/* $NoKeywords:$ */ /** * @file * * GNB function to create/locate PCIe configuration data area * * Contain code that create/locate and rebase configuration data area. * * @xrefitem bom "File Content Label" "Release Content" * @e project: AGESA * @e sub-project: GNB * @e \$Revision: 84150 $ @e \$Date: 2012-12-12 15:46:25 -0600 (Wed, 12 Dec 2012) $ * */ /* ***************************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 2008 - 2013, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES, INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * *************************************************************************** * */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * M O D U L E S U S E D *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "AGESA.h" #include "Ids.h" #include "amdlib.h" #include "heapManager.h" #include "OptionGnb.h" #include "Gnb.h" #include "GnbPcie.h" #include "GnbPcieFamServices.h" #include "GnbFamServices.h" #include "cpuServices.h" #include "GnbCommonLib.h" #include "GnbPcieConfig.h" #include "PcieMapTopology.h" #include "PcieInputParser.h" #include "PcieConfigLib.h" #include "Filecode.h" #define FILECODE PROC_GNB_MODULES_GNBPCIECONFIG_PCIECONFIGDATA_FILECODE /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * D E F I N I T I O N S A N D M A C R O S *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ extern BUILD_OPT_CFG UserOptions; extern GNB_BUILD_OPTIONS ROMDATA GnbBuildOptions; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * T Y P E D E F S A N D S T R U C T U R E S *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define PcieConfigAttachChild(P, C) (P)->Child = (UINT16) ((UINT8 *) C - (UINT8 *) P); #define PcieConfigAttachParent(P, C) (C)->Parent = (UINT16) ((UINT8 *) C - (UINT8 *) P); /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * P R O T O T Y P E S O F L O C A L F U N C T I O N S *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ VOID STATIC PcieConfigAttachComplexes ( IN OUT PCIe_COMPLEX_CONFIG *Base, IN OUT PCIe_COMPLEX_CONFIG *New ); AGESA_STATUS PcieUpdateConfigurationData ( IN PCIe_PLATFORM_CONFIG *Pcie ); PCIe_COMPLEX_DESCRIPTOR * PcieConfigProcessUserConfig ( IN PCIe_COMPLEX_DESCRIPTOR *PcieComplexList, IN AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader ); AGESA_STATUS PcieConfigurationInit ( IN AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader ); AGESA_STATUS PcieConfigurationMap ( IN AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader ); /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Create internal PCIe configuration topology * * * * @param[in] StdHeader Standard configuration header * @retval AGESA_SUCCESS Configuration data successfully allocated. * @retval AGESA_FATAL Configuration data allocation failed. */ AGESA_STATUS PcieConfigurationInit ( IN AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader ) { AGESA_STATUS Status; PCIe_PLATFORM_CONFIG *Pcie; PCIe_SILICON_CONFIG *Silicon; UINT8 SocketId; UINTN CurrentComplexesDataLength; UINTN ComplexesDataLength; UINT8 ComplexIndex; VOID *Buffer; ComplexesDataLength = 0; Status = AGESA_SUCCESS; IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (GNB_TRACE, "PcieConfigurationInit Enter\n"); for (SocketId = 0; SocketId < GetPlatformNumberOfSockets (); SocketId++) { if (IsProcessorPresent (SocketId, StdHeader)) { Status = PcieFmGetComplexDataLength (SocketId, &CurrentComplexesDataLength, StdHeader); ASSERT (Status == AGESA_SUCCESS); ComplexesDataLength += CurrentComplexesDataLength; } } ComplexIndex = 0; Pcie = GnbAllocateHeapBufferAndClear (AMD_PCIE_COMPLEX_DATA_HANDLE, sizeof (PCIe_PLATFORM_CONFIG) + ComplexesDataLength, StdHeader); ASSERT (Pcie != NULL); if (Pcie != NULL) { PcieConfigAttachChild (&Pcie->Header, &Pcie->ComplexList[ComplexIndex].Header); PcieConfigSetDescriptorFlags (Pcie, DESCRIPTOR_PLATFORM | DESCRIPTOR_TERMINATE_LIST | DESCRIPTOR_TERMINATE_TOPOLOGY); Buffer = (UINT8 *) (Pcie) + sizeof (PCIe_PLATFORM_CONFIG); for (SocketId = 0; SocketId < GetPlatformNumberOfSockets (); SocketId++) { if (IsProcessorPresent (SocketId, StdHeader)) { Pcie->ComplexList[ComplexIndex].SocketId = SocketId; //Attache Comples to Silicon which will be created by PcieFmBuildComplexConfiguration PcieConfigAttachChild (&Pcie->ComplexList[ComplexIndex].Header, &((PCIe_SILICON_CONFIG *) Buffer)->Header); //Attach Comples to Pcie PcieConfigAttachParent (&Pcie->Header, &Pcie->ComplexList[ComplexIndex].Header); PcieConfigSetDescriptorFlags (&Pcie->ComplexList[ComplexIndex], DESCRIPTOR_COMPLEX | DESCRIPTOR_TERMINATE_LIST | DESCRIPTOR_TERMINATE_GNB | DESCRIPTOR_TERMINATE_TOPOLOGY); PcieFmBuildComplexConfiguration (SocketId, Buffer, StdHeader); Silicon = PcieConfigGetChildSilicon (&Pcie->ComplexList[ComplexIndex]); while (Silicon != NULL) { PcieConfigAttachParent (&Pcie->ComplexList[ComplexIndex].Header, &Silicon->Header); GetNodeId (SocketId, Silicon->SiliconId, &Silicon->NodeId, StdHeader); GnbFmGetLinkId ((GNB_HANDLE*) Silicon, &Silicon->LinkId, StdHeader); Silicon = (PCIe_SILICON_CONFIG *) PcieConfigGetNextTopologyDescriptor (Silicon, DESCRIPTOR_TERMINATE_TOPOLOGY); } if (ComplexIndex > 0) { PcieConfigAttachComplexes (&Pcie->ComplexList[ComplexIndex - 1], &Pcie->ComplexList[ComplexIndex]); } PcieFmGetComplexDataLength (SocketId, &CurrentComplexesDataLength, StdHeader); Buffer = (VOID *) ((UINT8 *) Buffer + CurrentComplexesDataLength); ComplexIndex++; } } } else { Status = AGESA_FATAL; } IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (GNB_TRACE, "PcieConfigurationInit Exit [0x%x]\n", Status); return Status; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Create internal PCIe configuration topology * * * * @param[in] StdHeader Standard configuration header * @retval AGESA_SUCCESS Configuration data successfully allocated. * @retval AGESA_FATAL Configuration data allocation failed. */ AGESA_STATUS PcieConfigurationMap ( IN AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader ) { AMD_EARLY_PARAMS *EarlyParamsPtr; PCIe_COMPLEX_DESCRIPTOR *PcieComplexList; PCIe_PLATFORM_CONFIG *Pcie; PCIe_COMPLEX_CONFIG *Complex; PCIe_COMPLEX_DESCRIPTOR *ComplexDescriptor; AGESA_STATUS