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THE ENTIRE RISK * ARISING OUT OF USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE LIES WITH YOU. ***********************license end**************************************/ #include #include "libbdk-arch/bdk-csrs-gti.h" #include "libbdk-arch/bdk-csrs-ocx.h" /** * Called in __bdk_init to setup the global timer */ void bdk_clock_setup(bdk_node_t node) { const bdk_node_t local_node = bdk_numa_local(); /* Check if the counter was already setup */ BDK_CSR_INIT(cntcr, node, BDK_GTI_CC_CNTCR); if (cntcr.s.en) return; /* Configure GTI to tick at BDK_GTI_RATE */ uint64_t sclk = bdk_clock_get_rate(node, BDK_CLOCK_SCLK); uint64_t inc = (BDK_GTI_RATE << 32) / sclk; BDK_CSR_WRITE(node, BDK_GTI_CC_CNTRATE, inc); BDK_CSR_WRITE(node, BDK_GTI_CTL_CNTFRQ, BDK_GTI_RATE); cntcr.s.en = 1; if (node != local_node) { /* Synchronize with local node. Very simple set of counter, will be off a little */ BDK_CSR_WRITE(node, BDK_GTI_CC_CNTCV, bdk_clock_get_count(BDK_CLOCK_TIME)); } /* Enable the counter */ BDK_CSR_WRITE(node, BDK_GTI_CC_CNTCR, cntcr.u); BDK_CSR_READ(node, BDK_GTI_CC_CNTCR); if (node != local_node) { if (CAVIUM_IS_MODEL(CAVIUM_CN88XX_PASS1_X)) { /* Assume the delay in each direction is the same, sync the counters */ int64_t local1 = bdk_clock_get_count(BDK_CLOCK_TIME); int64_t remote = BDK_CSR_READ(node, BDK_GTI_CC_CNTCV); int64_t local2 = bdk_clock_get_count(BDK_CLOCK_TIME); int64_t expected = (local1 + local2) / 2; BDK_CSR_WRITE(node, BDK_GTI_CC_CNTADD, expected - remote); BDK_TRACE(INIT, "N%d.GTI: Clock synchronization with master\n" " expected: %ld, remote %ld\n" " Counter correction: %ld\n", node, expected, remote, expected - remote); } else { /* Due to errata TBD, we need to use OCX_PP_CMD to write GTI_CC_CNTMB in order for timestamps to update. These constants are the addresses we need for both local and remote GTI_CC_CNTMB */ const uint64_t LOCAL_GTI_CC_CNTMB = bdk_numa_get_address(local_node, BDK_GTI_CC_CNTMB); const uint64_t REMOTE_GTI_CC_CNTMB = bdk_numa_get_address(node, BDK_GTI_CC_CNTMB); /* Build partial OCX_PP_CMD command used for writes. Address will be filled later */ BDK_CSR_DEFINE(pp_cmd, BDK_OCX_PP_CMD); pp_cmd.u = 0; pp_cmd.s.wr_mask = 0xff; const int NUM_AVERAGE = 16; /* Choose a power of two to avoid division */ int64_t local_to_remote_sum = 0; int64_t local_to_remote_min = 1000000; int64_t local_to_remote_max = -1000000; int64_t remote_to_local_sum = 0; int64_t remote_to_local_min = 1000000; int64_t remote_to_local_max = -1000000; for (int loop = 0; loop < NUM_AVERAGE; loop++) { /* Perform a write to the remote GTI_CC_CNTMB to cause timestamp update. We don't care about the value actually written */ pp_cmd.s.addr = REMOTE_GTI_CC_CNTMB; BDK_CSR_WRITE(local_node, BDK_OCX_PP_CMD, pp_cmd.u); BDK_CSR_READ(local_node, BDK_OCX_PP_CMD); int64_t remote = BDK_CSR_READ(node, BDK_GTI_CC_CNTMBTS); int64_t local = BDK_CSR_READ(local_node, BDK_GTI_CC_CNTMBTS); int64_t