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$Revision: 53373 $
* * @defgroup asm Assembly support * @{ */ /* This header file can be included from a .S file. Keep non-preprocessor things under !__ASSEMBLER__. */ #ifndef __ASSEMBLER__ /* turn the variable name into a string */ #define __BDK_TMP_STR(x) __BDK_TMP_STR2(x) #define __BDK_TMP_STR2(x) #x #define __BDK_VASTR(...) #__VA_ARGS__ #define BDK_MRS_NV(reg, val) asm ("mrs %x[rd]," #reg : [rd] "=r" (val)) #define BDK_MRS(reg, val) asm volatile ("mrs %x[rd]," #reg : [rd] "=r" (val)) #define BDK_MSR(reg, val) asm volatile ("msr " #reg ",%x[rd]" : : [rd] "r" (val)) /* other useful stuff */ #define BDK_MB asm volatile ("dmb sy" : : :"memory") /* Full memory barrier, like MIPS SYNC */ #define BDK_WMB asm volatile ("dmb st" : : :"memory") /* Write memory barreir, like MIPS SYNCW */ #define BDK_WFE asm volatile ("wfe" : : :"memory") /* Wait for event */ #define BDK_SEV asm volatile ("sev" : : :"memory") /* Send global event */ #define BDK_DSB asm volatile ("dsb sy" : : :"memory") /* DSB */ // normal prefetches that use the pref instruction #define BDK_PREFETCH_PREFX(type, address, offset) asm volatile ("PRFUM " type ", [%[rbase],%[off]]" : : [rbase] "r" (address), [off] "I" (offset)) // a normal prefetch #define BDK_PREFETCH(address, offset) BDK_PREFETCH_PREFX("PLDL1KEEP", address, offset) #define BDK_ICACHE_INVALIDATE { asm volatile ("ic iallu" : : ); } // invalidate entire icache #define BDK_SYS_CVMCACHE_WBI_L2 "#0,c11,c1,#2" // L2 Cache Cache Hit Writeback Invalidate #define BDK_SYS_CVMCACHE_WB_L2 "#0,c11,c1,#3" // L2 Cache Hit Writeback #define BDK_SYS_CVMCACHE_LCK_L2 "#0,c11,c1,#4" // L2 Cache Fetch and Lock #define BDK_SYS_CVMCACHE_WBI_L2_INDEXED "#0,c11,c0,#5" // L2 Cache Index Writeback Invalidate #define BDK_SYS_CVMCACHE_LTG_L2_INDEXED "#0,c11,c0,#7" // L2 Cache Index Load Tag #define BDK_SYS_CVMCACHE_INVALL_DC "#0,c11,c0,#2" // L1 Dcache Invalidate #define BDK_CACHE_WBI_L2(address) { asm volatile ("sys " BDK_SYS_CVMCACHE_WBI_L2 ", %0" : : "r" (address)); } // Push to memory, invalidate, and unlock #define BDK_CACHE_WBI_L2_INDEXED(encoded) { asm volatile ("sys " BDK_SYS_CVMCACHE_WBI_L2_INDEXED ", %0" : : "r" (encoded)); } // Push to memory, invalidate, and unlock, index by set/way #define BDK_CACHE_WB_L2(address) { asm volatile ("sys " BDK_SYS_CVMCACHE_WB_L2 ", %0" : : "r" (address)); } // Push to memory, don't invalidate, don't unlock #define BDK_CACHE_LCK_L2(address) { asm volatile ("sys " BDK_SYS_CVMCACHE_LCK_L2 ", %0" : : "r" (address)); } // Lock into L2 #define BDK_DCACHE_INVALIDATE { asm volatile ("sys " BDK_SYS_CVMCACHE_INVALL_DC ", xzr"); } // Invalidate the entire Dcache on local core #define BDK_CACHE_LTG_L2_INDEXED(encoded) { asm volatile ("sys " BDK_SYS_CVMCACHE_LTG_L2_INDEXED ", %0" : : "r" (encoded)); } // Load L2 TAG, index by set/way #define BDK_STORE_PAIR(ptr, data1, data2) { asm volatile ("stp %x[d1], %x[d2], [%[b]]" : [mem] "+m" (*(__uint128_t*)ptr) : [b] "r" (ptr), [d1] "r" (data1), [d2] "r" (data2)); } #endif /* __ASSEMBLER__ */ /** @} */