 * This file is part of the coreboot project.
 * Copyright (C) 2015 Timothy Pearson <tpearson@raptorengineeringinc.com>, Raptor Engineering
 * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 coresystems GmbH
 *               2012 secunet Security Networks AG
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.


#define DEFAULT_TBAR		((u8 *)0xfed1b000)

#include <southbridge/intel/common/rcba.h>

#define DEFAULT_PMBASE		0x00000500
#define DEFAULT_GPIOBASE	0x00000580

#define APM_CNT		0xb2

#define PM1_STS		0x00
#define   PWRBTN_STS	(1 <<  8)
#define   RTC_STS	(1 << 10)
#define PM1_EN		0x02
#define   PWRBTN_EN	(1 <<  8)
#define   GBL_EN	(1 <<  5)
#define PM1_CNT		0x04
#define   SCI_EN	(1 << 0)
#define PM_LV2		0x14
#define PM_LV3		0x15
#define PM_LV4		0x16
#define PM_LV5		0x17
#define PM_LV6		0x18
#define GPE0_STS	0x20
#define SMI_EN		0x30
#define   PERIODIC_EN	(1 << 14)
#define   TCO_EN	(1 << 13)
#define   APMC_EN	(1 <<  5)
#define   BIOS_EN	(1 <<  2)
#define   EOS		(1 <<  1)
#define   GBL_SMI_EN	(1 <<  0)
#define SMI_STS		0x34
#define ALT_GP_SMI_EN	0x38
#define ALT_GP_SMI_STS	0x3a

#define GP_IO_USE_SEL	0x00
#define GP_IO_SEL	0x04
#define GP_LVL		0x0c
#define GPO_BLINK	0x18
#define GPI_INV		0x2c
#define GP_IO_USE_SEL2	0x30
#define GP_IO_SEL2	0x34
#define GP_LVL2		0x38



/* D31:F0 LPC bridge */
#define D31F0_PMBASE		0x40
#define PMBASE		D31F0_PMBASE
#define D31F0_ACPI_CNTL		0x44
#define D31F0_GPIO_BASE		0x48
#define D31F0_GPIO_CNTL		0x4c
#define D31F0_PIRQA_ROUT	0x60
#define D31F0_PIRQB_ROUT	0x61
#define D31F0_PIRQC_ROUT	0x62
#define D31F0_PIRQD_ROUT	0x63
#define D31F0_SERIRQ_CNTL	0x64
#define D31F0_PIRQE_ROUT	0x68
#define D31F0_PIRQF_ROUT	0x69
#define D31F0_PIRQG_ROUT	0x6a
#define D31F0_PIRQH_ROUT	0x6b
#define D31F0_LPC_IODEC		0x80
#define D31F0_LPC_EN		0x82
#define   CNF2_LPC_EN		(1 << 13) /* 0x4e/0x4f */
#define   CNF1_LPC_EN		(1 << 12) /* 0x2e/0x2f */
#define   MC_LPC_EN		(1 << 11) /* 0x62/0x66 */
#define   KBC_LPC_EN		(1 << 10) /* 0x60/0x64 */
#define   GAMEH_LPC_EN		(1 << 9)  /* 0x208/0x20f */
#define   GAMEL_LPC_EN		(1 << 8)  /* 0x200/0x207 */
#define   FDD_LPC_EN		(1 << 3)  /* LPC_IO_DEC[12] */
#define   LPT_LPC_EN		(1 << 2)  /* LPC_IO_DEC[9:8] */
#define   COMB_LPC_EN		(1 << 1)  /* LPC_IO_DEC[6:4] */
#define   COMA_LPC_EN		(1 << 0)  /* LPC_IO_DEC[2:0] */
#define D31F0_GEN1_DEC		0x84
#define D31F0_GEN2_DEC		0x88
#define D31F0_GEN3_DEC		0x8c
#define D31F0_GEN4_DEC		0x90
#define D31F0_GEN_PMCON_1	0xa0
#define D31F0_GEN_PMCON_3	0xa4
#define D31F0_C5_EXIT_TIMING	0xa8
#define D31F0_CxSTATE_CNF	0xa9
#define D31F0_C4TIMING_CNT	0xaa
#define D31F0_GPIO_ROUT		0xb8

/* GEN_PMCON_3 bits */
#define RTC_BATTERY_DEAD	(1 << 2)
#define RTC_POWER_FAILED	(1 << 1)
#define SLEEP_AFTER_POWER_FAIL	(1 << 0)

/* D31:F2 SATA */
#define D31F2_IDE_TIM_PRI	0x40
#define D31F2_IDE_TIM_SEC	0x42
#define D31F2_SIDX		0xa0
#define D31F2_SDAT		0xa4

/* D30:F0 PCI-to-PCI bridge */
#define D30F0_SMLT		0x1b

/* D28:F0-5 PCIe root ports */
#define D28Fx_XCAP		0x42
#define D28Fx_SLCAP		0x54

