/* * This file is part of the coreboot project. * * (C) Copyright 2002 * David Mueller, ELSOFT AG, d.mueller@elsoft.ch * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include <compiler.h> #include <arch/io.h> #include <assert.h> #include <console/console.h> #include <delay.h> #include <device/i2c_simple.h> #include <soc/clk.h> #include <soc/i2c.h> #include <soc/periph.h> #include <soc/pinmux.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <timer.h> struct __packed i2c_regs { uint8_t con; uint8_t _1[3]; uint8_t stat; uint8_t _2[3]; uint8_t add; uint8_t _3[3]; uint8_t ds; uint8_t _4[3]; uint8_t lc; uint8_t _5[3]; }; struct __packed hsi2c_regs { uint32_t usi_ctl; uint32_t usi_fifo_ctl; uint32_t usi_trailing_ctl; uint32_t usi_clk_ctl; uint32_t usi_clk_slot; uint32_t spi_ctl; uint32_t uart_ctl; uint32_t res1; uint32_t usi_int_en; uint32_t usi_int_stat; uint32_t modem_stat; uint32_t error_stat; uint32_t usi_fifo_stat; uint32_t usi_txdata; uint32_t usi_rxdata; uint32_t res2; uint32_t i2c_conf; uint32_t i2c_auto_conf; uint32_t i2c_timeout; uint32_t i2c_manual_cmd; uint32_t i2c_trans_status; uint32_t i2c_timing_hs1; uint32_t i2c_timing_hs2; uint32_t i2c_timing_hs3; uint32_t i2c_timing_fs1; uint32_t i2c_timing_fs2; uint32_t i2c_timing_fs3; uint32_t i2c_timing_sla; uint32_t i2c_addr; }; check_member(hsi2c_regs, i2c_addr, 0x70); struct i2c_bus { int bus_num; struct i2c_regs *regs; enum periph_id periph_id; struct hsi2c_regs *hsregs; int is_highspeed; /* High speed type, rather than I2C */ int id; unsigned clk_cycle; unsigned clk_div; }; static struct i2c_bus i2c_busses[] = { { .bus_num = 0, .regs = (void *)0x12c60000, .periph_id = PERIPH_ID_I2C0, }, { .bus_num = 1, .regs = (void *)0x12c70000, .periph_id = PERIPH_ID_I2C1, }, { .bus_num = 2, .regs = (void *)0x12c80000, .periph_id = PERIPH_ID_I2C2, }, { .bus_num = 3, .regs = (void *)0x12c90000, .periph_id = PERIPH_ID_I2C3, }, /* I2C4-I2C10 are part of the USI block */ { .bus_num = 4, .hsregs = (void *)0x12ca0000, .periph_id = PERIPH_ID_I2C4, .is_highspeed = 1, }, { .bus_num = 5, .hsregs = (void *)0x12cb0000, .periph_id = PERIPH_ID_I2C5, .is_highspeed = 1, }, { .bus_num = 6, .hsregs = (void *)0x12cc0000, .periph_id = PERIPH_ID_I2C6, .is_highspeed = 1, }, { .bus_num = 7, .hsregs = (void *)0x12cd0000, .periph_id = PERIPH_ID_I2C7, .is_highspeed = 1, }, { .bus_num = 8, .hsregs = (void *)0x12e00000, .periph_id = PERIPH_ID_I2C8, .is_highspeed = 1, }, { .bus_num = 9, .hsregs = (void *)0x12e10000, .periph_id = PERIPH_ID_I2C9, .is_highspeed = 1, }, { .bus_num = 10, .hsregs = (void *)0x12e20000, .periph_id = PERIPH_ID_I2C10, .is_highspeed = 1, }, }; // I2C_CTL enum { Hsi2cFuncModeI2c = 1 << 0, Hsi2cMaster = 1 << 3, Hsi2cRxchon = 1 << 6, Hsi2cTxchon = 1 << 7, Hsi2cSwRst = 1 << 31 }; // I2C_FIFO_STAT enum { Hsi2cTxFifoLevel = 0x7f << 0, Hsi2cTxFifoFull = 1 << 7, Hsi2cTxFifoEmpty = 1 << 8, Hsi2cRxFifoLevel = 0x7f << 16, Hsi2cRxFifoFull = 1 << 23, Hsi2cRxFifoEmpty = 1 << 24 }; // I2C_FIFO_CTL enum { Hsi2cRxfifoEn = 1 << 0, Hsi2cTxfifoEn = 1 << 1, Hsi2cTxfifoTriggerLevel = 0x20 << 16, Hsi2cRxfifoTriggerLevel = 0x20 << 4 }; // I2C_TRAILING_CTL enum { Hsi2cTrailingCount = 0xff }; // I2C_INT_EN enum { Hsi2cIntTxAlmostemptyEn = 1 << 0, Hsi2cIntRxAlmostfullEn = 1 << 1, Hsi2cIntTrailingEn = 1 << 6, Hsi2cIntI2cEn = 