_MODE). */ uint32_t rxoob_clk_upper : 10; /**< [ 29: 20](RO) Upper bits of RX OOB clock frequency. */ uint32_t rxoob_clk_units : 1; /**< [ 30: 30](RO) RX OOB clock frequency units. */ uint32_t fbs_mem_mode : 1; /**< [ 31: 31](RO) Selects FBS memory read port type. */ #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_gparam2r_cn8 { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t reserved_31 : 1; uint32_t rxoob_clk_units : 1; /**< [ 30: 30](RO) RX OOB clock frequency units. */ uint32_t rxoob_clk_upper : 10; /**< [ 29: 20](RO) Upper bits of RX OOB clock frequency. */ uint32_t bist_m : 1; /**< [ 19: 19](RO) BIST loopback checking depth (BIST_MODE). */ uint32_t fbs_mem_s : 1; /**< [ 18: 18](RO) Context RAM memory location. */ uint32_t fbs_pmpn : 2; /**< [ 17: 16](RO) Maximum number of port multiplier ports (FBS_PMPN_MAX). */ uint32_t fbs_support : 1; /**< [ 15: 15](RO) FIS-based switching support (FBS_SUPPORT). */ uint32_t dev_cp : 1; /**< [ 14: 14](RO) Cold presence detect (DEV_CP_DET). */ uint32_t dev_mp : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](RO) Mechanical presence switch (DEV_MP_SWITCH). */ uint32_t encode_m : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](RO) 8/10 bit encoding/decoding (ENCODE_MODE). */ uint32_t rxoob_clk_m : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](RO) RX OOB clock mode (RXOOB_CLK_MODE). */ uint32_t rx_oob_m : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](RO) RX OOB mode (RX_OOB_MODE). */ uint32_t tx_oob_m : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](RO) TX OOB mode (TX_OOB_MODE). */ uint32_t rxoob_clk : 9; /**< [ 8: 0](RO) RX OOB clock frequency (RXOOB_CLK). */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t rxoob_clk : 9; /**< [ 8: 0](RO) RX OOB clock frequency (RXOOB_CLK). */ uint32_t tx_oob_m : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](RO) TX OOB mode (TX_OOB_MODE). */ uint32_t rx_oob_m : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](RO) RX OOB mode (RX_OOB_MODE). */ uint32_t rxoob_clk_m : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](RO) RX OOB clock mode (RXOOB_CLK_MODE). */ uint32_t encode_m : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](RO) 8/10 bit encoding/decoding (ENCODE_MODE). */ uint32_t dev_mp : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](RO) Mechanical presence switch (DEV_MP_SWITCH). */ uint32_t dev_cp : 1; /**< [ 14: 14](RO) Cold presence detect (DEV_CP_DET). */ uint32_t fbs_support : 1; /**< [ 15: 15](RO) FIS-based switching support (FBS_SUPPORT). */ uint32_t fbs_pmpn : 2; /**< [ 17: 16](RO) Maximum number of port multiplier ports (FBS_PMPN_MAX). */ uint32_t fbs_mem_s : 1; /**< [ 18: 18](RO) Context RAM memory location. */ uint32_t bist_m : 1; /**< [ 19: 19](RO) BIST loopback checking depth (BIST_MODE). */ uint32_t rxoob_clk_upper : 10; /**< [ 29: 20](RO) Upper bits of RX OOB clock frequency. */ uint32_t rxoob_clk_units : 1; /**< [ 30: 30](RO) RX OOB clock frequency units. */ uint32_t reserved_31 : 1; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } cn8; struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_gparam2r_cn9 { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t fbs_mem_mode : 1; /**< [ 31: 31](RO) Selects FBS memory read port type. */ uint32_t rxoob_clk_units : 1; /**< [ 30: 30](RO) RX OOB clock frequency units. */ uint32_t rxoob_clk_upper : 10; /**< [ 29: 20](RO) Upper bits of RX OOB clock frequency. */ uint32_t bist_m : 1; /**< [ 19: 19](RO) BIST loopback checking depth (BIST_MODE). */ uint32_t fbs_mem_s : 1; /**< [ 18: 18](RO) Context RAM memory location. */ uint32_t fbs_pmpn : 2; /**< [ 17: 16](RO) FBS RAM depth FBS_RAM_DEPTH. */ uint32_t fbs_support : 1; /**< [ 15: 15](RO) FIS-based switching support (FBS_SUPPORT). */ uint32_t dev_cp : 1; /**< [ 14: 14](RO) Cold presence detect (DEV_CP_DET). */ uint32_t dev_mp : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](RO) Mechanical presence switch (DEV_MP_SWITCH). */ uint32_t encode_m : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](RO) 8/10 bit encoding/decoding (ENCODE_MODE). */ uint32_t rxoob_clk_m : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](RO) RX OOB clock mode (RXOOB_CLK_MODE). */ uint32_t rx_oob_m : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](RO) RX OOB mode (RX_OOB_MODE). */ uint32_t tx_oob_m : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](RO) TX OOB mode (TX_OOB_MODE). */ uint32_t rxoob_clk : 9; /**< [ 8: 0](RO) RX OOB clock frequency (RXOOB_CLK_FREQ). */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t rxoob_clk : 9; /**< [ 8: 0](RO) RX OOB clock frequency (RXOOB_CLK_FREQ). */ uint32_t tx_oob_m : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](RO) TX OOB mode (TX_OOB_MODE). */ uint32_t rx_oob_m : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](RO) RX OOB mode (RX_OOB_MODE). */ uint32_t rxoob_clk_m : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](RO) RX OOB clock mode (RXOOB_CLK_MODE). */ uint32_t encode_m : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](RO) 8/10 bit encoding/decoding (ENCODE_MODE). */ uint32_t dev_mp : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](RO) Mechanical presence switch (DEV_MP_SWITCH). */ uint32_t dev_cp : 1; /**< [ 14: 14](RO) Cold presence detect (DEV_CP_DET). */ uint32_t fbs_support : 1; /**< [ 15: 15](RO) FIS-based switching support (FBS_SUPPORT). */ uint32_t fbs_pmpn : 2; /**< [ 17: 16](RO) FBS RAM depth FBS_RAM_DEPTH. */ uint32_t fbs_mem_s : 1; /**< [ 18: 18](RO) Context RAM memory location. */ uint32_t bist_m : 1; /**< [ 19: 19](RO) BIST loopback checking depth (BIST_MODE). */ uint32_t rxoob_clk_upper : 10; /**< [ 29: 20](RO) Upper bits of RX OOB clock frequency. */ uint32_t rxoob_clk_units : 1; /**< [ 30: 30](RO) RX OOB clock frequency units. */ uint32_t fbs_mem_mode : 1; /**< [ 31: 31](RO) Selects FBS memory read port type. */ #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } cn9; }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_gparam2r bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_gparam2r_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GPARAM2R(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GPARAM2R(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x8100000000ecll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x8100000000ecll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x8100000000ecll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x8100000000ecll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GPARAM2R", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GPARAM2R(a) bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_gparam2r_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GPARAM2R(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GPARAM2R(a) "SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GPARAM2R" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GPARAM2R(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GPARAM2R(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GPARAM2R(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_gbl_gparam3 * * SATA UAHC Global Parameter 3 Register * Internal: * See DWC_ahsata databook v5.00. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_gparam3 { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_gparam3_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t reserved_9_31 : 23; uint32_t mem_ap_support : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](RO) Enable address protection. */ uint32_t phy_type : 5; /**< [ 7: 3](RO) PHY interface type. */ uint32_t mem_ecc_cor_en : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](RO) Single-bit correction enable. */ uint32_t mem_dp_type : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](RO) Data protection type. */ uint32_t mem_dp_support : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](RO) Enable data protection. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t mem_dp_support : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](RO) Enable data protection. */ uint32_t mem_dp_type : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](RO) Data protection type. */ uint32_t mem_ecc_cor_en : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](RO) Single-bit correction enable. */ uint32_t phy_type : 5; /**< [ 7: 3](RO) PHY interface type. */ uint32_t mem_ap_support : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](RO) Enable address protection. */ uint32_t reserved_9_31 : 23; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_gparam3_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_gparam3 bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_gparam3_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GPARAM3(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GPARAM3(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x8100000000dcll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GPARAM3", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GPARAM3(a) bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_gparam3_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GPARAM3(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GPARAM3(a) "SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GPARAM3" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GPARAM3(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GPARAM3(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_GPARAM3(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_gbl_idr * * SATA UAHC ID Register * Internal: * See DWC_ahsata databook v5.00. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_idr { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_idr_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t id : 32; /**< [ 31: 0](RO) Core ID. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t id : 32; /**< [ 31: 0](RO) Core ID. */ #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_idr_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_idr bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_idr_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_IDR(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_IDR(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x8100000000fcll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x8100000000fcll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x8100000000fcll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x8100000000fcll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_GBL_IDR", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_IDR(a) bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_idr_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_IDR(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_IDR(a) "SATAX_UAHC_GBL_IDR" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_IDR(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_IDR(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_IDR(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_gbl_is * * SATA AHCI Interrupt Status Register * This register indicates which of the ports within the SATA core have an interrupt * pending and require service. This register is reset on global reset (GHC.HR=1). */ union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_is { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_is_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t reserved_2_31 : 30; uint32_t ips : 2; /**< [ 1: 0](R/W1C/H) Interrupt pending status. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t ips : 2; /**< [ 1: 0](R/W1C/H) Interrupt pending status. */ uint32_t reserved_2_31 : 30; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_is_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_is bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_is_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_IS(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_IS(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x810000000008ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x810000000008ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x810000000008ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x810000000008ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_GBL_IS", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_IS(a) bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_is_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_IS(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_IS(a) "SATAX_UAHC_GBL_IS" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_IS(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_IS(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_IS(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_gbl_oobr * * SATA UAHC OOB Register * This register is shared between SATA ports. Before accessing this * register, first select the required port by writing the port number * to the SATA()_UAHC_GBL_TESTR[PSEL] field. * * Internal: * See DWC_ahsata databook v5.00. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_oobr { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_oobr_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t we : 1; /**< [ 31: 31](R/W/H) Write enable. */ uint32_t cwmin : 7; /**< [ 30: 24](R/W/H) COMWAKE minimum value. Writable only if WE is set. */ uint32_t cwmax : 8; /**< [ 23: 16](R/W/H) COMWAKE maximum value. Writable only if WE is set. */ uint32_t cimin : 8; /**< [ 15: 8](R/W/H) COMINIT minimum value. Writable only if WE is set. */ uint32_t cimax : 8; /**< [ 7: 0](R/W/H) COMINIT maximum value. Writable only if WE is set. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t cimax : 8; /**< [ 7: 0](R/W/H) COMINIT maximum value. Writable only if WE is set. */ uint32_t cimin : 8; /**< [ 15: 8](R/W/H) COMINIT minimum value. Writable only if WE is set. */ uint32_t cwmax : 8; /**< [ 23: 16](R/W/H) COMWAKE maximum value. Writable only if WE is set. */ uint32_t cwmin : 7; /**< [ 30: 24](R/W/H) COMWAKE minimum value. Writable only if WE is set. */ uint32_t we : 1; /**< [ 31: 31](R/W/H) Write enable. */ #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_oobr_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_oobr bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_oobr_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_OOBR(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_OOBR(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x8100000000bcll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x8100000000bcll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x8100000000bcll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x8100000000bcll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_GBL_OOBR", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_OOBR(a) bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_oobr_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_OOBR(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_OOBR(a) "SATAX_UAHC_GBL_OOBR" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_OOBR(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_OOBR(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_OOBR(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_gbl_pi * * SATA AHCI Ports Implemented Register * This register indicates which ports are exposed by the SATA core and are available * for the software to use. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_pi { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_pi_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t reserved_1_31 : 31; uint32_t pi : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W) Number of ports implemented. This field is one-time writable, then becomes read-only. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t pi : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W) Number of ports implemented. This field is one-time writable, then becomes read-only. */ uint32_t reserved_1_31 : 31; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_pi_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_pi bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_pi_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_PI(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_PI(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x81000000000cll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x81000000000cll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x81000000000cll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x81000000000cll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_GBL_PI", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_PI(a) bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_pi_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_PI(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_PI(a) "SATAX_UAHC_GBL_PI" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_PI(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_PI(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_PI(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_gbl_pparamr * * SATA UAHC Port Parameter Register * Port is selected by the SATA()_UAHC_GBL_TESTR[PSEL] field. * Internal: * See DWC_ahsata databook v5.00. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_pparamr { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_pparamr_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t reserved_12_31 : 20; uint32_t tx_mem_m : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](RO) TX FIFO memory read port type (Pn_TX_MEM_MODE). */ uint32_t tx_mem_s : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](RO) TX FIFO memory type (Pn_TX_MEM_SELECT). */ uint32_t rx_mem_m : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](RO) RX FIFO memory read port type (Pn_RX_MEM_MODE). */ uint32_t rx_mem_s : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](RO) RX FIFO memory type (Pn_RX_MEM_SELECT). */ uint32_t txfifo_depth : 4; /**< [ 7: 4](RO) TX FIFO depth in FIFO words. */ uint32_t rxfifo_depth : 4; /**< [ 3: 0](RO) RX FIFO depth in FIFO words. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t rxfifo_depth : 4; /**< [ 3: 0](RO) RX FIFO depth in FIFO words. */ uint32_t txfifo_depth : 4; /**< [ 7: 4](RO) TX FIFO depth in FIFO words. */ uint32_t rx_mem_s : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](RO) RX FIFO memory type (Pn_RX_MEM_SELECT). */ uint32_t rx_mem_m : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](RO) RX FIFO memory read port type (Pn_RX_MEM_MODE). */ uint32_t tx_mem_s : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](RO) TX FIFO memory type (Pn_TX_MEM_SELECT). */ uint32_t tx_mem_m : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](RO) TX FIFO memory read port type (Pn_TX_MEM_MODE). */ uint32_t reserved_12_31 : 20; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_pparamr_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_pparamr bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_pparamr_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_PPARAMR(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_PPARAMR(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x8100000000f0ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x8100000000f0ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x8100000000f0ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x8100000000f0ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_GBL_PPARAMR", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_PPARAMR(a) bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_pparamr_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_PPARAMR(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_PPARAMR(a) "SATAX_UAHC_GBL_PPARAMR" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_PPARAMR(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_PPARAMR(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_PPARAMR(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_gbl_testr * * SATA UAHC Test Register * Internal: * See DWC_ahsata databook v5.00. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_testr { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_testr_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t reserved_25_31 : 7; uint32_t bsel : 1; /**< [ 24: 24](R/W) Bank select. Always select 0 for BIST registers. */ uint32_t reserved_19_23 : 5; uint32_t psel : 3; /**< [ 18: 16](R/W) Port select. */ uint32_t reserved_1_15 : 15; uint32_t test_if : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W) Test interface. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t test_if : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W) Test interface. */ uint32_t reserved_1_15 : 15; uint32_t psel : 3; /**< [ 18: 16](R/W) Port select. */ uint32_t reserved_19_23 : 5; uint32_t bsel : 1; /**< [ 24: 24](R/W) Bank select. Always select 0 for BIST registers. */ uint32_t reserved_25_31 : 7; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_testr_cn8 { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t reserved_19_31 : 13; uint32_t psel : 3; /**< [ 18: 16](R/W) Port select. */ uint32_t reserved_1_15 : 15; uint32_t test_if : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W) Test interface. