/***********************license start*********************************** * Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Cavium Inc. (support@cavium.com). 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The default value of 0 is to prevent bricking of chips due to CSIB[NVCOUNT] mistakes. BDK_TRUST_HARD_BLOW_NV must be changed to a 1 for production. The code below will display a warning if BDK_TRUST_HARD_BLOW_NV=0 in a trusted boot to remind you */ #define BDK_TRUST_HARD_BLOW_NV 0 /* The CSIB used to boot will be stored here by bsk-start.S */ union bdk_rom_csib_s __bdk_trust_csib __attribute__((section("init"))); static bdk_trust_level_t __bdk_trust_level = BDK_TRUST_LEVEL_BROKEN; /** * Update the fused secure NV counter to reflect the CSIB[NVCOUNT] value. In * production systems, be sure to set BDK_TRUST_HARD_BLOW_NV=1. */ static void __bdk_program_nv_counter(void) { int hw_nv = bdk_trust_get_nv_counter(); int csib_nv = __bdk_trust_csib.s.nvcnt; if (!BDK_TRUST_HARD_BLOW_NV) { printf("\33[1m"); /* Bold */ bdk_warn("\n"); bdk_warn("********************************************************\n"); bdk_warn("* Configured for soft blow of secure NV counter. This\n"); bdk_warn("* build is not suitable for production trusted boot.\n"); bdk_warn("********************************************************\n"); bdk_warn("\n"); printf("\33[0m"); /* Normal */ } /* Check if the CSIB NV counter is less than the HW fused values. This means the image is an old rollback. Refuse to run */ if (csib_nv < hw_nv) bdk_fatal("CSIB[NVCOUNT] is less than FUSF_CTL[ROM_T_CNT]. Image rollback not allowed\n"); /* If the CSIB NV counter matches the HW fuses, everything is good */ if (csib_nv == hw_nv) return; /* CSIB NV counter is larger than the HW fuses. We must blow fuses to move the hardware counter forward, protecting from image rollback */ if (BDK_TRUST_HARD_BLOW_NV) { BDK_TRACE(INIT, "Trust: Hard blow secure NV counter to %d\n", csib_nv); uint64_t v = 1ull << BDK_FUSF_FUSE_NUM_E_ROM_T_CNTX(csib_nv - 1); bdk_fuse_field_hard_blow(bdk_numa_master(), BDK_FUSF_FUSE_NUM_E_FUSF_LCK, v, 0); } else { BDK_TRACE(INIT, "Trust: Soft blow secure NV counter to %d\n", csib_nv); bdk_fuse_field_soft_blow(bdk_numa_master(), BDK_FUSF_FUSE_NUM_E_ROM_T_CNTX(csib_nv - 1)); } } /** * Called by boot stub (TBL1FW) to initialize the state of trust */ void __bdk_trust_init(void) { extern uint64_t __bdk_init_reg_pc; /* The contents of PC when this image started */ const bdk_node_t node = bdk_numa_local(); volatile uint64_t *huk = bdk_phys_to_ptr(bdk_numa_get_address(node, BDK_FUSF_HUKX(0))); /* Non-trusted boot address */ if (__bdk_init_reg_pc == 0x120000) { __bdk_trust_level = BDK_TRUST_LEVEL_NONE; if (huk[0] | huk[1]) { BDK_TRACE(INIT, "Trust: Initial image, Non-trusted boot with HUK\n"); goto fail_trust; } else { BDK_TRACE(INIT, "Trust: Initial image, Non-trusted boot without HUK\n"); goto skip_trust; } } if (__bdk_init_reg_pc != 0x150000) { /* Not the first image */ BDK_CSR_INIT(rst_boot, node, BDK_RST_BOOT); if (!rst_boot.s.trusted_mode) { __bdk_trust_level = BDK_TRUST_LEVEL_NONE; BDK_TRACE(INIT, "Trust: Secondary image, non-trusted boot\n"); goto skip_trust; } int csibsize = 0; const union bdk_rom_csib_s *csib = bdk_config_get_blob(&csibsize, BDK_CONFIG_TRUST_CSIB); if (!csib) { __bdk_trust_level = BDK_TRUST_LEVEL_NONE; BDK_TRACE(INIT, "Trust: Secondary image, non-trusted boot\n"); goto skip_trust; } if (csibsize != sizeof(__bdk_trust_csib)) { BDK_TRACE(INIT, "Trust: Secondary image, Trusted boot with corrupt CSIB, trust broken\n"); goto fail_trust; } /* Record our trust level */ switch (csib->s.crypt) { case 0: __bdk_trust_level = BDK_TRUST_LEVEL_SIGNED; BDK_TRACE(INIT, "Trust: Secondary image, Trused boot, no encryption\n"); goto success_trust; case 1: __bdk_trust_level = BDK_TRUST_LEVEL_SIGNED_SSK; BDK_TRACE(INIT, "Trust: Secondary image, Trused boot, SSK encryption\n"); goto success_trust; case 2: __bdk_trust_level = BDK_TRUST_LEVEL_SIGNED_BSSK; BDK_TRACE(INIT, "Trust: Secondary image, Trused boot, BSSK encryption\n"); goto success_trust; default: __bdk_trust_level = BDK_TRUST_LEVEL_BROKEN; BDK_TRACE(INIT, "Trust: Secondary image, Trusted boot, Corrupt CSIB[crypt], trust broken\n"); goto fail_trust; } } /* Copy the Root of Trust public key out of the CSIB */ volatile uint64_t *rot_pub_key = bdk_key_alloc(node, 64); if (!rot_pub_key) { __bdk_trust_level = BDK_TRUST_LEVEL_BROKEN; BDK_TRACE(INIT, "Trust: Failed to allocate ROT memory, trust broken\n"); goto fail_trust; } rot_pub_key[0] = bdk_le64_to_cpu(__bdk_trust_csib.s.rotpk0); rot_pub_key[1] = bdk_le64_to_cpu(__bdk_trust_csib.s.rotpk1); rot_pub_key[2] = bdk_le64_to_cpu(__bdk_trust_csib.s.rotpk2); rot_pub_key[3] = bdk_le64_to_cpu(__bdk_trust_csib.s.rotpk3); rot_pub_key[4] = bdk_le64_to_cpu(__bdk_trust_csib.s.rotpk4); rot_pub_key[5] = bdk_le64_to_cpu(__bdk_trust_csib.s.rotpk5); rot_pub_key[6] = bdk_le64_to_cpu(__bdk_trust_csib.s.rotpk6); rot_pub_key[7] = bdk_le64_to_cpu(__bdk_trust_csib.s.rotpk7); bdk_config_set_int(bdk_ptr_to_phys((void*)rot_pub_key), BDK_CONFIG_TRUST_ROT_ADDR); BDK_TRACE(INIT, "Trust: ROT %016lx %016lx %016lx %016lx %016lx %016lx %016lx %016lx\n", bdk_cpu_to_be64(rot_pub_key[0]), bdk_cpu_to_be64(rot_pub_key[1]), bdk_cpu_to_be64(rot_pub_key[2]), bdk_cpu_to_be64(rot_pub_key[3]), bdk_cpu_to_be64(rot_pub_key[4]), bdk_cpu_to_be64(rot_pub_key[5]), bdk_cpu_to_be64(rot_pub_key[6]), bdk_cpu_to_be64(rot_pub_key[7])); /* Update the secure NV counter with the value in the CSIB */ __bdk_program_nv_counter(); /* Create the BSSK */ if (huk[0] | huk[1]) { uint64_t iv[2] = {0, 0}; volatile uint64_t *bssk = bdk_key_alloc(node, 16); if (!bssk) { __bdk_trust_level = BDK_TRUST_LEVEL_BROKEN; BDK_TRACE(INIT, "Trust: Failed to allocate BSSK memory, trust broken\n"); goto fail_trust; } BDK_TRACE(INIT, "Trust: Calculating BSSK\n"); uint64_t tmp_bssk[2]; tmp_bssk[0] = __bdk_trust_csib.s.fs0; tmp_bssk[1] = __bdk_trust_csib.s.fs1; bdk_aes128cbc_decrypt((void*)huk, (void*)tmp_bssk, 16, iv); bssk[0] = tmp_bssk[0]; bssk[1] = tmp_bssk[1]; tmp_bssk[0] = 0; tmp_bssk[1] = 0; bdk_config_set_int(bdk_ptr_to_phys((void*)bssk), BDK_CONFIG_TRUST_BSSK_ADDR); //BDK_TRACE(INIT, "Trust: BSSK %016lx %016lx\n", bdk_cpu_to_be64(bssk[0]), bdk_cpu_to_be64(bssk[1])); } /* Record our trust level */ switch (__bdk_trust_csib.s.crypt) { case 0: __bdk_trust_level = BDK_TRUST_LEVEL_SIGNED; BDK_TRACE(INIT, "Trust: Trused boot, no encryption\n"); break; case 1: __bdk_trust_level = BDK_TRUST_LEVEL_SIGNED_SSK; BDK_TRACE(INIT, "Trust: Trused boot, SSK encryption\n"); break; case 2: __bdk_trust_level = BDK_TRUST_LEVEL_SIGNED_BSSK; BDK_TRACE(INIT, "Trust: Trused boot, BSSK encryption\n"); break; default: __bdk_trust_level = BDK_TRUST_LEVEL_BROKEN; goto fail_trust; } /* We started at the trusted boot address, CSIB should be valid */ bdk_config_set_blob(sizeof(__bdk_trust_csib), &__bdk_trust_csib, BDK_CONFIG_TRUST_CSIB); success_trust: bdk_signed_load_public(); return; fail_trust: /* Hide secrets */ BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_RST_BOOT, c.s.dis_huk = 1); BDK_TRACE(INIT, "Trust: Secrets Hidden\n"); skip_trust: /* Erase CSIB as it is invalid */ memset(&__bdk_trust_csib, 0, sizeof(__bdk_trust_csib)); bdk_config_set_blob(0, NULL, BDK_CONFIG_TRUST_CSIB); } /** * Returns the current level of trust. Must be called after * __bdk_trust_init() * * @return Enumerated trsut level, see bdk_trust_level_t */ bdk_trust_level_t bdk_trust_get_level(void) { return __bdk_trust_level; } /** * Return the current secure NV counter stored in the fuses * * @return NV counter (0-31) */ int bdk_trust_get_nv_counter(void) { /* Count leading zeros in FUSF_CTL[ROM_T_CNT] to dermine the hardware NV value */ BDK_CSR_INIT(fusf_ctl, bdk_numa_master(), BDK_FUSF_CTL); int hw_nv = 0; if (fusf_ctl.s.rom_t_cnt) hw_nv = 32 - __builtin_clz(fusf_ctl.s.rom_t_cnt); return hw_nv; }