/***********************license start*********************************** * Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Cavium Inc. (support@cavium.com). All rights * reserved. * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of Cavium Inc. nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * This Software, including technical data, may be subject to U.S. export * control laws, including the U.S. Export Administration Act and its * associated regulations, and may be subject to export or import * regulations in other countries. * * TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" * AND WITH ALL FAULTS AND CAVIUM INC. MAKES NO PROMISES, REPRESENTATIONS OR * WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE, WITH RESPECT * TO THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ITS CONDITION, ITS CONFORMITY TO ANY * REPRESENTATION OR DESCRIPTION, OR THE EXISTENCE OF ANY LATENT OR PATENT * DEFECTS, AND CAVIUM SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIED (IF ANY) WARRANTIES * OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE, LACK OF VIRUSES, ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS, QUIET ENJOYMENT, * QUIET POSSESSION OR CORRESPONDENCE TO DESCRIPTION. THE ENTIRE RISK * ARISING OUT OF USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE LIES WITH YOU. ***********************license end**************************************/ #include <bdk.h> #include <libbdk-arch/bdk-csrs-gpio.h> #include <libbdk-arch/bdk-csrs-usbdrd.h> #include <libbdk-arch/bdk-csrs-usbh.h> #include <libbdk-hal/bdk-usb.h> #include <libbdk-hal/bdk-config.h> /* This code is an optional part of the BDK. It is only linked in if BDK_REQUIRE() needs it */ BDK_REQUIRE_DEFINE(USB); /** * Write to DWC3 indirect debug control register * * @param node Node to write to * @param usb_port USB port to write to * @param val 32bit value to write */ static void write_cr_dbg_cfg(bdk_node_t node, int usb_port, uint64_t val) { if (!CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX)) BDK_CSR_WRITE(node, BDK_USBDRDX_UCTL_PORTX_CR_DBG_CFG(usb_port, 0), val); else BDK_CSR_WRITE(node, BDK_USBHX_UCTL_PORTX_CR_DBG_CFG(usb_port, 0), val); } /** * Poll the DWC3 internal status until the ACK bit matches a desired value. Return * the final status. * * @param node Node to query * @param usb_port USB port to query * @param desired_ack * Desired ACK bit state * * @return Final status with ACK at correct state */ static bdk_usbdrdx_uctl_portx_cr_dbg_status_t get_cr_dbg_status(bdk_node_t node, int usb_port, int desired_ack) { const int TIMEOUT = 1000000; /* 1 sec */ bdk_usbdrdx_uctl_portx_cr_dbg_status_t status; if (!CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX)) { if (BDK_CSR_WAIT_FOR_FIELD(node, BDK_USBDRDX_UCTL_PORTX_CR_DBG_STATUS(usb_port, 0), ack, ==, desired_ack, TIMEOUT)) { BDK_TRACE(USB_XHCI, "N%d.USB%d: Timeout waiting for indirect ACK\n", node, usb_port); status.u = -1; } else status.u = BDK_CSR_READ(node, BDK_USBDRDX_UCTL_PORTX_CR_DBG_STATUS(usb_port, 0)); } else { if (BDK_CSR_WAIT_FOR_FIELD(node, BDK_USBHX_UCTL_PORTX_CR_DBG_STATUS(usb_port, 0), ack, ==, desired_ack, TIMEOUT)) { BDK_TRACE(USB_XHCI, "N%d.USB%d: Timeout waiting for indirect ACK\n", node, usb_port); status.u = -1; } else status.u = BDK_CSR_READ(node, BDK_USBHX_UCTL_PORTX_CR_DBG_STATUS(usb_port, 0)); } return status; } /** * Perform an indirect read of an internal register inside the DWC3 usb block * * @param node Node to read * @param usb_port USB port to read * @param addr Indirect register address * * @return Value of the indirect register */ static uint32_t dwc3_uphy_indirect_read(bdk_node_t node, int usb_port, uint32_t addr) { bdk_usbdrdx_uctl_portx_cr_dbg_cfg_t dbg_cfg; bdk_usbdrdx_uctl_portx_cr_dbg_status_t status; /* See the CSR description for USBHX_UCTL_PORTX_CR_DBG_CFG, which describes the steps implemented by this function */ dbg_cfg.u = 0; dbg_cfg.s.data_in = addr; write_cr_dbg_cfg(node, usb_port, dbg_cfg.u); dbg_cfg.s.cap_addr = 1; write_cr_dbg_cfg(node, usb_port, dbg_cfg.u); status = get_cr_dbg_status(node, usb_port, 1); if (status.u == (uint64_t)-1) return 0xffffffff; write_cr_dbg_cfg(node, usb_port, 0); get_cr_dbg_status(node, usb_port, 0); dbg_cfg.u = 0; dbg_cfg.s.read = 1; write_cr_dbg_cfg(node, usb_port, dbg_cfg.u); status = get_cr_dbg_status(node, usb_port, 1); write_cr_dbg_cfg(node, usb_port, 0); get_cr_dbg_status(node, usb_port, 0); return status.s.data_out; } /** * Perform an indirect write of an internal register inside the DWC3 usb block * * @param node Node to write * @param usb_port USB port to write * @param addr Indirect register address * @param value Value for write */ static void dwc3_uphy_indirect_write(bdk_node_t node, int usb_port, uint32_t addr, uint16_t value) { bdk_usbdrdx_uctl_portx_cr_dbg_cfg_t dbg_cfg; /* See the CSR description for USBHX_UCTL_PORTX_CR_DBG_CFG, which describes the steps implemented by this function */ dbg_cfg.u = 0; dbg_cfg.s.data_in = addr; write_cr_dbg_cfg(node, usb_port, dbg_cfg.u); dbg_cfg.s.cap_addr = 1; write_cr_dbg_cfg(node, usb_port, dbg_cfg.u); get_cr_dbg_status(node, usb_port, 1); write_cr_dbg_cfg(node, usb_port, 0); get_cr_dbg_status(node, usb_port, 0); dbg_cfg.u = 0; dbg_cfg.s.data_in = value; write_cr_dbg_cfg(node, usb_port, dbg_cfg.u); dbg_cfg.s.cap_data = 1; write_cr_dbg_cfg(node, usb_port, dbg_cfg.u); get_cr_dbg_status(node, usb_port, 1); write_cr_dbg_cfg(node, usb_port, 0); get_cr_dbg_status(node, usb_port, 0); dbg_cfg.u = 0; dbg_cfg.s.write = 1; write_cr_dbg_cfg(node, usb_port, dbg_cfg.u); get_cr_dbg_status(node, usb_port, 1); write_cr_dbg_cfg(node, usb_port, 0); get_cr_dbg_status(node, usb_port, 0); } /** * Errata USB-29206 - The USB HS PLL in all 28nm devices has a * design issue that may cause the VCO to lock up on * initialization. The Synopsys VCO is designed with an even * number of stages and no kick-start circuit, which makes us * believe that there is no question a latched up * (non-oscillating) state is possible. The workaround is to * check the PLL lock bit, which is just based on a counter and * will not set if the VCO is not oscillating, and if it's not * set do a power down/power up cycle on the PLL, which tests * have proven is much more likely to guarantee the VCO will * start oscillating. Part of the problem appears to be that * the normal init