/* * This file is part of the coreboot project. * * Copyright 2014 Rockchip Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include <arch/io.h> #include <assert.h> #include <console/console.h> #include <delay.h> #include <endian.h> #include <soc/addressmap.h> #include <soc/spi.h> #include <soc/clock.h> #include <spi-generic.h> #include <spi_flash.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <timer.h> struct rockchip_spi_slave { struct spi_slave slave; struct rockchip_spi *regs; }; #define SPI_TIMEOUT_US 1000 #define SPI_SRCCLK_HZ (99*MHz) #define SPI_FIFO_DEPTH 32 static struct rockchip_spi_slave rockchip_spi_slaves[3] = { { .slave = { .bus = 0, .rw = SPI_READ_FLAG | SPI_WRITE_FLAG, }, .regs = (void *)SPI0_BASE, }, { .slave = {.bus = 1, .rw = SPI_READ_FLAG,}, .regs = (void *)SPI1_BASE, }, { .slave = { .bus = 2, .rw = SPI_READ_FLAG | SPI_WRITE_FLAG, }, .regs = (void *)SPI2_BASE, }, }; static struct rockchip_spi_slave *to_rockchip_spi(struct spi_slave *slave) { return container_of(slave, struct rockchip_spi_slave, slave); } struct spi_slave *spi_setup_slave(unsigned int bus, unsigned int cs) { assert(bus >= 0 && bus < 3); return &(rockchip_spi_slaves[bus].slave); } static void spi_cs_activate(struct spi_slave *slave) { struct rockchip_spi *regs = to_rockchip_spi(slave)->regs; setbits_le32(®s->ser, 1); } static void spi_cs_deactivate(struct spi_slave *slave) { struct rockchip_spi *regs = to_rockchip_spi(slave)->regs; clrbits_le32(®s->ser, 1); } static void rockchip_spi_enable_chip(struct rockchip_spi *regs, int enable) { if (enable == 1) write32(®s->spienr, 1); else write32(®s->spienr, 0); } static void rockchip_spi_set_clk(struct rockchip_spi *regs, unsigned int hz) { unsigned short clk_div = SPI_SRCCLK_HZ / hz; assert(clk_div * hz == SPI_SRCCLK_HZ && !(clk_div & 1)); write32(®s->baudr, clk_div); } void rockchip_spi_init(unsigned int bus, unsigned int speed_hz) { struct rockchip_spi *regs = rockchip_spi_slaves[bus].regs; unsigned int ctrlr0 = 0; rkclk_configure_spi(bus, SPI_SRCCLK_HZ); rockchip_spi_enable_chip(regs, 0); rockchip_spi_set_clk(regs, speed_hz); /* Operation Mode */ ctrlr0 = (SPI_OMOD_MASTER << SPI_OMOD_OFFSET); /* Data Frame Size */ ctrlr0 |= SPI_DFS_8BIT << SPI_DFS_OFFSET; /* Chip Select Mode */ ctrlr0 |= (SPI_CSM_KEEP << SPI_CSM_OFFSET); /* SSN to Sclk_out delay */ ctrlr0 |= (SPI_SSN_DELAY_ONE << SPI_SSN_DELAY_OFFSET); /* Serial Endian Mode */ ctrlr0 |= (SPI_SEM_LITTLE << SPI_SEM_OFFSET); /* First Bit Mode */ ctrlr0 |= (SPI_FBM_MSB << SPI_FBM_OFFSET); /* Byte and Halfword Transform */ ctrlr0 |= (SPI_APB_8BIT << SPI_HALF_WORLD_TX_OFFSET); /* Rxd Sample Delay */ ctrlr0 |= (0 << SPI_RXDSD_OFFSET); /* Frame Format */ ctrlr0 |= (SPI_FRF_SPI << SPI_FRF_OFFSET); write32(®s->ctrlr0, ctrlr0); /* fifo depth */ write32(®s->txftlr, SPI_FIFO_DEPTH / 2 - 1); write32(®s->rxftlr, SPI_FIFO_DEPTH / 2 - 1); } int spi_claim_bus(struct spi_slave *slave) { spi_cs_activate(slave); return 0; } void spi_release_bus(struct spi_slave *slave) { spi_cs_deactivate(slave); } static int rockchip_spi_wait_till_not_busy(struct rockchip_spi *regs) { struct stopwatch sw; stopwatch_init_usecs_expire(&sw, SPI_TIMEOUT_US); do { if (!