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t test_if : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W) Test interface. */ uint32_t reserved_1_15 : 15; uint32_t psel : 3; /**< [ 18: 16](R/W) Port select. */ uint32_t reserved_19_31 : 13; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } cn8; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_testr_s cn9; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_testr bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_testr_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_TESTR(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_TESTR(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x8100000000f4ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x8100000000f4ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x8100000000f4ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x8100000000f4ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_GBL_TESTR", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_TESTR(a) bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_testr_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_TESTR(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_TESTR(a) "SATAX_UAHC_GBL_TESTR" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_TESTR(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_TESTR(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_TESTR(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_gbl_timer1ms * * SATA UAHC Timer 1ms Register * Internal: * See DWC_ahsata databook v5.00. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_timer1ms { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_timer1ms_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; uint32_t timv : 20; /**< [ 19: 0](R/W) 1ms timer value. Writable only when SATA()_UAHC_GBL_CCC_CTL[EN] = 0. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t timv : 20; /**< [ 19: 0](R/W) 1ms timer value. Writable only when SATA()_UAHC_GBL_CCC_CTL[EN] = 0. */ uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_timer1ms_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_timer1ms bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_timer1ms_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_TIMER1MS(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_TIMER1MS(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x8100000000e0ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x8100000000e0ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x8100000000e0ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x8100000000e0ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_GBL_TIMER1MS", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_TIMER1MS(a) bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_timer1ms_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_TIMER1MS(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_TIMER1MS(a) "SATAX_UAHC_GBL_TIMER1MS" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_TIMER1MS(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_TIMER1MS(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_TIMER1MS(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_gbl_versionr * * SATA UAHC Version Register * Internal: * See DWC_ahsata databook v5.00. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_versionr { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_versionr_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t ver : 32; /**< [ 31: 0](RO) SATA IP version number. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t ver : 32; /**< [ 31: 0](RO) SATA IP version number. */ #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_versionr_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_versionr bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_versionr_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_VERSIONR(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_VERSIONR(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x8100000000f8ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x8100000000f8ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x8100000000f8ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x8100000000f8ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_GBL_VERSIONR", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_VERSIONR(a) bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_versionr_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_VERSIONR(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_VERSIONR(a) "SATAX_UAHC_GBL_VERSIONR" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_VERSIONR(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_VERSIONR(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_VERSIONR(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_gbl_vs * * SATA AHCI Version Register * This register indicates the major and minor version of the AHCI specification that * the SATA core supports. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_vs { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_vs_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t mjr : 16; /**< [ 31: 16](RO) Major version number. */ uint32_t mnr : 16; /**< [ 15: 0](RO) Minor version number. No DevSleep support. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t mnr : 16; /**< [ 15: 0](RO) Minor version number. No DevSleep support. */ uint32_t mjr : 16; /**< [ 31: 16](RO) Major version number. */ #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_vs_s cn8; */ struct bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_vs_cn9 { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t mjr : 16; /**< [ 31: 16](RO) Major version number. */ uint32_t mnr : 16; /**< [ 15: 0](RO) Minor version number. DevSleep is supported. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t mnr : 16; /**< [ 15: 0](RO) Minor version number. DevSleep is supported. */ uint32_t mjr : 16; /**< [ 31: 16](RO) Major version number. */ #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } cn9; }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_vs bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_vs_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_VS(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_VS(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x810000000010ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x810000000010ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x810000000010ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x810000000010ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_GBL_VS", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_VS(a) bdk_satax_uahc_gbl_vs_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_VS(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_VS(a) "SATAX_UAHC_GBL_VS" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_VS(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_VS(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_GBL_VS(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_p0_ci * * SATA UAHC Command Issue Registers * Internal: * See DWC_ahsata databook v5.00. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_ci { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_ci_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t ci : 32; /**< [ 31: 0](R/W1S/H) Command issued. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t ci : 32; /**< [ 31: 0](R/W1S/H) Command issued. */ #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_ci_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_ci bdk_satax_uahc_p0_ci_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_CI(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_CI(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x810000000138ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x810000000138ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x810000000138ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x810000000138ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_P0_CI", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_CI(a) bdk_satax_uahc_p0_ci_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_CI(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_CI(a) "SATAX_UAHC_P0_CI" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_CI(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_CI(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_CI(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB) sata#_uahc_p0_clb * * SATA UAHC Command-List Base-Address Registers * Internal: * See DWC_ahsata databook v5.00. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_clb { uint64_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_clb_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t clb : 54; /**< [ 63: 10](R/W) Command-list base address. */ uint64_t reserved_0_9 : 10; #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t reserved_0_9 : 10; uint64_t clb : 54; /**< [ 63: 10](R/W) Command-list base address. */ #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_clb_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_clb bdk_satax_uahc_p0_clb_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_CLB(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_CLB(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x810000000100ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x810000000100ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x810000000100ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x810000000100ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_P0_CLB", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_CLB(a) bdk_satax_uahc_p0_clb_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_CLB(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_CLB(a) "SATAX_UAHC_P0_CLB" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_CLB(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_CLB(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_CLB(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_p0_cmd * * SATA UAHC Command Registers * Internal: * See DWC_ahsata databook v5.00. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_cmd { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_cmd_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t icc : 4; /**< [ 31: 28](R/W) Interface communication control. */ uint32_t asp : 1; /**< [ 27: 27](R/W) Aggressive slumber/partial. */ uint32_t alpe : 1; /**< [ 26: 26](R/W) Aggressive link-power-management enable. */ uint32_t dlae : 1; /**< [ 25: 25](R/W) Drive LED on ATAPI enable. */ uint32_t atapi : 1; /**< [ 24: 24](R/W) Device is ATAPI. */ uint32_t apste : 1; /**< [ 23: 23](R/W) Automatic partial to slumber transitions enable. */ uint32_t fbscp : 1; /**< [ 22: 22](R/W) FIS-based switching capable port. Write-once. */ uint32_t esp : 1; /**< [ 21: 21](R/W) External SATA port. Write-once. */ uint32_t cpd : 1; /**< [ 20: 20](R/W) Cold-presence detection. Write-once. */ uint32_t mpsp : 1; /**< [ 19: 19](R/W) Mechanical presence switch attached to port. Write-once. */ uint32_t hpcp : 1; /**< [ 18: 18](R/W) Hot-plug-capable support. Write-once. */ uint32_t pma : 1; /**< [ 17: 17](R/W) Port multiplier attached. */ uint32_t cps : 1; /**< [ 16: 16](RO) Cold presence state. */ uint32_t cr : 1; /**< [ 15: 15](RO) Command list running. */ uint32_t fr : 1; /**< [ 14: 14](RO/H) FIS receive running. */ uint32_t mpss : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](RO) Mechanical presence switch state. */ uint32_t ccs : 5; /**< [ 12: 8](RO) Current-command slot. */ uint32_t reserved_5_7 : 3; uint32_t fre : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W) FIS-receive enable. */ uint32_t clo : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](WO) Command-list override. */ uint32_t pod : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](R/W) Power-on device. R/W only if CPD = 1, else read only. */ uint32_t sud : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W) Spin-up device. R/W only if SATA()_UAHC_GBL_CAP[SSS]=1, else read only. Setting this bit triggers a COMRESET initialization sequence. */ uint32_t st : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W) Start. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t st : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W) Start. */ uint32_t sud : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W) Spin-up device. R/W only if SATA()_UAHC_GBL_CAP[SSS]=1, else read only. Setting this bit triggers a COMRESET initialization sequence. */ uint32_t pod : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](R/W) Power-on device. R/W only if CPD = 1, else read only. */ uint32_t clo : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](WO) Command-list override. */ uint32_t fre : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W) FIS-receive enable. */ uint32_t reserved_5_7 : 3; uint32_t ccs : 5; /**< [ 12: 8](RO) Current-command slot. */ uint32_t mpss : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](RO) Mechanical presence switch state. */ uint32_t fr : 1; /**< [ 14: 14](RO/H) FIS receive running. */ uint32_t cr : 1; /**< [ 15: 15](RO) Command list running. */ uint32_t cps : 1; /**< [ 16: 16](RO) Cold presence state. */ uint32_t pma : 1; /**< [ 17: 17](R/W) Port multiplier attached. */ uint32_t hpcp : 1; /**< [ 18: 18](R/W) Hot-plug-capable support. Write-once. */ uint32_t mpsp : 1; /**< [ 19: 19](R/W) Mechanical presence switch attached to port. Write-once. */ uint32_t cpd : 1; /**< [ 20: 20](R/W) Cold-presence detection. Write-once. */ uint32_t esp : 1; /**< [ 21: 21](R/W) External SATA port. Write-once. */ uint32_t fbscp : 1; /**< [ 22: 22](R/W) FIS-based switching capable port. Write-once. */ uint32_t apste : 1; /**< [ 23: 23](R/W) Automatic partial to slumber transitions enable. */ uint32_t atapi : 1; /**< [ 24: 24](R/W) Device is ATAPI. */ uint32_t dlae : 1; /**< [ 25: 25](R/W) Drive LED on ATAPI enable. */ uint32_t alpe : 1; /**< [ 26: 26](R/W) Aggressive link-power-management enable. */ uint32_t asp : 1; /**< [ 27: 27](R/W) Aggressive slumber/partial. */ uint32_t icc : 4; /**< [ 31: 28](R/W) Interface communication control. */ #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_cmd_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_cmd bdk_satax_uahc_p0_cmd_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_CMD(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_CMD(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x810000000118ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x810000000118ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x810000000118ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x810000000118ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_P0_CMD", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_CMD(a) bdk_satax_uahc_p0_cmd_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_CMD(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_CMD(a) "SATAX_UAHC_P0_CMD" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_CMD(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_CMD(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_CMD(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_p0_devslp * * SATA UAHC Device Sleep Register * Internal: * See DWC_ahsata databook v5.00. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_devslp { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_devslp_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t reserved_29_31 : 3; uint32_t dm : 4; /**< [ 28: 25](R/W) DITO multiplier. Write once only. */ uint32_t dito : 10; /**< [ 24: 15](R/W) Device sleep idle timeout. If [DSP]=0, then these bits are read-only zero and software should treat them as reserved. If [DSP]=1, then these bits are read-write and reset to 0xA on powerup only. */ uint32_t mdat : 5; /**< [ 14: 10](R/W) Minimum device sleep assertion time. If [DSP]=0, then these bits are read-only zero and software should treat them as reserved. If [DSP]=1, then these bits are read-write and reset to 0xA on powerup only. */ uint32_t deto : 8; /**< [ 9: 2](R/W) Device sleep exit timeout. If [DSP]=0, then these bits are read-only zero and software should treat them as reserved. If [DSP]=1, then these bits are read-write and reset to 0x14 on powerup only. */ uint32_t dsp : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W) Device sleep present. Write once only. */ uint32_t adse : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W) Aggressive device sleep enable. If [DSP]=0, then this bit is read-only zero and software should treat it as reserved. If [DSP]=1, then this bit is read-write. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t adse : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W) Aggressive device sleep enable. If [DSP]=0, then this bit is read-only zero and software should treat it as reserved. If [DSP]=1, then this bit is read-write. */ uint32_t dsp : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W) Device sleep present. Write once only. */ uint32_t deto : 8; /**< [ 9: 2](R/W) Device sleep exit timeout. If [DSP]=0, then these bits are read-only zero and software should treat them as reserved. If [DSP]=1, then these bits are read-write and reset to 0x14 on powerup only. */ uint32_t mdat : 5; /**< [ 14: 10](R/W) Minimum device sleep assertion time. If [DSP]=0, then these bits are read-only zero and software should treat them as reserved. If [DSP]=1, then these bits are read-write and reset to 0xA on powerup only. */ uint32_t dito : 10; /**< [ 24: 15](R/W) Device sleep idle timeout. If [DSP]=0, then these bits are read-only zero and software should treat them as reserved. If [DSP]=1, then these bits are read-write and reset to 0xA on powerup only. */ uint32_t dm : 4; /**< [ 28: 25](R/W) DITO multiplier. Write once only. */ uint32_t reserved_29_31 : 3; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_devslp_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_devslp bdk_satax_uahc_p0_devslp_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_DEVSLP(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_DEVSLP(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x810000000144ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_P0_DEVSLP", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_DEVSLP(a) bdk_satax_uahc_p0_devslp_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_DEVSLP(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_DEVSLP(a) "SATAX_UAHC_P0_DEVSLP" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_DEVSLP(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_DEVSLP(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_DEVSLP(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_p0_dmacr * * SATA UAHC DMA Control Registers * Internal: * See DWC_ahsata databook v5.00. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_dmacr { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_dmacr_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t reserved_8_31 : 24; uint32_t rxts : 4; /**< [ 7: 4](R/W) Receive transaction size. This field is R/W when SATA()_UAHC_P0_CMD[ST] = 0 and read only when SATA()_UAHC_P0_CMD[ST] = 1. */ uint32_t txts : 4; /**< [ 3: 0](R/W) Transmit transaction size. This field is R/W when SATA()_UAHC_P0_CMD[ST] = 0 and read only when SATA()_UAHC_P0_CMD[ST] = 1. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t txts : 4; /**< [ 3: 0](R/W) Transmit transaction size. This field is R/W when SATA()_UAHC_P0_CMD[ST] = 0 and read only when SATA()_UAHC_P0_CMD[ST] = 1. */ uint32_t rxts : 4; /**< [ 7: 4](R/W) Receive transaction size. This field is R/W when SATA()_UAHC_P0_CMD[ST] = 0 and read only when SATA()_UAHC_P0_CMD[ST] = 1. */ uint32_t reserved_8_31 : 24; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_dmacr_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_dmacr bdk_satax_uahc_p0_dmacr_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_DMACR(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_DMACR(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x810000000170ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x810000000170ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x810000000170ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x810000000170ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_P0_DMACR", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_DMACR(a) bdk_satax_uahc_p0_dmacr_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_DMACR(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_DMACR(a) "SATAX_UAHC_P0_DMACR" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_DMACR(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_DMACR(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_DMACR(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB) sata#_uahc_p0_fb * * SATA UAHC FIS Base-Address Registers * Internal: * See DWC_ahsata databook v5.00. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_fb { uint64_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_fb_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t fb : 56; /**< [ 63: 8](R/W) FIS base address. */ uint64_t reserved_0_7 : 8; #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t reserved_0_7 : 8; uint64_t fb : 56; /**< [ 63: 8](R/W) FIS base address. */ #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_fb_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_fb bdk_satax_uahc_p0_fb_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_FB(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_FB(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x810000000108ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x810000000108ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x810000000108ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x810000000108ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_P0_FB", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_FB(a) bdk_satax_uahc_p0_fb_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_FB(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_FB(a) "SATAX_UAHC_P0_FB" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_FB(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_FB(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_FB(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_p0_fbs * * SATA UAHC FIS-Based Switching Control Registers * Internal: * See DWC_ahsata databook v5.00. