;***************************************************************************** ; AMD Generic Encapsulated Software Architecture ; ; Workfile: arch2008.asm $Revision: 44323 $ $Date: 2010-12-22 01:24:58 -0700 (Wed, 22 Dec 2010) $ ; ; Description: ARCH2008.ASM - AGESA Architecture 2008 Wrapper Template ; ;***************************************************************************** ; ; Copyright (c) 2011, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. ; All rights reserved. ; ; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ; * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ; * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ; documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ; * Neither the name of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. nor the names of ; its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived ; from this software without specific prior written permission. ; ; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ; ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED ; WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE ; DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES, INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY ; DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ; (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; ; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ; ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ; (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ; SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ; ;***************************************************************************** .XLIST INCLUDE agesa.inc INCLUDE acwrapg.inc ; Necessary support file as part of wrapper, including but not limited to segment start/end macros. INCLUDE acwrap.inc ; IBVs may specify host BIOS-specific include files required when building. INCLUDE cpcarmac.inc INCLUDE bridge32.inc .LIST .586p ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Local definitions ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- sOemCallout STRUCT FuncName DD ? ; Call out function name FuncPtr DW ? ; Call out function pointer sOemCallout ENDS sOemEventHandler STRUCT ClassCode DD ? ; AGESA event log sub-class code FuncPtr DW ? ; Event handler function pointer sOemEventHandler ENDS ;; A typical legacy BIOS implementation may require the E000 and F000 segments ;; to be cached. EXE_CACHE_REGION_BASE_0 EQU 0E0000h EXE_CACHE_REGION_SIZE_0 EQU 20000h ;; In this sample implementation, the B1 and B2 images are placed next to each ;; other in the BIOS ROM to help with the maximization of cached code. EXE_CACHE_REGION_BASE_1 EQU AGESA_B1_ADDRESS EXE_CACHE_REGION_SIZE_1 EQU 40000h ;; The third region is not needed in our example. EXE_CACHE_REGION_BASE_2 EQU 0 EXE_CACHE_REGION_SIZE_2 EQU 0 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; PERSISTENT SEGMENT ; This segment is required to be present throughout all BIOS execution. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMD_PERSISTENT_START ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Instantiate the global descriptor table ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMD_BRIDGE_32_GDT AMD_GDT ; Instantiate the global descriptor table ; required by the push-high mechanism. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Declare the external routines required in the persistent segment ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AmdDfltRet ; ; Entry: ; None ; ; Exit: ; None ; ; Modified: ; None ; ; Purpose: ; Near stub procedure. Simply perform a retn instruction. ; EXTERN AmdDfltRet:NEAR ;+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AmdDfltRetFar ; ; Entry: ; None ; ; Exit: ; None ; ; Modified: ; None ; ; Purpose: ; Far stub procedure. Simply perform a retf instruction. ; EXTERN AmdDfltRetFar:FAR ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Declare the optional external routines in the persistent segment ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; myModuleTypeMismatchHandler (Example) ; ; Entry: ; ESI - Pointer to the EVENT_PARAMS structure of the failure. ; [ESI].DataParam1 - Socket ; [ESI].DataParam2 - DCT ; [ESI].DataParam3 - Channel ; [ESI].DataParam4 - 0x00000000 ; ; Exit: ; None ; ; Modified: ; None ; ; Purpose: ; This procedure can be used to react to a memory module type ; mismatch error discovered by the AGESA code. Actions taken ; may include, but are not limited to: ; Logging the event to NV for display later ; Reset, excluding the mismatch on subsequent reboot ; Do nothing ; ; Dependencies: ; None ; EXTERN myModuleTypeMismatchHandler(AmdDfltRet):NEAR ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; oemPlatformConfigInit (Optional) ; ; Entry: ; EDI - 32-bit flat pointer to the PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION to be ; passed in to the next AGESA entry point. ; ; typedef struct { ; IN PERFORMANCE_PROFILE PlatformProfile; ; IN CPU_HT_DEEMPHASIS_LEVEL *PlatformDeemphasisList; ; IN UINT8 CoreLevelingMode; ; IN PLATFORM_C1E_MODES C1eMode; ; IN UINT32 C1ePlatformData; ; IN BOOLEAN UserOptionDmi; ; IN BOOLEAN UserOptionPState; ; IN BOOLEAN UserOptionSrat; ; IN BOOLEAN UserOptionSlit; ; IN BOOLEAN UserOptionWhea; ; IN UINT32 PowerCeiling; ; IN BOOLEAN PstateIndependent; ; } PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION; ; ; typedef struct { ; IN UINT8 Socket; ; IN UINT8 Link; ; IN UINT8 LoFreq; ; IN UINT8 HighFreq; ; IN PLATFORM_DEEMPHASIS_LEVEL ReceiverDeemphasis; ; IN PLATFORM_DEEMPHASIS_LEVEL DcvDeemphasis; ; } CPU_HT_DEEMPHASIS_LEVEL; ; ; typedef struct { ; IN PLATFORM_CONTROL_FLOW PlatformControlFlowMode; ; IN BOOLEAN UseHtAssist; ; IN BOOLEAN Use32ByteRefresh; ; IN BOOLEAN UseVariableMctIsocPriority; ; } PERFORMANCE_PROFILE; ; ; Exit: ; None ; ; Modified: ; None ; ; Purpose: ; Provide a single hook routine to modify the parameters of a ; PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION structure before any entry point that ; has such a structure as an input. ; ; Dependencies: ; None ; ; Example: ; If your platform is running in UMA mode, the following code ; may be added: ; mov (PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION PTR [edi]).PlatformProfile.PlatformControlFlowMode, UmaDr ; EXTERN oemPlatformConfigInit(AmdDfltRetFar):FAR ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; oemCallout (Optional) ; ; Entry: ; ECX - Callout function number ; EDX - Function-specific UINTN ; ESI - Pointer to function specific data ; ; Exit: ; EAX - Contains the AGESA_STATUS return code. ; ; Modified: ; None ; ; Purpose: ; The default call out router function which resides in the same ; segment as the push-high bridge code. ; ; Dependencies: ; None ; EXTERN oemCallout(AmdDfltRet):NEAR ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Define the sample wrapper routines for the persistent segment ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AmdBridge32 ; ; Entry: ; EDX - A Real Mode FAR pointer using seg16:Offset16 format that ; points to a local host environment call-out router. If ; this pointer is not equal to zero, then this pointer is ; used as the call-out router instead of the standard ; OemCallout. This may be useful when the call-out router ; is not located in the same segment as the AmdBridge32 and ; AmdCallout16 routines. ; ESI - A Flat Mode pointer (32-bit address) that points to the ; configuration block (AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS) for the AGESA ; software function. ; ; Exit: ; EAX - Contains the AGESA_STATUS return code. ; ; Modified: ; None ; ; Purpose: ; Execute an AGESA software function through the Push-High interface. ; ; Dependencies: ; This procedure requires a stack. The host environment must use the ; provided service function to establish the stack environment prior ; to making the call to this procedure. ; AmdBridge32 PROC FAR PUBLIC AMD_BRIDGE_32 AMD_GDT ; use the macro for the body ret AmdBridge32 ENDP ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AmdEnableStack ; ; Entry: ; BX - Return address ; ; Exit: ; EAX - Contains the AGESA_STATUS return code. ; SS:ESP - Points to the private stack location for this processor core. ; ECX - Upon success, contains this processor core's stack size in bytes. ; ; Modified: ; EAX, ECX, EDX, EDI, ESI, ESP, DS, ES ; ; Purpose: ; This procedure is used to establish the stack within the host environment. ; ; Dependencies: ; The host environment must use this procedure and not rely on any other ; sources to create the stack region. ; AmdEnableStack PROC NEAR PUBLIC AMD_ENABLE_STACK ;; EAX = AGESA_SUCCESS, The stack space has been allocated for this core. ;; EAX = AGESA_WARNING, The stack has already been set up. SS:ESP is set ;; to stack top, and ECX is the stack size in bytes. jmp bx AmdEnableStack ENDP ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AmdDisableStack ; ; Entry: ; BX - Return address ; ; Exit: ; EAX - Contains the AGESA_STATUS return code. ; ; Modified: ; EAX, ECX, EDX, ESI, ESP ; ; Purpose: ; This procedure is used to remove the pre-memory stack from within the ; host environment. ; The exit state for the BSP is described as follows: ; Memory region 00000-9FFFF MTRRS are set as WB memory. ; Processor Cache is enabled (CD bit is cleared). ; MTRRs used for execution cache are kept. ; Cache content is flushed (invalidated without write-back). ; Any family-specific clean-up done. ; The exit state for the APs is described as follows: ; Memory region 00000-9FFFF MTRRS are set as WB memory. ; Memory region A0000-DFFFF MTRRS are set as UC IO. ; Memory region E0000-FFFFF MTRRS are set as UC memory. ; MTRRs used for execution cache are cleared. ; Processor Cache is disabled (CD bit is set). ; Top-of-Memory (TOM) set to the system top of memory as determined ; by the memory initialization routines. ; System lock command is enabled. ; Any family-specific