1 << 9 }; // I2C_CONF enum { Hsi2cAutoMode = 1 << 31, Hsi2c10bitAddrMode = 1 << 30, Hsi2cHsMode = 1 << 29 }; // I2C_AUTO_CONF enum { Hsi2cReadWrite = 1 << 16, Hsi2cStopAfterTrans = 1 << 17, Hsi2cMasterRun = 1 << 31 }; // I2C_TIMEOUT enum { Hsi2cTimeoutEn = 1 << 31 }; // I2C_TRANS_STATUS enum { Hsi2cMasterBusy = 1 << 17, Hsi2cSlaveBusy = 1 << 16, Hsi2cTimeoutAuto = 1 << 4, Hsi2cNoDev = 1 << 3, Hsi2cNoDevAck = 1 << 2, Hsi2cTransAbort = 1 << 1, Hsi2cTransDone = 1 << 0 }; #define HSI2C_SLV_ADDR_MAS(x) ((x & 0x3ff) << 10) enum { Hsi2cTimeout = 100 }; enum { I2cConIntPending = 0x1 << 4, I2cConIntEn = 0x1 << 5, I2cConAckGen = 0x1 << 7 }; enum { I2cStatAck = 0x1 << 0, I2cStatAddrZero = 0x1 << 1, I2cStatAddrSlave = 0x1 << 2, I2cStatArb = 0x1 << 3, I2cStatEnable = 0x1 << 4, I2cStatStartStop = 0x1 << 5, I2cStatBusy = 0x1 << 5, I2cStatModeMask = 0x3 << 6, I2cStatSlaveRecv = 0x0 << 6, I2cStatSlaveXmit = 0x1 << 6, I2cStatMasterRecv = 0x2 << 6, I2cStatMasterXmit = 0x3 << 6 }; static int hsi2c_get_clk_details(struct i2c_bus *i2c, int *div, int *cycle, unsigned op_clk) { struct hsi2c_regs *regs = i2c->hsregs; unsigned long clkin = clock_get_periph_rate(i2c->periph_id); /* * FPCLK / FI2C = * (CLK_DIV + 1) * (TSCLK_L + TSCLK_H + 2) + 8 + 2 * FLT_CYCLE * temp0 = (CLK_DIV + 1) * (TSCLK_L + TSCLK_H + 2) * temp1 = (TSCLK_L + TSCLK_H + 2) */ uint32_t flt_cycle = (read32(®s->i2c_conf) >> 16) & 0x7; int temp = (clkin / op_clk) - 8 - 2 * flt_cycle; // CLK_DIV max is 256. int i; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { int period = temp / (i + 1) - 2; if (period < 512 && period >= 2) { *cycle = period; *div = i; return 0; } } printk(BIOS_ERR, "%s: Failed to find timing parameters.\n", __func__); return -1; } static void hsi2c_ch_init(struct i2c_bus *i2c, unsigned int frequency) { struct hsi2c_regs *regs = i2c->hsregs; int div, cycle; if (hsi2c_get_clk_details(i2c, &div, &cycle, frequency)) return; uint32_t sr_release; sr_release = cycle; uint32_t scl_l, scl_h, start_su, start_hd, stop_su; scl_l = scl_h = start_su = start_hd = stop_su = cycle / 2; uint32_t data_su, data_hd; data_su = data_hd = cycle / 4; uint32_t timing_fs1 = start_su << 24 | start_hd << 16 | stop_su << 8; uint32_t timing_fs2 = data_su << 24 | scl_l << 8 | scl_h << 0; uint32_t timing_fs3 = div << 16 | sr_release << 0; uint32_t timing_sla = data_hd << 0; // Currently operating in fast speed mode. write32(®s->i2c_timing_fs1, timing_fs1); write32(®s->i2c_timing_fs2, timing_fs2); write32(®s->i2c_timing_fs3, timing_fs3); write32(®s->i2c_timing_sla, timing_sla); // Clear to enable timeout. write32(®s->i2c_timeout, read32(®s->i2c_timeout) & ~Hsi2cTimeoutEn); write32(®s->usi_trailing_ctl, Hsi2cTrailingCount); write32(®s->usi_fifo_ctl, Hsi2cRxfifoEn | Hsi2cTxfifoEn); write32(®s->i2c_conf, read32(®s->i2c_conf) | Hsi2cAutoMode); } static void hsi2c_reset(struct i2c_bus *i2c) { struct hsi2c_regs *regs = i2c->hsregs; // Set and clear the bit for reset. write32(®s->usi_ctl, read32(®s->usi_ctl) | Hsi2cSwRst); write32(®s->usi_ctl, read32(®s->usi_ctl) & ~Hsi2cSwRst); /* FIXME: This just assumes 100KHz as a default bus freq */ hsi2c_ch_init(i2c, 100000); } static void i2c_ch_init(struct i2c_bus *i2c, int speed) { struct i2c_regs *regs = i2c->regs; unsigned long freq, pres = 16, div; unsigned long val; freq = clock_get_periph_rate(i2c->periph_id); // Calculate prescaler and divisor values. if ((freq / pres / (16 + 1)) > speed) /* set prescaler to 512 */ pres = 512; div = 0; while ((freq / pres / (div + 1)) > speed) div++; // Set prescaler, divisor according to freq, also set ACKGEN, IRQ. val = (div & 0x0f) | 0xa0 | ((pres == 512) ? 