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_fbs { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_fbs_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; uint32_t dwe : 4; /**< [ 19: 16](RO) Device with error. */ uint32_t ado : 4; /**< [ 15: 12](RO) Active device optimization. */ uint32_t dev : 4; /**< [ 11: 8](R/W) Device to issue. */ uint32_t reserved_3_7 : 5; uint32_t sde : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](RO) Single device error. */ uint32_t dec : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1C/H) Device error clear. */ uint32_t en : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W) Enable. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t en : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W) Enable. */ uint32_t dec : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1C/H) Device error clear. */ uint32_t sde : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](RO) Single device error. */ uint32_t reserved_3_7 : 5; uint32_t dev : 4; /**< [ 11: 8](R/W) Device to issue. */ uint32_t ado : 4; /**< [ 15: 12](RO) Active device optimization. */ uint32_t dwe : 4; /**< [ 19: 16](RO) Device with error. */ uint32_t reserved_20_31 : 12; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_fbs_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_fbs bdk_satax_uahc_p0_fbs_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_FBS(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_FBS(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x810000000140ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x810000000140ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x810000000140ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x810000000140ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_P0_FBS", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_FBS(a) bdk_satax_uahc_p0_fbs_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_FBS(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_FBS(a) "SATAX_UAHC_P0_FBS" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_FBS(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_FBS(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_FBS(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_p0_ie * * SATA UAHC Interrupt Enable Registers * Internal: * See DWC_ahsata databook v5.00. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_ie { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_ie_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t cpde : 1; /**< [ 31: 31](R/W) Cold-port-detect enable. */ uint32_t tfee : 1; /**< [ 30: 30](R/W) Task-file-error enable. */ uint32_t hbfe : 1; /**< [ 29: 29](R/W) Host-bus fatal-error enable. */ uint32_t hbde : 1; /**< [ 28: 28](R/W) Host-bus data-error enable. */ uint32_t ife : 1; /**< [ 27: 27](R/W) Interface fatal-error enable. */ uint32_t infe : 1; /**< [ 26: 26](R/W) Interface non-fatal-error enable. */ uint32_t reserved_25 : 1; uint32_t ofe : 1; /**< [ 24: 24](R/W) Overflow enable. */ uint32_t impe : 1; /**< [ 23: 23](R/W) Incorrect port-multiplier enable. */ uint32_t prce : 1; /**< [ 22: 22](R/W) PHY-ready-change enable. */ uint32_t reserved_8_21 : 14; uint32_t dmpe : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W) Device mechanical-presence enable. */ uint32_t pce : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W) Port-connect-change enable. */ uint32_t dpe : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W) Descriptor-processed enable. */ uint32_t ufe : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W) Unknown-FIS-interrupt enable. */ uint32_t sdbe : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](R/W) Set device-bits-interrupt enable. */ uint32_t dse : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](R/W) DMA-setup FIS interrupt enable. */ uint32_t pse : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W) PIO-setup FIS interrupt enable. */ uint32_t dhre : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W) Device-to-host register FIS interrupt enable. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t dhre : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W) Device-to-host register FIS interrupt enable. */ uint32_t pse : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W) PIO-setup FIS interrupt enable. */ uint32_t dse : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](R/W) DMA-setup FIS interrupt enable. */ uint32_t sdbe : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](R/W) Set device-bits-interrupt enable. */ uint32_t ufe : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W) Unknown-FIS-interrupt enable. */ uint32_t dpe : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W) Descriptor-processed enable. */ uint32_t pce : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W) Port-connect-change enable. */ uint32_t dmpe : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W) Device mechanical-presence enable. */ uint32_t reserved_8_21 : 14; uint32_t prce : 1; /**< [ 22: 22](R/W) PHY-ready-change enable. */ uint32_t impe : 1; /**< [ 23: 23](R/W) Incorrect port-multiplier enable. */ uint32_t ofe : 1; /**< [ 24: 24](R/W) Overflow enable. */ uint32_t reserved_25 : 1; uint32_t infe : 1; /**< [ 26: 26](R/W) Interface non-fatal-error enable. */ uint32_t ife : 1; /**< [ 27: 27](R/W) Interface fatal-error enable. */ uint32_t hbde : 1; /**< [ 28: 28](R/W) Host-bus data-error enable. */ uint32_t hbfe : 1; /**< [ 29: 29](R/W) Host-bus fatal-error enable. */ uint32_t tfee : 1; /**< [ 30: 30](R/W) Task-file-error enable. */ uint32_t cpde : 1; /**< [ 31: 31](R/W) Cold-port-detect enable. */ #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_ie_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_ie bdk_satax_uahc_p0_ie_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_IE(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_IE(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x810000000114ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x810000000114ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x810000000114ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x810000000114ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_P0_IE", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_IE(a) bdk_satax_uahc_p0_ie_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_IE(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_IE(a) "SATAX_UAHC_P0_IE" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_IE(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_IE(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_IE(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_p0_is * * SATA UAHC Interrupt Status Registers * Internal: * See DWC_ahsata databook v5.00. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_is { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_is_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t cpds : 1; /**< [ 31: 31](R/W1C/H) Cold-port detect status. */ uint32_t tfes : 1; /**< [ 30: 30](R/W1C/H) Task-file error status. */ uint32_t hbfs : 1; /**< [ 29: 29](R/W1C/H) Host-bus fatal-error status. */ uint32_t hbds : 1; /**< [ 28: 28](R/W1C/H) Host-bus data-error status. */ uint32_t ifs : 1; /**< [ 27: 27](R/W1C/H) Interface fatal-error status. */ uint32_t infs : 1; /**< [ 26: 26](R/W1C/H) Interface non-fatal-error status. */ uint32_t reserved_25 : 1; uint32_t ofs : 1; /**< [ 24: 24](R/W1C/H) Overflow status. */ uint32_t imps : 1; /**< [ 23: 23](R/W1C/H) Incorrect port-multiplier status. */ uint32_t prcs : 1; /**< [ 22: 22](RO/H) PHY-ready change status. */ uint32_t reserved_8_21 : 14; uint32_t dmps : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1C/H) Device mechanical-presence status. */ uint32_t pcs : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](RO/H) Port-connect-change status. */ uint32_t dps : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W1C/H) Descriptor processed. */ uint32_t ufs : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](RO) Unknown FIS interrupt. */ uint32_t sdbs : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](R/W1C/H) Set device bits interrupt. */ uint32_t dss : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](R/W1C/H) DMA setup FIS interrupt. */ uint32_t pss : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1C/H) PIO setup FIS interrupt. */ uint32_t dhrs : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1C/H) Device-to-host register FIS interrupt. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t dhrs : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1C/H) Device-to-host register FIS interrupt. */ uint32_t pss : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1C/H) PIO setup FIS interrupt. */ uint32_t dss : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](R/W1C/H) DMA setup FIS interrupt. */ uint32_t sdbs : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](R/W1C/H) Set device bits interrupt. */ uint32_t ufs : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](RO) Unknown FIS interrupt. */ uint32_t dps : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W1C/H) Descriptor processed. */ uint32_t pcs : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](RO/H) Port-connect-change status. */ uint32_t dmps : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1C/H) Device mechanical-presence status. */ uint32_t reserved_8_21 : 14; uint32_t prcs : 1; /**< [ 22: 22](RO/H) PHY-ready change status. */ uint32_t imps : 1; /**< [ 23: 23](R/W1C/H) Incorrect port-multiplier status. */ uint32_t ofs : 1; /**< [ 24: 24](R/W1C/H) Overflow status. */ uint32_t reserved_25 : 1; uint32_t infs : 1; /**< [ 26: 26](R/W1C/H) Interface non-fatal-error status. */ uint32_t ifs : 1; /**< [ 27: 27](R/W1C/H) Interface fatal-error status. */ uint32_t hbds : 1; /**< [ 28: 28](R/W1C/H) Host-bus data-error status. */ uint32_t hbfs : 1; /**< [ 29: 29](R/W1C/H) Host-bus fatal-error status. */ uint32_t tfes : 1; /**< [ 30: 30](R/W1C/H) Task-file error status. */ uint32_t cpds : 1; /**< [ 31: 31](R/W1C/H) Cold-port detect status. */ #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_is_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_is bdk_satax_uahc_p0_is_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_IS(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_IS(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x810000000110ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x810000000110ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x810000000110ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x810000000110ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_P0_IS", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_IS(a) bdk_satax_uahc_p0_is_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_IS(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_IS(a) "SATAX_UAHC_P0_IS" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_IS(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_IS(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_IS(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_p0_phycr * * SATA UAHC PHY Control Registers * Internal: * See DWC_ahsata databook v5.00. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_phycr { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_phycr_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t ctrl : 32; /**< [ 31: 0](R/W) Port PHY control. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t ctrl : 32; /**< [ 31: 0](R/W) Port PHY control. */ #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_phycr_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_phycr bdk_satax_uahc_p0_phycr_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_PHYCR(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_PHYCR(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x810000000178ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x810000000178ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x810000000178ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x810000000178ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_P0_PHYCR", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_PHYCR(a) bdk_satax_uahc_p0_phycr_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_PHYCR(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_PHYCR(a) "SATAX_UAHC_P0_PHYCR" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_PHYCR(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_PHYCR(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_PHYCR(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_p0_physr * * SATA UAHC PHY Status Registers * Internal: * See DWC_ahsata databook v5.00. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_physr { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_physr_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t stat : 32; /**< [ 31: 0](RO) Port PHY status. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t stat : 32; /**< [ 31: 0](RO) Port PHY status. */ #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_physr_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_physr bdk_satax_uahc_p0_physr_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_PHYSR(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_PHYSR(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x81000000017cll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x81000000017cll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x81000000017cll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x81000000017cll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_P0_PHYSR", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_PHYSR(a) bdk_satax_uahc_p0_physr_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_PHYSR(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_PHYSR(a) "SATAX_UAHC_P0_PHYSR" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_PHYSR(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_PHYSR(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_PHYSR(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_p0_sact * * SATA UAHC SATA Active Registers * Internal: * See DWC_ahsata databook v5.00. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_sact { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_sact_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t ds : 32; /**< [ 31: 0](R/W1S/H) Device status. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t ds : 32; /**< [ 31: 0](R/W1S/H) Device status. */ #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_sact_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_sact bdk_satax_uahc_p0_sact_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SACT(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SACT(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x810000000134ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x810000000134ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x810000000134ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x810000000134ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_P0_SACT", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SACT(a) bdk_satax_uahc_p0_sact_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SACT(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SACT(a) "SATAX_UAHC_P0_SACT" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SACT(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SACT(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SACT(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_p0_sctl * * SATA UAHC SATA Control Registers * Internal: * See DWC_ahsata databook v5.00. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_sctl { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_sctl_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t reserved_11_31 : 21; uint32_t ipm : 3; /**< [ 10: 8](R/W) Interface power-management transitions allowed. */ uint32_t reserved_6_7 : 2; uint32_t spd : 2; /**< [ 5: 4](R/W) Speed allowed. */ uint32_t reserved_3 : 1; uint32_t det : 3; /**< [ 2: 0](R/W) Device-detection initialization. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t det : 3; /**< [ 2: 0](R/W) Device-detection initialization. */ uint32_t reserved_3 : 1; uint32_t spd : 2; /**< [ 5: 4](R/W) Speed allowed. */ uint32_t reserved_6_7 : 2; uint32_t ipm : 3; /**< [ 10: 8](R/W) Interface power-management transitions allowed. */ uint32_t reserved_11_31 : 21; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_sctl_cn8 { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t reserved_10_31 : 22; uint32_t ipm : 2; /**< [ 9: 8](R/W) Interface power-management transitions allowed. */ uint32_t reserved_6_7 : 2; uint32_t spd : 2; /**< [ 5: 4](R/W) Speed allowed. */ uint32_t reserved_3 : 1; uint32_t det : 3; /**< [ 2: 0](R/W) Device-detection initialization. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t det : 3; /**< [ 2: 0](R/W) Device-detection initialization. */ uint32_t reserved_3 : 1; uint32_t spd : 2; /**< [ 5: 4](R/W) Speed allowed. */ uint32_t reserved_6_7 : 2; uint32_t ipm : 2; /**< [ 9: 8](R/W) Interface power-management transitions allowed. */ uint32_t reserved_10_31 : 22; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } cn8; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_sctl_s cn9; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_sctl bdk_satax_uahc_p0_sctl_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SCTL(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SCTL(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x81000000012cll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x81000000012cll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x81000000012cll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x81000000012cll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_P0_SCTL", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SCTL(a) bdk_satax_uahc_p0_sctl_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SCTL(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SCTL(a) "SATAX_UAHC_P0_SCTL" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SCTL(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SCTL(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SCTL(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_p0_serr * * SATA UAHC SATA Error Registers * Internal: * See DWC_ahsata databook v5.00. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_serr { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_serr_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t reserved_27_31 : 5; uint32_t diag_x : 1; /**< [ 26: 26](R/W1C/H) Exchanged. */ uint32_t diag_f : 1; /**< [ 25: 25](R/W1C/H) Unknown FIS type. */ uint32_t diag_t : 1; /**< [ 24: 24](R/W1C/H) Transport state transition error. */ uint32_t diag_s : 1; /**< [ 23: 23](R/W1C/H) Link sequence error. */ uint32_t diag_h : 1; /**< [ 22: 22](R/W1C/H) Handshake error. */ uint32_t diag_c : 1; /**< [ 21: 21](R/W1C/H) CRC error. */ uint32_t diag_d : 1; /**< [ 20: 20](R/W1C/H) Disparity error. */ uint32_t diag_b : 1; /**< [ 19: 19](R/W1C/H) 10/8 bit decode error. */ uint32_t diag_w : 1; /**< [ 18: 18](R/W1C/H) COMWAKE detected. */ uint32_t diag_i : 1; /**< [ 17: 17](R/W1C/H) PHY internal error. */ uint32_t diag_n : 1; /**< [ 16: 16](R/W1C/H) PHY ready change. */ uint32_t reserved_12_15 : 4; uint32_t err_e : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](R/W1C/H) Internal error. */ uint32_t err_p : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](R/W1C/H) Protocol error. */ uint32_t err_c : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](R/W1C/H) Non-recovered persistent communication error. */ uint32_t err_t : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](R/W1C/H) Non-recovered transient data integrity error. */ uint32_t reserved_2_7 : 6; uint32_t err_m : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1C/H) Recovered communication error. */ uint32_t err_i : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1C/H) Recovered data integrity. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t err_i : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1C/H) Recovered data integrity. */ uint32_t err_m : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1C/H) Recovered communication error. */ uint32_t reserved_2_7 : 6; uint32_t err_t : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](R/W1C/H) Non-recovered transient data integrity error. */ uint32_t err_c : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](R/W1C/H) Non-recovered persistent communication error. */ uint32_t err_p : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](R/W1C/H) Protocol error. */ uint32_t err_e : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](R/W1C/H) Internal error. */ uint32_t reserved_12_15 : 4; uint32_t diag_n : 1; /**< [ 16: 16](R/W1C/H) PHY ready change. */ uint32_t diag_i : 1; /**< [ 17: 17](R/W1C/H) PHY internal error. */ uint32_t diag_w : 1; /**< [ 18: 18](R/W1C/H) COMWAKE detected. */ uint32_t diag_b : 1; /**< [ 19: 19](R/W1C/H) 10/8 bit decode error. */ uint32_t diag_d : 1; /**< [ 20: 20](R/W1C/H) Disparity error. */ uint32_t diag_c : 1; /**< [ 21: 21](R/W1C/H) CRC error. */ uint32_t diag_h : 1; /**< [ 22: 22](R/W1C/H) Handshake error. */ uint32_t diag_s : 1; /**< [ 23: 23](R/W1C/H) Link sequence error. */ uint32_t diag_t : 1; /**< [ 24: 24](R/W1C/H) Transport state transition error. */ uint32_t diag_f : 1; /**< [ 25: 25](R/W1C/H) Unknown FIS type. */ uint32_t diag_x : 1; /**< [ 26: 26](R/W1C/H) Exchanged. */ uint32_t reserved_27_31 : 5; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_serr_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_serr bdk_satax_uahc_p0_serr_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SERR(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SERR(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x810000000130ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x810000000130ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x810000000130ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x810000000130ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_P0_SERR", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SERR(a) bdk_satax_uahc_p0_serr_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SERR(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SERR(a) "SATAX_UAHC_P0_SERR" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SERR(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SERR(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SERR(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_p0_sig * * SATA UAHC Signature Registers * Internal: * See DWC_ahsata databook v5.00. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_sig { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_sig_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t sig : 32; /**< [ 31: 0](RO/H) Signature. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t sig : 32; /**< [ 31: 0](RO/H) Signature. */ #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_sig_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_sig bdk_satax_uahc_p0_sig_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SIG(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SIG(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x810000000124ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x810000000124ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x810000000124ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x810000000124ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_P0_SIG", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SIG(a) bdk_satax_uahc_p0_sig_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SIG(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SIG(a) "SATAX_UAHC_P0_SIG" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SIG(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SIG(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SIG(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_p0_sntf * * SATA UAHC SATA Notification Registers * Internal: * See DWC_ahsata databook v5.00. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_sntf { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_sntf_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t reserved_16_31 : 16; uint32_t pmn : 16; /**< [ 15: 0](R/W1C/H) PM notify. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t pmn : 16; /**< [ 15: 0](R/W1C/H) PM notify. */ uint32_t reserved_16_31 : 16; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_sntf_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_sntf bdk_satax_uahc_p0_sntf_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SNTF(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SNTF(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x81000000013cll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x81000000013cll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x81000000013cll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x81000000013cll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_P0_SNTF", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SNTF(a) bdk_satax_uahc_p0_sntf_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SNTF(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SNTF(a) "SATAX_UAHC_P0_SNTF" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SNTF(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SNTF(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SNTF(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_p0_ssts * * SATA UAHC SATA Status Registers * Internal: * See DWC_ahsata databook v5.00. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_ssts { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_ssts_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t reserved_12_31 : 20; uint32_t ipm : 4; /**< [ 11: 8](RO/H) Interface power management. */ uint32_t spd : 4; /**< [ 7: 4](RO/H) Current interface speed. */ uint32_t det : 4; /**< [ 3: 0](RO/H) Device detection. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t det : 4; /**< [ 3: 0](RO/H) Device detection. */ uint32_t spd : 4; /**< [ 7: 4](RO/H) Current interface speed. */ uint32_t ipm : 4; /**< [ 11: 8](RO/H) Interface power management. */ uint32_t reserved_12_31 : 20; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_ssts_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_ssts bdk_satax_uahc_p0_ssts_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SSTS(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SSTS(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x810000000128ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x810000000128ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x810000000128ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x810000000128ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_P0_SSTS", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SSTS(a) bdk_satax_uahc_p0_ssts_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SSTS(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SSTS(a) "SATAX_UAHC_P0_SSTS" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SSTS(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SSTS(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_SSTS(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB32b) sata#_uahc_p0_tfd * * SATA UAHC Task File Data Registers * Internal: * See DWC_ahsata databook v5.00. */ union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_tfd { uint32_t u; struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_tfd_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint32_t reserved_16_31 : 16; uint32_t tferr : 8; /**< [ 15: 8](RO) Copy of task-file error register. */ uint32_t sts : 8; /**< [ 7: 0](RO/H) Copy of task-file status register. \<7\> = BSY: Indicates the interface is busy. \<6:4\> = Command specific. \<3\> = DRQ: Indicates a data transfer is requested. \<2:1\> = Command specific. \<0\> = ERR: Indicates an error during the transfer. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint32_t sts : 8; /**< [ 7: 0](RO/H) Copy of task-file status register. \<7\> = BSY: Indicates the interface is busy. \<6:4\> = Command specific. \<3\> = DRQ: Indicates a data transfer is requested. \<2:1\> = Command specific. \<0\> = ERR: Indicates an error during the transfer. */ uint32_t tferr : 8; /**< [ 15: 8](RO) Copy of task-file error register. */ uint32_t reserved_16_31 : 16; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uahc_p0_tfd_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uahc_p0_tfd bdk_satax_uahc_p0_tfd_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_TFD(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_TFD(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x810000000120ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x810000000120ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x810000000120ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x810000000120ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UAHC_P0_TFD", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_TFD(a) bdk_satax_uahc_p0_tfd_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_TFD(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB32b #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_TFD(a) "SATAX_UAHC_P0_TFD" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_TFD(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_TFD(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UAHC_P0_TFD(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB) sata#_uctl_bist_status * * SATA UCTL BIST Status Register * Results from BIST runs of SATA's memories. * Wait for NDONE==0, then look at defect indication. * * Accessible always. * * Reset by NCB reset. */ union bdk_satax_uctl_bist_status { uint64_t u; struct bdk_satax_uctl_bist_status_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t reserved_42_63 : 22; uint64_t uctl_xm_r_bist_ndone : 1; /**< [ 41: 41](RO/H) BIST is not complete for the UCTL AxiMaster read-data FIFO. */ uint64_t uctl_xm_w_bist_ndone : 1; /**< [ 40: 40](RO/H) BIST is not complete for the UCTL AxiMaster write-data FIFO. */ uint64_t reserved_36_39 : 4; uint64_t uahc_p0_rxram_bist_ndone : 1;/**< [ 35: 35](RO/H) BIST is not complete for the UAHC Port 0 RxFIFO RAM. */ uint64_t reserved_34 : 1; uint64_t uahc_p0_txram_bist_ndone : 1;/**< [ 33: 33](RO/H) BIST is not complete for the UAHC Port 0 TxFIFO RAM. */ uint64_t reserved_10_32 : 23; uint64_t uctl_xm_r_bist_status : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](RO/H) BIST status of the UCTL AxiMaster read-data FIFO. */ uint64_t uctl_xm_w_bist_status : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](RO/H) BIST status of the UCTL AxiMaster write-data FIFO. */ uint64_t reserved_4_7 : 4; uint64_t uahc_p0_rxram_bist_status : 1;/**< [ 3: 3](RO/H) BIST status of the UAHC Port0 RxFIFO RAM. */ uint64_t reserved_2 : 1; uint64_t uahc_p0_txram_bist_status : 1;/**< [ 1: 1](RO/H) BIST status of the UAHC Port0 TxFIFO RAM. */ uint64_t reserved_0 : 1; #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t reserved_0 : 1; uint64_t uahc_p0_txram_bist_status : 1;/**< [ 1: 1](RO/H) BIST status of the UAHC Port0 TxFIFO RAM. */ uint64_t reserved_2 : 1; uint64_t uahc_p0_rxram_bist_status : 1;/**< [ 3: 3](RO/H) BIST status of the UAHC Port0 RxFIFO RAM. */ uint64_t reserved_4_7 : 4; uint64_t uctl_xm_w_bist_status : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](RO/H) BIST status of the UCTL AxiMaster write-data FIFO. */ uint64_t uctl_xm_r_bist_status : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](RO/H) BIST status of the UCTL AxiMaster read-data FIFO. */ uint64_t reserved_10_32 : 23; uint64_t uahc_p0_txram_bist_ndone : 1;/**< [ 33: 33](RO/H) BIST is not complete for the UAHC Port 0 TxFIFO RAM. */ uint64_t reserved_34 : 1; uint64_t uahc_p0_rxram_bist_ndone : 1;/**< [ 35: 35](RO/H) BIST is not complete for the UAHC Port 0 RxFIFO RAM. */ uint64_t reserved_36_39 : 4; uint64_t uctl_xm_w_bist_ndone : 1; /**< [ 40: 40](RO/H) BIST is not complete for the UCTL AxiMaster write-data FIFO. */ uint64_t uctl_xm_r_bist_ndone : 1; /**< [ 41: 41](RO/H) BIST is not complete for the UCTL AxiMaster read-data FIFO. */ uint64_t reserved_42_63 : 22; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uctl_bist_status_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uctl_bist_status bdk_satax_uctl_bist_status_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_BIST_STATUS(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_BIST_STATUS(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x810000100008ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x810000100008ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x810000100008ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UCTL_BIST_STATUS", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_BIST_STATUS(a) bdk_satax_uctl_bist_status_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_BIST_STATUS(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_BIST_STATUS(a) "SATAX_UCTL_BIST_STATUS" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_BIST_STATUS(a) 0x0 /* PF_BAR0 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_BIST_STATUS(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_BIST_STATUS(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB) sata#_uctl_bp_test * * INTERNAL: SATA UCTL Backpressure Test Register */ union bdk_satax_uctl_bp_test { uint64_t u; struct bdk_satax_uctl_bp_test_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t enable : 4; /**< [ 63: 60](R/W) Enable test mode. For diagnostic use only. Internal: Once a bit is set, random backpressure is generated at the corresponding point to allow for more frequent backpressure. \<63\> = Reserved. \<62\> = When set, disables popping of NCBO FIFO, also credits won't be returned. \<61\> = When set, disables popping of NCBI FIFO, also credits won't be returned. \<60\> = When set, enables backpressure on the FPA(XPD) interface. */ uint64_t reserved_24_59 : 36; uint64_t bp_cfg : 8; /**< [ 23: 16](R/W) Backpressure weight. For diagnostic use only. Internal: There are 2 backpressure configuration bits per enable, with the two bits defined as 0x0=100% of the time, 0x1=75% of the time, 0x2=50% of the time, 0x3=25% of the time. \<23:22\> = Reserved. \<21:20\> = Config 2. \<19:18\> = Config 1. \<17:16\> = Config 0. */ uint64_t reserved_12_15 : 4; uint64_t lfsr_freq : 12; /**< [ 11: 0](R/W) Test LFSR update frequency in coprocessor-clocks minus one. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t lfsr_freq : 12; /**< [ 11: 0](R/W) Test LFSR update frequency in coprocessor-clocks minus one. */ uint64_t reserved_12_15 : 4; uint64_t bp_cfg : 8; /**< [ 23: 16](R/W) Backpressure weight. For diagnostic use only. Internal: There are 2 backpressure configuration bits per enable, with the two bits defined as 0x0=100% of the time, 0x1=75% of the time, 0x2=50% of the time, 0x3=25% of the time. \<23:22\> = Reserved. \<21:20\> = Config 2. \<19:18\> = Config 1. \<17:16\> = Config 0. */ uint64_t reserved_24_59 : 36; uint64_t enable : 4; /**< [ 63: 60](R/W) Enable test mode. For diagnostic use only. Internal: Once a bit is set, random backpressure is generated at the corresponding point to allow for more frequent backpressure. \<63\> = Reserved. \<62\> = When set, disables popping of NCBO FIFO, also credits won't be returned. \<61\> = When set, disables popping of NCBI FIFO, also credits won't be returned. \<60\> = When set, enables backpressure on the FPA(XPD) interface. */ #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uctl_bp_test_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uctl_bp_test bdk_satax_uctl_bp_test_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_BP_TEST(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_BP_TEST(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x810000100020ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UCTL_BP_TEST", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_BP_TEST(a) bdk_satax_uctl_bp_test_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_BP_TEST(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_BP_TEST(a) "SATAX_UCTL_BP_TEST" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_BP_TEST(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_BP_TEST(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_BP_TEST(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB) sata#_uctl_cap_cfg * * SATA UCTL Capability Configuration Register * This register allows for overriding the advertised AHCI power management * capabilities, configuration registers, and unplug notifications to work around * hardware issues without modifying standard drivers. For diagnostic use only. */ union bdk_satax_uctl_cap_cfg { uint64_t u; struct bdk_satax_uctl_cap_cfg_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t or_ahci_cap_en : 1; /**< [ 63: 63](R/W) Enable overriding advertised AHCI power management capabilities. */ uint64_t gbl_cap_salp : 1; /**< [ 62: 62](R/W) Override SATA()_UAHC_GBL_CAP[SALP]. */ uint64_t gbl_cap_ssc : 1; /**< [ 61: 61](R/W) Override SATA()_UAHC_GBL_CAP[SSC]. */ uint64_t gbl_cap2_sadm : 1; /**< [ 60: 60](R/W) Override SATA()_UAHC_GBL_CAP2[SADM]. */ uint64_t gbl_cap2_sds : 1; /**< [ 59: 59](R/W) Override SATA()_UAHC_GBL_CAP2[SDS]. */ uint64_t gbl_cap2_apst : 1; /**< [ 58: 58](R/W) Override SATA()_UAHC_GBL_CAP2[APST]. */ uint64_t reserved_56_57 : 2; uint64_t or_ahci_pwr_en : 1; /**< [ 55: 55](R/W) Enable overriding programmed setting to AHCI power management config registers. */ uint64_t sctl_ipm : 3; /**< [ 54: 52](R/W) Override SATA()_UAHC_P0_SCTL[IPM]. */ uint64_t cmd_icc : 4; /**< [ 51: 48](R/W) Override SATA()_UAHC_P0_CMD[ICC]. */ uint64_t cmd_asp : 1; /**< [ 47: 47](R/W) Override SATA()_UAHC_P0_CMD[ASP]. */ uint64_t cmd_alpe : 1; /**< [ 46: 46](R/W) Override SATA()_UAHC_P0_CMD[ALPE]. */ uint64_t cmd_apste : 1; /**< [ 45: 45](R/W) Override SATA()_UAHC_P0_CMD[APSTE]. */ uint64_t reserved_40_44 : 5; uint64_t or_uahc_int_en : 1; /**< [ 39: 39](R/W) Enable overriding notification of unplug event to force the interrupts. */ uint64_t p0_is_prcs : 1; /**< [ 38: 38](R/W) Override SATA()_UAHC_P0_IS[PRCS]. */ uint64_t p0_serr_diag_n : 1; /**< [ 37: 37](R/W) Override SATA()_UAHC_P0_SERR[DIAG_N]. */ uint64_t reserved_0_36 : 37; #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t reserved_0_36 : 37; uint64_t p0_serr_diag_n : 1; /**< [ 37: 37](R/W) Override SATA()_UAHC_P0_SERR[DIAG_N]. */ uint64_t p0_is_prcs : 1; /**< [ 38: 38](R/W) Override SATA()_UAHC_P0_IS[PRCS]. */ uint64_t or_uahc_int_en : 1; /**< [ 39: 39](R/W) Enable overriding notification of unplug event to force the interrupts. */ uint64_t reserved_40_44 : 5; uint64_t cmd_apste : 1; /**< [ 45: 45](R/W) Override SATA()_UAHC_P0_CMD[APSTE]. */ uint64_t cmd_alpe : 1; /**< [ 46: 46](R/W) Override SATA()_UAHC_P0_CMD[ALPE]. */ uint64_t cmd_asp : 1; /**< [ 47: 47](R/W) Override SATA()_UAHC_P0_CMD[ASP]. */ uint64_t cmd_icc : 4; /**< [ 51: 48](R/W) Override SATA()_UAHC_P0_CMD[ICC]. */ uint64_t sctl_ipm : 3; /**< [ 54: 52](R/W) Override SATA()_UAHC_P0_SCTL[IPM]. */ uint64_t or_ahci_pwr_en : 1; /**< [ 55: 55](R/W) Enable overriding programmed setting to AHCI power management config registers. */ uint64_t reserved_56_57 : 2; uint64_t gbl_cap2_apst : 1; /**< [ 58: 58](R/W) Override SATA()_UAHC_GBL_CAP2[APST]. */ uint64_t gbl_cap2_sds : 1; /**< [ 59: 59](R/W) Override SATA()_UAHC_GBL_CAP2[SDS]. */ uint64_t gbl_cap2_sadm : 1; /**< [ 60: 60](R/W) Override SATA()_UAHC_GBL_CAP2[SADM]. */ uint64_t gbl_cap_ssc : 1; /**< [ 61: 61](R/W) Override SATA()_UAHC_GBL_CAP[SSC]. */ uint64_t gbl_cap_salp : 1; /**< [ 62: 62](R/W) Override SATA()_UAHC_GBL_CAP[SALP]. */ uint64_t or_ahci_cap_en : 1; /**< [ 63: 63](R/W) Enable overriding advertised AHCI power management capabilities. */ #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uctl_cap_cfg_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uctl_cap_cfg bdk_satax_uctl_cap_cfg_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_CAP_CFG(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_CAP_CFG(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x8100001000e0ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UCTL_CAP_CFG", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_CAP_CFG(a) bdk_satax_uctl_cap_cfg_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_CAP_CFG(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_CAP_CFG(a) "SATAX_UCTL_CAP_CFG" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_CAP_CFG(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_CAP_CFG(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_CAP_CFG(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB) sata#_uctl_const * * SATA UCTL Constants Register * This register contains constants for software discovery. */ union bdk_satax_uctl_const { uint64_t u; struct bdk_satax_uctl_const_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t reserved_0_63 : 64; #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t reserved_0_63 : 64; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uctl_const_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uctl_const bdk_satax_uctl_const_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_CONST(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_CONST(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x810000100028ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UCTL_CONST", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_CONST(a) bdk_satax_uctl_const_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_CONST(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_CONST(a) "SATAX_UCTL_CONST" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_CONST(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_CONST(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_CONST(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB) sata#_uctl_csclk_active_pc * * SATA UCTL Conditional Sclk Clock Counter Register * This register count csclk clock cycle. * Reset by NCB reset. */ union bdk_satax_uctl_csclk_active_pc { uint64_t u; struct bdk_satax_uctl_csclk_active_pc_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t count : 64; /**< [ 63: 0](R/W/H) Counts conditional clock active cycles since reset. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t count : 64; /**< [ 63: 0](R/W/H) Counts conditional clock active cycles since reset. */ #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uctl_csclk_active_pc_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uctl_csclk_active_pc bdk_satax_uctl_csclk_active_pc_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_CSCLK_ACTIVE_PC(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_CSCLK_ACTIVE_PC(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x810000100018ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UCTL_CSCLK_ACTIVE_PC", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_CSCLK_ACTIVE_PC(a) bdk_satax_uctl_csclk_active_pc_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_CSCLK_ACTIVE_PC(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_CSCLK_ACTIVE_PC(a) "SATAX_UCTL_CSCLK_ACTIVE_PC" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_CSCLK_ACTIVE_PC(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_CSCLK_ACTIVE_PC(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_CSCLK_ACTIVE_PC(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB) sata#_uctl_ctl * * SATA UCTL Control Register * This register controls clocks, resets, power, and BIST for the SATA. * * Accessible always. * * Reset by NCB reset. */ union bdk_satax_uctl_ctl { uint64_t u; struct bdk_satax_uctl_ctl_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t clear_bist : 1; /**< [ 63: 63](R/W) BIST fast-clear mode select. There are two major modes of BIST: FULL and CLEAR. 