Status; AGESA_STATUS AgesaStatus; UINTN Index; UINTN NumberOfComplexes; IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (GNB_TRACE, "PcieConfigurationMap Enter\n"); AgesaStatus = AGESA_SUCCESS; EarlyParamsPtr = (AMD_EARLY_PARAMS *) StdHeader; PcieComplexList = PcieConfigProcessUserConfig (EarlyParamsPtr->GnbConfig.PcieComplexList, StdHeader); GNB_DEBUG_CODE ( if (PcieComplexList != NULL) { PcieUserConfigConfigDump (PcieComplexList); } ); Status = PcieLocateConfigurationData (StdHeader, &Pcie); ASSERT (Status == AGESA_SUCCESS); if (Status == AGESA_SUCCESS) { Complex = (PCIe_COMPLEX_CONFIG *) PcieConfigGetChild (DESCRIPTOR_COMPLEX, &Pcie->Header); NumberOfComplexes = PcieInputParserGetNumberOfComplexes (PcieComplexList); while (Complex != NULL) { for (Index = 0; Index < NumberOfComplexes; Index++) { ComplexDescriptor = PcieInputParserGetComplexDescriptor (PcieComplexList, Index); if (ComplexDescriptor->SocketId == Complex->SocketId) { Status = PcieMapTopologyOnComplex (ComplexDescriptor, Complex, Pcie); AGESA_STATUS_UPDATE (Status, AgesaStatus); } } Complex = PcieLibGetNextDescriptor (Complex); } } Pcie->LinkReceiverDetectionPooling = GnbBuildOptions.CfgGnbLinkReceiverDetectionPooling; Pcie->LinkL0Pooling = GnbBuildOptions.CfgGnbLinkL0Pooling; Pcie->LinkGpioResetAssertionTime = GnbBuildOptions.CfgGnbLinkGpioResetAssertionTime; Pcie->LinkResetToTrainingTime = GnbBuildOptions.CfgGnbLinkResetToTrainingTime; Pcie->GfxCardWorkaround = GfxWorkaroundEnable; Pcie->TrainingExitState = LinkStateTrainingCompleted; Pcie->TrainingAlgorithm = GnbBuildOptions.CfgGnbTrainingAlgorithm; if ((UserOptions.CfgAmdPlatformType & AMD_PLATFORM_MOBILE) != 0) { Pcie->GfxCardWorkaround = GfxWorkaroundDisable; } Pcie->PsppPolicy = EarlyParamsPtr->GnbConfig.PsppPolicy; IDS_OPTION_CALLOUT (IDS_CALLOUT_GNB_PCIE_PLATFORM_CONFIG, Pcie, StdHeader); GNB_DEBUG_CODE ( PcieConfigDebugDump (Pcie); ); HeapDeallocateBuffer (AMD_GNB_TEMP_DATA_HANDLE, StdHeader); IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (GNB_TRACE, "PcieConfigurationMap Exit [0x%x]\n", AgesaStatus); return AgesaStatus; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Locate global PCIe configuration data * * * * @param[in] PcieComplexList User PCIe topology configuration * @param[out] StdHeader Standard configuration header * @retval Updated topology configuration */ PCIe_COMPLEX_DESCRIPTOR * PcieConfigProcessUserConfig ( IN PCIe_COMPLEX_DESCRIPTOR *PcieComplexList, IN AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader ) { UINT32 Node0SocketId; UINT32 Node0SiliconId; UINTN NumberOfComplexes; UINTN NumberOfPorts; UINTN Index; UINT16 DescriptorLoLane; UINT16 DescriptorHiLane; PCIe_COMPLEX_DESCRIPTOR *ResultComplexConfig; PCIe_COMPLEX_DESCRIPTOR *SbComplexDescriptor; PCIe_PORT_DESCRIPTOR *SbPortDescriptor; PCIe_PORT_DESCRIPTOR DefaultSbPortDescriptor; PCIe_ENGINE_DESCRIPTOR *EngineDescriptor; AGESA_STATUS Status; SbPortDescriptor = NULL; GetSocketModuleOfNode (0, &Node0SocketId, &Node0SiliconId, StdHeader); Status = PcieFmGetSbConfigInfo ((UINT8) Node0SocketId, &DefaultSbPortDescriptor, StdHeader); if (Status == AGESA_UNSUPPORTED) { return PcieComplexList; } if (PcieComplexList == NULL) { // No complex descriptor for any silicon was provided // 1. Create complex descriptor // 2. Create SB port descriptor // 3. Attach SB descriptor to complex descriptor created in step #1 ResultComplexConfig = (PCIe_COMPLEX_DESCRIPTOR *) GnbAllocateHeapBufferAndClear ( AMD_GNB_TEMP_DATA_HANDLE, sizeof (PCIe_COMPLEX_DESCRIPTOR) + sizeof (PCIe_PORT_DESCRIPTOR), StdHeader ); SbComplexDescriptor = ResultComplexConfig; SbPortDescriptor = (PCIe_PORT_DESCRIPTOR *) ((UINT8 *) ResultComplexConfig + sizeof (PCIe_COMPLEX_DESCRIPTOR)); LibAmdMemCopy (SbPortDescriptor, &DefaultSbPortDescriptor, sizeof (PCIe_PORT_DESCRIPTOR), StdHeader); SbPortDescriptor->Flags |= DESCRIPTOR_TERMINATE_LIST; // Attach post array to complex descriptor SbComplexDescriptor->PciePortList = SbPortDescriptor; SbComplexDescriptor->SocketId = Node0SocketId; SbComplexDescriptor->Flags |= DESCRIPTOR_TERMINATE_LIST; } else { NumberOfComplexes = PcieInputParserGetNumberOfComplexes (PcieComplexList); SbComplexDescriptor = PcieInputParserGetComplexDescriptorOfSocket (PcieComplexList, Node0SocketId); if (SbComplexDescriptor == NULL) { // No complex descriptor for silicon that have SB attached. // 1. Create complex descriptor. Will be first one in the list // 2. Create SB port descriptor // 3. Attach SB descriptor to complex descriptor created in step #1 ResultComplexConfig = (PCIe_COMPLEX_DESCRIPTOR *) GnbAllocateHeapBufferAndClear ( AMD_GNB_TEMP_DATA_HANDLE, (NumberOfComplexes + 1) * sizeof (PCIe_COMPLEX_DESCRIPTOR) + sizeof (PCIe_PORT_DESCRIPTOR), StdHeader ); SbComplexDescriptor = ResultComplexConfig; SbPortDescriptor = (PCIe_PORT_DESCRIPTOR *) ((UINT8 *) ResultComplexConfig + (NumberOfComplexes + 1) * sizeof (PCIe_COMPLEX_DESCRIPTOR)); LibAmdMemCopy (SbPortDescriptor, &DefaultSbPortDescriptor, sizeof (PCIe_PORT_DESCRIPTOR), StdHeader); SbPortDescriptor->Flags |= DESCRIPTOR_TERMINATE_LIST; // Attach post array to complex descriptor SbComplexDescriptor->PciePortList = SbPortDescriptor; SbComplexDescriptor->SocketId = Node0SocketId; SbComplexDescriptor->Flags |= DESCRIPTOR_TERMINATE_LIST; LibAmdMemCopy ( (UINT8 *) ResultComplexConfig + sizeof (PCIe_COMPLEX_DESCRIPTOR), PcieComplexList, NumberOfComplexes * sizeof (PCIe_COMPLEX_DESCRIPTOR), StdHeader ); } else { // Complex descriptor that represent silicon that have SB attached exist // 1. Determine if complex have descriptor for SB // 2. Create new descriptor for SB if needed NumberOfPorts = PcieInputParserGetLengthOfPcieEnginesList (SbComplexDescriptor); ResultComplexConfig = (PCIe_COMPLEX_DESCRIPTOR *) GnbAllocateHeapBuffer ( AMD_GNB_TEMP_DATA_HANDLE, NumberOfComplexes * sizeof (PCIe_COMPLEX_DESCRIPTOR) + (NumberOfPorts + 1) * sizeof (PCIe_PORT_DESCRIPTOR), StdHeader ); // Copy complex descriptor array LibAmdMemCopy ( ResultComplexConfig, PcieComplexList, NumberOfComplexes * sizeof (PCIe_COMPLEX_DESCRIPTOR), StdHeader ); if (NumberOfPorts != 0) { // Copy port descriptor array associated