clean-up done. ; ; Dependencies: ; The host environment must use this procedure and not rely on any other ; sources to break down the stack region. ; If executing in 16-bit code, the host environment must establish the ; "Big Real" mode of 32-bit addressing of data. ; AmdDisableStack PROC NEAR PUBLIC AMD_DISABLE_STACK ;; EAX = AGESA_SUCCESS, The stack space has been disabled for this core. jmp bx AmdDisableStack ENDP ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AmdCallout16 ; ; Entry: ; [esp+8] - Func ; [esp+12] - Data ; [esp+16] - Configuration Block ; [esp+4] - Return address to AGESA ; ; Exit: ; EAX - Contains the AGESA_STATUS return code. ; ; Modified: ; None ; ; Purpose: ; Execute callback from the push-high interface. ; ; Dependencies: ; None ; AmdCallout16 PROC FAR PUBLIC ; declare the procedure AMD_CALLOUT_16 oemCallout ; use the macro for the body ret AmdCallout16 ENDP ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AmdProcessAgesaErrors (Optional) ; ; Entry: ; AL - Heap status of the AGESA entry point that was just invoked. ; EBX - AGESA image base address. ; EDX - Segment / Offset of the appropriate callout router function. ; ; Exit: ; None ; ; Modified: ; None ; ; Purpose: ; This procedure is used to handle any errors that may have occurred ; during an AGESA entry point. ; ; Dependencies: ; None ; AmdProcessAgesaErrors PROC FAR PUBLIC LOCAL localCpuInterfaceBlock:EVENT_PARAMS pushad xor edi, edi mov di, ss shl edi, 4 lea esi, localCpuInterfaceBlock add esi, edi ; Fill default config block mov (EVENT_PARAMS PTR [esi]).StdHeader.Func, AMD_READ_EVENT_LOG mov (EVENT_PARAMS PTR [esi]).StdHeader.ImageBasePtr, ebx mov (EVENT_PARAMS PTR [esi]).StdHeader.AltImageBasePtr, 0 mov (EVENT_PARAMS PTR [esi]).StdHeader.HeapStatus, al mov edi, SEG AmdCallout16 shl edi, 4 add edi, OFFSET AmdCallout16 mov (EVENT_PARAMS PTR [esi]).StdHeader.CalloutPtr, edi ; Flush the event log searching for, and handling all monitored events xor eax, eax .while (eax == 0) push edx call AmdBridge32 pop edx .if (eax == AGESA_SUCCESS) mov eax, (EVENT_PARAMS PTR [esi]).EventInfo .if (eax != 0) lea di, cs:AgesaEventTable loopThruTable: cmp di, OFFSET cs:AgesaEventTableEnd jae unhandledEvent cmp eax, cs:[di].sOemEventHandler.ClassCode je FoundMatch add di, SIZEOF sOemEventHandler jmp loopThruTable FoundMatch: mov bx, cs:[di].sOemEventHandler.FuncPtr call bx unhandledEvent: xor eax, eax .else mov al, 1 .endif .endif .endw popad ret AmdProcessAgesaErrors ENDP ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Define the error handler table ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AgesaEventTable LABEL BYTE ;; Add entries as desired ;;--------- ;; EXAMPLE ;;--------- sOemEventHandler AgesaEventTableEnd LABEL BYTE AMD_PERSISTENT_END ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; RECOVERY SEGMENT ; This segment resides in the classic 'boot-block,' and is used ; for recovery. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMD_RECOVERY_START ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Declare the external routines required in the recovery segment ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; myReadSPDRecovery (Required for proper recovery mode operation) ; ; Entry: ; ESI - Pointer to an AGESA_READ_SPD_PARAMS structure. ; ; typedef struct { ; IN OUT AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS StdHeader; ; IN UINT8 SocketId; ; IN UINT8 MemChannelId; ; IN UINT8 DimmId; ; IN OUT UINT8 *Buffer; ; IN OUT MEM_DATA_STRUCT *MemData; ; } AGESA_READ_SPD_PARAMS; ; ; Exit: ; EAX - Contains the AGESA_STATUS return code. ; AGESA_SUCCESS Indicates the SPD block for the indicated ; DIMM was read successfully. ; AGESA_BOUNDS_CHK The specified DIMM is not present. ; AGESA_UNSUPPORTED This is a required function, so this ; value being returned causes a critical ; error response value from the AGESA ; software function and no memory initialized. ; AGESA_ERROR The DIMM SPD read process has generated ; communication errors. ; ; Modified: ; None ; ; Purpose: ; This call out reads a block of memory SPD data and places it ; into the provided buffer. ; ; Dependencies: ; None ; EXTERN myReadSPDRecovery:NEAR ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Define the sample wrapper routines for the recovery segment ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AmdInitResetWrapper ; ; Entry: ; DS - 0000 with 4 gigabyte access ; ES - 0000 with 4 gigabyte access ; ; Exit: ; None ; ; Modified: ; None ; ; Purpose: ; A minimal initialization of the processor core is performed. This ; procedure must be called by all processor cores. The code path ; separates the BSP from the APs and performs a separate and appropriate ; list of tasks for each class of core. ; For the BSP, the following actions are performed: ; Internal heap sub-system initialization ; Primary non-coherent HyperTransportT link initialization ; Return to the host environment to test for Recovery Mode. ; The AP processor cores do not participate in the recovery process. ; However, they execute this routine after being released to execute ; by the BSP during the main boot process. Their actions include the ; following: ; Internal heap sub-system initialization ; Proceed to a wait loop waiting for commands from the BSP ; ; For the cache regions, up to three regions of execution cache can be ; allocated following the following rules: ; 1. Once a region is allocated, it cannot be de-allocated. However, it ; can be expanded. ; 2. At most, two of the three regions can be located above 1 MByte. A ; region failing this rule is ignored. ; 3. All region addresses must be at or above the 0x000D0000 linear ; address. A region failing this rule is ignored. ; 4. The address is aligned on a 32-KByte boundary. Starting addresses ; is rounded down to the nearest 32-Kbyte boundary. ; 5. The execution cache size must be a multiple of 32 KByte. Size is ; rounded up to the next multiple of 32 KByte. ; 6. A region must not span either the 1-MByte boundary or the 4-GByte ; boundary. Allocated size is truncated to not span the boundary. ; 7. The granted cached execution regions, address, and size are calculated ; based on the available cache resources of the processor core. ; Allocations are made up to the limit of cache available on the ; installed processor. ; Warning: Enabling instruction cache outside of this interface can cause ; data corruption. ; ; Dependencies: ; This procedure is expected to be executed soon after a system reset ; for the main boot path or resume path of execution. ; ; This procedure requires a stack. ; ; Because the heap system is not yet operational at the point of the ; interface call, the host environment must allocate the storage for ; the AMD_RESET_PARAMS structure before making the first call to ; AmdCreateStruct. This is the ByHost method of allocation. ; AmdInitResetWrapper PROC NEAR PUBLIC local localCfgBlock:AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS local localResetParams:AMD_RESET_PARAMS pushad ; Prepare for the call to initialize the input parameters for AmdInitReset xor eax, eax mov ax, ss shl eax, 4 lea esi, localCfgBlock add esi, eax mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.ImageBasePtr, AGESA_B1_ADDRESS mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.Func, AMD_CREATE_STRUCT mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.AltImageBasePtr, 0 mov edx, SEG AmdCallout16 shl edx, 4 add edx, OFFSET AmdCallout16 mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.CalloutPtr, edx ; Use the 'ByHost' allocation method because the heap has not been initialized as of yet. mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).AgesaFunctionName, AMD_INIT_RESET mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).AllocationMethod, ByHost mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).NewStructSize, sizeof AMD_RESET_PARAMS lea edx, localResetParams add edx, eax push edx mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).NewStructPtr, edx mov dx, SEG AmdCalloutRouterRecovery shl edx, 16 mov dx, OFFSET AmdCalloutRouterRecovery push edx call AmdBridge32 pop edx pop esi ; The structure has been initialized. Now modify the default settings as desired. ; Allocate the execution cache to maximize the amount of code in ROM that is cached. ; Placing the B1 and B2 images near one another is a good way to ensure the AGESA code ; is cached. mov (AMD_RESET_PARAMS ptr [esi]).CacheRegion.ExeCacheStartAddr, EXE_CACHE_REGION_BASE_0 mov (AMD_RESET_PARAMS ptr [esi]).CacheRegion.ExeCacheSize, EXE_CACHE_REGION_SIZE_0 mov (AMD_RESET_PARAMS ptr [esi + sizeof EXECUTION_CACHE_REGION]).CacheRegion.ExeCacheStartAddr, EXE_CACHE_REGION_BASE_1 mov (AMD_RESET_PARAMS ptr [esi + sizeof EXECUTION_CACHE_REGION]).CacheRegion.ExeCacheSize, EXE_CACHE_REGION_SIZE_1 mov (AMD_RESET_PARAMS ptr [esi + (2 * sizeof EXECUTION_CACHE_REGION)]).CacheRegion.ExeCacheStartAddr, EXE_CACHE_REGION_BASE_2 mov (AMD_RESET_PARAMS ptr [esi + (2 * sizeof EXECUTION_CACHE_REGION)]).CacheRegion.ExeCacheSize, EXE_CACHE_REGION_SIZE_2 ; Call in to the AmdInitReset entry point push edx call AmdBridge32 pop edx ;; EAX = AGESA_STATUS ;; AGESA_SUCCESS Early initialization completed successfully. ;; AGESA_WARNING One or more of the execution cache allocation ;; rules were violated, but an adjustment was made ;; and space was allocated. ;; AGESA_ERROR One or more of the execution cache allocation rules ;; were violated, which resulted in a requested cache ;; region to not be allocated. ;; The storage space allocated for the AMD_RESET_PARAMS ;; structure is insufficient. .if (eax != AGESA_SUCCESS) mov al, (AMD_RESET_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.HeapStatus mov ebx, AGESA_B1_ADDRESS call AmdProcessAgesaErrors .endif ;; Here are what the MTRRs should look like based off of the CacheRegions specified above: ;; Fixed-Range MTRRs ;; Name Address