/***********************license start*********************************** * Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Cavium Inc. (support@cavium.com). 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This just sets the clock rate. * Many times stuff will work without calling this, but some * TWSI devices will fail. This is normally called automatically * in bdk-init-main.c. * * @return Zero on success, negative on failure */ int bdk_twsix_initialize(bdk_node_t node) { const int TWSI_BUS_FREQ = 100000; /* 100 KHz */ const int TWSI_THP = 24; /* TCLK half period (default 24) */ const int io_clock_hz = bdk_clock_get_rate(node, BDK_CLOCK_SCLK); int N_divider; int M_divider; /* Set the TWSI clock to a conservative TWSI_BUS_FREQ. Compute the clocks M divider based on the SCLK. TWSI freq = (core freq) / (20 x (M+1) x (thp+1) x 2^N) M = ((core freq) / (20 x (TWSI freq) x (thp+1) x 2^N)) - 1 */ for (N_divider = 0; N_divider < 8; N_divider++) { M_divider = (io_clock_hz / (20 * TWSI_BUS_FREQ * (TWSI_THP + 1) * (1 << N_divider))) - 1; if (M_divider < 16) break; } BDK_CSR_DEFINE(sw_twsi, BDK_MIO_TWSX_SW_TWSI(bus)); sw_twsi.u = 0; sw_twsi.s.v = 1; /* Clear valid bit */ sw_twsi.s.op = 0x6; /* See EOP field */ sw_twsi.s.r = 0; /* Select CLKCTL when R = 0 */ sw_twsi.s.eop_ia = 3; /* R=0 selects CLKCTL, R=1 selects STAT */ sw_twsi.s.data = ((M_divider & 0xf) << 3) | ((N_divider & 0x7) << 0); int num_busses = 2; if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX)) num_busses = 6; for (int bus = 0; bus < num_busses; bus++) { /* Only init non-slave ports */ BDK_CSR_INIT(state, node, BDK_MIO_TWSX_SW_TWSI(bus)); if (!state.s.slonly) BDK_CSR_WRITE(node, BDK_MIO_TWSX_SW_TWSI(bus), sw_twsi.u); } return 0; } /** * Do a twsi bus recovery in the case when the last transaction * on the bus has been left unfinished. * * @param twsi_id which TWSI bus to use */ static void bdk_twsix_recover_bus(bdk_node_t node, int twsi_id) { /* read TWSX_INT */ BDK_CSR_INIT(twsx_int, node, BDK_MIO_TWSX_INT(twsi_id)); for (int i = 0; i < RECOVERY_CLK_CNT * 2; i++) { if (!twsx_int.s.scl_ovr) { /* SCL shouldn't be low here */ if (!twsx_int.s.scl) { bdk_error("N%d.TWSI%d: SCL is stuck low\n", node, twsi_id); return; } /* Break if SDA is high */ if (twsx_int.s.sda) break; } twsx_int.s.scl_ovr = !twsx_int.s.scl_ovr; BDK_CSR_WRITE(node, BDK_MIO_TWSX_INT(twsi_id), twsx_int.u); bdk_wait_usec(RECOVERY_UDELAY); } /* * Generate STOP condition using the register overrides * in order to move the higher level controller out of * the bad state. This is a workaround for the TWSI hardware. */ twsx_int.s.scl_ovr = 1; twsx_int.s.sda_ovr = 1; BDK_CSR_WRITE(node, BDK_MIO_TWSX_INT(twsi_id), twsx_int.u); bdk_wait_usec(RECOVERY_UDELAY); twsx_int.s.scl_ovr = 0; BDK_CSR_WRITE(node, BDK_MIO_TWSX_INT(twsi_id), twsx_int.u); bdk_wait_usec(RECOVERY_UDELAY); twsx_int.s.sda_ovr = 0; BDK_CSR_WRITE(node, BDK_MIO_TWSX_INT(twsi_id), twsx_int.u); } /** * Do a twsi read from a 7 bit device address using an (optional) * internal address. Up to 4 bytes can be read at a time. * * @param twsi_id which TWSI bus to use * @param dev_addr Device address (7 bit) * @param internal_addr * Internal address. Can be 0, 1 or 2 bytes in width * @param num_bytes Number of data bytes to read (1-4) * @param ia_width_bytes * Internal address size in bytes (0, 1, or 2) * * @return Read data, or -1 on failure */ int64_t bdk_twsix_read_ia(bdk_node_t node, int twsi_id, uint8_t dev_addr, uint16_t internal_addr, int num_bytes, int ia_width_bytes) { bdk_mio_twsx_sw_twsi_t sw_twsi_val; bdk_mio_twsx_sw_twsi_ext_t twsi_ext; int retry_limit = 5; if (num_bytes < 1 || num_bytes > 4 || ia_width_bytes < 0 || ia_width_bytes > 2) return -1; retry: twsi_ext.u = 0; sw_twsi_val.u = 0; sw_twsi_val.s.v = 1; sw_twsi_val.s.r = 1; sw_twsi_val.s.sovr = 1; sw_twsi_val.s.size = num_bytes - 1; sw_twsi_val.s.addr = dev_addr; if (ia_width_bytes > 0) { sw_twsi_val.s.op = 1; sw_twsi_val.s.ia = (internal_addr >> 3) & 0x1f; sw_twsi_val.s.eop_ia = internal_addr & 0x7; if (ia_width_bytes == 2) { sw_twsi_val.s.eia = 1; twsi_ext.s.ia = internal_addr >> 8; BDK_CSR_WRITE(node, BDK_MIO_TWSX_SW_TWSI_EXT(twsi_id), twsi_ext.u); } } BDK_CSR_WRITE(node, BDK_MIO_TWSX_SW_TWSI(twsi_id), sw_twsi_val.u); if (BDK_CSR_WAIT_FOR_FIELD(node, BDK_MIO_TWSX_SW_TWSI(twsi_id), v, ==, 0, 10000)) { bdk_warn("N%d.TWSI%d: Timeout waiting for read to complete...start recovering process\n", node, twsi_id); /* perform bus recovery */ bdk_twsix_recover_bus(node, twsi_id); if (retry_limit-- > 0) goto retry; bdk_error("N%d.TWSI%d: Timeout waiting for operation to complete\n", node, twsi_id); return -1; } sw_twsi_val.u = BDK_CSR_READ(node, BDK_MIO_TWSX_SW_TWSI(twsi_id)); if (!sw_twsi_val.s.r) { /* Check the reason for the failure. We may need to retry to handle multi-master ** configurations. ** Lost arbitration : 0x38, 0x68, 0xB0, 0x78 ** Core busy as slave: 0x80, 0x88, 0xA0, 0xA8, 0xB8, 0xC0, 0xC8 */ if (sw_twsi_val.s.data == 0x38 || sw_twsi_val.s.data == 0x68 || sw_twsi_val.s.data == 0xB0 || sw_twsi_val.s.data == 0x78 || sw_twsi_val.s.data == 0x80 || sw_twsi_val.s.data == 0x88 || sw_twsi_val.s.data == 0xA0 || sw_twsi_val.s.data == 0xA8 || sw_twsi_val.s.data == 0xB8 || sw_twsi_val.s.data == 0xC8) { /* * One of the arbitration lost conditions is recognized. * The TWSI hardware has switched to the slave mode and * expects the STOP condition on the bus. * Make a delay before next retry. */ bdk_wait_usec(ARBLOST_UDELAY); if (retry_limit-- > 0) goto retry; } /* For all other errors, return an error code */ return -1; } return (sw_twsi_val.s.data & (0xFFFFFFFF >> (32 - num_bytes*8))); } /** * Write 1-8 bytes to a TWSI device using an internal address. * * @param twsi_id which TWSI interface to use * @param dev_addr TWSI device address (7 bit only) * @param internal_addr * TWSI internal address (0, 8, or 16 bits) * @param num_bytes Number of bytes to write (1-8) * @param ia_width_bytes * internal address width, in bytes (0, 1, 2) * @param data Data to write. Data is written MSB first on the twsi bus, and * only the lower num_bytes bytes of the argument are valid. (If * a 2 byte write is done, only the low 2 bytes of the argument is * used. * * @return Zero on success, -1 on error */ int bdk_twsix_write_ia(bdk_node_t node, int twsi_id, uint8_t dev_addr, uint16_t internal_addr, int num_bytes, int ia_width_bytes, uint64_t data) { bdk_mio_twsx_sw_twsi_t sw_twsi_val; bdk_mio_twsx_sw_twsi_ext_t twsi_ext; int retry_limit = 5; int to; if (num_bytes < 1 || num_bytes > 8 || ia_width_bytes < 0 || ia_width_bytes > 2) return -1; retry: twsi_ext.u = 0; sw_twsi_val.u = 0; sw_twsi_val.s.v = 1; sw_twsi_val.s.sovr = 1; sw_twsi_val.s.size = num_bytes - 1; sw_twsi_val.s.addr = dev_addr; sw_twsi_val.s.data = 0xFFFFFFFF & data; if (ia_width_bytes > 0) { sw_twsi_val.s.op = 1; sw_twsi_val.s.ia = (internal_addr >> 3) & 0x1f; sw_twsi_val.s.eop_ia = internal_addr & 0x7; } if (ia_width_bytes == 2) { sw_twsi_val.s.eia = 1; twsi_ext.s.ia = internal_addr >> 8; } if (num_bytes > 4) twsi_ext.s.data = data >> 32; BDK_CSR_WRITE(node, BDK_MIO_TWSX_SW_TWSI_EXT(twsi_id), twsi_ext.u); BDK_CSR_WRITE(node, BDK_MIO_TWSX_SW_TWSI(twsi_id), sw_twsi_val.u); if (BDK_CSR_WAIT_FOR_FIELD(node, BDK_MIO_TWSX_SW_TWSI(twsi_id), v, ==, 0, 10000)) { bdk_warn("N%d.TWSI%d: Timeout waiting for write to complete...start recovering process\n", node, twsi_id); /* perform bus recovery */ bdk_twsix_recover_bus(node, twsi_id); if (retry_limit-- > 0) goto retry; // After retry but still not success, report error and return bdk_error("N%d.TWSI%d: Timeout waiting for operation to complete\n", node, twsi_id); return -1; } /* Poll until reads succeed, or polling times out */ to = 100; while (to-- > 0) { if (bdk_twsix_read_ia(node, twsi_id, dev_addr, 0, 1, 0) >= 0) break; } if (to <= 0) return -1; return 0; }