 * This file is part of the coreboot project.
 * Copyright (C) 2011 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
 * ***************************************************************************


//#include "cbtypes.h"
#ifdef NULL
  #undef NULL
#define NULL            0

typedef unsigned long long PLACEHOLDER;



/// Extended PCI Address
typedef struct _EXT_PCI_ADDR {
  UINT32                  Reg :16; ///< / PCI Register
  UINT32                  Func:3;  ///< / PCI Function
  UINT32                  Dev :5;  ///< / PCI Device
  UINT32                  Bus :8;  ///< / PCI Address

/// PCI Address
typedef union _PCI_ADDR {
  UINT32                  ADDR; ///< / 32 bit Address
  EXT_PCI_ADDR            Addr; ///< / Extended PCI Address
#define FIXUP_PTR(ptr)  ptr

#include <console/console.h>
#include "AmdSbLib.h"
#include "Amd.h"
#include "Hudson-2.h"
#include "SbType.h"
#include "AcpiLib.h"
#include "SbDef.h"
#include "AmdSbLib.h"
#include "SbSubFun.h"
#include "platform_cfg.h"	/* mainboard specific configuration */
#include "Oem.h"		/* platform default configuration */
#include "AMD.h"
#include "SbBiosRamUsage.h"
#include "EcFan.h"

 * SB_CIMx_PARAMETER                0                1                   2            Defult Value When CIMx Take over
 *  SpreadSpectrum         CIMx take over   User (Setup Option) User (Setup Option)               Enable
 * SpreadSpectrumType      CIMx take over   User (Setup Option) User (Setup Option)               Normal
 *     HpetTimer           CIMx take over   User (Setup Option) User (Setup Option)               Enable
 *     HpetMsiDis          CIMx take over   User (Setup Option) User (Setup Option)               Enable (0x00)
 *      IrConfig           CIMx take over   User (Setup Option) User (Setup Option)               Disable (0x00)
 * SpiFastReadEnable       CIMx take over   User (Setup Option) User (Setup Option)               Disable
 * SpiFastReadSpeed        CIMx take over   User (Setup Option) User (Setup Option)               Disable (NULL)
 *     NbSbGen2            CIMx take over   User (Setup Option) User (Setup Option)               Enable
 * AlinkPhyPllPowerDown    CIMx take over   User (Setup Option) User (Setup Option)               Enable
 * ResetCpuOnSyncFlood     CIMx take over   User (Setup Option) User (Setup Option)               Enable
 *     GppGen2             CIMx take over   User (Setup Option) User (Setup Option)               Disable
 *  GppMemWrImprove        CIMx take over   User (Setup Option) User (Setup Option)               Enable
 *    GppPortAspm          CIMx take over   User (Setup Option) User (Setup Option)               Disable
 *  GppLaneReversal        CIMx take over   User (Setup Option) User (Setup Option)               Disable
 *  GppPhyPllPowerDown     CIMx take over   User (Setup Option) User (Setup Option)               Enable
 *  UsbPhyPowerDown        CIMx take over   User (Setup Option) User (Setup Option)               Disable
 *  SBGecDebugBus          CIMx take over   User (Setup Option) User (Setup Option)               Disable
 *     SBGecPwr            CIMx take over   User (Setup Option) User (Setup Option)               Nerver Power down (0x11)
 *   SataSetMaxGen2        CIMx take over   User (Setup Option) User (Setup Option)               Max Gen3 (0x00)
 *   SataClkMode           CIMx take over   User (Setup Option) User (Setup Option)               0x90   int. 100Mhz
 *  SataAggrLinkPmCap      CIMx take over   User (Setup Option) User (Setup Option)               Enable
 *  SataPortMultCap        CIMx take over   User (Setup Option) User (Setup Option)               Enable
 *   SataPscCap            CIMx take over   User (Setup Option) User (Setup Option)               Enable (0x00)
 *   SataSscCap            CIMx take over   User (Setup Option) User (Setup Option)               Enable (0x00)
 * SataFisBasedSwitching   CIMx take over   User (Setup Option) User (Setup Option)               Disable
 *   SataCccSupport        CIMx take over   User (Setup Option) User (Setup Option)               Disable
 *   SataMsiCapability     CIMx take over   User (Setup Option) User (Setup Option)               Enable
 *   SataClkAutoOff        CIMx take over   User (Setup Option) User (Setup Option)               Disable
 *    AcDcMsg              CIMx take over   User (Setup Option) User (Setup Option)               Disable
 *   TimerTickTrack        CIMx take over   User (Setup Option) User (Setup Option)               Disable
 *  ClockInterruptTag      CIMx take over   User (Setup Option) User (Setup Option)               Disable
 *  OhciTrafficHanding     CIMx take over   User (Setup Option) User (Setup Option)               Disable
 *  EhciTrafficHanding     CIMx take over   User (Setup Option) User (Setup Option)               Disable
 *  FusionMsgCMultiCore    CIMx take over   User (Setup Option) User (Setup Option)               Disable
 *   FusionMsgCStage       CIMx take over   User (Setup Option) User (Setup Option)               Disable
#define SB_CIMx_PARAMETER  0x02

// Generic
#define cimSpreadSpectrumDefault        TRUE
#define cimSpreadSpectrumTypeDefault	0x00      // Normal
#define cimHpetTimerDefault             TRUE
#define cimHpetMsiDisDefault            FALSE     // Enable
#define cimIrConfigDefault              0x00      // Disable
#define cimSpiFastReadEnableDefault     0x00      // Disable
#define cimSpiFastReadSpeedDefault      0x00      // NULL
// GPP/AB Controller
#define cimNbSbGen2Default              TRUE
#define cimAlinkPhyPllPowerDownDefault  TRUE
#define cimResetCpuOnSyncFloodDefault   TRUE
#define cimGppGen2Default               FALSE
#define cimGppMemWrImproveDefault       TRUE
#define cimGppPortAspmDefault           FALSE
#define cimGppLaneReversalDefault       FALSE
#define cimGppPhyPllPowerDownDefault    TRUE
// USB Controller
#define cimUsbPhyPowerDownDefault       FALSE
// GEC Controller
#define cimSBGecDebugBusDefault         FALSE
#define cimSBGecPwrDefault              0x03
// Sata Controller
#define cimSataSetMaxGen2Default        0x00
#define cimSATARefClkSelDefault         0x10
#define cimSATARefDivSelDefault         0x80
#define cimSataAggrLinkPmCapDefault     TRUE
#define cimSataPortMultCapDefault       TRUE
#define cimSataPscCapDefault            0x00      // Enable
#define cimSataSscCapDefault            0x00      // Enable
#define cimSataFisBasedSwitchingDefault FALSE
#define cimSataCccSupportDefault        FALSE
#define cimSataClkAutoOffDefault        FALSE
#define cimNativepciesupportDefault     FALSE
// Fusion Related
#define cimAcDcMsgDefault               FALSE
#define cimTimerTickTrackDefault        FALSE
#define cimClockInterruptTagDefault     FALSE
#define cimOhciTrafficHandingDefault    FALSE
#define cimEhciTrafficHandingDefault    FALSE
#define cimFusionMsgCMultiCoreDefault   FALSE
#define cimFusionMsgCStageDefault       FALSE
#endif // _AMD_SBPLATFORM_H_