Value ;; ---------------- -------- ---------------- ;; MTRRfix4k_E0000 0000026C 0505050505050505 ;; MTRRfix4k_E8000 0000026D 0505050505050505 ;; MTRRfix4k_F0000 0000026E 0505050505050505 ;; MTRRfix4k_F8000 0000026F 0505050505050505 ;; MTRRdefType 000002FF 0000000000000C00 ;; ;; Variable-Range MTRRs and IO Range ;; MTRRphysBase(n) MTRRphysMask(n) ;; ----------------- ----------------- ;; n=0 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 ;; n=1 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 ;; n=2 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 ;; n=3 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 ;; n=4 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 ;; n=5 Heap Base (Varies by core) 0000FFFFFFFF0800 ;; n=6 AGESA_B1_ADDRESS | 6 0000FFFFFFFC0800 ;; n=7 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 ;; Because the allocation method is 'ByHost,' the call to AMD_RELEASE_STRUCT is ;; not necessary. Stack space reclamation is left up to the host BIOS. popad ret AmdInitResetWrapper ENDP ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AmdInitRecoveryWrapper ; ; Entry: ; DS - 0000 with 4 gigabyte access ; ES - 0000 with 4 gigabyte access ; ; Exit: ; None ; ; Modified: ; None ; ; Purpose: ; Perform a minimum initialization of the processor and memory to ; support a recovery mode flash ROM update. ; For the BSP, the following actions are performed: ; Configuration of CPU core for recovery process ; Minimal initialization of some memory ; The AP processor cores do not participate in the recovery process. ; No actions or tasks are performed by the AP cores for this time point. ; ; Dependencies: ; This procedure requires a stack. The host environment must use one of ; the provided service functions to establish the stack environment prior ; to making the call to this procedure. ; AmdInitRecoveryWrapper PROC NEAR PUBLIC local localCfgBlock:AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS pushad ; Prepare for the call to create and initialize the input parameters for AmdInitRecovery xor eax, eax mov ax, ss shl eax, 4 lea esi, localCfgBlock add esi, eax mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.ImageBasePtr, AGESA_B1_ADDRESS mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.Func, AMD_CREATE_STRUCT mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.AltImageBasePtr, 0 mov edx, SEG AmdCallout16 shl edx, 4 add edx, OFFSET AmdCallout16 mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.CalloutPtr, edx mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).AgesaFunctionName, AMD_INIT_RECOVERY mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).AllocationMethod, PreMemHeap mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).NewStructSize, 0 push esi mov dx, SEG AmdCalloutRouterRecovery shl edx, 16 mov dx, OFFSET AmdCalloutRouterRecovery push edx call AmdBridge32 pop edx mov esi, (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).NewStructPtr ; The structure has been initialized. Now modify the default settings as desired. ; Call in to the AmdInitRecovery entry point push edx call AmdBridge32 pop edx ;; EAX = AGESA_STATUS ;; AGESA_SUCCESS The function has completed successfully. ;; AGESA_WARNING One or more of the allocation rules were violated, ;; but an adjustment was made and space was allocated. ;; AGESA_ERROR One or more of the allocation rules were violated, ;; which resulted in a requested cache region to not be ;; allocated. ;; AGESA_FATAL No memory was found in the system. .if (eax != AGESA_SUCCESS) mov al, (AMD_RECOVERY_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.HeapStatus mov ebx, AGESA_B1_ADDRESS call AmdProcessAgesaErrors .endif ; Allow AGESA to free the space used by AmdInitRecovery pop esi mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.Func, AMD_RELEASE_STRUCT call AmdBridge32 popad ret AmdInitRecoveryWrapper ENDP ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AmdCalloutRouterRecovery ; ; Entry: ; ECX - Callout function number ; EDX - Function-specific UINTN ; ESI - Pointer to function specific data ; ; Exit: ; EAX - Contains the AGESA_STATUS return code. ; ; Modified: ; None ; ; Purpose: ; The call out router function for AmdInitReset and ; AmdInitRecovery. ; ; Dependencies: ; None ; AmdCalloutRouterRecovery PROC FAR PUBLIC USES ECX EBX ESI BX DI DS ES xor ax, ax mov ds, ax mov es, ax lea di, cs:CalloutRouterTableRecovery mov eax, AGESA_UNSUPPORTED loopThruTable: cmp di, OFFSET cs:CalloutRouterTableRecoveryEnd jae amdCpuCalloutExit ; exit with AGESA_UNSUPPORTED cmp ecx, cs:[di].sOemCallout.FuncName je FoundMatch add di, SIZEOF sOemCallout jmp loopThruTable FoundMatch: mov bx, cs:[di].sOemCallout.FuncPtr call bx amdCpuCalloutExit: ret AmdCalloutRouterRecovery ENDP ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Define the callout dispatch table for the recovery segment ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CalloutRouterTableRecovery LABEL BYTE ;; Standard B1 implementations only need the SPD reader call out function to be implemented. sOemCallout CalloutRouterTableRecoveryEnd LABEL BYTE AMD_RECOVERY_END ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; PRE-MEMORY SEGMENT ; This segment must be uncompressed in the ROM image. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMD_PREMEM_START ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Declare the external routines required in the recovery segment ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; myReadSPDPremem (Required) ; ; Entry: ; ESI - Pointer to an AGESA_READ_SPD_PARAMS structure ; ; typedef struct { ; IN OUT AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS StdHeader; ; IN UINT8 SocketId; ; IN UINT8 MemChannelId; ; IN UINT8 DimmId; ; IN OUT UINT8 *Buffer; ; IN OUT MEM_DATA_STRUCT *MemData; ; } AGESA_READ_SPD_PARAMS; ; ; Exit: ; EAX - Contains the AGESA_STATUS return code. ; AGESA_SUCCESS Indicates the SPD block for the indicated ; DIMM was read successfully. ; AGESA_BOUNDS_CHK The specified DIMM is not present. ; AGESA_UNSUPPORTED This is a required function, so this ; value being returned causes a critical ; error response value from the AGESA ; software function and no memory initialized. ; AGESA_ERROR The DIMM SPD read process has generated ; communication errors. ; ; Modified: ; None ; ; Purpose: ; This call out reads a block of memory SPD data and places it ; into the provided buffer. ; ; Dependencies: ; None ; EXTERN myReadSPDPremem:NEAR ;+------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AmdDfltRetPremem ; ; Entry: ; None ; ; Exit: ; None ; ; Modified: ; None ; ; Purpose: ; Near stub procedure in the prememory segment. Simply perform a ; retn instruction. ; EXTERN AmdDfltRetPremem:NEAR ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; myDoReset (Required) ; ; Entry: ; EDX - Reset type ; 1 - Warm reset whenever ; 2 - Cold reset whenever ; 3 - Warm reset immediately ; 4 - Cold reset immediately ; ESI - Pointer to an AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS structure. ; ; Exit: ; EAX - Contains the AGESA_STATUS return code. ; AGESA_SUCCESS The function has completed successfully. ; AGESA_UNSUPPORTED This is a required function, so this ; value being returned causes a critical ; error response value from the AGESA ; software function. ; ; Modified: ; None ; ; Purpose: ; This host environment function must initiate the specified type ; of system reset. ; ; Implementation of this function by the host environment is ; REQUIRED. Some host environments may record this as a request ; allowing other elements in the system to perform some additional ; tasks before the actual reset is issued. ; ; Dependencies: ; The AMD processor contains 3 bits (BiosRstDet[2:0]) in a PCI ; register (F0x6C Link Initialization Control Register) that ; indicate the reset status. These bits are reserved for use by ; the AGESA software and should not be modified by the host ; environment. ; EXTERN myDoReset:NEAR ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; myGetNonVolatileS3Context (Required for proper S3 operation) ; ; Entry: ; None ; ; Exit: ; EBX - Pointer to the non-volatile S3 context block ; ECX - Size in bytes of the non-volatile S3 context block ; ; Modified: ; None ; ; Purpose: ; The host environment must return the pointer to the data ; saved during the mySaveNonVolatileS3Context routine. ; ; Dependencies: ; None ; EXTERN myGetNonVolatileS3Context:NEAR ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Declare the optional external routines in the prememory segment ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; myAgesaHookBeforeExitSelfRefresh (Optional) ; ; Entry: ; Prior to this hook, AGESA will display - AGESA_TESTPOINT - 44h ; ESI - Pointer to a data structure containing the memory information ; ; Exit: ; After returning control to AGESA, AGESA will display: - AGESA_TESTPOINT - 45h ; EAX - Contains the AGESA_STATUS return code ; AGESA_SUCCESS The function has completed successfully ; AGESA_UNSUPPORTED This function is not implemented by the host environment ; AGESA_WARNING A non-critical issue has occued in the host environment ; ; Modified: ; None ; ; Purpose: ; General purpose hook called before the exiting self refresh ; This procedure is called once per channel ; ; Implementation of this function is optional for the host environment ; This call-out is an opportunity for the host environment to make dynamic ; modifications to the memory timing settings specific to the board or host ; environment before exiting self refresh on S3 resume ; ; Dependencies: ; This procedure is called before the exit self refresh bit is set in the resume ; sequence. The host environment must initiate the OS restart process. This procedure ; requires a stack. The host environment must establish the stack environment prior ; to making the call to this procedure ; EXTERN myAgesaHookBeforeExitSelfRefresh(AmdDfltRetPremem):NEAR ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; myHookBeforeDramInit (Optional) ; ; Entry: ; Prior to this hook, AGESA will display - AGESA_TESTPOINT - 40h ; ESI - Pointer to a data structure containing the memory information ; ; Exit: ; After returning control to AGESA, AGESA will display - AGESA_TESTPOINT - 41h ; EAX - Contains the AGESA_STATUS return code. ; AGESA_SUCCESS The function has completed successfully. ; AGESA_UNSUPPORTED This function is not implemented by the host environment ; ; Modified: ; None ; ; Purpose: ; General-purpose hook called before the DRAM_Init bit is set. Called ; once per MCT ; ; Implementation of this function is optional for the host environment ; This call-out is an opportunity for the host environment to make ; dynamic modifications to the memory timing settings specific to the ; board or host environment ; ; Dependencies: ; None ; EXTERN myHookBeforeDramInit(AmdDfltRetPremem):NEAR ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; myHookBeforeDQSTraining (Optional) ; ; Entry: ; Prior to this hook, AGESA will display - AGESA_TESTPOINT - 42h ; ESI - Pointer to a data structure containing the memory information. ; ; Exit: ; After returning control to AGESA, AGESA will display - AGESA_TESTPOINT - 43h ; EAX - Contains the AGESA_STATUS return code. ; AGESA_SUCCESS The function has completed successfully. ; AGESA_UNSUPPORTED This function is not implemented by the ; host environment. ; ; Modified: ; None ; ; Purpose: ; General-purpose hook called just before the memory training processes ; begin. Called once per MCT. ; ; Implementation of this function is optional for the host environment. ; This call-out is an opportunity for the host environment to make ; dynamic modifications to the memory timing settings specific to the ; board or host environment. ; ; The host environment may also use this call-out for some board- ; specific features that should be activated at this time point, ; such as: ; Low voltage DIMMs-the host environment should set the recommended ; voltages found in the memory data structure for each memory ; channel. This needs to occur before training begins. ; ; Dependencies: ; None ; EXTERN myHookBeforeDQSTraining(AmdDfltRetPremem):NEAR ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Define the sample wrapper routines for the prememory segment ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AmdInitEarlyWrapper ; ; Entry: ; On Entry to "AmdInitEarly" AGESA will display AGESA_TESTPOINT - C4h ; DS - 0000 with 4 gigabyte access ; ES - 0000 with 4 gigabyte access ; ; Exit: ; On Exit from "AmdInitEarly" AGESA will display AGESA_TESTPOINT - C5h ; None ; ; Modified: ; None ; ; Purpose: ; A full initialization of the processor is performed. Action details ; differ for the BSP and AP processor cores. ; For the BSP, the following actions are performed: ; Full HyperTransportT link initialization, coherent and non-coherent ; Processor register loading ; Microcode patch load ; Errata workaround processing ; Launch all processor cores ; Configure the processor power management capabilities ; Request a warm reset if needed ; For the AP, the following actions are performed: ; Processor register loading ; Microcode patch load ; Errata workaround processing ; Configure the processor power management capabilities ; ; Dependencies: ; This procedure is expected to be called before main memory initialization ; and before the system warm reset. Prior to this, the basic configuration ; done by the AmdInitReset routine must be completed. ; ; This procedure requires a stack. The host environment must use one of the ; provided service functions to establish the stack environment prior to ; making the call to this procedure. ; ; The processes performed at this time point require communication between ; processor cores. ; ; The host environment must recognize that all processor cores are running ; in parallel and avoid activities that might interfere with the core-to-core ; communication, such as modifying the MTRR settings or writing to the APIC ; registers. ; AmdInitEarlyWrapper PROC NEAR PUBLIC local localCfgBlock:AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS pushad ; Prepare for the call to create and initialize the input parameters for AmdInitEarly xor eax, eax mov ax, ss shl eax, 4 lea esi, localCfgBlock add esi, eax mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.ImageBasePtr, AGESA_B2_ADDRESS mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.Func, AMD_CREATE_STRUCT mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.AltImageBasePtr, 0 mov edx, SEG AmdCallout16 shl edx, 4 add edx, OFFSET AmdCallout16 mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.CalloutPtr, edx mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).AgesaFunctionName, AMD_INIT_EARLY mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).AllocationMethod, PreMemHeap mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).NewStructSize, 0 push esi mov dx, SEG AmdCalloutRouterPremem shl edx, 16 mov dx, OFFSET AmdCalloutRouterPremem push edx call AmdBridge32 pop edx mov esi, (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).NewStructPtr ; The structure has been initialized. Now modify the default settings as desired. mov edi, esi add edi, (SIZEOF AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS + (3 * (SIZEOF EXECUTION_CACHE_REGION))) call oemPlatformConfigInit ; Call in to the AmdInitEarly entry point push edx call AmdBridge32 pop edx ;; EAX = AGESA_STATUS ;; AGESA_SUCCESS The function has completed successfully. ;; AGESA_ALERT An HyperTransportT link CRC error was observed. ;; AGESA_WARNING One of more of the allocation rules were violated, ;; but an adjustment was made and space was allocated. ;; Or a HyperTransport device does not have the expected ;; capabilities, or unusable redundant HyperTransport ;; links were found. ;; AGESA_ERROR One or more of the allocation rules were violated, which ;; resulted in a requested cache region to not be allocated. ;; Or, a HyperTransport device failed to initialize. ;; AGESA_CRITICAL An illegal or unsupported mixture of processor types was ;; found, or the processors installed were found to have an ;; insufficient MP capability rating for this platform. .if (eax != AGESA_SUCCESS) mov al, (AMD_EARLY_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.HeapStatus mov ebx, AGESA_B2_ADDRESS call AmdProcessAgesaErrors .endif ; Allow AGESA to free the space used by AmdInitEarly pop esi mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.Func, AMD_RELEASE_STRUCT call AmdBridge32 popad ret AmdInitEarlyWrapper ENDP ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AmdInitPostWrapper ; ; Entry: ; On Entry to "AmdInitPost" AGESA will display AGESA_TESTPOINT - C6h ; DS - 0000 with 4 gigabyte access ; ES - 0000 with 4 gigabyte access ; ; Exit: ; On Exit from "AmdInitPost" AGESA will display AGESA_TESTPOINT - C7h ; None ; ; Modified: ; None ; ; Purpose: ; The main system memory is located, initialized, and brought on-line. ; The processor(s) are prepared for full operation and control by the ; host environment. Action details differ for the BSP and AP processor ; cores. ; For the BSP, the following actions are performed: ; Full memory initialization and configuration. BSP is the master for ; this process and may delegate some tasks to APs. ; AP collection of data for use later. ; Transfer the HOBs including the artifact data out of the pre-memory ; cache storage into a temporary holding buffer in the main memory. ; Check the BIST status of the BSP ; Shut down the APs. ; Prepare for the host environment to begin main boot activity. ; Disable the pre-memory stack. ; For the APs, the following actions are performed: ; Report core identity information. ; Execute indicated memory initialization processes as directed. ; Check the BIST status of the AP ; Disable the pre-memory stack. ; Prepare to halt, giving control to host environment. ; The entire range of system memory is enabled for Write-Back cache. ; The fixed MTRRs and the variable MTRRs[7:6] are not changed in order ; to leave in place any flash ROM region currently set for Write-Protect ; execution cache. ; ; Dependencies: ; This procedure is called after the host environment has determined that ; a normal boot to operating system should be performed after any system ; warm reset is completed and after the configuration done by AmdInitEarly ; has completed. ; ; This procedure requires a stack. The host environment must use one of the ; provided service functions to establish the stack environment prior to ; making the call to this procedure. ; ; The processes performed at this time point require communication between ; processor cores. The host environment must recognize that all processor ; cores are running in parallel and avoid activities that might interfere ; with the core-to-core communication, such as modifying the MTRR settings ; or writing to the APIC registers. ; AmdInitPostWrapper PROC NEAR PUBLIC local localCfgBlock:AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS pushad ; Prepare for the call to create and initialize the input parameters for AmdInitPost xor eax, eax mov ax, ss shl eax, 4 lea esi, localCfgBlock add esi, eax mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.ImageBasePtr, AGESA_B2_ADDRESS mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.Func, AMD_CREATE_STRUCT mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.AltImageBasePtr, 0 mov edx, SEG AmdCallout16 shl edx, 4 add edx, OFFSET AmdCallout16 mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.CalloutPtr, edx mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).AgesaFunctionName, AMD_INIT_POST mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).AllocationMethod, PreMemHeap mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).NewStructSize, 0 push esi