sequence holds the VCO in reset during the * power up sequence, whereas the plain power up/down sequence * does not, so the voltage changing may be helping the circuit * to oscillate. * * @param node Node to check * @param usb_port USB port to check * * @return Zero on success, negative on failure */ static int dwc3_uphy_check_pll(bdk_node_t node, int usb_port) { /* Internal indirect register that reports if the phy PLL has lock. This will be 1 if lock, 0 if no lock */ const int DWC3_INT_IND_PLL_LOCK_REG = 0x200b; /* Internal indirect UPHY register that controls the power to the UPHY PLL */ const int DWC3_INT_IND_UPHY_PLL_PU = 0x2012; /* Write enable bit for DWC3_INT_IND_PLL_POWER_CTL */ const int DWC3_INT_IND_UPHY_PLL_PU_WE = 0x20; /* Power enable bit for DWC3_INT_IND_PLL_POWER_CTL */ const int DWC3_INT_IND_UPHY_PLL_PU_POWER_EN = 0x02; uint32_t pll_locked = dwc3_uphy_indirect_read(node, usb_port, DWC3_INT_IND_PLL_LOCK_REG); int retry_count = 0; while (!pll_locked) { if (retry_count >= 3) { bdk_error("N%d.USB%d: USB2 PLL failed to lock\n", node, usb_port); return -1; } retry_count++; BDK_TRACE(USB_XHCI, "N%d.USB%d: USB2 PLL didn't lock, retry %d\n", node, usb_port, retry_count); /* Turn on write enable for PLL power control */ uint32_t pwr_val = dwc3_uphy_indirect_read(node, usb_port, DWC3_INT_IND_UPHY_PLL_PU); pwr_val |= DWC3_INT_IND_UPHY_PLL_PU_WE; dwc3_uphy_indirect_write(node, usb_port, DWC3_INT_IND_UPHY_PLL_PU, pwr_val); /* Power down the PLL */ pwr_val &= ~DWC3_INT_IND_UPHY_PLL_PU_POWER_EN; dwc3_uphy_indirect_write(node, usb_port, DWC3_INT_IND_UPHY_PLL_PU, pwr_val); bdk_wait_usec(1000); /* Power on the PLL */ pwr_val |= DWC3_INT_IND_UPHY_PLL_PU_POWER_EN; dwc3_uphy_indirect_write(node, usb_port, DWC3_INT_IND_UPHY_PLL_PU, pwr_val); bdk_wait_usec(1000); /* Check for PLL Lock again */ pll_locked = dwc3_uphy_indirect_read(node, usb_port, DWC3_INT_IND_PLL_LOCK_REG); } return 0; } /** * Initialize the clocks for USB such that it is ready for a generic XHCI driver * * @param node Node to init * @param usb_port Port to intialize * @param clock_type Type of clock connected to the usb port * * @return Zero on success, negative on failure */ int bdk_usb_initialize(bdk_node_t node, int usb_port, bdk_usb_clock_t clock_type) { int is_usbdrd = !CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX); /* Perform the following steps to initiate a cold reset. */ /* 1. Wait for all voltages to reach a stable state. Ensure the reference clock is up and stable. a. If 3.3V is up first, 0.85V must be soon after (within tens of ms). */ /* 2. Wait for IOI reset to deassert. */ /* 3. If Over Current indication and/or Port Power Control features are desired, program the GPIO CSRs appropriately. a. For Over Current Indication, select a GPIO for the input and program GPIO_USBH_CTL[SEL]. b. For Port Power Control, set one of GPIO_BIT_CFG(0..19)[OUTPUT_SEL] = USBH_VBUS_CTRL. */ /* 4. Assert all resets: a. UPHY reset: USBDRD(0..1)_UCTL_CTL[UPHY_RST] = 1 b. UAHC reset: USBDRD(0..1)_UCTL_CTL[UAHC_RST] = 1 c. UCTL reset: USBDRD(0..1)_UCTL_CTL[UCTL_RST] = 1 */ if (is_usbdrd) { BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBDRDX_UCTL_CTL(usb_port), c.s.uphy_rst = 1; c.s.uahc_rst = 1; c.s.uctl_rst = 1); } else { BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBHX_UCTL_CTL(usb_port), c.s.uphy_rst = 1; c.s.uahc_rst = 1; c.s.uctl_rst = 1); } /* 5. Configure the controller clock: a. Reset the clock dividers: USBDRD(0..1)_UCTL_CTL[H_CLKDIV_RST] = 1. b. Select the controller clock frequency USBDRD(0..1)_UCTL_CTL[H_CLKDIV] = desired value. USBDRD(0..1)_UCTL_CTL[H_CLKDIV_EN] = 1 to enable the controller clock. Read USBDRD(0..1)_UCTL_CTL to ensure the values take effect. c. Deassert the controller clock divider reset: USB- DRD(0..1)_UCTL_CTL[H_CLKDIV_RST] = 0. */ uint64_t sclk_rate = bdk_clock_get_rate(node, BDK_CLOCK_SCLK); uint64_t divider = (sclk_rate + 300000000-1) / 300000000; /* ** According to HRM Rules are: ** - clock must be below 300MHz ** USB3 full-rate requires 150 MHz or better ** USB3 requires 125 MHz ** USB2 full rate requires 90 MHz ** USB2 requires 62.5 MHz */ if (divider <= 1) divider = 0; else if (divider <= 2) divider = 1; else if (divider <= 4) divider = 2; else if (divider <= 6) divider = 3; else if (divider <= 8) divider = 4; else if (divider <= 16) divider = 5; else if (divider <= 24) divider = 6; else divider = 7; if (is_usbdrd) { BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBDRDX_UCTL_CTL(usb_port), c.s.h_clkdiv_rst = 1); BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBDRDX_UCTL_CTL(usb_port), c.s.h_clkdiv_sel = divider; c.s.h_clk_en = 1); BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBDRDX_UCTL_CTL(usb_port), c.s.h_clkdiv_rst = 0); } else { BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBHX_UCTL_CTL(usb_port), c.s.h_clkdiv_rst = 1); BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBHX_UCTL_CTL(usb_port), c.s.h_clkdiv_sel = divider; c.s.h_clk_en = 1); BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBHX_UCTL_CTL(usb_port), c.s.h_clkdiv_rst = 0); } { static bool printit[2] = {true,true}; if (printit[usb_port]) { uint64_t fr_div; if (divider < 5) fr_div = divider * 2; else fr_div = 8 * (divider - 3); uint64_t freq = 0; if (fr_div > 0) freq = (typeof(freq)) (sclk_rate / fr_div); const char *token; if (freq < 62500000ULL) token = "???Low"; else if (freq < 90000000ULL) token = "USB2"; else if (freq < 125000000ULL) token = "USB2 Full"; else if (freq < 150000000ULL) token = "USB3"; else token = "USB3 Full"; BDK_TRACE(USB_XHCI, "Freq %lld - %s\n", (unsigned long long)freq, token); printit[usb_port] = false; } } /* 6. Configure the strap signals in USBDRD(0..1)_UCTL_CTL. a. Reference clock configuration (see Table 31.2): USB- DRD(0..1)_UCTL_CTL[REF_CLK_FSEL, MPLL_MULTIPLIER, REF_CLK_SEL, REF_CLK_DIV2]. b. Configure and enable spread-spectrum for SuperSpeed: USBDRD(0..1)_UCTL_CTL[SSC_RANGE, SSC_EN, SSC_REF_CLK_SEL]. c. Enable USBDRD(0..1)_UCTL_CTL[REF_SSP_EN]. d. Configure PHY ports: USBDRD(0..1)_UCTL_CTL[USB*_PORT_PERM_ATTACH, USB*_PORT_DISABLE]. */ if (is_usbdrd) { int ref_clk_src = 0; int ref_clk_fsel = 0x27; if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX)) { if (BDK_USB_CLOCK_SS_PAD_HS_PAD != clock_type) { bdk_error("Node %d usb_port %d: usb clock type %d is