/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */

#include <soc/pcr_ids.h>

Scope (\_SB.PCI0) {

	 * Clear register 0x1C20/0x4820
	 * Arg0 - PCR Port ID
	Method(SCSC, 1, Serialized)
		^PCRA (Arg0, 0x1C20, 0x0)
		^PCRA (Arg0, 0x4820, 0x0)

	/* EMMC */
	Device(PEMC) {
		Name(_ADR, 0x001A0000)
		Name (_DDN, "eMMC Controller")
		Name (TEMP, 0)
		Name (DSUU, ToUUID("f6c13ea5-65cd-461f-ab7a-29f7e8d5bd61"))

		OperationRegion(SCSR, PCI_Config, 0x00, 0x100)
		Field(SCSR, WordAcc, NoLock, Preserve) {
			VDID, 32,	/* PCI VID DID */
			Offset (0x84),	/* PMECTRLSTATUS */
			PMCR, 16,
			Offset (0xA2),	/* PG_CONFIG */
			, 2,
			PGEN, 1,	/* PG_ENABLE */

		Method(_INI) {
			/* Clear register 0x1C20/0x4820 */

		Method(_PS0, 0, Serialized) {
			Stall (50) // Sleep 50 us

			Store(0, PGEN) // Disable PG

			/* Clear register 0x1C20/0x4820 */

			/* Set Power State to D0 */
			And (PMCR, 0xFFFC, PMCR)
			Store (PMCR, ^TEMP)

		Method(_PS3, 0, Serialized) {
			Store(1, PGEN) // Enable PG

			/* Set Power State to D3 */
			Or (PMCR, 0x0003, PMCR)
			Store (PMCR, ^TEMP)

		Device (CARD)
			Name (_ADR, 0x00000008)
			Method (_RMV, 0, NotSerialized)
				Return (0)
		/* _DSM x86 Device Specific Method
		 * Arg0: UUID Unique function identifier
		 * Arg1: Integer Revision Level
		 * Arg2: Integer Function Index (0 = Return Supported Functions)
		 * Arg3: Package Parameters
		Method (_DSM, 4)
			If (Arg0 == ^DSUU) {
				/* Check the revision */
				If (Arg1 >= 0) {
					 * Function Index 0 the return value is a buffer
					 * containing one bit for each function index, starting
					 * with zero.
					 * Bit 0 - Indicates whether there is support for any
					 *	   functions other than function 0
					 * Bit 1 - Indicates support to clear power control
					 *	   register
					 * Bit 2 - Indicates support to set power control
					 *	   register
					 * Bit 3 - Indicates support to set 1.8V signalling
					 * Bit 4 - Indicates support to set 3.3V signalling
					 * Bit 5 - Indicates support for HS200 mode
					 * Bit 6 - Indicates support for HS400 mode
					 * Bit 9 - Indicates eMMC I/O Driver Strength
					If (Arg2 == 0) {
						If (VDID == 0x02c48086) {
							 * Set bit 9 for CML eMMC to indicate
							 * eMMC I/O driver strength is supported
							Return(Buffer() {0x0, 0x02})

					 * Function Index 9, the return value is preferred eMMC
					 * driver strength
					 * 0 - 50 ohm
					 * 1 - 33 ohm
					 * 2 - 66 ohm
					 * 3 - 100 ohm
					 * 4 - 40 ohm
					If (Arg2 == 9) {
						Return(Buffer() {0x4})
			Return(Buffer() { 0x0 })

	/* SD CARD */
	Device (SDXC)
		Name (_ADR, 0x00140005)
		Name (_DDN, "SD Controller")
		Name (TEMP, 0)
		Name (DSUU, ToUUID("f6c13ea5-65cd-461f-ab7a-29f7e8d5bd61"))

		OperationRegion (SDPC, PCI_Config, 0x00, 0x100)
		Field (SDPC, WordAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
			Offset (0x84),	/* PMECTRLSTATUS */
			PMCR, 16,
			Offset (0xA2),	/* PG_CONFIG */
			, 2,
			PGEN, 1,	/* PG_ENABLE */

		/* _DSM x86 Device Specific Method
		 * Arg0: UUID Unique function identifier
		 * Arg1: Integer Revision Level
		 * Arg2: Integer Function Index (0 = Return Supported Functions)
		 * Arg3: Package Parameters
		Method (_DSM, 4)
			If (Arg0 == ^DSUU) {
				/* Check the revision */
				If (Arg1 >= 0) {
					 * Function Index 0 the return value is a buffer containing
					 * one bit for each function index, starting with zero.
					 * Bit 0 - Indicates whether there is support for any functions other than function 0.
					 * Bit 1 - Indicates support to clear power control register
					 * Bit 2 - Indicates support to set power control register
					 * Bit 3 - Indicates support to set 1.8V signalling
					 * Bit 4 - Indicates support to set 3.3V signalling
					 * Bit 5 - Indicates support for HS200 mode
					 * Bit 6 - Indicates support for HS400 mode
					 * Bit 9 - Indicates eMMC I/O Driver Strength
					 * For SD we have to support functions to
					 * set 1.8V signalling and 3.3V signalling [BIT4, BIT3]
					If (Arg2 == 0) {
						Return (Buffer () { 0x19 })
					 * Function Index 3: Set 1.8v signalling.
					 * We put a sleep of 100ms in this method to
					 * work around a known issue with detecting
					 * UHS SD card on PCH. This is to compensate
					 * for the SD VR slowness.
					If (Arg2 == 3) {
						Sleep (100)
						Return(Buffer () { 0x00 })
					 * Function Index 4: Set 3.3v signalling.
					 * We put a sleep of 100ms in this method to
					 * work around a known issue with detecting
					 * UHS SD card on PCH. This is to compensate
					 * for the SD VR slowness.
					If (Arg2 == 4) {
						Sleep (100)
						Return(Buffer () { 0x00 })
			Return(Buffer() { 0x0 })

			/* Clear register 0x1C20/0x4820 */

		Method (_PS0, 0, Serialized)
			Store (0, PGEN) /* Disable PG */

			/* Clear register 0x1C20/0x4820 */

			/* Set Power State to D0 */
			And (PMCR, 0xFFFC, PMCR)
			Store (PMCR, ^TEMP)

			/* Change pad mode to Native */

		Method (_PS3, 0, Serialized)
			Store (1, PGEN) /* Enable PG */

			/* Set Power State to D3 */
			Or (PMCR, 0x0003, PMCR)
			Store (PMCR, ^TEMP)

			/* Change pad mode to GPIO control */

			/* Enable Tx Buffer */

			/* Drive TX to zero */

		Device (CARD)
			Name (_ADR, 0x00000008)
			Method (_RMV, 0, NotSerialized)
				Return (1)
	} /* Device (SDXC) */