mov dx, SEG AmdCalloutRouterPremem shl edx, 16 mov dx, OFFSET AmdCalloutRouterPremem push edx call AmdBridge32 pop edx mov esi, (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).NewStructPtr ; The structure has been initialized. Now modify the default settings as desired. mov edi, esi add edi, SIZEOF AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS call oemPlatformConfigInit ; Call in to the AmdInitPost entry point push edx call AmdBridge32 pop edx ;; EAX = AGESA_STATUS ;; AGESA_SUCCESS The function has completed successfully. ;; AGESA_ALERT A BIST error was found on one of the cores. ;; AGESA_WARNING HT Assist feature is running sub-optimally. ;; AGESA_FATAL Memory initialization failed. .if (eax != AGESA_SUCCESS) mov al, (AMD_POST_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.HeapStatus mov ebx, AGESA_B2_ADDRESS call AmdProcessAgesaErrors .endif ; Allow AGESA to free the space used by AmdInitPost pop esi mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.Func, AMD_RELEASE_STRUCT call AmdBridge32 popad ret AmdInitPostWrapper ENDP ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AmdInitResumeWrapper ; ; Entry: ; On Entry to "AmdInitResume" AGESA will display AGESA_TESTPOINT - D0h ; DS - 0000 with 4 gigabyte access ; ES - 0000 with 4 gigabyte access ; ; Exit: ; On Exit from "AmdInitResume" AGESA will display AGESA_TESTPOINT - D1h ; None ; ; Modified: ; None ; ; Purpose: ; This procedure initializes or re-initializes the silicon components ; for the resume boot path. For the processor, main memory is brought ; out of self-refresh mode. This procedure will use the context data ; in the NvStorage area of the input structure to re-start the main ; memory. The host environment must fill the AMD_S3_PARAMS NvStorage ; and VolatileStorage pointers and related size elements to describe ; the location of the context data. Note that for this procedure, the ; two data areas do not need to be contained in one buffer zone, they ; can be anywhere in the accessible memory address space. If the host ; environment uses a non-volatile storage device accessed on the system ; address bus such as flashROM, then the context data does not need to ; be moved prior to this call. If the host environment uses a non- ; volatile storage device not located on the system address bus (e.g. ; CMOS or SSEPROM) then the host environment must transfer the context ; data to a buffer in main memory prior to calling this procedure. ; ; Dependencies: ; The host environment must have determined that the system should take ; the resume path prior to calling this procedure. The configuration ; done by AmdInitEarly and any necessary warm reset must be complete. ; After this procedure, execution proceeds to general system restoration. ; ; This procedure requires a stack. The host environment must use one of ; the provided service functions to establish the stack environment prior ; to making the call to this procedure. ; AmdInitResumeWrapper PROC NEAR PUBLIC local localCfgBlock:AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS pushad ; Prepare for the call to create and initialize the input parameters for AmdInitResume xor eax, eax mov ax, ss shl eax, 4 lea esi, localCfgBlock add esi, eax mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.ImageBasePtr, AGESA_B2_ADDRESS mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.Func, AMD_CREATE_STRUCT mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.AltImageBasePtr, 0 mov edx, SEG AmdCallout16 shl edx, 4 add edx, OFFSET AmdCallout16 mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.CalloutPtr, edx mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).AgesaFunctionName, AMD_INIT_RESUME mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).AllocationMethod, PreMemHeap mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).NewStructSize, 0 push esi mov dx, SEG AmdCalloutRouterPremem shl edx, 16 mov dx, OFFSET AmdCalloutRouterPremem push edx call AmdBridge32 pop edx mov esi, (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).NewStructPtr ; The structure has been initialized. Now modify the default settings as desired. mov edi, esi add edi, (SIZEOF AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS + SIZEOF AMD_S3_PARAMS) call oemPlatformConfigInit call myGetNonVolatileS3Context mov (AMD_RESUME_PARAMS ptr [esi]).S3DataBlock.NvStorage, ebx mov (AMD_RESUME_PARAMS ptr [esi]).S3DataBlock.NvStorageSize, ecx ; Call in to the AmdInitResume entry point push edx call AmdBridge32 pop edx ;; EAX = AGESA_STATUS ;; AGESA_SUCCESS Re-initialization has been completed successfully. .if (eax != AGESA_SUCCESS) mov al, (AMD_RESUME_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.HeapStatus mov ebx, AGESA_B2_ADDRESS call AmdProcessAgesaErrors .endif ; Allow AGESA to free the space used by AmdInitResume pop esi mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.Func, AMD_RELEASE_STRUCT call AmdBridge32 popad ret AmdInitResumeWrapper ENDP ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AmdCalloutRouterPremem ; ; Entry: ; ECX - Callout function number ; EDX - Function-specific UINTN ; ESI - Pointer to function specific data ; ; Exit: ; EAX - Contains the AGESA_STATUS return code. ; ; Modified: ; None ; ; Purpose: ; The call out router function for AmdInitEarly, ; AmdInitPost, and AmdInitResume. ; ; Dependencies: ; None ; AmdCalloutRouterPremem PROC FAR PUBLIC USES ECX EBX ESI BX DI DS ES xor ax, ax mov ds, ax mov es, ax lea di, cs:CalloutRouterTablePremem mov eax, AGESA_UNSUPPORTED loopThruTable: cmp di, OFFSET cs:CalloutRouterTablePrememEnd jae amdCpuCalloutExit ; exit with AGESA_UNSUPPORTED cmp ecx, cs:[di].sOemCallout.FuncName je FoundMatch add di, SIZEOF sOemCallout jmp loopThruTable FoundMatch: mov bx, cs:[di].sOemCallout.FuncPtr call bx amdCpuCalloutExit: ret AmdCalloutRouterPremem ENDP ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Define the callout dispatch table for the prememory segment ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CalloutRouterTablePremem LABEL BYTE ;; Add entries as desired. sOemCallout sOemCallout sOemCallout sOemCallout sOemCallout CalloutRouterTablePrememEnd LABEL BYTE AMD_PREMEM_END ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; POST SEGMENT ; This segment may be decompressed and run from system RAM. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMD_POST_START ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Declare the external routines required in the POST segment ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; myAllocateBuffer (Required) ; ; Entry: ; Prior to this hook, AGESA will display - AGESA_TESTPOINT - E2h ; ESI - Pointer to an AGESA_BUFFER_PARAMS structure. ; ; typedef struct { ; IN OUT AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS StdHeader; ; IN UINT32 BufferLength; ; IN UINT32 BufferHandle; ; OUT VOID *BufferPointer; ; } AGESA_BUFFER_PARAMS; ; ; Exit: ; After this hook, AGESA will display - AGESA_TESTPOINT - E3h ; EAX - Contains the AGESA_STATUS return code. ; AGESA_SUCCESS The requested size of memory has been ; successfully allocated. ; AGESA_UNSUPPORTED This is a required function, so this ; value being returned causes a critical ; error response value from the AGESA ; software function. ; AGESA_ERROR Less than the requested amount of memory ; was allocated. ; ; Modified: ; EAX ; ; Purpose: ; This function is used after main memory has been initialized ; and the host environment has taken control of memory allocation. ; This function must allocate a buffer of the requested size or ; larger. This function is required to be implemented by the host ; environment. ; ; Dependencies: ; The following call-outs must work together in the host system. ; Parameters of the same name have the same function and must be ; treated the same in each function: ; AgesaAllocateBuffer ; AgesaDeallocateBuffer ; AgesaLocateBuffer ; AgesaRunFcnOnAp ; The host environment may need to reserve a location in the buffer ; to store any host environment specific value(s). The returned ; pointer must not include this reserved space. The host environment ; on the AgesaDeallocateBuffer call needs to account for the reserved ; space. This reserved space may be an identifier or the "handle" ; used to identify the specific memory block. ; EXTERN myAllocateBuffer:NEAR ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; myDeallocateBuffer (Required) ; ; Entry: ; Prior to this hook, AGESA will display - AGESA_TESTPOINT - E4h ; ESI - Pointer to an AGESA_BUFFER_PARAMS structure. ; ; typedef struct { ; IN OUT AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS StdHeader; ; IN UINT32 BufferLength; ; IN UINT32 BufferHandle; ; OUT VOID *BufferPointer; ; } AGESA_BUFFER_PARAMS; ; ; Exit: ; After this hook, AGESA will display - AGESA_TESTPOINT - E5h ; EAX - Contains the AGESA_STATUS return code. ; AGESA_SUCCESS The function has completed successfully. ; AGESA_BOUNDS_CHK The BufferHandle is invalid. The AGESA ; software continues with its function. ; AGESA_UNSUPPORTED This is a required function, so this ; value being returned causes a critical ; error response value from the AGESA ; software function. ; ; Modified: ; EAX ; ; Purpose: ; This function is used after main memory has been initialized ; and the host environment has taken control of memory allocation. ; This function releases a valid working buffer. This function is ; required for the host environment to implement. ; ; Dependencies: ; The following call-outs must work together in the host system. ; Parameters of the same name have the same function and must be ; treated the same in each function: ; AgesaAllocateBuffer ; AgesaDeallocateBuffer ; AgesaLocateBuffer ; AgesaRunFcnOnAp ; EXTERN myDeallocateBuffer:NEAR ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; myLocateBuffer (Required) ; ; Entry: ; Prior to this hook, AGESA will display - AGESA_TESTPOINT - E6h ; ESI - Pointer to an AGESA_BUFFER_PARAMS structure. ; ; typedef struct { ; IN OUT AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS StdHeader; ; IN UINT32 BufferLength; ; IN UINT32 BufferHandle; ; OUT VOID *BufferPointer; ; } AGESA_BUFFER_PARAMS; ; ; Exit: ; After this hook, AGESA will display - AGESA_TESTPOINT - E7h ; EAX - Contains the AGESA_STATUS return code. ; AGESA_SUCCESS The function has completed successfully. ; AGESA_BOUNDS_CHK The presented handle is invalid or the ; buffer could not be located. ; ; Modified: ; EAX ; ; Purpose: ; This function is used after main memory has been initialized ; and the host environment has taken control of memory allocation. ; This function must locate the buffer related to the indicated ; handle and return the address of the buffer and its length. ; This function is required to be implemented in the host ; environment. ; ; Dependencies: ; The following call-outs must work together in the host system. ; Parameters of the same name have the same function and must be ; treated the same in each function: ; AgesaAllocateBuffer ; AgesaDeallocateBuffer ; AgesaLocateBuffer ; AgesaRunFcnOnAp ; EXTERN myLocateBuffer:NEAR ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; myRunFuncOnAp (Required) ; ; Entry: ; EDX - Local APIC ID of the target core. ; ; Exit: ; None ; ; Modified: ; None ; ; Purpose: ; The host environment must route execution to the target AP and ; have that AP call the AmdLateRunApTaskWrapper routine defined ; above. ; ; Dependencies: ; None ; EXTERN myRunFuncOnAp:NEAR ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; mySaveNonVolatileS3Context (Required for proper S3 operation) ; ; Entry: ; EBX - Pointer to the non-volatile S3 context block ; ECX - Size in bytes of the non-volatile S3 context block ; ; Exit: ; None ; ; Modified: ; None ; ; Purpose: ; The host environment must save the non-volatile data to an area ; that will not lose context while in the ACPI S3 sleep state, but ; cannot be placed in system RAM. This data will need to be ; available during the call to AmdInitResume. ; ; Dependencies: ; None ; EXTERN mySaveNonVolatileS3Context:NEAR ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; mySaveVolatileS3Context (Required for proper S3 operation) ; ; Entry: ; EBX - Pointer to the volatile S3 context block ; ECX - Size in bytes of the volatile S3 context block ; ; Exit: ; None ; ; Modified: ; None ; ; Purpose: ; The host environment must save the volatile data to an area ; that will not lose context while in the ACPI S3 sleep state. ; This data will need to be available during the call to ; AmdS3LateRestore. ; ; Dependencies: ; None ; EXTERN mySaveVolatileS3Context:NEAR ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; myGetVolatileS3Context (Required for proper S3 operation) ; ; Entry: ; None ; ; Exit: ; EBX - Pointer to the volatile S3 context block ; ECX - Size in bytes of the volatile S3 context block ; ; Modified: ; None ; ; Purpose: ; The host environment must return the pointer to the data ; saved during the mySaveVolatileS3Context routine. ; ; Dependencies: ; None ; EXTERN myGetVolatileS3Context:NEAR ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Define the sample wrapper routines for the POST segment ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AmdInitEnvWrapper ; ; Entry: ; On Entry to "AmdInitEnv" AGESA will display AGESA_TESTPOINT - C8h ; DS - 0000 with 4 gigabyte access ; ES - 0000 with 4 gigabyte access ; ; Exit: ; On Exit from "AmdInitEnv" AGESA will display AGESA_TESTPOINT - C9h ; None ; ; Modified: ; None ; ; Purpose: ; This procedure uses the AgesaAllocateBuffer call-out to acquire ; permanent buffer space for the UEFI Hand-Off Blocks (HOBs). This ; is also known as, or includes, artifact data being used by the ; AGESA software. Upon entry to this procedure, the data is being ; held in a temporary memory location and it must be moved to a ; location controlled and protected by the host environment. ; ; These actions are performed by the BSP. The APs are not assigned ; any tasks at this time point. ; ; Dependencies: ; This procedure must be called after full memory is initialized and ; the host environment has taken control of main memory allocation. ; This procedure should be called before the PCI enumeration takes ; place and as soon as possible after the host environment memory ; allocation sub-system has started. ; ; This procedure requires a stack. The host environment must use one ; of the provided service functions to establish the stack environment ; prior to making the call to this procedure. ; AmdInitEnvWrapper PROC NEAR PUBLIC local localCfgBlock:AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS pushad ; Prepare for the call to create and initialize the input parameters for AmdInitEnv xor eax, eax mov ax, ss shl eax, 4 lea esi, localCfgBlock add esi, eax mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.ImageBasePtr, AGESA_B2_ADDRESS mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.Func, AMD_CREATE_STRUCT mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.AltImageBasePtr, 0 mov edx, SEG AmdCallout16 shl edx, 4 add edx, OFFSET AmdCallout16 mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.CalloutPtr, edx mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).AgesaFunctionName, AMD_INIT_ENV mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).AllocationMethod, PostMemDram mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).NewStructSize, 0 push esi mov dx, SEG AmdCalloutRouterPost shl edx, 16 mov dx, OFFSET AmdCalloutRouterPost push edx call AmdBridge32 pop edx mov esi, (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).NewStructPtr ; The structure has been initialized. Now modify the default settings as desired. mov edi, esi add edi, SIZEOF AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS call oemPlatformConfigInit ; Call in to the AmdInitEnv entry point push edx call AmdBridge32 pop edx ;; EAX = AGESA_STATUS ;; AGESA_SUCCESS The function has completed successfully. ;; AGESA_ERROR The artifact data could not be found or the host ;; environment failed to allocate sufficient buffer space. .if (eax != AGESA_SUCCESS) mov al, (AMD_ENV_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.HeapStatus mov ebx, AGESA_B2_ADDRESS call AmdProcessAgesaErrors .endif ; Allow AGESA to free the space used by AmdInitEnv pop esi mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.Func, AMD_RELEASE_STRUCT call AmdBridge32 popad ret AmdInitEnvWrapper ENDP ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AmdInitMidWrapper ; ; Entry: ; On Entry to "AmdInitMid" AGESA will display AGESA_TESTPOINT - CAh ; DS - 0000 with 4 gigabyte access ; ES - 0000 with 4 gigabyte access ; ; Exit: ; On Exit from "AmdInitMid" AGESA will display AGESA_TESTPOINT - CBh ; None ; ; Modified: ; None ; ; Purpose: ; This procedure call performs special configuration requirements for ; the graphics display hardware. ; ; These actions are performed by the BSP. The APs are not assigned any ; tasks at this time point. ; ; Dependencies: ; This procedure must be called after PCI enumeration has allocated ; resources, but before the video BIOS call is performed. ; ; This procedure requires a stack. The host environment must use one ; of the provided service functions to establish the stack environment ; prior to making the call to this procedure. ; AmdInitMidWrapper PROC NEAR PUBLIC local localCfgBlock:AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS pushad ; Prepare for the call to create and initialize the input parameters for AmdInitMid xor eax, eax mov ax, ss shl eax, 4 lea esi, localCfgBlock add esi, eax mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.ImageBasePtr, AGESA_B2_ADDRESS mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.Func, AMD_CREATE_STRUCT mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.AltImageBasePtr, 0 mov edx, SEG AmdCallout16 shl edx, 4 add edx, OFFSET AmdCallout16 mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.CalloutPtr, edx mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).AgesaFunctionName, AMD_INIT_MID mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).AllocationMethod, PostMemDram mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).NewStructSize, 0 push esi mov dx, SEG AmdCalloutRouterPost shl edx, 16 mov dx, OFFSET AmdCalloutRouterPost push edx call AmdBridge32 pop edx mov esi, (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).NewStructPtr ; The structure has been initialized. Now modify the default settings as desired. mov edi, esi add edi, SIZEOF AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS call oemPlatformConfigInit ; Call in to the AmdInitMid entry point push edx call AmdBridge32 pop edx ;; EAX = AGESA_STATUS ;; AGESA_SUCCESS The function has completed successfully. .if (eax != AGESA_SUCCESS) mov al, (AMD_MID_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.HeapStatus mov ebx, AGESA_B2_ADDRESS call AmdProcessAgesaErrors .endif ; Allow AGESA to free the space used by AmdInitMid pop esi mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.Func, AMD_RELEASE_STRUCT call AmdBridge32 popad ret AmdInitMidWrapper ENDP ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AmdInitLateWrapper ; ; Entry: ; On Entry to "AmdInitLate" AGESA will display AGESA_TESTPOINT - CCh ; DS - 0000 with 4 gigabyte access ; ES - 0000 with 4 gigabyte access ; ; Exit: ; On Exit from "AmdInitLate" AGESA will display AGESA_TESTPOINT - CDh ; None ; ; Modified: ; None ; ; Purpose: ; The main purpose of this function is to generate informational ; data tables used by the operating system. The individual tables ; can be selected for generation through the user selection entries ; on the input parameters. ; ; This routine uses the Call-Out AgesaAllocateBuffer to allocate a ; buffer of the proper size to contain the data. ; ; The code