with complex with SB attached LibAmdMemCopy ( (UINT8*) ResultComplexConfig + NumberOfComplexes * sizeof (PCIe_COMPLEX_DESCRIPTOR) + sizeof (PCIe_PORT_DESCRIPTOR), SbComplexDescriptor->PciePortList, NumberOfPorts * sizeof (PCIe_PORT_DESCRIPTOR), StdHeader ); // Update SB complex pointer on in memory list SbComplexDescriptor = PcieInputParserGetComplexDescriptorOfSocket ((PCIe_COMPLEX_DESCRIPTOR *) ResultComplexConfig, Node0SocketId); // Attach port descriptor array to complex SbComplexDescriptor->PciePortList = (PCIe_PORT_DESCRIPTOR *) ((UINT8*) ResultComplexConfig + NumberOfComplexes * sizeof (PCIe_COMPLEX_DESCRIPTOR) + sizeof (PCIe_PORT_DESCRIPTOR)); for (Index = 0; Index < NumberOfPorts; ++Index) { EngineDescriptor = PcieInputParserGetEngineDescriptor (SbComplexDescriptor, Index); if (EngineDescriptor->EngineData.EngineType == PciePortEngine) { DescriptorLoLane = MIN (EngineDescriptor->EngineData.StartLane, EngineDescriptor->EngineData.EndLane); DescriptorHiLane = MAX (EngineDescriptor->EngineData.StartLane, EngineDescriptor->EngineData.EndLane); if (DescriptorLoLane >= DefaultSbPortDescriptor.EngineData.StartLane && DescriptorLoLane <= DefaultSbPortDescriptor.EngineData.EndLane) { SbPortDescriptor = (PCIe_PORT_DESCRIPTOR *) EngineDescriptor; } } } } if (SbPortDescriptor == NULL) { // No descriptor that represent SB where found, create new one, will be first one in list SbPortDescriptor = (PCIe_PORT_DESCRIPTOR *) ((UINT8*) ResultComplexConfig + NumberOfComplexes * sizeof (PCIe_COMPLEX_DESCRIPTOR)); // Copy default config info LibAmdMemCopy (SbPortDescriptor, &DefaultSbPortDescriptor, sizeof (PCIe_PORT_DESCRIPTOR), StdHeader); // Reattach descriptor list to complex SbComplexDescriptor->PciePortList = SbPortDescriptor; } else { // Move SB descriptor to be first one in array LibAmdMemCopy ( (UINT8*) ResultComplexConfig + NumberOfComplexes * sizeof (PCIe_COMPLEX_DESCRIPTOR), SbPortDescriptor, sizeof (PCIe_PORT_DESCRIPTOR), StdHeader ); // Disable original SB descriptor SbPortDescriptor->EngineData.EngineType = PcieUnusedEngine; //Update pointer to new SB descriptor SbPortDescriptor = (PCIe_PORT_DESCRIPTOR *) ((UINT8*) ResultComplexConfig + NumberOfComplexes * sizeof (PCIe_COMPLEX_DESCRIPTOR)); //It is no longer a descriptor that terminates list SbPortDescriptor->Flags &= (~ DESCRIPTOR_TERMINATE_LIST); // Reattach descriptor list to complex SbComplexDescriptor->PciePortList = SbPortDescriptor; } } } // Mark descriptor as SB link SbPortDescriptor->Port.MiscControls.SbLink = 0x1; return ResultComplexConfig; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Locate global PCIe configuration data * * * * @param[in] StdHeader Standard configuration header * @param[out] Pcie Pointer to global PCIe configuration * @retval AGESA_SUCCESS Configuration data successfully located * @retval AGESA_FATAL Configuration can not be located. */ AGESA_STATUS PcieLocateConfigurationData ( IN AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader, OUT PCIe_PLATFORM_CONFIG **Pcie ) { *Pcie = GnbLocateHeapBuffer (AMD_PCIE_COMPLEX_DATA_HANDLE, StdHeader); if (*Pcie == NULL) { IDS_ERROR_TRAP; return AGESA_FATAL; } (*Pcie)->StdHeader = (PVOID) StdHeader; PcieUpdateConfigurationData (*Pcie); return AGESA_SUCCESS; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Attache descriptors * * * @param[in] Type Descriptor type * @param[in,out] Base Base descriptor * @param[in,out] New New descriptor */ VOID STATIC PcieConfigAttachDescriptors ( IN UINT32 Type, IN OUT PCIe_DESCRIPTOR_HEADER *Base, IN OUT PCIe_DESCRIPTOR_HEADER *New ) { PCIe_DESCRIPTOR_HEADER *Left; PCIe_DESCRIPTOR_HEADER *Right; Left = PcieConfigGetPeer (DESCRIPTOR_TERMINATE_GNB, PcieConfigGetChild (Type, Base)); ASSERT (Left != NULL); Right = PcieConfigGetChild (Type, New); Left->Peer = (UINT16) ((UINT8 *) Right - (UINT8 *) Left); PcieConfigResetDescriptorFlags (Left, DESCRIPTOR_TERMINATE_TOPOLOGY); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Attach configurations of two GNB to each other. * * Function will link all data structure to linked lists * * @param[in,out] Base Base complex descriptor * @param[in,out] New New complex descriptor */ VOID STATIC PcieConfigAttachComplexes ( IN OUT PCIe_COMPLEX_CONFIG *Base, IN OUT PCIe_COMPLEX_CONFIG *New ) { // Connect Complex Base->Header.Peer = (UINT16) ((UINT8 *) New - (UINT8 *) Base); PcieConfigResetDescriptorFlags (Base, DESCRIPTOR_TERMINATE_TOPOLOGY); // Connect Silicon PcieConfigAttachDescriptors (DESCRIPTOR_SILICON, &Base->Header, &New->Header); // Connect Wrappers PcieConfigAttachDescriptors (DESCRIPTOR_PCIE_WRAPPER | DESCRIPTOR_DDI_WRAPPER, &Base->Header, &New->Header); // Connect Engines PcieConfigAttachDescriptors (DESCRIPTOR_PCIE_ENGINE | DESCRIPTOR_DDI_ENGINE, &Base->Header, &New->Header); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Update configuration data * * Puprouse of this structure to update config data that base on programming of * other silicon compoments. For instance PCI address of GNB and PCIe ports * can change by AGESA or external agent * * * @param[in,out] Pcie Pointer to global PCIe configuration * @retval AGESA_SUCCESS Configuration data successfully update * @retval AGESA_FATAL Failt to update configuration */ AGESA_STATUS PcieUpdateConfigurationData ( IN PCIe_PLATFORM_CONFIG *Pcie ) { PCIe_SILICON_CONFIG *Silicon; PCIe_ENGINE_CONFIG *Engine; PCI_ADDR NewAddress; // Update silicon configuration Silicon = PcieConfigGetChildSilicon (Pcie); while (Silicon != NULL) { NewAddress = GnbFmGetPciAddress ((GNB_HANDLE *) PcieConfigGetParentComplex (Silicon), GnbLibGetHeader (Pcie)); if (Silicon->Address.AddressValue != NewAddress.AddressValue) { Silicon->Address.AddressValue = NewAddress.AddressValue; Engine = PcieConfigGetChildEngine (Silicon); while (Engine != NULL) { if (PcieConfigIsPcieEngine (Engine)) { Engine->Type.Port.Address.Address.Bus = Silicon->Address.Address.Bus; } Engine = (PCIe_ENGINE_CONFIG *) PcieConfigGetNextTopologyDescriptor (Engine, DESCRIPTOR_TERMINATE_GNB); } } Silicon = (PCIe_SILICON_CONFIG *) PcieConfigGetNextTopologyDescriptor (Silicon, DESCRIPTOR_TERMINATE_TOPOLOGY); } return AGESA_SUCCESS; }