config SOC_INTEL_COMMON_BLOCK_CPU bool default n help This option helps to select Intel Common CPU Model support code which provides various CPU related APIs which are common between all Intel Processor families. Common CPU code is supported for SOCs starting from SKL,KBL,APL, and future. config SOC_INTEL_COMMON_BLOCK_CAR bool default n help This option allows you to select how cache-as-ram (CAR) is set up. config INTEL_CAR_NEM bool default n help Traditionally, CAR is set up by using Non-Evict mode. This method does not allow CAR and cache to co-exist, because cache fills are blocked in NEM. config INTEL_CAR_CQOS bool default n help Cache Quality of Service allows more fine-grained control of cache usage. As result, it is possible to set up a portion of L2 cache for CAR and use the remainder for actual caching. config INTEL_CAR_NEM_ENHANCED bool default n help A current limitation of NEM (Non-Evict mode) is that code and data sizes are derived from the requirement to not write out any modified cache line. With NEM, if there is no physical memory behind the cached area, the modified data will be lost and NEM results will be inconsistent. ENHANCED NEM guarantees that modified data is always kept in cache while clean data is replaced.