path separates the BSP from the APs and perform a separate ; and appropriate list of tasks for each class of core. ; For the BSP, the following actions are performed: ; Allocate buffer space for the tables. ; Generate the table contents. ; Make sure that the CPU is in a known good power state before ; proceeding to boot the OS. ; For the APs, the following actions are performed: ; Final register settings preparing for entry to OS. ; Establish the final PState for entry to OS. ; ; Dependencies: ; This routine is expected to be executed late in the boot sequence ; after main memory has been initialized, after PCI enumeration has ; completed, after the host environment ACPI sub-system has started, ; after the host environment has taken control of the APs, but just ; before the start of OS boot. ; ; The host environment must provide the required call-outs listed in ; the "Required Call-Out Procedures" section of the AGESA interface ; specification to provide the buffer space in main memory and execute ; code on the APs. The host environment must register the created ACPI ; table in the main ACPI pointer tables. This may require moving the ; generated tables to another location in memory. ; ; This procedure requires a stack. The host environment must establish ; the stack environment prior to making the call to this procedure. ; Some functions depend upon the preservation of the heap data across ; the shift from pre-memory environment to a post-memory environment. ; If that data was not preserved, then those functions cannot complete ; and an error is returned. ; AmdInitLateWrapper PROC NEAR PUBLIC local localCfgBlock:AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS pushad ; Prepare for the call to create and initialize the input parameters for AmdInitLate xor eax, eax mov ax, ss shl eax, 4 lea esi, localCfgBlock add esi, eax mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.ImageBasePtr, AGESA_B2_ADDRESS mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.Func, AMD_CREATE_STRUCT mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.AltImageBasePtr, 0 mov edx, SEG AmdCallout16 shl edx, 4 add edx, OFFSET AmdCallout16 mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.CalloutPtr, edx mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).AgesaFunctionName, AMD_INIT_LATE mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).AllocationMethod, PostMemDram mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).NewStructSize, 0 push esi mov dx, SEG AmdCalloutRouterPost shl edx, 16 mov dx, OFFSET AmdCalloutRouterPost push edx call AmdBridge32 pop edx mov esi, (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).NewStructPtr ; The structure has been initialized. Now modify the default settings as desired. mov edi, esi add edi, SIZEOF AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS call oemPlatformConfigInit ; Call in to the AmdInitLate entry point push edx call AmdBridge32 pop edx ;; EAX = AGESA_STATUS ;; AGESA_SUCCESS The function has completed successfully. ;; AGESA_ALERT ;; AGESA_ERROR The system could not allocate the needed amount of ;; buffer space; or could not locate the artifact data block in ;; memory. Likely cause: the host environment may not have preserved ;; the data properly. .if (eax != AGESA_SUCCESS) mov al, (AMD_LATE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.HeapStatus mov ebx, AGESA_B2_ADDRESS call AmdProcessAgesaErrors .endif push es mov ax, SEG AmdAcpiSratPointer mov es, ax mov ebx, (AMD_LATE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).AcpiSrat mov es:AmdAcpiSratPointer, ebx mov eax, DWORD PTR [ebx + 4] mov es:AmdAcpiSratSize, eax mov ebx, (AMD_LATE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).AcpiSlit mov es:AmdAcpiSlitPointer, ebx mov eax, DWORD PTR [ebx + 4] mov es:AmdAcpiSlitSize, eax mov ebx, (AMD_LATE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).AcpiPState mov es:AmdAcpiSsdtPointer, ebx mov eax, DWORD PTR [ebx + 4] mov es:AmdAcpiSsdtSize, eax xor eax, eax mov ebx, (AMD_LATE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).AcpiWheaMce mov es:AmdAcpiWheaMcePointer, ebx mov ax, WORD PTR [ebx] mov es:AmdAcpiWheaMceSize, eax mov ebx, (AMD_LATE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).AcpiWheaMce mov es:AmdAcpiWheaCmcPointer, ebx mov ax, WORD PTR [ebx] mov es:AmdAcpiWheaCmcSize, eax mov eax, (AMD_LATE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).DmiTable mov es:AmdDmiInfoPointer, eax pop es ; Allow AGESA to free the space used by AmdInitLate pop esi mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.Func, AMD_RELEASE_STRUCT call AmdBridge32 popad ret AmdInitLateWrapper ENDP ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AmdS3SaveWrapper ; ; Entry: ; On Entry to "AmdS3Save" AGESA will display AGESA_TESTPOINT - CEh ; DS - 0000 with 4 gigabyte access ; ES - 0000 with 4 gigabyte access ; ; Exit: ; On Entry to "AmdS3Save" AGESA will display AGESA_TESTPOINT - CFh ; None ; ; Modified: ; None ; ; Purpose: ; This procedure saves critical registers and/or configuration ; information for preservation across a system suspend mode. All ; actions needed to prepare the processor for suspend mode is ; performed, however this procedure does NOT initiate the suspend ; process. The host environment is expected to perform that duty. ; ; These actions are performed by the BSP. The APs are not assigned ; any tasks at this time point. ; ; The initializer routine will NULL out the save area pointers and ; sizes. This procedure will determine the size of storage needed ; for all the processor context, and make a call out to the environment ; for allocation of one buffer to store all of the data. Upon exit, the ; pointers and sizes within the AMD_S3_PARAMS structure will be updated ; with the appropriate addresses within the buffer that was allocated. ; The host environment is expected to then transfer the data pointed to ; by NvStorage to a non-volatile storage area, and the data pointed to ; by VolatileStorage to either a non-volatile storage area or system ; RAM that retains its content across suspend. ; ; Dependencies: ; The host environment must initiate the suspend process. ; ; This procedure requires a stack. The host environment must establish ; the stack environment prior to making the call to this procedure. ; AmdS3SaveWrapper PROC NEAR PUBLIC local localCfgBlock:AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS pushad ; Prepare for the call to create and initialize the input parameters for AmdS3Save xor eax, eax mov ax, ss shl eax, 4 lea esi, localCfgBlock add esi, eax mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.ImageBasePtr, AGESA_B2_ADDRESS mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.Func, AMD_CREATE_STRUCT mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.AltImageBasePtr, 0 mov edx, SEG AmdCallout16 shl edx, 4 add edx, OFFSET AmdCallout16 mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.CalloutPtr, edx mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).AgesaFunctionName, AMD_S3_SAVE mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).AllocationMethod, PostMemDram mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).NewStructSize, 0 push esi mov dx, SEG AmdCalloutRouterPost shl edx, 16 mov dx, OFFSET AmdCalloutRouterPost push edx call AmdBridge32 pop edx mov esi, (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).NewStructPtr ; The structure has been initialized. Now modify the default settings as desired. mov edi, esi add edi, (SIZEOF AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS + SIZEOF AMD_S3_PARAMS) call oemPlatformConfigInit ; Call in to the AmdS3Save entry point push edx call AmdBridge32 pop edx ;; EAX = AGESA_STATUS ;; AGESA_SUCCESS All suspend duties have been completed successfully. .if (eax != AGESA_SUCCESS) mov al, (AMD_S3SAVE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.HeapStatus mov ebx, AGESA_B2_ADDRESS call AmdProcessAgesaErrors .endif mov ecx, (AMD_S3SAVE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).S3DataBlock.NvStorageSize .if (ecx != 0) mov ebx, (AMD_S3SAVE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).S3DataBlock.NvStorage call mySaveNonVolatileS3Context .endif mov ecx, (AMD_S3SAVE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).S3DataBlock.VolatileStorageSize .if (ecx != 0) mov ebx, (AMD_S3SAVE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).S3DataBlock.VolatileStorage call mySaveVolatileS3Context .endif ; Allow AGESA to free the space used by AmdS3Save pop esi mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.Func, AMD_RELEASE_STRUCT call AmdBridge32 popad ret AmdS3SaveWrapper ENDP ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AmdS3LateRestoreWrapper ; ; Entry: ; On Entry to "AmdS3LateRestore" AGESA will display AGESA_TESTPOINT - D2h ; DS - 0000 with 4 gigabyte access ; ES - 0000 with 4 gigabyte access ; ; Exit: ; On Exit from "AmdS3LateRestore" AGESA will display AGESA_TESTPOINT - D3h ; None ; ; Modified: ; None ; ; Purpose: ; This procedure restores the processor state, reloads critical ; silicon component registers, and performs any re-initialization ; required by the silicon. This procedure will use the context data ; in the VolatileStorage area of the input structure to restore the ; processor registers. ; ; The host environment must fill the AMD_S3_PARAMS NvStorage and ; VolatileStorage pointers and related size elements to describe ; the location of the context data. Note that for this procedure, ; the two data areas do not need to be contained in one buffer zone, ; they can be anywhere in the accessible memory address space. If ; the host environment uses a non-volatile storage device accessed ; on the system address bus such as flashROM, then the context data ; does not need to be moved prior to this call. If the host ; environment uses a non-volatile storage device not located