(read32(®s->sr) & SR_BUSY)) return 0; } while (!stopwatch_expired(&sw)); printk(BIOS_DEBUG, "RK SPI: Status keeps busy for 1000us after a read/write!\n"); return -1; } static void set_tmod(struct rockchip_spi *regs, unsigned int tmod) { clrsetbits_le32(®s->ctrlr0, SPI_TMOD_MASK << SPI_TMOD_OFFSET, tmod << SPI_TMOD_OFFSET); } static void set_transfer_mode(struct rockchip_spi *regs, unsigned int sout, unsigned int sin) { if (!sin && !sout) return; else if (sin && sout) set_tmod(regs, SPI_TMOD_TR); /* tx and rx */ else if (!sin) set_tmod(regs, SPI_TMOD_TO); /* tx only */ else if (!sout) set_tmod(regs, SPI_TMOD_RO); /* rx only */ } /* returns 0 to indicate success, <0 otherwise */ static int do_xfer(struct spi_slave *slave, const void *dout, unsigned int *bytes_out, void *din, unsigned int *bytes_in) { struct rockchip_spi *regs = to_rockchip_spi(slave)->regs; uint8_t *in_buf = din; uint8_t *out_buf = (uint8_t *)dout; unsigned int min_xfer; if (*bytes_out == 0) min_xfer = *bytes_in; else if (*bytes_in == 0) min_xfer = *bytes_out; else min_xfer = MIN(*bytes_in, *bytes_out); while (min_xfer) { uint32_t sr = read32(®s->sr); int xferred = 0; /* in either (or both) directions */ if (*bytes_out && !(sr & SR_TF_FULL)) { write32(®s->txdr, *out_buf); out_buf++; *bytes_out -= 1; xferred = 1; } if (*bytes_in && !(sr & SR_RF_EMPT)) { *in_buf = read32(®s->rxdr) & 0xff; in_buf++; *bytes_in -= 1; xferred = 1; } min_xfer -= xferred; } if (rockchip_spi_wait_till_not_busy(regs)) { printk(BIOS_ERR, "Timed out waiting on SPI transfer\n"); return -1; } return 0; } unsigned int spi_crop_chunk(unsigned int cmd_len, unsigned int buf_len) { return min(65535, buf_len); } int spi_xfer(struct spi_slave *slave, const void *dout, unsigned int bytes_out, void *din, unsigned int bytes_in) { struct rockchip_spi *regs = to_rockchip_spi(slave)->regs; int ret = 0; /* * RK3288 SPI controller can transfer up to 65536 data frames (bytes * in our case) continuously. Break apart large requests as necessary. * * FIXME: And by 65536, we really mean 65535. If 0xffff is written to * ctrlr1, all bytes that we see in rxdr end up being 0x00. 0xffff - 1 * seems to work fine. */ while (bytes_out || bytes_in) { unsigned int in_now = MIN(bytes_in, 0xffff); unsigned int out_now = MIN(bytes_out, 0xffff); unsigned int in_rem, out_rem; rockchip_spi_enable_chip(regs, 0); /* Enable/disable transmitter and receiver as needed to * avoid sending or reading spurious bits. */ set_transfer_mode(regs, bytes_out, bytes_in); /* MAX() in case either counter is 0 */ write32(®s->ctrlr1, MAX(in_now, out_now) - 1); rockchip_spi_enable_chip(regs, 1); in_rem = in_now; out_rem = out_now; ret = do_xfer(slave, dout, &out_rem, din, &in_rem); if (ret < 0) break; if (bytes_out) { unsigned int sent = out_now - out_rem; bytes_out -= sent; dout += sent; } if (bytes_in) { unsigned int received = in_now - in_rem; bytes_in -= received; din += received; } } rockchip_spi_enable_chip(regs, 0); return ret < 0 ? ret : 0; }