#define SMBUS_IO_BASE		0x0400

/* PCI Configuration Space (D31:F3): SMBus */
#define SMB_BASE		0x20
#define HOSTC			0x40

/* HOSTC bits */
#define I2C_EN			(1 << 2)
#define SMB_SMI_EN		(1 << 1)
#define HST_EN			(1 << 0)

#define RCBA_V0CTL		0x0014
#define RCBA_V1CAP		0x001c
#define RCBA_V1CTL		0x0020
#define RCBA_V1STS		0x0026
#define RCBA_PAT		0x0030
#define RCBA_CIR1		0x0088
#define RCBA_ESD		0x0104
#define RCBA_ULD		0x0110
#define RCBA_ULBA		0x0118
#define RCBA_LCAP		0x01a4
#define RCBA_LCTL		0x01a8
#define RCBA_LSTS		0x01aa
#define RCBA_CIR2		0x01f4
#define RCBA_CIR3		0x01fc
#define RCBA_BCR		0x0220
#define RCBA_DMIC		0x0234
#define RCBA_RPFN		0x0238
#define RCBA_CIR13		0x0f20
#define RCBA_CIR5		0x1d40
#define RCBA_DMC		0x2010
#define RCBA_CIR6		0x2024
#define RCBA_CIR7		0x2034
#define RCBA_HPTC		0x3404
#define GCS			0x3410
#define RCBA_BUC		0x3414
#define RCBA_FD			0x3418 /* Function Disable, see below. */
#define RCBA_CG			0x341c
#define RCBA_FDSW		0x3420
#define RCBA_CIR8		0x3430
#define RCBA_CIR9		0x350c
#define RCBA_CIR10		0x352c
#define RCBA_MAP		0x35f0 /* UHCI controller #6 remapping */

#define D31IP		0x3100	/* 32bit */
#define D30IP		0x3104	/* 32bit R0: does not generate interrupt */
#define D29IP		0x3108	/* 32bit */
#define D28IP		0x310c	/* 32bit */
#define D27IP		0x3110	/* 32bit */
#define D26IP		0x3114  /* 32bit */
#define D25IP		0x3114  /* 32bit */

#define D31IR		0x3140	/* 16bit */
#define D30IR		0x3142	/* 16bit R0: does not generate interrupt */
#define D29IR		0x3144	/* 16bit */
#define D28IR		0x3146	/* 16bit */
#define D27IR		0x3148	/* 16bit */
#define D26IR		0x314c	/* 16bit */
#define D25IR		0x3150	/* 16bit */
#define OIC		0x31ff	/*  8bit */

#define BUC_LAND	(1 <<  5) /* LAN */
#define FD_SAD2		(1 << 25) /* SATA #2 */
#define FD_TTD		(1 << 24) /* Thermal Throttle */
#define FD_PE6D		(1 << 21) /* PCIe root port 6 */
#define FD_PE5D		(1 << 20) /* PCIe root port 5 */
#define FD_PE4D		(1 << 19) /* PCIe root port 4 */
#define FD_PE3D		(1 << 18) /* PCIe root port 3 */
#define FD_PE2D		(1 << 17) /* PCIe root port 2 */
#define FD_PE1D		(1 << 16) /* PCIe root port 1 */
#define FD_EHCI1D	(1 << 15) /* EHCI #1 */
#define FD_LBD		(1 << 14) /* LPC bridge */
#define FD_EHCI2D	(1 << 13) /* EHCI #2 */
#define FD_U5D		(1 << 12) /* UHCI #5 */
#define FD_U4D		(1 << 11) /* UHCI #4 */
#define FD_U3D		(1 << 10) /* UHCI #3 */
#define FD_U2D		(1 <<  9) /* UHCI #2 */
#define FD_U1D		(1 <<  8) /* UHCI #1 */
#define FD_U6D		(1 <<  7) /* UHCI #6 */
#define FD_HDAD		(1 <<  4) /* HD audio */
#define FD_SD		(1 <<  3) /* SMBus */
#define FD_SAD1		(1 <<  2) /* SATA #1 */

#ifndef __ACPI__

#include <device/pci_ops.h>

static inline int lpc_is_mobile(const u16 devid)
	return (devid == 0x2917) || (devid == 0x2919);
#define LPC_IS_MOBILE(dev) lpc_is_mobile(pci_read_config16(dev, PCI_DEVICE_ID))

void enable_smbus(void);
int smbus_read_byte(unsigned device, unsigned address);
int i2c_eeprom_read(unsigned int device, unsigned int cmd, unsigned int bytes,
		u8 *buf);
int smbus_block_read(unsigned int device, unsigned int cmd, u8 bytes, u8 *buf);
int smbus_block_write(unsigned int device, unsigned int cmd, u8 bytes,
		const u8 *buf);