on the ; system address bus (e.g. CMOS or SSEPROM) then the host environment ; must transfer the context data to a buffer in main memory prior to ; calling this procedure. ; ; These actions are performed by the BSP. The APs are not assigned ; any tasks at this time point. ; ; Dependencies: ; This procedure is called late in the resume sequence, after the ; PCI control space is restored and just before resuming operating ; system execution. ; ; The host environment must initiate the OS restart process. ; ; This procedure requires a stack. The host environment must establish ; the stack environment prior to making the call to this procedure. ; AmdS3LateRestoreWrapper PROC NEAR PUBLIC local localCfgBlock:AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS pushad ; Prepare for the call to create and initialize the input parameters for AmdS3LateRestore xor eax, eax mov ax, ss shl eax, 4 lea esi, localCfgBlock add esi, eax mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.ImageBasePtr, AGESA_B2_ADDRESS mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.Func, AMD_CREATE_STRUCT mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.AltImageBasePtr, 0 mov edx, SEG AmdCallout16 shl edx, 4 add edx, OFFSET AmdCallout16 mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.CalloutPtr, edx mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).AgesaFunctionName, AMD_S3LATE_RESTORE mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).AllocationMethod, PostMemDram mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).NewStructSize, 0 push esi mov dx, SEG AmdCalloutRouterPost shl edx, 16 mov dx, OFFSET AmdCalloutRouterPost push edx call AmdBridge32 pop edx mov esi, (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).NewStructPtr ; The structure has been initialized. Now modify the default settings as desired. mov edi, esi add edi, (SIZEOF AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS + SIZEOF AMD_S3_PARAMS) call oemPlatformConfigInit call myGetVolatileS3Context mov (AMD_S3LATE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).S3DataBlock.VolatileStorage, ebx mov (AMD_S3LATE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).S3DataBlock.VolatileStorageSize, ecx ; Call in to the AmdS3LateRestore entry point push edx call AmdBridge32 pop edx ;; EAX = AGESA_STATUS ;; AGESA_SUCCESS All resume processes have been completed successfully. .if (eax != AGESA_SUCCESS) mov al, (AMD_S3LATE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.HeapStatus mov ebx, AGESA_B2_ADDRESS call AmdProcessAgesaErrors .endif ; Allow AGESA to free the space used by AmdS3LateRestore pop esi mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.Func, AMD_RELEASE_STRUCT call AmdBridge32 popad ret AmdS3LateRestoreWrapper ENDP ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AmdLateRunApTaskWrapper ; ; Entry: ; Prior to this hook, AGESA will display - AGESA_TESTPOINT - D4h ; DS - 0000 with 4 gigabyte access ; ES - 0000 with 4 gigabyte access ; ; Exit: ; After this hook, AGESA will display - AGESA_TESTPOINT - D5h ; None ; ; Modified: ; None ; ; Purpose: ; This entry point is tightly connected with the "AgesaRunFcnOnAp" ; call out. The AGESA software will call the call-out "AgesaRunFcnOnAp"; ; the host environment will then call this entry point to have the AP ; execute the requested function. This is needed late in the Post and ; Resume branches for running an AP task since the AGESA software has ; relinquished control of the APs to the host environment. ; ; Dependencies: ; The host environment must implement the"AgesaRunFcnOnAp" call-out ; and route execution to the target AP. ; AmdLateRunApTaskWrapper PROC NEAR PUBLIC local localCfgBlock:AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS pushad ; Prepare for the call to create and initialize the input parameters for AmdLateRunApTask xor eax, eax mov ax, ss shl eax, 4 lea esi, localCfgBlock add esi, eax mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.ImageBasePtr, AGESA_B2_ADDRESS mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.Func, AMD_CREATE_STRUCT mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.AltImageBasePtr, 0 mov edx, SEG AmdCallout16 shl edx, 4 add edx, OFFSET AmdCallout16 mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.CalloutPtr, edx mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).AgesaFunctionName, AMD_LATE_RUN_AP_TASK mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).AllocationMethod, PostMemDram mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).NewStructSize, 0 push esi mov dx, SEG AmdCalloutRouterPost shl edx, 16 mov dx, OFFSET AmdCalloutRouterPost push edx call AmdBridge32 pop edx mov esi, (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).NewStructPtr ; The structure has been initialized. Now modify the default settings as desired. push es mov ax, SEG AmdRunCodeOnApDataPointer mov es, ax mov eax, es:AmdRunCodeOnApDataPointer mov (AP_EXE_PARAMS PTR [esi]).RelatedDataBlock, eax mov eax, es:AmdRunCodeOnApDataSize mov (AP_EXE_PARAMS PTR [esi]).RelatedBlockLength, eax mov eax, es:AmdRunCodeOnApFunction mov (AP_EXE_PARAMS PTR [esi]).FunctionNumber, eax pop es ; Call in to the AmdLateRunApTask dispatcher push edx call AmdBridge32 pop edx ;; EAX = AGESA_STATUS push es mov bx, SEG AmdRunCodeOnApStatus mov es, bx mov es:AmdRunCodeOnApStatus, eax pop es ; Allow AGESA to free the space used by AmdLateRunApTask pop esi mov (AMD_INTERFACE_PARAMS ptr [esi]).StdHeader.Func, AMD_RELEASE_STRUCT call AmdBridge32 popad ret AmdLateRunApTaskWrapper ENDP ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AmdRunFuncOnAp (Required) ; ; Entry: ; Prior to this hook, AGESA will display - AGESA_TESTPOINT - E8h ; EDX - Local APIC ID of the target core. ; ESI - Pointer to an AP_EXE_PARAMS structure. ; ; typedef struct { ; IN OUT AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS StdHeader; ; IN UINT32 FunctionNumber; ; IN VOID *RelatedDataBlock; ; IN UINT32 RelatedDataBlockLength; ; } AP_EXE_PARAMS; ; ; Exit: ; After this hook, AGESA will display - AGESA_TESTPOINT - E9h ; EAX - Contains the AGESA_STATUS return code. ; AGESA_SUCCESS The function has completed successfully. ; AGESA_UNSUPPORTED This is a required function, so this value ; being returned causes a critical error ; response value from the AGESAT software ; function and no memory initialized. ; AGESA_WARNING The AP did not respond. ; ; Modified: ; EAX ; ; Purpose: ; This function is used after main memory has been initialized ; and the host environment has taken control of AP task dispatching. ; This function must cause the indicated function code to be executed ; upon the specified Application Processor. This procedure must be ; executed in 32-bit mode. This function is required to be implemented ; in the host environment. ; ; Dependencies: ; The host environment must route execution to the target AP and ; have that AP call the"AmdLateRunApTask" entry point. ; AmdRunFuncOnAp PROC NEAR PUBLIC push es mov ax, SEG AmdRunCodeOnApDataPointer mov es, ax mov eax, (AP_EXE_PARAMS PTR [esi]).RelatedDataBlock mov es:AmdRunCodeOnApDataPointer, eax mov eax, (AP_EXE_PARAMS PTR [esi]).RelatedBlockLength mov es:AmdRunCodeOnApDataSize, eax mov eax, (AP_EXE_PARAMS PTR [esi]).FunctionNumber mov es:AmdRunCodeOnApFunction, eax mov eax, AGESA_UNSUPPORTED mov es:AmdRunCodeOnApStatus, eax pop es call myRunFuncOnAp push es mov ax, SEG AmdRunCodeOnApStatus mov es, ax mov eax, es:AmdRunCodeOnApStatus pop es ret AmdRunFuncOnAp ENDP ;+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AmdCalloutRouterPost ; ; Entry: ; ECX - Callout function number ; EDX - Function-specific UINTN ; ESI - Pointer to function specific data ; ; Exit: ; EAX - Contains the AGESA_STATUS return code. ; ; Modified: ; None ; ; Purpose: ; The call out router function for AmdInitEnv, ; AmdInitMid, AmdInitLate, AmdS3Save, and ; AmdS3LateRestore. ; ; Dependencies: ; None ; AmdCalloutRouterPost PROC FAR PUBLIC USES ECX EBX ESI BX DI DS ES xor ax, ax mov ds, ax mov es, ax lea di, cs:CalloutRouterTablePost mov eax, AGESA_UNSUPPORTED loopThruTable: cmp di, OFFSET cs:CalloutRouterTablePostEnd jae amdCpuCalloutExit ; exit with AGESA_UNSUPPORTED cmp ecx, cs:[di].sOemCallout.FuncName je FoundMatch add di, SIZEOF sOemCallout jmp loopThruTable FoundMatch: mov bx, cs:[di].sOemCallout.FuncPtr call bx amdCpuCalloutExit: ret AmdCalloutRouterPost ENDP ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Define the callout dispatch table for the POST segment ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CalloutRouterTablePost LABEL BYTE ;; Add entries as desired. sOemCallout sOemCallout sOemCallout sOemCallout CalloutRouterTablePostEnd LABEL BYTE AMD_POST_END ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; CPU DATA SEGMENT ; This segment must be writable, and present at the time that ; AmdInitLate is run. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPU_DATASEG_START ;; Data used to store pointers for later use by the host environment. PUBLIC AmdAcpiSratPointer PUBLIC AmdAcpiSratSize PUBLIC AmdAcpiSlitPointer PUBLIC AmdAcpiSlitSize PUBLIC AmdAcpiSsdtPointer PUBLIC AmdAcpiSsdtSize PUBLIC AmdAcpiWheaMcePointer PUBLIC AmdAcpiWheaMceSize PUBLIC AmdAcpiWheaCmcPointer PUBLIC AmdAcpiWheaCmcSize PUBLIC AmdDmiInfoPointer AmdAcpiSratPointer DWORD ? AmdAcpiSratSize DWORD ? AmdAcpiSlitPointer DWORD ? AmdAcpiSlitSize DWORD ? AmdAcpiSsdtPointer DWORD ? AmdAcpiSsdtSize DWORD ? AmdAcpiWheaMcePointer DWORD ? AmdAcpiWheaMceSize DWORD ? AmdAcpiWheaCmcPointer DWORD ? AmdAcpiWheaCmcSize DWORD ? AmdDmiInfoPointer DWORD ? ;; Data used for communication between the AP and the BSP. PUBLIC AmdRunCodeOnApDataPointer PUBLIC AmdRunCodeOnApDataSize PUBLIC AmdRunCodeOnApFunction PUBLIC AmdRunCodeOnApStatus AmdRunCodeOnApDataPointer DWORD ? AmdRunCodeOnApDataSize DWORD ? AmdRunCodeOnApFunction DWORD ? AmdRunCodeOnApStatus DWORD ? CPU_DATASEG_END END