/** * @file * * PCIE definitions. * * * * @xrefitem bom "File Content Label" "Release Content" * @e project: CIMx-NB * @e sub-project: * @e \$Revision:$ @e \$Date:$ * */ /***************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2012 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES, INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef _NBPCIE_H_ #define _NBPCIE_H_ #pragma pack(push, 1) /// PCIe Link Aspm mode typedef enum { PcieLinkAspmDisabled, ///< Disabled PcieLinkAspmL0s, ///< L0s only PcieLinkAspmL1, ///< L1 only PcieLinkAspmL0sAndL1, ///< L0s and L1 PcieLinkAspmL0sDownstreamOnly, ///< L0s Donnstream Port Only PcieLinkAspmL0sDownstreamOnlyAndL1 ///< L0s Donnstream Port and L1 } PCIE_LINK_ASPM; /// PCIe device type typedef enum { PcieDeviceEndPoint, ///< Endpoint PcieDeviceLegacyEndPoint, ///< Legacy endpoint PcieDeviceRootComplex = 4, ///< Root complex PcieDeviceUpstreamPort, ///< Upstream port PcieDeviceDownstreamPort, ///< Downstream Port PcieDevicePcieToPcix, ///< PCIe to PCI/PCIx bridge PcieDevicePcixToPcie, ///< PCI/PCIx to PCIe bridge PcieNotPcieDevice = 0xff ///< unknown device } PCIE_DEVICE_TYPE; /// PCIe Link Mode typedef enum { PcieLinkModeGen2, ///< Gen 2 PcieLinkModeGen1, ///< Gen 1 PcieLinkModeGen2SoftwareInitiated, ///< Gen 2 software PcieLinkModeGen2AdvertizeOnly ///< Gen 2 advertise only } PCIE_LINK_MODE; /// PCIE Link Status typedef enum { PcieLinkStatusNotConnected, ///< not connected PcieLinkStatusConnected, ///< connected PcieLinkStatusInCompliance, ///< compliant PcieLinkStatusTrainingInProgress, ///< training in progress PcieLinkStatusVcoNegotiationInProgress, ///< Vco negotiation in progress } PCIE_LINK_STATUS; /// PCIE Link Width Information typedef enum { PcieLinkMaxWidth, ///< max width PcieLinkCurrentWidth, ///< current width } PCIE_LINK_WIDTH_INFO; /// PCIE Link Training typedef enum { PcieLinkTrainingRelease, ///< training release PcieLinkTrainingHold ///< training hold } PCIE_LINK_TRAINING; /// PCIE Strap Mode typedef enum { PcieCoreStrapConfigStart, ///< start PcieCoreStrapConfigStop ///< stop } PCIE_STRAP_MODE; /// PCIE Link Width typedef enum { PcieLinkWidth_x0 = 0, ///< x0 PcieLinkWidth_x1 = 1, ///< x1 PcieLinkWidth_x2, ///< x2 PcieLinkWidth_x4, ///< x4 PcieLinkWidth_x8, ///< x8 PcieLinkWidth_x12, ///< x12 PcieLinkWidth_x16 ///< x16 } PCIE_LINK_WIDTH; /// PCIe Transmitter deemphasis advertise typedef enum { PcieTxDeemphasis6dB = 0, ///< -6dB PcieTxDeemphasis3p5dB, ///< -3.5dB } PCIE_LINK_DEEMPASIS; /// PCIe Transmitter deemphasis advertise typedef enum { PcieTxDriveStrangth26mA = 0, ///< 26mA PcieTxDriveStrangth20mA, ///< 20mA PcieTxDriveStrangth22mA, ///< 22mA PcieTxDriveStrangth24mA, ///< 24mA } PCIE_LINK_DRIVE_STRANGTH; /// PCIe Channel type typedef enum { PcieShortChannel = 1, ///< Short Channel PcieMediumChannel, ///< Medium Channel PcieLongChannel, ///< Long Channel } NB_PCIE_CHANNEL_TYPE; /// PCI Core Reset typedef enum { PcieCoreResetAllDeassert = 1, ///< deassert PcieCoreResetAllAssert, ///< assert PcieCoreResetAllCheck, ///< check } PCI_CORE_RESET; /// Misc PCIE Core Setting typedef struct { UINT32 CoreDisabled :1; ///< Core not present or disabled UINT32 PowerOffPll :1; ///< Enable power off PLL if group of lanes controlled by PLL unused UINT32 PowerOffPllInL1 :1; ///< Enable Power off PLL in L1 UINT32 LclkClockGating :1; ///< Enable LCLK clock gating UINT32 TxClockGating :1; ///< Enable TX clock gating UINT32 PowerOffUnusedLanes :1; ///< Enable Power off pads for unused Lanes UINT32 CplBufferAllocation :1; ///< Enable special/optimized CPL buffer allocation UINT32 PerformanceMode :1; ///< Enable support PCIe