0 = FULL BIST is run by the BIST state machine. 1 = CLEAR BIST is run by the BIST state machine. A clear-BIST run clears all entries in SATA RAMs to 0x0. To avoid race conditions, software must first perform a CSR write operation that puts [CLEAR_BIST] into the correct state and then perform another CSR write operation to set [START_BIST] (keeping [CLEAR_BIST] constant). CLEAR BIST completion is indicated by SATA()_UCTL_BIST_STATUS[NDONE*] clear. A BIST clear operation takes almost 2,000 host-controller clock cycles for the largest RAM. */ uint64_t start_bist : 1; /**< [ 62: 62](R/W) Start BIST. The rising edge starts BIST on the memories in SATA. To run BIST, the host- controller clock must be both configured and enabled, and should be configured to the maximum available frequency given the available coprocessor clock and dividers. Refer to Cold Reset for clock initialization procedures. BIST defect status can be checked after FULL BIST completion, both of which are indicated in SATA()_UCTL_BIST_STATUS. The FULL BIST run takes almost 80,000 host-controller clock cycles for the largest RAM. */ uint64_t reserved_32_61 : 30; uint64_t cmd_flr_en : 1; /**< [ 31: 31](R/W) Select an option for doing SATA FLR based on finishing existing commands or DMA transactions. 0 = DMA-base FLR. 1 = Command-base FLR. Command-base option will require AHCI software to read SATA()_UAHC_P0_CI to make sure there is no more command to process, then proceed FLR by negating PCC master enable signal. This option has to be set before PCC master enable negates. Futher commands write to SATA()_UAHC_P0_CI after this bit is set will not be executed. To check if commands have finished, read SATA()_UCTL_CTL[CMD_FLR_DONE]. */ uint64_t a_clk_en : 1; /**< [ 30: 30](R/W) Host-controller clock enable. When set to one, the host-controller clock is generated. This also enables access to UCTL registers 0x30-0xF8. */ uint64_t a_clk_byp_sel : 1; /**< [ 29: 29](R/W) Select the bypass input to the host-controller clock divider. 0 = Use the divided coprocessor clock from the [A_CLKDIV_SEL] divider. 1 = use the bypass clock from the GPIO pins (generally bypass is only used for scan purposes). This signal is a multiplexer-select signal; it does not enable the host-controller clock. You must set [A_CLK_EN] separately. [A_CLK_BYP_SEL] select should not be changed unless [A_CLK_EN] is disabled. The bypass clock can be selected and running even if the host- controller clock dividers are not running. */ uint64_t a_clkdiv_rst : 1; /**< [ 28: 28](R/W) Host-controller-clock divider reset. Divided clocks are not generated while the divider is being reset. This also resets the suspend-clock divider. */ uint64_t cmd_flr_done : 1; /**< [ 27: 27](RO/H) This bit tells you if commands set before SATA()_UCTL_CTL[CMD_FLR_EN] are finished or not. This bit is only valid after SATA()_UCTL_CTL[CMD_FLR_EN] is set. */ uint64_t a_clkdiv_sel : 3; /**< [ 26: 24](R/W) The host-controller clock frequency is the coprocessor-clock frequency divided by [A_CLKDIV_SEL]. The host-controller clock frequency must be at or below 333MHz. This field can be changed only when [A_CLKDIV_RST] = 1. The divider values are the following: 0x0 = divide by 1. 0x1 = divide by 2. 0x2 = divide by 3. 0x3 = divide by 4. 0x4 = divide by 6. 0x5 = divide by 8. 0x6 = divide by 16. 0x7 = divide by 24. */ uint64_t reserved_6_23 : 18; uint64_t dma_psn_ign : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W) Handling of poison indication on DMA read responses. 0 = Treat poison data the same way as fault, sending an AXI error to the SATA controller. 1 = Ignore poison and proceed with the transaction as if no problems. */ uint64_t reserved_2_4 : 3; uint64_t sata_uahc_rst : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W) Software reset; resets UAHC; active-high. Internal: Note that soft-resetting the UAHC while it is active may cause violations of RSL or NCB protocols. */ uint64_t sata_uctl_rst : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W) Software reset; resets UCTL; active-high. Resets UAHC DMA and register shims and the UCTL registers 0x10_0030-0x10_00F8. It does not reset UCTL registers 0x10_0000-0x10_0028. The UCTL registers starting from 0x10_0030 can be accessed only after the host-controller clock is active and [SATA_UCTL_RST] is deasserted. Internal: Note that soft-resetting the UCTL while it is active may cause violations of RSL, NCB, and GIB protocols. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t sata_uctl_rst : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W) Software reset; resets UCTL; active-high. Resets UAHC DMA and register shims and the UCTL registers 0x10_0030-0x10_00F8. It does not reset UCTL registers 0x10_0000-0x10_0028. The UCTL registers starting from 0x10_0030 can be accessed only after the host-controller clock is active and [SATA_UCTL_RST] is deasserted. Internal: Note that soft-resetting the UCTL while it is active may cause violations of RSL, NCB, and GIB protocols. */ uint64_t sata_uahc_rst : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W) Software reset; resets UAHC; active-high. Internal: Note that soft-resetting the UAHC while it is active may cause violations of RSL or NCB protocols. */ uint64_t reserved_2_4 : 3; uint64_t dma_psn_ign : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W) Handling of poison indication on DMA read responses. 0 = Treat poison data the same way as fault, sending an AXI error to the SATA controller. 1 = Ignore poison and proceed with the transaction as if no problems. */ uint64_t reserved_6_23 : 18; uint64_t a_clkdiv_sel : 3; /**< [ 26: 24](R/W) The host-controller clock frequency is the coprocessor-clock frequency divided by [A_CLKDIV_SEL]. The host-controller clock frequency must be at or below 333MHz. This field can be changed only when [A_CLKDIV_RST] = 1. The divider values are the following: 0x0 = divide by 1. 0x1 = divide by 2. 0x2 = divide by 3. 0x3 = divide by 4. 0x4 = divide by 6. 0x5 = divide by 8. 0x6 = divide by 16. 0x7 = divide by 24. */ uint64_t cmd_flr_done : 1; /**< [ 27: 27](RO/H) This bit tells you if commands set before SATA()_UCTL_CTL[CMD_FLR_EN] are finished or not. This bit is only valid after SATA()_UCTL_CTL[CMD_FLR_EN] is set. */ uint64_t a_clkdiv_rst : 1; /**< [ 28: 28](R/W) Host-controller-clock divider reset. Divided clocks are not generated while the divider is being reset. This also resets the suspend-clock divider. */ uint64_t a_clk_byp_sel : 1; /**< [ 29: 29](R/W) Select the bypass input to the host-controller clock divider. 0 = Use the divided coprocessor clock from the [A_CLKDIV_SEL] divider. 1 = use the bypass clock from the GPIO pins (generally bypass is only used for scan purposes). This signal is a multiplexer-select signal; it does not enable the host-controller clock. You must set [A_CLK_EN] separately. [A_CLK_BYP_SEL] select should not be changed unless [A_CLK_EN] is disabled. The bypass clock can be selected and running even if the host- controller clock dividers are not running. */ uint64_t a_clk_en : 1; /**< [ 30: 30](R/W) Host-controller clock enable. When set to one, the host-controller clock is generated. This also enables access to UCTL registers 0x30-0xF8. */ uint64_t cmd_flr_en : 1; /**< [ 31: 31](R/W) Select an option for doing SATA FLR based on finishing existing commands or DMA transactions. 0 = DMA-base FLR. 1 = Command-base FLR. Command-base option will require AHCI software to read SATA()_UAHC_P0_CI to make sure there is no more command to process, then proceed FLR by negating PCC master enable signal. This option has to be set before PCC master enable negates. Futher commands write to SATA()_UAHC_P0_CI after this bit is set will not be executed. To check if commands have finished, read SATA()_UCTL_CTL[CMD_FLR_DONE]. */ uint64_t reserved_32_61 : 30; uint64_t start_bist : 1; /**< [ 62: 62](R/W) Start BIST. The rising edge starts BIST on the memories in SATA. To run BIST, the host- controller clock must be both configured and enabled, and should be configured to the maximum available frequency given the available coprocessor clock and dividers. Refer to Cold Reset for clock initialization procedures. BIST defect status can be checked after FULL BIST completion, both of which are indicated in SATA()_UCTL_BIST_STATUS. The FULL BIST run takes almost 80,000 host-controller clock cycles for the largest RAM. */ uint64_t clear_bist : 1; /**< [ 63: 63](R/W) BIST fast-clear mode select. There are two major modes of BIST: FULL and CLEAR. 0 = FULL BIST is run by the BIST state machine. 1 = CLEAR BIST is run by the BIST state machine. A clear-BIST run clears all entries in SATA RAMs to 0x0. To avoid race conditions, software must first perform a CSR write operation that puts [CLEAR_BIST] into the correct state and then perform another CSR write operation to set [START_BIST] (keeping [CLEAR_BIST] constant). CLEAR BIST completion is indicated by SATA()_UCTL_BIST_STATUS[NDONE*] clear. A BIST clear operation takes almost 2,000 host-controller clock cycles for the largest RAM. */ #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; struct bdk_satax_uctl_ctl_cn8 { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t clear_bist : 1; /**< [ 63: 63](R/W) BIST fast-clear mode select. There are two major modes of BIST: FULL and CLEAR. 0 = FULL BIST is run by the BIST state machine. 1 = CLEAR BIST is run by the BIST state machine. A clear-BIST run clears all entries in SATA RAMs to 0x0. To avoid race conditions, software must first perform a CSR write operation that puts [CLEAR_BIST] into the correct state and then perform another CSR write operation to set [START_BIST] (keeping [CLEAR_BIST] constant). CLEAR BIST completion is indicated by SATA()_UCTL_BIST_STATUS[NDONE*] clear. A BIST clear operation takes almost 2,000 host-controller clock cycles for the largest RAM. */ uint64_t start_bist : 1; /**< [ 62: 62](R/W) Start BIST. The rising edge starts BIST on the memories in SATA. To run BIST, the host- controller clock must be both configured and enabled, and should be configured to the maximum available frequency given the available coprocessor clock and dividers. Refer to Cold Reset for clock initialization procedures. BIST defect status can be checked after FULL BIST completion, both of which are indicated in SATA()_UCTL_BIST_STATUS. The FULL BIST run takes almost 80,000 host-controller clock cycles for the largest RAM. */ uint64_t reserved_31_61 : 31; uint64_t a_clk_en : 1; /**< [ 30: 30](R/W) Host-controller clock enable. When set to one, the host-controller clock is generated. This also enables access to UCTL registers 0x30-0xF8. */ uint64_t a_clk_byp_sel : 1; /**< [ 29: 29](R/W) Select the bypass input to the host-controller clock divider. 0 = Use the divided coprocessor clock from the [A_CLKDIV_SEL] divider. 1 = use the bypass clock from the GPIO pins (generally bypass is only used for scan purposes). This signal is a multiplexer-select signal; it does not enable the host-controller clock. You must set [A_CLK_EN] separately. [A_CLK_BYP_SEL] select should not be changed unless [A_CLK_EN] is disabled. The bypass clock can be selected and running even if the host- controller clock dividers are not running. */ uint64_t a_clkdiv_rst : 1; /**< [ 28: 28](R/W) Host-controller-clock divider reset. Divided clocks are not generated while the divider is being reset. This also resets the suspend-clock divider. */ uint64_t reserved_27 : 1; uint64_t a_clkdiv_sel : 3; /**< [ 26: 24](R/W) The host-controller clock frequency is the coprocessor-clock frequency divided by [A_CLKDIV_SEL]. The host-controller clock frequency must be at or below 333MHz. This field can be changed only when [A_CLKDIV_RST] = 1. The divider values are the following: 0x0 = divide by 1. 0x1 = divide by 2. 0x2 = divide by 3. 0x3 = divide by 4. 0x4 = divide by 6. 0x5 = divide by 8. 0x6 = divide by 16. 0x7 = divide by 24. */ uint64_t reserved_5_23 : 19; uint64_t csclk_en : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W) Turns on the SATA UCTL interface clock (coprocessor clock). This enables access to UAHC registers via the NCB, as well as UCTL registers starting from 0x10_0030. */ uint64_t reserved_2_3 : 2; uint64_t sata_uahc_rst : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W) Software reset; resets UAHC; active-high. Internal: Note that soft-resetting the UAHC while it is active may cause violations of RSL or NCB protocols. */ uint64_t sata_uctl_rst : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W) Software reset; resets UCTL; active-high. Resets UAHC DMA and register shims and the UCTL registers 0x10_0030-0x10_00F8. It does not reset UCTL registers 0x10_0000-0x10_0028. The UCTL registers starting from 0x10_0030 can be accessed only after the host-controller clock is active and [SATA_UCTL_RST] is deasserted. Internal: Note that soft-resetting the UCTL while it is active may cause violations of RSL, NCB, and GIB protocols. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t sata_uctl_rst : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W) Software reset; resets UCTL; active-high. Resets UAHC DMA and register shims and the UCTL registers 0x10_0030-0x10_00F8. It does not reset UCTL registers 0x10_0000-0x10_0028. The UCTL registers starting from 0x10_0030 can be accessed only after the host-controller clock is active and [SATA_UCTL_RST] is deasserted. Internal: Note that soft-resetting the UCTL while it is active may cause violations of RSL, NCB, and GIB protocols. */ uint64_t sata_uahc_rst : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W) Software reset; resets UAHC; active-high. Internal: Note that soft-resetting the UAHC while it is active may cause violations of RSL or NCB protocols. */ uint64_t reserved_2_3 : 2; uint64_t csclk_en : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W) Turns on the SATA UCTL interface clock (coprocessor clock). This enables access to UAHC registers via the NCB, as well as UCTL registers starting from 0x10_0030. */ uint64_t reserved_5_23 : 19; uint64_t a_clkdiv_sel : 3; /**< [ 26: 24](R/W) The host-controller clock frequency is the coprocessor-clock frequency divided by [A_CLKDIV_SEL]. The host-controller clock frequency must be at or below 333MHz. This field can be changed only when [A_CLKDIV_RST] = 1. The divider values are the following: 0x0 = divide by 1. 0x1 = divide by 2. 0x2 = divide by 3. 0x3 = divide by 4. 0x4 = divide by 6. 0x5 = divide by 8. 0x6 = divide by 16. 0x7 = divide by 24. */ uint64_t reserved_27 : 1; uint64_t a_clkdiv_rst : 1; /**< [ 28: 28](R/W) Host-controller-clock divider reset. Divided clocks are not generated while the divider is being reset. This also resets the suspend-clock divider. */ uint64_t a_clk_byp_sel : 1; /**< [ 29: 29](R/W) Select the bypass input to the host-controller clock divider. 0 = Use the divided coprocessor clock from the [A_CLKDIV_SEL] divider. 1 = use the bypass clock from the GPIO pins (generally bypass is only used for scan purposes). This signal is a multiplexer-select signal; it does not enable the host-controller clock. You must set [A_CLK_EN] separately. [A_CLK_BYP_SEL] select should not be changed unless [A_CLK_EN] is disabled. The bypass clock can be selected and running even if the host- controller clock dividers are not running. */ uint64_t a_clk_en : 1; /**< [ 30: 30](R/W) Host-controller clock enable. When set to one, the host-controller clock is generated. This also enables access to UCTL registers 0x30-0xF8. */ uint64_t reserved_31_61 : 31; uint64_t start_bist : 1; /**< [ 62: 62](R/W) Start BIST. The rising edge starts BIST on the memories in SATA. To run BIST, the host- controller clock must be both configured and enabled, and should be configured to the maximum available frequency given the available coprocessor clock and dividers. Refer to Cold Reset for clock initialization procedures. BIST defect status can be checked after FULL BIST completion, both of which are indicated in SATA()_UCTL_BIST_STATUS. The FULL BIST run takes almost 80,000 host-controller clock cycles for the largest RAM. */ uint64_t clear_bist : 1; /**< [ 63: 63](R/W) BIST fast-clear mode select. There are two major modes of BIST: FULL and CLEAR. 0 = FULL BIST is run by the BIST state machine. 1 = CLEAR BIST is run by the BIST state machine. A clear-BIST run clears all entries in SATA RAMs to 0x0. To avoid race conditions, software must first perform a CSR write operation that puts [CLEAR_BIST] into the correct state and then perform another CSR write operation to set [START_BIST] (keeping [CLEAR_BIST] constant). CLEAR BIST completion is indicated by SATA()_UCTL_BIST_STATUS[NDONE*] clear. A BIST clear operation takes almost 2,000 host-controller clock cycles for the largest RAM. */ #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } cn8; struct bdk_satax_uctl_ctl_cn9 { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t reserved_32_63 : 32; uint64_t cmd_flr_en : 1; /**< [ 31: 31](R/W) Select an option for doing SATA FLR based on finishing existing commands or DMA transactions. 0 = DMA-base FLR. 1 = Command-base FLR. Command-base option will require AHCI software to read SATA()_UAHC_P0_CI to make sure there is no more command to process, then proceed FLR by negating PCC master enable signal. This option has to be set before PCC master enable negates. Futher commands write to SATA()_UAHC_P0_CI after this bit is set will not be executed. To check if commands have finished, read SATA()_UCTL_CTL[CMD_FLR_DONE]. */ uint64_t a_clk_en : 1; /**< [ 30: 30](R/W) Host-controller clock enable. When set to one, the host-controller clock is generated. This also enables access to UCTL registers 0x30-0xF8. */ uint64_t a_clk_byp_sel : 1; /**< [ 29: 29](R/W) Select the bypass input to the host-controller clock divider. 0 = Use the divided coprocessor clock from the [A_CLKDIV_SEL] divider. 1 = use the bypass clock from the GPIO pins (generally bypass is only used for scan purposes). This signal is a multiplexer-select signal; it does not enable the host-controller clock. You must set [A_CLK_EN] separately. [A_CLK_BYP_SEL] select should not be changed unless [A_CLK_EN] is disabled. The bypass clock can be selected and running even if the host- controller clock dividers are not running. */ uint64_t a_clkdiv_rst : 1; /**< [ 28: 28](R/W) Host-controller-clock divider reset. Divided clocks are not generated while the divider is being reset. This also resets the suspend-clock divider. */ uint64_t cmd_flr_done : 1; /**< [ 27: 27](RO/H) This bit tells you if commands set before SATA()_UCTL_CTL[CMD_FLR_EN] are finished or not. This bit is only valid after SATA()_UCTL_CTL[CMD_FLR_EN] is set. */ uint64_t a_clkdiv_sel : 3; /**< [ 26: 24](R/W) The host-controller clock frequency is the coprocessor-clock frequency divided by [A_CLKDIV_SEL]. The host-controller clock frequency must be at or below 333MHz. This field can be changed only when [A_CLKDIV_RST] = 1. The divider values are the following: 0x0 = divide by 1. 0x1 = divide by 2. 0x2 = divide by 3. 0x3 = divide by 4. 0x4 = divide by 6. 0x5 = divide by 8. 0x6 = divide by 16. 0x7 = divide by 24. */ uint64_t reserved_6_23 : 18; uint64_t dma_psn_ign : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W) Handling of poison indication on DMA read responses. 0 = Treat poison data the same way as fault, sending an AXI error to the SATA controller. 1 = Ignore poison and proceed with the transaction as if no problems. */ uint64_t csclk_force : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W) Force conditional clock to be running. For diagnostic use only. 0 = No override. 1 = Override the enable of conditional clock to force it running. */ uint64_t reserved_2_3 : 2; uint64_t sata_uahc_rst : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W) Software reset; resets UAHC; active-high. Internal: Note that soft-resetting the UAHC while it is active may cause violations of RSL or NCB protocols. */ uint64_t sata_uctl_rst : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W) Software reset; resets UCTL; active-high. Resets UAHC DMA and register shims and the UCTL registers 0x10_0030-0x10_00F8. It does not reset UCTL registers 0x10_0000-0x10_0028. These can be accessed when [SATA_UCTL_RST] is asserted. The UCTL registers starting from 0x10_0030 can be accessed only after the host-controller clock is active and [SATA_UCTL_RST] is deasserted. Internal: Note that soft-resetting the UCTL while it is active may cause violations of RSL, NCB, and GIB protocols. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t sata_uctl_rst : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W) Software reset; resets UCTL; active-high. Resets UAHC DMA and register shims and the UCTL registers 0x10_0030-0x10_00F8. It does not reset UCTL registers 0x10_0000-0x10_0028. These can be accessed when [SATA_UCTL_RST] is asserted. The UCTL registers starting from 0x10_0030 can be accessed only after the host-controller clock is active and [SATA_UCTL_RST] is deasserted. Internal: Note that soft-resetting the UCTL while it is active may cause violations of RSL, NCB, and GIB protocols. */ uint64_t sata_uahc_rst : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W) Software reset; resets UAHC; active-high. Internal: Note that soft-resetting the UAHC while it is active may cause violations of RSL or NCB protocols. */ uint64_t reserved_2_3 : 2; uint64_t csclk_force : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W) Force conditional clock to be running. For diagnostic use only. 0 = No override. 1 = Override the enable of conditional clock to force it running. */ uint64_t dma_psn_ign : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W) Handling of poison indication on DMA read responses. 