invalid\n", node, usb_port, clock_type); return -1; } } else if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX)) { switch (clock_type) { default: bdk_error("Node %d usb_port %d: usb clock type %d is invalid\n", node, usb_port, clock_type); return -1; case BDK_USB_CLOCK_SS_PAD_HS_PAD : ref_clk_src = 2; break; case BDK_USB_CLOCK_SS_REF0_HS_REF0 : ref_clk_src = 0; break; /* Superspeed and high speed use DLM/QLM ref clock 0 */ case BDK_USB_CLOCK_SS_REF1_HS_REF1 : ref_clk_src = 1; break; /* Superspeed and high speed use DLM/QLM ref clock 1 */ case BDK_USB_CLOCK_SS_PAD_HS_PLL : ref_clk_src = 6; ref_clk_fsel = 0x7; break; /* Superspeed uses PAD clock, high speed uses PLL ref clock */ case BDK_USB_CLOCK_SS_REF0_HS_PLL : ref_clk_src = 4; ref_clk_fsel = 0x7; break; /* Superspeed uses DLM/QLM ref clock 0, high speed uses PLL ref clock */ case BDK_USB_CLOCK_SS_REF1_HS_PLL: ref_clk_src = 5; ref_clk_fsel =0x7; break; /* Superspeed uses DLM/QLM ref clock 1, high speed uses PLL ref clock */ } } BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBDRDX_UCTL_CTL(usb_port), c.s.ref_clk_fsel = ref_clk_fsel; c.s.mpll_multiplier = 0x19; c.s.ref_clk_sel = ref_clk_src; c.s.ref_clk_div2 = 0); BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBDRDX_UCTL_CTL(usb_port), c.s.ssc_en = 1; c.s.ssc_ref_clk_sel = 0); BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBDRDX_UCTL_CTL(usb_port), c.s.ref_ssp_en = 1); } else { if (BDK_USB_CLOCK_SS_PAD_HS_PAD != clock_type) { bdk_error("Node %d usb_port %d: usb clock type %d is invalid\n", node, usb_port, clock_type); return -1; } BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBHX_UCTL_CTL(usb_port), c.s.ref_clk_fsel = 0x27; c.s.mpll_multiplier = 0; c.s.ref_clk_sel = 0; c.s.ref_clk_div2 = 0); BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBHX_UCTL_CTL(usb_port), c.s.ssc_en = 1; c.s.ssc_ref_clk_sel = 0); BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBHX_UCTL_CTL(usb_port), c.s.ref_ssp_en = 1); } /* Hardware default is for ports to be enabled and not perm attach. Don't change it */ /* 7. The PHY resets in lowest-power mode. Power up the per-port PHY logic by enabling the following: a. USBDRD(0..1)_UCTL_CTL [HS_POWER_EN] if high-speed/full-speed/low- speed functionality needed. b. USBDRD(0..1)_UCTL_CTL [SS_POWER_EN] if SuperSpeed functionality needed. */ if (is_usbdrd) { BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBDRDX_UCTL_CTL(usb_port), c.s.hs_power_en = 1; c.s.ss_power_en = 1); } else { BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBHX_UCTL_CTL(usb_port), c.s.hs_power_en = 1; c.s.ss_power_en = 1); } /* 8. Wait 10 controller-clock cycles from step 5. for controller clock to start and async FIFO to properly reset. */ bdk_wait_usec(1); /* 9. Deassert UCTL and UAHC resets: a. USBDRD(0..1)_UCTL_CTL[UCTL_RST] = 0 b. USBDRD(0..1)_UCTL_CTL[UAHC_RST] = 0 c. [optional] For port-power control: - Set one of GPIO_BIT_CFG(0..47)[PIN_SEL] = USB0_VBUS_CTRLor USB1_VBUS_CTRL. - Set USBDRD(0..1)_UCTL_HOST_CFG[PPC_EN] = 1 and USBDRD(0..1)_UCTL_HOST_CFG[PPC_ACTIVE_HIGH_EN] = 1. - Wait for the external power management chip to power the VBUS.ional port-power control. ] d. You will have to wait 