0x40 : 0); write32(®s->con, val); // Init to SLAVE RECEIVE mode and clear I2CADDn. write32(®s->stat, 0); write32(®s->add, 0); // program Master Transmit (and implicit STOP). write32(®s->stat, I2cStatMasterXmit | I2cStatEnable); } void i2c_init(unsigned bus, int speed, int slaveadd) { struct i2c_bus *i2c = &i2c_busses[bus]; if (i2c->is_highspeed) { hsi2c_reset(i2c); hsi2c_ch_init(i2c, speed); } else { i2c_ch_init(i2c, speed); } } /* * Check whether the transfer is complete. * Return values: * 0 - transfer not done * 1 - transfer finished successfully * -1 - transfer failed */ static int hsi2c_check_transfer(struct hsi2c_regs *regs) { uint32_t status = read32(®s->i2c_trans_status); if (status & (Hsi2cTransAbort | Hsi2cNoDevAck | Hsi2cNoDev | Hsi2cTimeoutAuto)) { if (status & Hsi2cTransAbort) printk(BIOS_ERR, "%s: Transaction aborted.\n", __func__); if (status & Hsi2cNoDevAck) printk(BIOS_ERR, "%s: No ack from device.\n", __func__); if (status & Hsi2cNoDev) printk(BIOS_ERR, "%s: No response from device.\n", __func__); if (status & Hsi2cTimeoutAuto) printk(BIOS_ERR, "%s: Transaction time out.\n", __func__); return -1; } return !(status & Hsi2cMasterBusy); } /* * Wait for the transfer to finish. * Return values: * 0 - transfer not done * 1 - transfer finished successfully * -1 - transfer failed */ static int hsi2c_wait_for_transfer(struct hsi2c_regs *i2c) { struct stopwatch sw; stopwatch_init_msecs_expire(&sw, Hsi2cTimeout); while (!stopwatch_expired(&sw)) { int ret = hsi2c_check_transfer(i2c); if (ret) return ret; } return 0; } static int hsi2c_senddata(struct hsi2c_regs *regs, const uint8_t *data, int len) { while (!hsi2c_check_transfer(regs) && len) { if (!(read32(®s->usi_fifo_stat) & Hsi2cTxFifoFull)) { write32(®s->usi_txdata, *data++); len--; } } return len ? -1 : 0; } static int hsi2c_recvdata(struct hsi2c_regs *regs, uint8_t *data, int len) { while (!hsi2c_check_transfer(regs) && len) { if (!(read32(®s->usi_fifo_stat) & Hsi2cRxFifoEmpty)) { *data++ = read32(®s->usi_rxdata); len--; } } return len ? -1 : 0; } static int hsi2c_segment(struct i2c_msg *seg, struct hsi2c_regs *regs, int stop) { const uint32_t usi_ctl = Hsi2cFuncModeI2c | Hsi2cMaster; write32(®s->i2c_addr, HSI2C_SLV_ADDR_MAS(seg->slave)); /* * We really only want to stop after this transaction (I think) if the * "stop" parameter is true. I'm assuming that's supposed to make the * controller issue a repeated start, but the documentation isn't very * clear. We may need to switch to manual mode to really get the * behavior we want. */ uint32_t autoconf = seg->len | Hsi2cMasterRun | Hsi2cStopAfterTrans; if (seg->flags & I2C_M_RD) { write32(®s->usi_ctl, usi_ctl | Hsi2cRxchon); write32(®s->i2c_auto_conf, autoconf | Hsi2cReadWrite); if (hsi2c_recvdata(regs, seg->buf, seg->len)) return -1; } else { write32(®s->usi_ctl, usi_ctl | Hsi2cTxchon); write32(®s->i2c_auto_conf, autoconf); if (hsi2c_senddata(regs, seg->buf, seg->len)) return -1; } if (hsi2c_wait_for_transfer(regs) != 