/* * This file is part of the coreboot project. * * Copyright (C) 2016 Intel Corporation. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #if CONFIG(ACPI_CONSOLE) #include <soc/iomap.h> Name (UFLG, CONFIG(CONSOLE_SERIAL)) Method (LURT, 1, Serialized) { If (LEqual(Arg0, 0)) { /* 0 = 0x3f8 */ Store (0x3f8, Local0) } ElseIf (LEqual(Arg0, 1)) { /* 1 = 0x2f8 */ Store (0x2f8, Local0) } ElseIf (LEqual(Arg0, 2)) { /* 2 = 0x3e8 */ Store (0x3e8, Local0) } ElseIf (LEqual(Arg0, 3)) { /* 3 = 0x2e8 */ Store (0x2e8, Local0) } Return (Local0) } Method (APRT, 1, Serialized) { Name(OPDT, 0) Name(INDX, 0) Name(LENG, 0) Name(ADBG, Buffer(256) {0}) If (LEqual(ObjectType(Arg0), 1)) { /* Integer */ ToHexString(Arg0, Local0) Store(Local0, ADBG) } ElseIf (LEqual(ObjectType(Arg0), 2)) { /* String */ Store(Arg0, ADBG) } ElseIf (LEqual(ObjectType(Arg0), 3)) { /* Buffer */ ToHexString(Arg0, ADBG) } Else { Store("This type of object is not supported", ADBG) } While (LNotEqual(DeRefOf(Index(ADBG, INDX)), 0)) { Increment (INDX) } Store (INDX, LENG) /* Length of the String */ #if CONFIG(DRIVERS_UART_8250MEM_32) OperationRegion (UBAR, SystemMemory, CONFIG_CONSOLE_UART_BASE_ADDRESS, 24) Field (UBAR, AnyAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { TDR, 8, /* Transmit Data Register BAR + 0x000 */ , 24, IER, 8, /* Interrupt Enable Register BAR + 0x004 */ , 24, IIR, 8, /* Interrupt Identification Register BAR + 0x008 */ , 24, LCR, 8, /* Line Control Register BAR + 0x00C */ , 24, MCR, 8, /* Modem Control Register BAR + 0x010 */ , 24, LSR, 8, /* Line Status Register BAR + 0x014 */ , 24 } #else OperationRegion (UBAR, SystemIO, LURT (CONFIG_UART_FOR_CONSOLE), 6) Field (UBAR, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve) { TDR, 8, /* Transmit Data Register IO Port + 0x0 */ IER, 8, /* Interrupt Enable Register IO Port + 0x1 */ IIR, 8, /* Interrupt Identification Register IO Port + 0x2 */ LCR, 8, /* Line Control Register IO Port + 0x3 */ MCR, 8, /* Modem Control Register IO Port + 0x4 */ LSR, 8 /* Line Status Register IO Port + 0x5 */ } #endif If (LEqual(UFLG, 0)) { /* Enable Baud Rate Divisor Latch, Set Word length to 8 bit*/ Store (0x83, LCR) Store (0x01, IIR) Store (0x03, MCR) /* Configure baud rate to 115200 */ Store (0x01, TDR) Store (0x00, IER) Store (0x03, LCR) /* Disable Baud Rate Divisor Latch */ Increment (UFLG) } Store (0x00, INDX) While (LLess (INDX, LENG)) { /* Wait for the transmitter t to be ready */ While (1) { And (LSR, 0x20, OPDT) If (LNotEqual(OPDT, 0)) { Break } } Store (DeRefOf (Index (ADBG, INDX)), TDR) Increment(INDX) } } /* End of APRT */ #endif