10 controller-clock cycles before accessing any controller-clock-only registers. */ if (is_usbdrd) { BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBDRDX_UCTL_CTL(usb_port), c.s.uctl_rst = 0); } else { BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBHX_UCTL_CTL(usb_port), c.s.uctl_rst = 0); } bdk_wait_usec(1); int usb_gpio = bdk_config_get_int(BDK_CONFIG_USB_PWR_GPIO, node, usb_port); int usb_polarity = bdk_config_get_int(BDK_CONFIG_USB_PWR_GPIO_POLARITY, node, usb_port); if (-1 != usb_gpio) { int gsrc = BDK_GPIO_PIN_SEL_E_USBX_VBUS_CTRL_CN88XX(usb_port); if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX)) { gsrc = BDK_GPIO_PIN_SEL_E_USBX_VBUS_CTRL_CN88XX(usb_port); } else if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN81XX)) { gsrc = BDK_GPIO_PIN_SEL_E_USBX_VBUS_CTRL_CN81XX(usb_port); } else if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN83XX)) { gsrc = BDK_GPIO_PIN_SEL_E_USBX_VBUS_CTRL_CN83XX(usb_port);} else { bdk_error("USB_VBUS_CTRL GPIO: unknown chip model\n"); } BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c,node,BDK_GPIO_BIT_CFGX(usb_gpio), c.s.pin_sel = gsrc; c.s.pin_xor = (usb_polarity) ? 0 : 1; ); if (is_usbdrd) { BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBDRDX_UCTL_HOST_CFG(usb_port), c.s.ppc_en = 1; c.s.ppc_active_high_en = 1); } else { BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBHX_UCTL_HOST_CFG(usb_port), c.s.ppc_en = 1; c.s.ppc_active_high_en = 1); } bdk_wait_usec(100000); } if (is_usbdrd) { BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBDRDX_UCTL_CTL(usb_port), c.s.uahc_rst = 0); } else { BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBHX_UCTL_CTL(usb_port), c.s.uahc_rst = 0); } bdk_wait_usec(100000); bdk_wait_usec(1); /* 10. Enable conditional coprocessor clock of UCTL by writing USB- DRD(0..1)_UCTL_CTL[CSCLK_EN] = 1. */ if (is_usbdrd) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN8XXX)) { /* CN9XXX make coprocessor clock automatic */ BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBDRDX_UCTL_CTL(usb_port), c.cn83xx.csclk_en = 1); } } else { BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBHX_UCTL_CTL(usb_port), c.s.csclk_en = 1); } /* 11. Set USBDRD(0..1)_UCTL_CTL[DRD_MODE] to 1 for device mode, 0 for host mode. */ if (is_usbdrd) { BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBDRDX_UCTL_CTL(usb_port), c.s.drd_mode = 0); } /* 12. Soft reset the UPHY and UAHC logic via the UAHC controls: a. USBDRD(0..1)_UAHC_GUSB2PHYCFG(0)[PHYSOFTRST] = 1 b. USBDRD(0..1)_UAHC_GUSB3PIPECTL(0)[PHYSOFTRST] = 1 c. USBDRD(0..1)_UAHC_GCTL[CORESOFTRESET] = 1 */ if (is_usbdrd) { BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBDRDX_UAHC_GUSB2PHYCFGX(usb_port, 0), c.s.physoftrst = 1); BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBDRDX_UAHC_GUSB3PIPECTLX(usb_port, 0), c.s.physoftrst = 1); BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBDRDX_UAHC_GCTL(usb_port), c.s.coresoftreset = 1); } else { BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBHX_UAHC_GUSB2PHYCFGX(usb_port, 0), c.s.physoftrst = 1); BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBHX_UAHC_GUSB3PIPECTLX(usb_port, 