0 = Treat poison data the same way as fault, sending an AXI error to the SATA controller. 1 = Ignore poison and proceed with the transaction as if no problems. */ uint64_t reserved_6_23 : 18; uint64_t a_clkdiv_sel : 3; /**< [ 26: 24](R/W) The host-controller clock frequency is the coprocessor-clock frequency divided by [A_CLKDIV_SEL]. The host-controller clock frequency must be at or below 333MHz. This field can be changed only when [A_CLKDIV_RST] = 1. The divider values are the following: 0x0 = divide by 1. 0x1 = divide by 2. 0x2 = divide by 3. 0x3 = divide by 4. 0x4 = divide by 6. 0x5 = divide by 8. 0x6 = divide by 16. 0x7 = divide by 24. */ uint64_t cmd_flr_done : 1; /**< [ 27: 27](RO/H) This bit tells you if commands set before SATA()_UCTL_CTL[CMD_FLR_EN] are finished or not. This bit is only valid after SATA()_UCTL_CTL[CMD_FLR_EN] is set. */ uint64_t a_clkdiv_rst : 1; /**< [ 28: 28](R/W) Host-controller-clock divider reset. Divided clocks are not generated while the divider is being reset. This also resets the suspend-clock divider. */ uint64_t a_clk_byp_sel : 1; /**< [ 29: 29](R/W) Select the bypass input to the host-controller clock divider. 0 = Use the divided coprocessor clock from the [A_CLKDIV_SEL] divider. 1 = use the bypass clock from the GPIO pins (generally bypass is only used for scan purposes). This signal is a multiplexer-select signal; it does not enable the host-controller clock. You must set [A_CLK_EN] separately. [A_CLK_BYP_SEL] select should not be changed unless [A_CLK_EN] is disabled. The bypass clock can be selected and running even if the host- controller clock dividers are not running. */ uint64_t a_clk_en : 1; /**< [ 30: 30](R/W) Host-controller clock enable. When set to one, the host-controller clock is generated. This also enables access to UCTL registers 0x30-0xF8. */ uint64_t cmd_flr_en : 1; /**< [ 31: 31](R/W) Select an option for doing SATA FLR based on finishing existing commands or DMA transactions. 0 = DMA-base FLR. 1 = Command-base FLR. Command-base option will require AHCI software to read SATA()_UAHC_P0_CI to make sure there is no more command to process, then proceed FLR by negating PCC master enable signal. This option has to be set before PCC master enable negates. Futher commands write to SATA()_UAHC_P0_CI after this bit is set will not be executed. To check if commands have finished, read SATA()_UCTL_CTL[CMD_FLR_DONE]. */ uint64_t reserved_32_63 : 32; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } cn9; }; typedef union bdk_satax_uctl_ctl bdk_satax_uctl_ctl_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_CTL(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_CTL(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x810000100000ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x810000100000ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x810000100000ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x810000100000ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UCTL_CTL", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_CTL(a) bdk_satax_uctl_ctl_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_CTL(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_CTL(a) "SATAX_UCTL_CTL" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_CTL(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_CTL(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_CTL(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB) sata#_uctl_ecc * * SATA UCTL ECC Control/Debug Register * This register can be used to disable ECC correction, insert ECC errors, and debug ECC * failures. * * Fields ECC_ERR* are captured when there are no outstanding ECC errors indicated in INTSTAT * and a new ECC error arrives. Prioritization for multiple events occurring on the same cycle is * indicated by the ECC_ERR_SOURCE enumeration: highest encoded value has highest priority. * * Fields *ECC_DIS: Disables ECC correction, SBE and DBE errors are still reported. * If ECC_DIS is 0x1, then no data-correction occurs. * * Fields *ECC_FLIP_SYND: Flip the syndrom[1:0] bits to generate 1-bit/2-bits error for testing. * * Accessible only when SATA()_UCTL_CTL[A_CLK_EN]. * * Reset by NCB reset or SATA()_UCTL_CTL[SATA_UCTL_RST]. */ union bdk_satax_uctl_ecc { uint64_t u; struct bdk_satax_uctl_ecc_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t reserved_62_63 : 2; uint64_t ecc_err_source : 4; /**< [ 61: 58](RO/H) Source of ECC error, see SATA_UCTL_ECC_ERR_SOURCE_E. */ uint64_t ecc_err_syndrome : 18; /**< [ 57: 40](RO/H) Syndrome bits of the ECC error. */ uint64_t ecc_err_address : 8; /**< [ 39: 32](RO/H) RAM address of the ECC error. */ uint64_t reserved_21_31 : 11; uint64_t uctl_xm_r_ecc_flip_synd : 2;/**< [ 20: 19](R/W) Insert ECC error for testing purposes. */ uint64_t uctl_xm_r_ecc_cor_dis : 1; /**< [ 18: 18](R/W) Enables ECC correction on UCTL AxiMaster read-data FIFO. */ uint64_t uctl_xm_w_ecc_flip_synd : 2;/**< [ 17: 16](R/W) Insert ECC error for testing purposes. */ uint64_t uctl_xm_w_ecc_cor_dis : 1; /**< [ 15: 15](R/W) Enables ECC correction on UCTL AxiMaster write-data FIFO. */ uint64_t reserved_9_14 : 6; uint64_t uahc_rx_ecc_flip_synd : 2; /**< [ 8: 7](R/W) Insert ECC error for testing purposes. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_ecc_cor_dis : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W) Enables ECC correction on UAHC RxFIFO RAMs. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_ecc_flip_synd : 2; /**< [ 5: 4](R/W) Insert ECC error for testing purposes. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_ecc_cor_dis : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](R/W) Enables ECC correction on UAHC TxFIFO RAMs. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_ecc_flip_synd : 2; /**< [ 2: 1](R/W) Insert ECC error for testing purposes. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_ecc_cor_dis : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W) Enables ECC correction on UAHC FBS RAM. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t uahc_fb_ecc_cor_dis : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W) Enables ECC correction on UAHC FBS RAM. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_ecc_flip_synd : 2; /**< [ 2: 1](R/W) Insert ECC error for testing purposes. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_ecc_cor_dis : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](R/W) Enables ECC correction on UAHC TxFIFO RAMs. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_ecc_flip_synd : 2; /**< [ 5: 4](R/W) Insert ECC error for testing purposes. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_ecc_cor_dis : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W) Enables ECC correction on UAHC RxFIFO RAMs. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_ecc_flip_synd : 2; /**< [ 8: 7](R/W) Insert ECC error for testing purposes. */ uint64_t reserved_9_14 : 6; uint64_t uctl_xm_w_ecc_cor_dis : 1; /**< [ 15: 15](R/W) Enables ECC correction on UCTL AxiMaster write-data FIFO. */ uint64_t uctl_xm_w_ecc_flip_synd : 2;/**< [ 17: 16](R/W) Insert ECC error for testing purposes. */ uint64_t uctl_xm_r_ecc_cor_dis : 1; /**< [ 18: 18](R/W) Enables ECC correction on UCTL AxiMaster read-data FIFO. */ uint64_t uctl_xm_r_ecc_flip_synd : 2;/**< [ 20: 19](R/W) Insert ECC error for testing purposes. */ uint64_t reserved_21_31 : 11; uint64_t ecc_err_address : 8; /**< [ 39: 32](RO/H) RAM address of the ECC error. */ uint64_t ecc_err_syndrome : 18; /**< [ 57: 40](RO/H) Syndrome bits of the ECC error. */ uint64_t ecc_err_source : 4; /**< [ 61: 58](RO/H) Source of ECC error, see SATA_UCTL_ECC_ERR_SOURCE_E. */ uint64_t reserved_62_63 : 2; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uctl_ecc_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uctl_ecc bdk_satax_uctl_ecc_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_ECC(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_ECC(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x8100001000f0ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x8100001000f0ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x8100001000f0ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UCTL_ECC", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_ECC(a) bdk_satax_uctl_ecc_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_ECC(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_ECC(a) "SATAX_UCTL_ECC" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_ECC(a) 0x0 /* PF_BAR0 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_ECC(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_ECC(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB) sata#_uctl_intena_w1c * * SATA UCTL Interrupt Enable Clear Register * This register clears interrupt enable bits. */ union bdk_satax_uctl_intena_w1c { uint64_t u; struct bdk_satax_uctl_intena_w1c_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t reserved_14_63 : 50; uint64_t uahc_rx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_dbe : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_sbe : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_SBE]. */ uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_RD_ERR]. */ uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_WR_ERR]. */ uint64_t reserved_5 : 1; uint64_t xm_r_sbe : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_dbe : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_DBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_sbe : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_BAD_DMA]. */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XS_NCB_OOB]. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XS_NCB_OOB]. */ uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_BAD_DMA]. */ uint64_t xm_w_sbe : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_dbe : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_DBE]. */ uint64_t xm_r_sbe : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_SBE]. */ uint64_t reserved_5 : 1; uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_WR_ERR]. */ uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_RD_ERR]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_sbe : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_dbe : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_DBE]. */ uint64_t reserved_14_63 : 50; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; struct bdk_satax_uctl_intena_w1c_cn9 { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t reserved_8_63 : 56; uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..3)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_RD_ERR]. */ uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..3)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_WR_ERR]. */ uint64_t dma_psn : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..3)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_PSN]. */ uint64_t reserved_2_4 : 3; uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..3)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_BAD_DMA]. */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..3)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XS_NCB_OOB]. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..3)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XS_NCB_OOB]. */ uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..3)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_BAD_DMA]. */ uint64_t reserved_2_4 : 3; uint64_t dma_psn : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..3)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_PSN]. */ uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..3)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_WR_ERR]. */ uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..3)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_RD_ERR]. */ uint64_t reserved_8_63 : 56; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } cn9; struct bdk_satax_uctl_intena_w1c_cn81xx { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t reserved_14_63 : 50; uint64_t uahc_rx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_dbe : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_sbe : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_SBE]. */ uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_RD_ERR]. */ uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_WR_ERR]. */ uint64_t xm_r_dbe : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_DBE]. */ uint64_t xm_r_sbe : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_dbe : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_DBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_sbe : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_BAD_DMA]. */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XS_NCB_OOB]. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XS_NCB_OOB]. */ uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_BAD_DMA]. */ uint64_t xm_w_sbe : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_dbe : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_DBE]. */ uint64_t xm_r_sbe : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_r_dbe : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_DBE]. */ uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_WR_ERR]. */ uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_RD_ERR]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_sbe : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_dbe : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_DBE]. */ uint64_t reserved_14_63 : 50; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } cn81xx; struct bdk_satax_uctl_intena_w1c_cn88xx { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t reserved_14_63 : 50; uint64_t uahc_rx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_dbe : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_sbe : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_SBE]. */ uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_RD_ERR]. */ uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_WR_ERR]. */ uint64_t xm_r_dbe : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_DBE]. */ uint64_t xm_r_sbe : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_dbe : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_DBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_sbe : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_BAD_DMA]. */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XS_NCB_OOB]. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XS_NCB_OOB]. */ uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_BAD_DMA]. */ uint64_t xm_w_sbe : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_dbe : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_DBE]. */ uint64_t xm_r_sbe : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_r_dbe : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_DBE]. */ uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_WR_ERR]. */ uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_RD_ERR]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_sbe : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_dbe : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_DBE]. */ uint64_t reserved_14_63 : 50; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } cn88xx; struct bdk_satax_uctl_intena_w1c_cn83xx { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t reserved_14_63 : 50; uint64_t uahc_rx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_dbe : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_sbe : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_SBE]. */ uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_RD_ERR]. */ uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_WR_ERR]. */ uint64_t xm_r_dbe : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_DBE]. */ uint64_t xm_r_sbe : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_dbe : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_DBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_sbe : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_BAD_DMA]. */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XS_NCB_OOB]. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XS_NCB_OOB]. */ uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_BAD_DMA]. */ uint64_t xm_w_sbe : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_dbe : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_DBE]. */ uint64_t xm_r_sbe : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_r_dbe : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_DBE]. */ uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_WR_ERR]. */ uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_RD_ERR]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_sbe : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_dbe : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_DBE]. */ uint64_t reserved_14_63 : 50; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } cn83xx; }; typedef union bdk_satax_uctl_intena_w1c bdk_satax_uctl_intena_w1c_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_INTENA_W1C(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_INTENA_W1C(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x810000100040ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x810000100040ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x810000100040ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x810000100040ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UCTL_INTENA_W1C", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_INTENA_W1C(a) bdk_satax_uctl_intena_w1c_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_INTENA_W1C(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_INTENA_W1C(a) "SATAX_UCTL_INTENA_W1C" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_INTENA_W1C(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_INTENA_W1C(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_INTENA_W1C(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB) sata#_uctl_intena_w1s * * SATA UCTL Interrupt Enable Set Register * This register sets interrupt enable bits. */ union bdk_satax_uctl_intena_w1s { uint64_t u; struct bdk_satax_uctl_intena_w1s_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t reserved_14_63 : 50; uint64_t uahc_rx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_dbe : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_sbe : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_SBE]. */ uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_RD_ERR]. */ uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_WR_ERR]. */ uint64_t reserved_5 : 1; uint64_t xm_r_sbe : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_dbe : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_DBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_sbe : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_BAD_DMA]. */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XS_NCB_OOB]. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XS_NCB_OOB]. */ uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_BAD_DMA]. */ uint64_t xm_w_sbe : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_dbe : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_DBE]. */ uint64_t xm_r_sbe : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_SBE]. */ uint64_t reserved_5 : 1; uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_WR_ERR]. */ uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_RD_ERR]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_sbe : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_dbe : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_DBE]. */ uint64_t reserved_14_63 : 50; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; struct bdk_satax_uctl_intena_w1s_cn9 { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t reserved_8_63 : 56; uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..3)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_RD_ERR]. */ uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..3)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_WR_ERR]. */ uint64_t dma_psn : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..3)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_PSN]. */ uint64_t reserved_2_4 : 3; uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..3)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_BAD_DMA]. */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..3)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XS_NCB_OOB]. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..3)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XS_NCB_OOB]. */ uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..3)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_BAD_DMA]. */ uint64_t reserved_2_4 : 3; uint64_t dma_psn : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..3)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_PSN]. */ uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..3)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_WR_ERR]. */ uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..3)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_RD_ERR]. */ uint64_t reserved_8_63 : 56; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } cn9; struct bdk_satax_uctl_intena_w1s_cn81xx { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t reserved_14_63 : 50; uint64_t uahc_rx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_dbe : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_sbe : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_SBE]. */ uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_RD_ERR]. */ uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_WR_ERR]. */ uint64_t xm_r_dbe : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_DBE]. */ uint64_t xm_r_sbe : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_dbe : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_DBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_sbe : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_BAD_DMA]. */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XS_NCB_OOB]. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XS_NCB_OOB]. */ uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_BAD_DMA]. */ uint64_t xm_w_sbe : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_dbe : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_DBE]. */ uint64_t xm_r_sbe : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_r_dbe : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_DBE]. */ uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_WR_ERR]. */ uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_RD_ERR]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_sbe : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_dbe : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_DBE]. */ uint64_t reserved_14_63 : 50; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } cn81xx; struct bdk_satax_uctl_intena_w1s_cn88xx { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t reserved_14_63 : 50; uint64_t uahc_rx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_dbe : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_sbe : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_SBE]. */ uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_RD_ERR]. */ uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_WR_ERR]. */ uint64_t xm_r_dbe : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_DBE]. */ uint64_t xm_r_sbe : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_dbe : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_DBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_sbe : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_BAD_DMA]. */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XS_NCB_OOB]. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XS_NCB_OOB]. */ uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_BAD_DMA]. */ uint64_t xm_w_sbe : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_dbe : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_DBE]. */ uint64_t xm_r_sbe : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_r_dbe : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_DBE]. */ uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_WR_ERR]. */ uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_RD_ERR]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_sbe : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_dbe : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_DBE]. */ uint64_t reserved_14_63 : 50; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } cn88xx; struct bdk_satax_uctl_intena_w1s_cn83xx { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t reserved_14_63 : 50; uint64_t uahc_rx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_dbe : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_sbe : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_SBE]. */ uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_RD_ERR]. */ uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_WR_ERR]. */ uint64_t xm_r_dbe : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_DBE]. */ uint64_t xm_r_sbe : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_dbe : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_DBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_sbe : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_BAD_DMA]. */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XS_NCB_OOB]. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XS_NCB_OOB]. */ uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_BAD_DMA]. */ uint64_t xm_w_sbe : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_dbe : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_DBE]. */ uint64_t xm_r_sbe : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_r_dbe : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_DBE]. */ uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_WR_ERR]. */ uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_RD_ERR]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_sbe : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_dbe : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_DBE]. */ uint64_t reserved_14_63 : 50; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } cn83xx; }; typedef union bdk_satax_uctl_intena_w1s bdk_satax_uctl_intena_w1s_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_INTENA_W1S(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_INTENA_W1S(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x810000100048ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x810000100048ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x810000100048ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x810000100048ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UCTL_INTENA_W1S", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_INTENA_W1S(a) bdk_satax_uctl_intena_w1s_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_INTENA_W1S(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_INTENA_W1S(a) "SATAX_UCTL_INTENA_W1S" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_INTENA_W1S(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_INTENA_W1S(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_INTENA_W1S(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB) sata#_uctl_intstat * * SATA UCTL Interrupt Status Register * Summary of different bits of interrupts. * * Accessible always. * * Reset NCB reset. */ union bdk_satax_uctl_intstat { uint64_t u; struct bdk_satax_uctl_intstat_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t reserved_14_63 : 50; uint64_t uahc_rx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](R/W1C/H) Detected double-bit error on the UAHC Rx FIFO. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](R/W1C/H) Detected single-bit error on the UAHC Rx FIFO. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](R/W1C/H) Detected double-bit error on the UAHC Tx FIFO. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](R/W1C/H) Detected single-bit error on the UAHC Tx FIFO. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_dbe : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](R/W1C/H) Detected double-bit error on the UAHC FBS memory. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_sbe : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](R/W1C/H) Detected single-bit error on the UAHC FBS memory. */ uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1C/H) Received DMA read response fault error from NCBO. */ uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1C/H) Received DMA write response fault error from NCBO. */ uint64_t reserved_5 : 1; uint64_t xm_r_sbe : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W1C/H) Detected single-bit error on the UCTL AxiMaster read-data FIFO. */ uint64_t xm_w_dbe : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](R/W1C/H) Detected double-bit error on the UCTL AxiMaster write-data FIFO. */ uint64_t xm_w_sbe : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](R/W1C/H) Detected single-bit error on the UCTL AxiMaster write-data FIFO. */ uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1C/H) Detected bad DMA access from UAHC to NCB. The error information is logged in SATA()_UCTL_SHIM_CFG[XM_BAD_DMA_*]. Received a DMA request from UAHC that violates the assumptions made by the AXI-to-NCB shim. Such scenarios include: illegal length/size combinations and address out-of-bounds. For more information on exact failures, see description in SATA()_UCTL_SHIM_CFG[XM_BAD_DMA_TYPE]. The hardware does not translate the request correctly and results may violate NCB protocols. */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1C/H) Detected out-of-bound register access to UAHC over NCB. The UAHC defines 1MB of register space, starting at offset 0x0. Any accesses outside of this register space cause this bit to be set to 1. The error information is logged in SATA()_UCTL_SHIM_CFG[XS_NCB_OOB_*]. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1C/H) Detected out-of-bound register access to UAHC over NCB. The UAHC defines 1MB of register space, starting at offset 0x0. Any accesses outside of this register space cause this bit to be set to 1. The error information is logged in SATA()_UCTL_SHIM_CFG[XS_NCB_OOB_*]. */ uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1C/H) Detected bad DMA access from UAHC to NCB. The error information is logged in SATA()_UCTL_SHIM_CFG[XM_BAD_DMA_*]. Received a DMA request from UAHC that violates the assumptions made by the AXI-to-NCB shim. Such scenarios include: illegal length/size combinations and address out-of-bounds. For more information on exact failures, see description in SATA()_UCTL_SHIM_CFG[XM_BAD_DMA_TYPE]. The hardware does not translate the request correctly and results may violate NCB protocols. */ uint64_t xm_w_sbe : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](R/W1C/H) Detected single-bit error on the UCTL AxiMaster write-data FIFO. */ uint64_t xm_w_dbe : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](R/W1C/H) Detected double-bit error on the UCTL AxiMaster write-data FIFO. */ uint64_t xm_r_sbe : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W1C/H) Detected single-bit error on the UCTL AxiMaster read-data FIFO. */ uint64_t reserved_5 : 1; uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1C/H) Received DMA write response fault error from NCBO. */ uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1C/H) Received DMA read response fault error from NCBO. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_sbe : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](R/W1C/H) Detected single-bit error on the UAHC FBS memory. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_dbe : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](R/W1C/H) Detected double-bit error on the UAHC FBS memory. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](R/W1C/H) Detected single-bit error on the UAHC Tx FIFO. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](R/W1C/H) Detected double-bit error on the UAHC Tx FIFO. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](R/W1C/H) Detected single-bit error on the UAHC Rx FIFO. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](R/W1C/H) Detected double-bit error on the UAHC Rx FIFO. */ uint64_t reserved_14_63 : 50; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; struct bdk_satax_uctl_intstat_cn8 { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t reserved_14_63 : 50; uint64_t uahc_rx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](R/W1C/H) Detected double-bit error on the UAHC Rx FIFO. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](R/W1C/H) Detected single-bit error on the UAHC Rx FIFO. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](R/W1C/H) Detected double-bit error on the UAHC Tx FIFO. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](R/W1C/H) Detected single-bit error on the UAHC Tx FIFO. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_dbe : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](R/W1C/H) Detected double-bit error on the UAHC FBS memory. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_sbe : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](R/W1C/H) Detected single-bit error on the UAHC FBS memory. */ uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1C/H) Received DMA read response fault error from NCBO. */ uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1C/H) Received DMA write response fault error from NCBO. */ uint64_t xm_r_dbe : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W1C/H) Detected double-bit error on the UCTL AxiMaster read-data FIFO. */ uint64_t xm_r_sbe : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W1C/H) Detected single-bit error on the UCTL AxiMaster read-data FIFO. */ uint64_t xm_w_dbe : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](R/W1C/H) Detected double-bit error on the UCTL AxiMaster write-data FIFO. */ uint64_t xm_w_sbe : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](R/W1C/H) Detected single-bit error on the UCTL AxiMaster write-data FIFO. */ uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1C/H) Detected bad DMA access from UAHC to NCB. The error information is logged in SATA()_UCTL_SHIM_CFG[XM_BAD_DMA_*]. Received a DMA request from UAHC that violates the assumptions made by the AXI-to-NCB shim. Such scenarios include: illegal length/size combinations and address out-of-bounds. For more information on exact failures, see description in SATA()_UCTL_SHIM_CFG[XM_BAD_DMA_TYPE]. The hardware does not translate the request correctly and results may violate NCB protocols. */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1C/H) Detected out-of-bound register access to UAHC over NCB. The UAHC defines 1MB of register space, starting at offset 0x0. Any accesses outside of this register space cause this bit to be set to 1. The error information is logged in SATA()_UCTL_SHIM_CFG[XS_NCB_OOB_*]. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1C/H) Detected out-of-bound register access to UAHC over NCB. The UAHC defines 1MB of register space, starting at offset 0x0. Any accesses outside of this register space cause this bit to be set to 1. The error information is logged in SATA()_UCTL_SHIM_CFG[XS_NCB_OOB_*]. */ uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1C/H) Detected bad DMA access from UAHC to NCB. The error information is logged in SATA()_UCTL_SHIM_CFG[XM_BAD_DMA_*]. Received a DMA request from UAHC that violates the assumptions made by the AXI-to-NCB shim. Such scenarios include: illegal length/size combinations and address out-of-bounds. For more information on exact failures, see description in SATA()_UCTL_SHIM_CFG[XM_BAD_DMA_TYPE]. The hardware does not translate the request correctly and results may violate NCB protocols. */ uint64_t xm_w_sbe : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](R/W1C/H) Detected single-bit error on the UCTL AxiMaster write-data FIFO. */ uint64_t xm_w_dbe : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](R/W1C/H) Detected double-bit error on the UCTL AxiMaster write-data FIFO. */ uint64_t xm_r_sbe : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W1C/H) Detected single-bit error on the UCTL AxiMaster read-data FIFO. */ uint64_t xm_r_dbe : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W1C/H) Detected double-bit error on the UCTL AxiMaster read-data FIFO. */ uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1C/H) Received DMA write response fault error from NCBO. */ uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1C/H) Received DMA read response fault error from NCBO. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_sbe : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](R/W1C/H) Detected single-bit error on the UAHC FBS memory. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_dbe : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](R/W1C/H) Detected double-bit error on the UAHC FBS memory. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](R/W1C/H) Detected single-bit error on the UAHC Tx FIFO. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](R/W1C/H) Detected double-bit error on the UAHC Tx FIFO. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](R/W1C/H) Detected single-bit error on the UAHC Rx FIFO. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](R/W1C/H) Detected double-bit error on the UAHC Rx FIFO. */ uint64_t reserved_14_63 : 50; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } cn8; struct bdk_satax_uctl_intstat_cn9 { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t reserved_8_63 : 56; uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1C/H) Received DMA read response fault error from NCBO. */ uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1C/H) Received DMA write response fault error from NCBO. */ uint64_t dma_psn : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W1C/H) Received DMA read response with poisoned data from NCBO. Hardware also sets SATA()_UCTL_RAS[DMA_PSN]. */ uint64_t reserved_2_4 : 3; uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1C/H) Detected bad DMA access from UAHC to NCB. The error information is logged in SATA()_UCTL_SHIM_CFG[XM_BAD_DMA_*]. Received a DMA request from UAHC that violates the assumptions made by the AXI-to-NCB shim. Such scenarios include: illegal length/size combinations and address out-of-bounds. For more information on exact failures, see description in SATA()_UCTL_SHIM_CFG[XM_BAD_DMA_TYPE]. The hardware does not translate the request correctly and results may violate NCB protocols. */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1C/H) Detected out-of-bound register access to UAHC over NCB. The UAHC defines 1MB of register space, starting at offset 0x0. Any accesses outside of this register space cause this bit to be set to 1. The error information is logged in SATA()_UCTL_SHIM_CFG[XS_NCB_OOB_*]. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1C/H) Detected out-of-bound register access to UAHC over NCB. The UAHC defines 1MB of register space, starting at offset 0x0. Any accesses outside of this register space cause this bit to be set to 1. The error information is logged in SATA()_UCTL_SHIM_CFG[XS_NCB_OOB_*]. */ uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1C/H) Detected bad DMA access from UAHC to NCB. The error information is logged in SATA()_UCTL_SHIM_CFG[XM_BAD_DMA_*]. Received a DMA request from UAHC that violates the assumptions made by the AXI-to-NCB shim. Such scenarios include: illegal length/size combinations and address out-of-bounds. For more information on exact failures, see description in SATA()_UCTL_SHIM_CFG[XM_BAD_DMA_TYPE]. The hardware does not translate the request correctly and results may violate NCB protocols. */ uint64_t reserved_2_4 : 3; uint64_t dma_psn : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W1C/H) Received DMA read response with poisoned data from NCBO. Hardware also sets SATA()_UCTL_RAS[DMA_PSN]. */ uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1C/H) Received DMA write response fault error from NCBO. */ uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1C/H) Received DMA read response fault error from NCBO. */ uint64_t reserved_8_63 : 56; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } cn9; }; typedef union bdk_satax_uctl_intstat bdk_satax_uctl_intstat_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_INTSTAT(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_INTSTAT(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x810000100030ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x810000100030ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x810000100030ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x810000100030ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UCTL_INTSTAT", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_INTSTAT(a) bdk_satax_uctl_intstat_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_INTSTAT(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_INTSTAT(a) "SATAX_UCTL_INTSTAT" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_INTSTAT(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_INTSTAT(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_INTSTAT(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB) sata#_uctl_intstat_w1s * * SATA UCTL Interrupt Set Register * This register sets interrupt bits. */ union bdk_satax_uctl_intstat_w1s { uint64_t u; struct bdk_satax_uctl_intstat_w1s_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t reserved_14_63 : 50; uint64_t uahc_rx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_dbe : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_sbe : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_SBE]. */ uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_RD_ERR]. */ uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_WR_ERR]. */ uint64_t reserved_5 : 1; uint64_t xm_r_sbe : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_dbe : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_DBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_sbe : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_BAD_DMA]. */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XS_NCB_OOB]. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XS_NCB_OOB]. */ uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_BAD_DMA]. */ uint64_t xm_w_sbe : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_dbe : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_DBE]. */ uint64_t xm_r_sbe : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_SBE]. */ uint64_t reserved_5 : 1; uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_WR_ERR]. */ uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_RD_ERR]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_sbe : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_dbe : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_DBE]. */ uint64_t reserved_14_63 : 50; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; struct bdk_satax_uctl_intstat_w1s_cn9 { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t reserved_8_63 : 56; uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..3)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_RD_ERR]. */ uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..3)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_WR_ERR]. */ uint64_t dma_psn : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..3)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_PSN]. */ uint64_t reserved_2_4 : 3; uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..3)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_BAD_DMA]. */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..3)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XS_NCB_OOB]. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..3)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XS_NCB_OOB]. */ uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..3)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_BAD_DMA]. */ uint64_t reserved_2_4 : 3; uint64_t dma_psn : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..3)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_PSN]. */ uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..3)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_WR_ERR]. */ uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..3)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_RD_ERR]. */ uint64_t reserved_8_63 : 56; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } cn9; struct bdk_satax_uctl_intstat_w1s_cn81xx { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t reserved_14_63 : 50; uint64_t uahc_rx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_dbe : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_sbe : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_SBE]. */ uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_RD_ERR]. */ uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_WR_ERR]. */ uint64_t xm_r_dbe : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_DBE]. */ uint64_t xm_r_sbe : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_dbe : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_DBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_sbe : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_BAD_DMA]. */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XS_NCB_OOB]. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XS_NCB_OOB]. */ uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_BAD_DMA]. */ uint64_t xm_w_sbe : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_dbe : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_DBE]. */ uint64_t xm_r_sbe : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_r_dbe : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_DBE]. */ uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_WR_ERR]. */ uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_RD_ERR]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_sbe : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_dbe : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..1)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_DBE]. */ uint64_t reserved_14_63 : 50; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } cn81xx; struct bdk_satax_uctl_intstat_w1s_cn88xx { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t reserved_14_63 : 50; uint64_t uahc_rx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_dbe : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_sbe : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_SBE]. */ uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_RD_ERR]. */ uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_WR_ERR]. */ uint64_t xm_r_dbe : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_DBE]. */ uint64_t xm_r_sbe : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_dbe : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_DBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_sbe : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_BAD_DMA]. */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XS_NCB_OOB]. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XS_NCB_OOB]. */ uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_BAD_DMA]. */ uint64_t xm_w_sbe : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_dbe : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_DBE]. */ uint64_t xm_r_sbe : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_r_dbe : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_DBE]. */ uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_WR_ERR]. */ uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_RD_ERR]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_sbe : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_dbe : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..15)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_DBE]. */ uint64_t reserved_14_63 : 50; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } cn88xx; struct bdk_satax_uctl_intstat_w1s_cn83xx { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t reserved_14_63 : 50; uint64_t uahc_rx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_dbe : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_sbe : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_SBE]. */ uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_RD_ERR]. */ uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_WR_ERR]. */ uint64_t xm_r_dbe : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_DBE]. */ uint64_t xm_r_sbe : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_dbe : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_DBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_sbe : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_BAD_DMA]. */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XS_NCB_OOB]. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XS_NCB_OOB]. */ uint64_t xm_bad_dma : 1; /**< [ 1: 1](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_BAD_DMA]. */ uint64_t xm_w_sbe : 1; /**< [ 2: 2](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_w_dbe : 1; /**< [ 3: 3](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_W_DBE]. */ uint64_t xm_r_sbe : 1; /**< [ 4: 4](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_SBE]. */ uint64_t xm_r_dbe : 1; /**< [ 5: 5](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[XM_R_DBE]. */ uint64_t dma_wr_err : 1; /**< [ 6: 6](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_WR_ERR]. */ uint64_t dma_rd_err : 1; /**< [ 7: 7](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_RD_ERR]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_sbe : 1; /**< [ 8: 8](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_fb_dbe : 1; /**< [ 9: 9](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_FB_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_tx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 11: 11](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_TX_DBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_sbe : 1; /**< [ 12: 12](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_SBE]. */ uint64_t uahc_rx_dbe : 1; /**< [ 13: 13](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..5)_UCTL_INTSTAT[UAHC_RX_DBE]. */ uint64_t reserved_14_63 : 50; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } cn83xx; }; typedef union bdk_satax_uctl_intstat_w1s bdk_satax_uctl_intstat_w1s_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_INTSTAT_W1S(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_INTSTAT_W1S(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x810000100038ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x810000100038ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x810000100038ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x810000100038ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UCTL_INTSTAT_W1S", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_INTSTAT_W1S(a) bdk_satax_uctl_intstat_w1s_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_INTSTAT_W1S(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_INTSTAT_W1S(a) "SATAX_UCTL_INTSTAT_W1S" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_INTSTAT_W1S(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_INTSTAT_W1S(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_INTSTAT_W1S(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB) sata#_uctl_ras * * SATA UCTL RAS Register * This register is intended for delivery of RAS events to the SCP, so should be * ignored by OS drivers. */ union bdk_satax_uctl_ras { uint64_t u; struct bdk_satax_uctl_ras_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t reserved_1_63 : 63; uint64_t dma_psn : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1C/H) Received DMA read response with poisoned data from NCBO. Hardware also sets SATA()_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_PSN]. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t dma_psn : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1C/H) Received DMA read response with poisoned data from NCBO. Hardware also sets SATA()_UCTL_INTSTAT[DMA_PSN]. */ uint64_t reserved_1_63 : 63; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uctl_ras_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uctl_ras bdk_satax_uctl_ras_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_RAS(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_RAS(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x810000100050ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UCTL_RAS", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_RAS(a) bdk_satax_uctl_ras_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_RAS(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_RAS(a) "SATAX_UCTL_RAS" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_RAS(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_RAS(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_RAS(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB) sata#_uctl_ras_ena_w1c * * SATA UCTL RAS Enable Clear Register * This register clears interrupt enable bits. */ union bdk_satax_uctl_ras_ena_w1c { uint64_t u; struct bdk_satax_uctl_ras_ena_w1c_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t reserved_1_63 : 63; uint64_t dma_psn : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..3)_UCTL_RAS[DMA_PSN]. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t dma_psn : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1C/H) Reads or clears enable for SATA(0..3)_UCTL_RAS[DMA_PSN]. */ uint64_t reserved_1_63 : 63; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uctl_ras_ena_w1c_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uctl_ras_ena_w1c bdk_satax_uctl_ras_ena_w1c_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_RAS_ENA_W1C(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_RAS_ENA_W1C(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x810000100060ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UCTL_RAS_ENA_W1C", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_RAS_ENA_W1C(a) bdk_satax_uctl_ras_ena_w1c_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_RAS_ENA_W1C(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_RAS_ENA_W1C(a) "SATAX_UCTL_RAS_ENA_W1C" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_RAS_ENA_W1C(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_RAS_ENA_W1C(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_RAS_ENA_W1C(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB) sata#_uctl_ras_ena_w1s * * SATA UCTL RAS Enable Set Register * This register sets interrupt enable bits. */ union bdk_satax_uctl_ras_ena_w1s { uint64_t u; struct bdk_satax_uctl_ras_ena_w1s_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t reserved_1_63 : 63; uint64_t dma_psn : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..3)_UCTL_RAS[DMA_PSN]. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t dma_psn : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets enable for SATA(0..3)_UCTL_RAS[DMA_PSN]. */ uint64_t reserved_1_63 : 63; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uctl_ras_ena_w1s_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uctl_ras_ena_w1s bdk_satax_uctl_ras_ena_w1s_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_RAS_ENA_W1S(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_RAS_ENA_W1S(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x810000100068ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UCTL_RAS_ENA_W1S", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_RAS_ENA_W1S(a) bdk_satax_uctl_ras_ena_w1s_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_RAS_ENA_W1S(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_RAS_ENA_W1S(a) "SATAX_UCTL_RAS_ENA_W1S" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_RAS_ENA_W1S(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_RAS_ENA_W1S(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_RAS_ENA_W1S(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB) sata#_uctl_ras_w1s * * SATA UCTL RAS Set Register * This register sets interrupt bits. */ union bdk_satax_uctl_ras_w1s { uint64_t u; struct bdk_satax_uctl_ras_w1s_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t reserved_1_63 : 63; uint64_t dma_psn : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..3)_UCTL_RAS[DMA_PSN]. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t dma_psn : 1; /**< [ 0: 0](R/W1S/H) Reads or sets SATA(0..3)_UCTL_RAS[DMA_PSN]. */ uint64_t reserved_1_63 : 63; #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uctl_ras_w1s_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uctl_ras_w1s bdk_satax_uctl_ras_w1s_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_RAS_W1S(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_RAS_W1S(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x810000100058ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UCTL_RAS_W1S", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_RAS_W1S(a) bdk_satax_uctl_ras_w1s_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_RAS_W1S(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_RAS_W1S(a) "SATAX_UCTL_RAS_W1S" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_RAS_W1S(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_RAS_W1S(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_RAS_W1S(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB) sata#_uctl_shim_cfg * * SATA UCTL Shim Configuration Register * This register allows configuration of various shim (UCTL) features. * * Fields XS_NCB_OOB_* are captured when there are no outstanding OOB errors indicated in INTSTAT * and a new OOB error arrives. * * Fields XS_BAD_DMA_* are captured when there are no outstanding DMA errors indicated in INTSTAT * and a new DMA error arrives. * * Accessible only when SATA()_UCTL_CTL[A_CLK_EN]. * * Reset by NCB reset or SATA()_UCTL_CTL[SATA_UCTL_RST]. */ union bdk_satax_uctl_shim_cfg { uint64_t u; struct bdk_satax_uctl_shim_cfg_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob_wrn : 1; /**< [ 63: 63](RO/H) Read/write error log for out-of-bound UAHC register access. 0 = read, 1 = write. */ uint64_t reserved_60_62 : 3; uint64_t xs_ncb_oob_osrc : 12; /**< [ 59: 48](RO/H) SRCID error log for out-of-bound UAHC register access. The NCB outbound SRCID for the OOB error. \<59:58\> = chipID. \<57\> = Request source: 0 = core, 1 = NCB-device. \<56:51\> = core/NCB-device number. Note that for NCB devices, \<56\> is always 0. \<50:48\> = SubID. */ uint64_t xm_bad_dma_wrn : 1; /**< [ 47: 47](RO/H) Read/write error log for bad DMA access from UAHC. 0 = read error log, 1 = write error log. */ uint64_t reserved_44_46 : 3; uint64_t xm_bad_dma_type : 4; /**< [ 43: 40](RO/H) ErrType error log for bad DMA access from UAHC. Encodes the type of error encountered (error largest encoded value has priority). See SATA_UCTL_XM_BAD_DMA_TYPE_E. */ uint64_t reserved_14_39 : 26; uint64_t dma_read_cmd : 2; /**< [ 13: 12](R/W) Selects the NCB read command used by DMA accesses. See SATA_UCTL_DMA_READ_CMD_E. */ uint64_t reserved_11 : 1; uint64_t dma_write_cmd : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](R/W) Selects the NCB write command used by DMA accesses. See enum SATA_UCTL_DMA_WRITE_CMD_E. */ uint64_t reserved_0_9 : 10; #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t reserved_0_9 : 10; uint64_t dma_write_cmd : 1; /**< [ 10: 10](R/W) Selects the NCB write command used by DMA accesses. See enum SATA_UCTL_DMA_WRITE_CMD_E. */ uint64_t reserved_11 : 1; uint64_t dma_read_cmd : 2; /**< [ 13: 12](R/W) Selects the NCB read command used by DMA accesses. See SATA_UCTL_DMA_READ_CMD_E. */ uint64_t reserved_14_39 : 26; uint64_t xm_bad_dma_type : 4; /**< [ 43: 40](RO/H) ErrType error log for bad DMA access from UAHC. Encodes the type of error encountered (error largest encoded value has priority). See SATA_UCTL_XM_BAD_DMA_TYPE_E. */ uint64_t reserved_44_46 : 3; uint64_t xm_bad_dma_wrn : 1; /**< [ 47: 47](RO/H) Read/write error log for bad DMA access from UAHC. 0 = read error log, 1 = write error log. */ uint64_t xs_ncb_oob_osrc : 12; /**< [ 59: 48](RO/H) SRCID error log for out-of-bound UAHC register access. The NCB outbound SRCID for the OOB error. \<59:58\> = chipID. \<57\> = Request source: 0 = core, 1 = NCB-device. \<56:51\> = core/NCB-device number. Note that for NCB devices, \<56\> is always 0. \<50:48\> = SubID. */ uint64_t reserved_60_62 : 3; uint64_t xs_ncb_oob_wrn : 1; /**< [ 63: 63](RO/H) Read/write error log for out-of-bound UAHC register access. 0 = read, 1 = write. */ #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uctl_shim_cfg_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uctl_shim_cfg bdk_satax_uctl_shim_cfg_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_SHIM_CFG(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_SHIM_CFG(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x8100001000e8ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x8100001000e8ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x8100001000e8ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x8100001000e8ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UCTL_SHIM_CFG", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_SHIM_CFG(a) bdk_satax_uctl_shim_cfg_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_SHIM_CFG(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_SHIM_CFG(a) "SATAX_UCTL_SHIM_CFG" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_SHIM_CFG(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_SHIM_CFG(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_SHIM_CFG(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB) sata#_uctl_spare0 * * INTERNAL: SATA UCTL Spare Register 0 * * This register is spare. * * Accessible always. * * Reset NCB reset. */ union bdk_satax_uctl_spare0 { uint64_t u; struct bdk_satax_uctl_spare0_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t spare : 64; /**< [ 63: 0](R/W) Spare. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t spare : 64; /**< [ 63: 0](R/W) Spare. */ #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uctl_spare0_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uctl_spare0 bdk_satax_uctl_spare0_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_SPARE0(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_SPARE0(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x810000100010ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x810000100010ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x810000100010ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x810000100010ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UCTL_SPARE0", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_SPARE0(a) bdk_satax_uctl_spare0_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_SPARE0(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_SPARE0(a) "SATAX_UCTL_SPARE0" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_SPARE0(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_SPARE0(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_SPARE0(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 /** * Register (NCB) sata#_uctl_spare1 * * INTERNAL: SATA UCTL Spare Register 1 * * This register is spare. * * Accessible only when SATA()_UCTL_CTL[A_CLK_EN]. * * Reset by NCB reset or SATA()_UCTL_CTL[SATA_UCTL_RST]. */ union bdk_satax_uctl_spare1 { uint64_t u; struct bdk_satax_uctl_spare1_s { #if __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN /* Word 0 - Big Endian */ uint64_t spare : 64; /**< [ 63: 0](R/W) Spare. */ #else /* Word 0 - Little Endian */ uint64_t spare : 64; /**< [ 63: 0](R/W) Spare. */ #endif /* Word 0 - End */ } s; /* struct bdk_satax_uctl_spare1_s cn; */ }; typedef union bdk_satax_uctl_spare1 bdk_satax_uctl_spare1_t; static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_SPARE1(unsigned long a) __attribute__ ((pure, always_inline)); static inline uint64_t BDK_SATAX_UCTL_SPARE1(unsigned long a) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX) && (a<=1)) return 0x8100001000f8ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x1); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX) && (a<=5)) return 0x8100001000f8ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x7); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX) && (a<=15)) return 0x8100001000f8ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0xf); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN9XXX) && (a<=3)) return 0x8100001000f8ll + 0x1000000000ll * ((a) & 0x3); __bdk_csr_fatal("SATAX_UCTL_SPARE1", 1, a, 0, 0, 0); } #define typedef_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_SPARE1(a) bdk_satax_uctl_spare1_t #define bustype_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_SPARE1(a) BDK_CSR_TYPE_NCB #define basename_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_SPARE1(a) "SATAX_UCTL_SPARE1" #define device_bar_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_SPARE1(a) 0x4 /* PF_BAR4 */ #define busnum_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_SPARE1(a) (a) #define arguments_BDK_SATAX_UCTL_SPARE1(a) (a),-1,-1,-1 #endif /* __BDK_CSRS_SATA_H__ */