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/* data field addresses in the DDR4 SPD eeprom */ typedef enum ddr4_spd_addrs { DDR4_SPD_BYTES_PROGRAMMED = 0, DDR4_SPD_REVISION = 1, DDR4_SPD_KEY_BYTE_DEVICE_TYPE = 2, DDR4_SPD_KEY_BYTE_MODULE_TYPE = 3, DDR4_SPD_DENSITY_BANKS = 4, DDR4_SPD_ADDRESSING_ROW_COL_BITS = 5, DDR4_SPD_PACKAGE_TYPE = 6, DDR4_SPD_OPTIONAL_FEATURES = 7, DDR4_SPD_THERMAL_REFRESH_OPTIONS = 8, DDR4_SPD_OTHER_OPTIONAL_FEATURES = 9, DDR4_SPD_SECONDARY_PACKAGE_TYPE = 10, DDR4_SPD_MODULE_NOMINAL_VOLTAGE = 11, DDR4_SPD_MODULE_ORGANIZATION = 12, DDR4_SPD_MODULE_MEMORY_BUS_WIDTH = 13, DDR4_SPD_MODULE_THERMAL_SENSOR = 14, DDR4_SPD_RESERVED_BYTE15 = 15, DDR4_SPD_RESERVED_BYTE16 = 16, DDR4_SPD_TIMEBASES = 17, DDR4_SPD_MINIMUM_CYCLE_TIME_TCKAVGMIN = 18, DDR4_SPD_MAXIMUM_CYCLE_TIME_TCKAVGMAX = 19, DDR4_SPD_CAS_LATENCIES_BYTE0 = 20, DDR4_SPD_CAS_LATENCIES_BYTE1 = 21, DDR4_SPD_CAS_LATENCIES_BYTE2 = 22, DDR4_SPD_CAS_LATENCIES_BYTE3 = 23, DDR4_SPD_MIN_CAS_LATENCY_TAAMIN = 24, DDR4_SPD_MIN_RAS_CAS_DELAY_TRCDMIN = 25, DDR4_SPD_MIN_ROW_PRECHARGE_DELAY_TRPMIN = 26, DDR4_SPD_UPPER_NIBBLES_TRAS_TRC = 27, DDR4_SPD_MIN_ACTIVE_PRECHARGE_LSB_TRASMIN = 28, DDR4_SPD_MIN_ACTIVE_REFRESH_LSB_TRCMIN = 29, DDR4_SPD_MIN_REFRESH_RECOVERY_LSB_TRFC1MIN = 30, DDR4_SPD_MIN_REFRESH_RECOVERY_MSB_TRFC1MIN = 31, DDR4_SPD_MIN_REFRESH_RECOVERY_LSB_TRFC2MIN = 32, DDR4_SPD_MIN_REFRESH_RECOVERY_MSB_TRFC2MIN = 33, DDR4_SPD_MIN_REFRESH_RECOVERY_LSB_TRFC4MIN = 34, DDR4_SPD_MIN_REFRESH_RECOVERY_MSB_TRFC4MIN = 35, DDR4_SPD_MIN_FOUR_ACTIVE_WINDOW_MSN_TFAWMIN = 36, DDR4_SPD_MIN_FOUR_ACTIVE_WINDOW_LSB_TFAWMIN = 37, DDR4_SPD_MIN_ROW_ACTIVE_DELAY_SAME_TRRD_SMIN = 38, DDR4_SPD_MIN_ROW_ACTIVE_DELAY_DIFF_TRRD_LMIN = 39, DDR4_SPD_MIN_CAS_TO_CAS_DELAY_TCCD_LMIN = 40, DDR4_SPD_MIN_CAS_TO_CAS_DELAY_FINE_TCCD_LMIN = 117, DDR4_SPD_MIN_ACT_TO_ACT_DELAY_SAME_FINE_TRRD_LMIN = 118, DDR4_SPD_MIN_ACT_TO_ACT_DELAY_DIFF_FINE_TRRD_SMIN = 119, DDR4_SPD_MIN_ACT_TO_ACT_REFRESH_DELAY_FINE_TRCMIN = 120, DDR4_SPD_MIN_ROW_PRECHARGE_DELAY_FINE_TRPMIN = 121, DDR4_SPD_MIN_RAS_TO_CAS_DELAY_FINE_TRCDMIN = 122, DDR4_SPD_MIN_CAS_LATENCY_FINE_TAAMIN = 123, DDR4_SPD_MAX_CYCLE_TIME_FINE_TCKAVGMAX = 124, DDR4_SPD_MIN_CYCLE_TIME_FINE_TCKAVGMIN = 125, DDR4_SPD_CYCLICAL_REDUNDANCY_CODE_LOWER_NIBBLE = 126, DDR4_SPD_CYCLICAL_REDUNDANCY_CODE_UPPER_NIBBLE = 127, DDR4_SPD_REFERENCE_RAW_CARD = 130, DDR4_SPD_UDIMM_ADDR_MAPPING_FROM_EDGE = 131, DDR4_SPD_REGISTER_MANUFACTURER_ID_LSB = 133, DDR4_SPD_REGISTER_MANUFACTURER_ID_MSB = 134, DDR4_SPD_REGISTER_REVISION_NUMBER = 135, DDR4_SPD_RDIMM_ADDR_MAPPING_FROM_REGISTER_TO_DRAM = 136, DDR4_SPD_RDIMM_REGISTER_DRIVE_STRENGTH_CTL = 137, DDR4_SPD_RDIMM_REGISTER_DRIVE_STRENGTH_CK = 138, DDR4_SPD_MODULE_SERIAL_NUMBER = 325, DDR4_SPD_MODULE_PART_NUMBER = 329 } ddr4_spd_addr_t; extern int read_entire_spd(bdk_node_t node, dram_config_t *cfg, int lmc, int dimm); extern int read_spd(bdk_node_t node, const dimm_config_t *dimm_config, int spd_field); extern int validate_dimm(bdk_node_t node, const dimm_config_t *dimm_config); extern void report_dimm(bdk_node_t node, const dimm_config_t *dimm_config, int dimm, int ddr_interface_num, int num_ranks, int dram_width, int dimm_size_mb); extern int dram_get_default_spd_speed(bdk_node_t node, const ddr_configuration_t *ddr_config); extern const char *ddr3_dimm_types[]; extern const char *ddr4_dimm_types[];