Reference Clock overclocking. In addition to rump-up PCIe reference clock UINT32 TxDriveStrength :2; /**< TX Drive strength (Only applicable if PCIE_CORE_SETTING::ChannelType == 0). * @li @b 0 - 26mA * @li @b 1 - 20mA * @li @b 2 - 22mA * @li @b 3 - 24mA */ UINT32 SkipConfiguration :1; ///< Special case to skip core configuration (configured outside of CIMx) UINT32 TxHalfSwingMode :1; ///< Half Swing Mode for PCIe Transmitters (Only applicable if PCIE_CORE_SETTING::ChannelType == 0). UINT32 ChannelType :3; /**< Group PCIe PHY setting for channel with specific trace length * @li @b 0 - Use individual parameters to configure PCIe PHY (see PCIE_CORE_SETTING::TxHalfSwingMode, PCIE_CORE_SETTING::TxDriveStrength, PCIE_EXT_PORT_CONFIG::PortDeemphasis). * @li @b 1 - Short Channel. * @li @b 2 - Midium Channel. * @li @b 3 - Long Channel. */ UINT32 DetectPowerOffPllInL1 :1; ///< Enable detection if endpoint L1 acceptable latency allow Enable Power off PLL in L1. UINT32 TxClockOff :1; ///< Disable TX clock if possible UINT32 LclkClockOff :1; ///< Disable LCLK clock if possible UINT32 RefClockInput :1; ///< Use dedicated ref. clock input (only applicable GPP1 and GPP2 cores). By default SB ref clock is used. UINT32 Reserved :2; ///< UINT32 CoreDisableStatus :1; /**< Output status of core disable/enable * @li @b 0 = Core not disabled * @li @b 1 = Core Disabled */ } PCIE_CORE_SETTING; /// Misc Configuration typedef struct { UINT32 DisableHideUnusedPorts :1; ///< Hide unused ports if no EP was detected and port non hotpluggable UINT32 Peer2Peer :1; ///< Enable Peer to Peer. UINT32 DisableGfxWorkaround :1; ///< disable RV370/RV380 workaround UINT32 NbSbVc1 :1; ///< Enable VC1 for NB SB Audio traffic } PCIE_MISC_CONFIG; /// Extended PCIE Port Configuration typedef struct { UINT32 PortL1ImmediateACK :1; ///< Validation feature UINT32 PortLinkWidth :3; /**< Port Link width * @li @b 0 - Auto. Default max link width. * @li @b 1 - x1 * @li @b 2 - x2 * @li @b 3 - x4 * @li @b 4 - x8 * @li @b 6 - x16 */ UINT32 PortMapping :4; /**< Device number mapping info * @li @b 0 - Default mapping * @li @b n - PCI device number for port (Valid device numbers are 2/3/4/5/6/7/9/10/11/12/13). */ UINT32 PortHotplugDevMap :2; /**< PCA9539 device map. *Only valid if PortHotplug = 1 */ UINT32 PortHotplugByteMap :1; /**< PCA9539 channel map. *Only valid if PortHotplug = 1 */ UINT32 PortPowerLimit :8; ///< Slot power limit in W UINT32 Reserved :2; ///< Reserved UINT32 PortDeemphasis :2; /**< Port deempasis adverise (Only applicable if PCIE_CORE_SETTING::ChannelType == 0). * @li @b 0 - 6dB * @li @b 1 - 3.5dB */ } PCIE_EXT_PORT_CONFIG; /// PCIE Port Configuration typedef struct { UINT32 PortPresent :1; /**< Port connection * @li @b 0 - Port has no slot or EP connected. Link not needs to be trained. * @li @b 1 - Has slot or EP connected. Link needs to be trained. */ UINT32 PortDetected :1; /**< Scratch bit to record status of training * @li @b 0 - EP not detected * @li @b 1 - EP detected */ UINT32 PortCompliance :1; /**< Link compliance mode * @li @b 0 - Link in operational mode * @li @b 1 - Force link into compliance mode */ UINT32 PortLinkMode :2; /**< Link speed mode configuration * @li @b 0 - GEN2 Autonomous (GEN2 capability advertized and and immediate link speed change initiated). * @li @b 1 - GEN1 * @li @b 2 - GEN2 Software Initiated (Port trained to Gen1 thereafter if EP report GEN2 capability port reconfigured to GEN2) * @li @b 3 - GEN2 advertize only (RC only advertize GEN2 capability and not initiate transition to GEN2 speed) */ UINT32 PortHotplug :2; /**< Port Hotplug configuration * @li @b 0 - Hotplug Disabled * @li @b 1 - Server Hotplug Enabled * @li @b 2 - Reserved * @li @b 3 - Reserved */ UINT32 PortAspm :3; /**< Port ASPM support * @li @b 0 - Disabled * @li @b 1 - L0s enable * @li @b 2 - L1 enable * @li @b 3 - L0s + L1 enable * @li @b 4 - L0s Downstream Only * @li @b 5 - L0s Downstream Only + L1 * @li <b>4..7</b> - Reserved */ UINT32 PortReversed :1; /**< Port lanes reversed * @li @b 0 - Lanes non reversed * @li @b 1 - Lanes reversed */ UINT32 ForcePortDisable :1; /**< Port Disable after PCIE training * @li @b 0 - Do not force port disable * @li @b 1 - Force port disable */ UINT32 PortAlwaysVisible :1; /**< Port always visible * @li @b 1 - Port always visible */ } PCIE_PORT_CONFIG; /// PCIE default configuration parameters structure typedef struct { PCIE_MISC_CONFIG PcieConfiguration; ///< PCIE configuration PCIE_CORE_SETTING CoreSetting[5]; ///< Core Setting UINT16 DeviceInitMaskS1; ///< Bit mask of ports id to be initialized at stage 1 UINT16 DeviceInitMaskS2; ///< Bit mask of ports id to be initialized at stage 2 UINT16 ResetToTrainingDelay; ///< Delay (in 1ms) after reset deassert before training started UINT16 TrainingToLinkTestDelay; ///< Delay (in 1ms) after training started but before pooling link state UINT16 ReceiverDetectionPooling; ///< Total amount time (in 1ms of pooling for passing receiver detection stage } PCIE_DEFAULT_CONFIG; /// Link Info typedef struct { UINT8 LinkWidth; ///< width UINT8 MaxLinkWidth; ///< max width UINT8 Line0Offset; ///< line 0 offset } LINK_INFO; /// Port Static Info typedef struct { UINT8 TrainingAddress; ///< training address UINT8 ReversalAddress; ///< reversal address UINT8 DeemphasisAddress; ///< de-emphasis address UINT8 MappingAddress; ///< mapping address UINT8 HotplugAddress; ///< Hotplug address } PORT_STATIC_INFO; /// Core Info typedef struct { UINT32 CoreSelector; ///< core selector UINT16 PortIdBitMap; ///< port Id UINT8 TrainingRegister; ///< training UINT8 DeemphasisRegister; ///< de-emphasis UINT8 StrapRegister; ///< strap UINT8 StrapAddress; ///< strap address UINT8 HotplugRegister; ///< Hotplug descriptor register UINT8 TxDriveStrengthRegister; ///< Tx drive strength register UINT8 TxDriveStrengthOffset; ///< Tx drive strength bit offeset UINT8 TxHalfSwingRegister; ///< Tx half swing register UINT8 TxHalfSwingOffset; ///< Tx half swing bit offset UINT8 TxHalfSwingDeepmhasisRegister; ///< Tx half swing deephasis register UINT8 TxHalfSwingDeepmhasisOffset; ///< Tx half swing deephasis register UINT8 TxOffOffset; ///< Tx shutdown enable offset UINT8 LclkOffOffset; ///< Lclk shutdown enable offset UINT8 LclkPermOffOffset; ///< Lclk Perm shutdown enable offset } CORE_INFO; /// Port Information typedef struct { UINT8 MaxLinkWidth; ///< max link width UINT8 Line0Offset; ///< offset UINT8 SlaveCplBuffers; ///< Alternative to default CPL buffer count } PORT_INFO; /// GPP Configuration Info typedef struct { PORT_INFO *PortInfoPtr; ///< port information UINT32 PortIdMap; ///< port id map } GPP_CFG_INFO; #define GPP1_CORE 0x40000 #define GPP2_CORE 0x60000 #define GPP3a_CORE 0x70000 #define GPP3b_CORE 0x30000 #define SB_CORE 0x50000 #define GPP_CONFIG_GPP420000 0x01 #define GPP_CONFIG_GPP411000 0x02 #define GPP_CONFIG_GPP222000 0x03 #define GPP_CONFIG_GPP221100 0x04 #define GPP_CONFIG_GPP211110 0x05 #define GPP_CONFIG_GPP111111 0x06 #define GFX_CONFIG_A 0x01 #define GFX_CONFIG_B 0x02 #define GFX_CONFIG_AAAA (GFX_CONFIG_A | (GFX_CONFIG_A << 8) | (GFX_CONFIG_A << 16) | (GFX_CONFIG_A << 24)) #define GFX_CONFIG_AABB (GFX_CONFIG_A | (GFX_CONFIG_A << 8) | (GFX_CONFIG_B << 16) | (GFX_CONFIG_B << 24)) #define PCIE_CAP_ID 0x10 #pragma pack(pop) #endif