1) return -1; write32(®s->usi_ctl, Hsi2cFuncModeI2c); return 0; } static int hsi2c_transfer(struct i2c_bus *i2c, struct i2c_msg *segments, int count) { struct hsi2c_regs *regs = i2c->hsregs; if (hsi2c_wait_for_transfer(regs) != 1) { hsi2c_reset(i2c); return -1; } int i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (hsi2c_segment(&segments[i], regs, i == count - 1)) { hsi2c_reset(i2c); return -1; } } return 0; } static int i2c_int_pending(struct i2c_regs *regs) { return read8(®s->con) & I2cConIntPending; } static void i2c_clear_int(struct i2c_regs *regs) { write8(®s->con, read8(®s->con) & ~I2cConIntPending); } static void i2c_ack_enable(struct i2c_regs *regs) { write8(®s->con, read8(®s->con) | I2cConAckGen); } static void i2c_ack_disable(struct i2c_regs *regs) { write8(®s->con, read8(®s->con) & ~I2cConAckGen); } static int i2c_got_ack(struct i2c_regs *regs) { return !(read8(®s->stat) & I2cStatAck); } static int i2c_wait_for_idle(struct i2c_regs *regs) { int timeout = 1000 * 100; // 1s. while (timeout--) { if (!(read8(®s->stat) & I2cStatBusy)) return 0; udelay(10); } printk(BIOS_ERR, "I2C timeout waiting for idle.\n"); return 1; } static int i2c_wait_for_int(struct i2c_regs *regs) { int timeout = 1000 * 100; // 1s. while (timeout--) { if (i2c_int_pending(regs)) return 0; udelay(10); } printk(BIOS_ERR, "I2C timeout waiting for I2C interrupt.\n"); return 1; } static int i2c_send_stop(struct i2c_regs *regs) { uint8_t mode = read8(®s->stat) & (I2cStatModeMask); write8(®s->stat, mode | I2cStatEnable); i2c_clear_int(regs); return i2c_wait_for_idle(regs); } static int i2c_send_start(struct i2c_regs *regs, int read, int chip) { write8(®s->ds, chip << 1); uint8_t mode = read ? I2cStatMasterRecv : I2cStatMasterXmit; write8(®s->stat, mode | I2cStatStartStop | I2cStatEnable); i2c_clear_int(regs); if (i2c_wait_for_int(regs)) return 1; if (!i2c_got_ack(regs)) { // Nobody home, but they may just be asleep. return 1; } return 0; } static int i2c_xmit_buf(struct i2c_regs *regs, uint8_t *data, int len) { ASSERT(len); i2c_ack_enable(regs); int i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { write8(®s->ds, data[i]); i2c_clear_int(regs); if (i2c_wait_for_int(regs)) return 1; if (!i2c_got_ack(regs)) { printk(BIOS_INFO, "I2c nacked.\n"); return 1; } } return 0; } static int i2c_recv_buf(struct i2c_regs *regs, uint8_t *data, int len) { ASSERT(len); i2c_ack_enable(regs); int i; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i == len - 1) i2c_ack_disable(regs); i2c_clear_int(regs); if (i2c_wait_for_int(regs)) return 1; data[i] = read8(®s->ds); } return 0; } int platform_i2c_transfer(unsigned bus, struct i2c_msg *segments, int count) { struct i2c_bus *i2c = &i2c_busses[bus]; if (i2c->is_highspeed) return hsi2c_transfer(i2c, segments, count); struct i2c_regs *regs = i2c->regs; int res = 0; if (!regs || i2c_wait_for_idle(regs)) return 1; write8(®s->stat, I2cStatMasterXmit | I2cStatEnable); int i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { struct i2c_msg *seg = &segments[i]; res = i2c_send_start(regs, seg->flags & I2C_M_RD, seg->slave); if (res) break; if (seg->flags & I2C_M_RD) res = i2c_recv_buf(regs, seg->buf, seg->len); else res = i2c_xmit_buf(regs, seg->buf, seg->len); if (res) break; } return i2c_send_stop(regs) || res; }