delta = remote - local; local_to_remote_sum += delta; if (delta < local_to_remote_min) local_to_remote_min = delta; if (delta > local_to_remote_max) local_to_remote_max = delta; /* Perform a write to the local GTI_CC_CNTMB to cause timestamp update. We don't care about the value actually written */ pp_cmd.s.addr = LOCAL_GTI_CC_CNTMB; BDK_CSR_WRITE(node, BDK_OCX_PP_CMD, pp_cmd.u); BDK_CSR_READ(node, BDK_OCX_PP_CMD); remote = BDK_CSR_READ(node, BDK_GTI_CC_CNTMBTS); local = BDK_CSR_READ(local_node, BDK_GTI_CC_CNTMBTS); delta = local - remote; remote_to_local_sum += delta; if (delta < remote_to_local_min) remote_to_local_min = delta; if (delta > remote_to_local_max) remote_to_local_max = delta; } /* Calculate average, rounding to nearest */ int64_t local_to_remote = (local_to_remote_sum + NUM_AVERAGE/2) / NUM_AVERAGE; int64_t remote_to_local = (remote_to_local_sum + NUM_AVERAGE/2) / NUM_AVERAGE; /* Calculate remote node offset */ int64_t remote_offset = (remote_to_local - local_to_remote) / 2; BDK_CSR_WRITE(node, BDK_GTI_CC_CNTADD, remote_offset); BDK_TRACE(INIT, "N%d.GTI: Clock synchronization with master\n" " local -> remote: min %ld, avg %ld, max %ld\n" " remote -> local: min %ld, avg %ld, max %ld\n" " Counter correction: %ld\n", node, local_to_remote_min, local_to_remote, local_to_remote_max, remote_to_local_min, remote_to_local, remote_to_local_max, remote_offset); } } } /** * Get cycle count based on the clock type. * * @param clock - Enumeration of the clock type. * @return - Get the number of cycles executed so far. */ uint64_t __bdk_clock_get_count_slow(bdk_clock_t clock) { bdk_node_t node = bdk_numa_local(); BDK_CSR_INIT(rst_boot, node, BDK_RST_BOOT); if (bdk_is_platform(BDK_PLATFORM_EMULATOR)) { /* Force RCLK and SCLK to be 1GHz on emulator */ rst_boot.s.c_mul = 20; rst_boot.s.pnr_mul = 20; } uint64_t ref_cntr = BDK_CSR_READ(node, BDK_RST_REF_CNTR); switch(clock) { case BDK_CLOCK_TIME: return 0; /* Handled in fast path */ case BDK_CLOCK_MAIN_REF: return ref_cntr; case BDK_CLOCK_RCLK: return ref_cntr * rst_boot.s.c_mul; case BDK_CLOCK_SCLK: return ref_cntr * rst_boot.s.pnr_mul; } return 0; } /** * Get clock rate based on the clock type. * * @param node Node to use in a Numa setup. Can be an exact ID or a special value. * @param clock - Enumeration of the clock type. * @return - return the clock rate. */ uint64_t __bdk_clock_get_rate_slow(bdk_node_t node, bdk_clock_t clock) { /* This is currently defined to be 50Mhz */ const uint64_t REF_CLOCK = 50000000; BDK_CSR_INIT(mio_rst_boot, node, BDK_RST_BOOT); if (bdk_is_platform(BDK_PLATFORM_EMULATOR)) { /* Force RCLK and SCLK to be 1GHz on emulator */ mio_rst_boot.s.c_mul = 20; mio_rst_boot.s.pnr_mul = 20; } switch (clock) { case BDK_CLOCK_TIME: return BDK_GTI_RATE; /* Programed as part of setup */ case BDK_CLOCK_MAIN_REF: return REF_CLOCK; case BDK_CLOCK_RCLK: return REF_CLOCK * mio_rst_boot.s.c_mul; case BDK_CLOCK_SCLK: return REF_CLOCK * mio_rst_boot.s.pnr_mul; } return 0; }