0), c.s.physoftrst = 1); BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBHX_UAHC_GCTL(usb_port), c.s.coresoftreset = 1); } /* 13. Program USBDRD(0..1)_UAHC_GCTL[PRTCAPDIR] to 0x2 for device mode or 0x1 for host mode. */ if (is_usbdrd) { BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBDRDX_UAHC_GCTL(usb_port), c.s.prtcapdir = 1); } else { BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBHX_UAHC_GCTL(usb_port), c.s.prtcapdir = 1); } /* 14. Wait 10us after step 13. for the PHY to complete its reset. */ bdk_wait_usec(10); /* 15. Deassert UPHY reset: USBDRD(0..1)_UCTL_CTL[UPHY_RST] = 0. */ if (is_usbdrd) { BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBDRDX_UCTL_CTL(usb_port), c.s.uphy_rst = 0); } else { BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBHX_UCTL_CTL(usb_port), c.s.uphy_rst = 0); } /* 16. Wait for at least 45us after step 15. for UPHY to output stable PHYCLOCK. */ bdk_wait_usec(45); /* Workround Errata USB-29206 */ if (dwc3_uphy_check_pll(node, usb_port)) return -1; /* 17. Initialize any other strap signals necessary and make sure they propagate by reading back the last register written. a. UCTL USBDRD(0..1)_UCTL_PORT0_CFG_*[*_TUNE] USBDRD(0..1)_UCTL_PORT0_CFG_*[PCS_*] USBDRD(0..1)_UCTL_PORT0_CFG_*[LANE0_TX_TERM_OFFSET] USBDRD(0..1)_UCTL_PORT0_CFG_*[TX_VBOOST_LVL] USBDRD(0..1)_UCTL__PORT0_CFG_*[LOS_BIAS] USBDRD(0..1)_UCTL_HOST_CFG USBDRD(0..1)_UCTL_SHIM_CFG b. UAHC: only the following UAHC registers are accessible during CoreSoftReset. USBDRD(0..1)_UAHC_GCTL USBDRD(0..1)_UAHC_GUCTL USBDRD(0..1)_UAHC_GSTS USBDRD(0..1)_UAHC_GUID USBDRD(0..1)_UAHC_GUSB2PHYCFG(0) USBDRD(0..1)_UAHC_GUSB3PIPECTL(0) */ /* 18. Release soft reset the UPHY and UAHC logic via the UAHC controls: a. USBDRD(0..1)_UAHC_GUSB2PHYCFG(0)[PHYSOFTRST] = 0 b. USBDRD(0..1)_UAHC_GUSB3PIPECTL(0)[PHYSOFTRST] = 0 c. USBDRD(0..1)_UAHC_GCTL[CORESOFTRESET] = 0 */ if (is_usbdrd) { BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBDRDX_UAHC_GUSB2PHYCFGX(usb_port, 0), c.s.physoftrst = 0); BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBDRDX_UAHC_GUSB3PIPECTLX(usb_port, 0), c.s.physoftrst = 0); BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBDRDX_UAHC_GCTL(usb_port), c.s.coresoftreset = 0); } else { BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBHX_UAHC_GUSB2PHYCFGX(usb_port, 0), c.s.physoftrst = 0); BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBHX_UAHC_GUSB3PIPECTLX(usb_port, 0), c.s.physoftrst = 0); BDK_CSR_MODIFY(c, node, BDK_USBHX_UAHC_GCTL(usb_port), c.s.coresoftreset = 0); } /* 19. Configure the remaining UAHC_G* registers as needed, including any that were not configured in step 17.-b. */ /* 20. Initialize the USB controller: a. To initialize the UAHC as a USB host controller, the application should perform the steps described in the xHCI specification (UAHC_X* registers). The xHCI sequence starts with poll for a 0 in USBDRD(0..1)_UAHC_USBSTS[CNR]. b. To initialize the UAHC as a device, the application should TBD. The device initiation sequence starts with a device soft reset by setting USBDRD(0..1)_UAHC_DCTL[CSFTRST] = 1 and wait for a read operation to return 0. */ return 0; }