/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */

// Intel SATA Controller 0:1f.2

// Note: Some BIOSes put the S-ATA code into an SSDT to make it easily
// pluggable

Device (SATA)
	Name (_ADR, 0x001f0002)

	Device (PRID)
		Name (_ADR, 0)

		// Get Timing Mode
		Method (_GTM, 0, Serialized)
			Name(PBUF, Buffer(20) {
				0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 })

			CreateDwordField (PBUF,  0, PIO0)
			CreateDwordField (PBUF,  4, DMA0)
			CreateDwordField (PBUF,  8, PIO1)
			CreateDwordField (PBUF, 12, DMA1)
			CreateDwordField (PBUF, 16, FLAG)

			// TODO fill return structure

			Return (PBUF)

		// Set Timing Mode
		Method (_STM, 3)
			CreateDwordField (Arg0,  0, PIO0)
			CreateDwordField (Arg0,  4, DMA0)
			CreateDwordField (Arg0,  8, PIO1)
			CreateDwordField (Arg0, 12, DMA1)
			CreateDwordField (Arg0, 16, FLAG)

			// TODO: Do the deed

		Device (DSK0)
			Name (_ADR, 0)
			// TODO: _RMV ?
			// TODO: _GTF ?

		Device (DSK1)
			Name (_ADR, 1)

			// TODO: _RMV ?
			// TODO: _GTF ?
