/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ /** * This code was adapted from src/soc/amd/common/block/pi/amd_late_init.c */ #include <fsp/util.h> #include <memory_info.h> #include <console/console.h> #include <cbmem.h> #include <string.h> #include <ec/google/chromeec/ec.h> #include <bootstate.h> #include <lib.h> #include <dimm_info_util.h> #include <dmi_info.h> #include <device/dram/ddr4.h> #include <device/dram/lpddr4.h> #include <device/dram/ddr5.h> /** * Convert DDR clock speed (based on memory type) in MHz to the standard reported speed in MT/s */ static uint16_t ddr_speed_mhz_to_reported_mts(uint16_t ddr_type, uint16_t speed) { if (CONFIG(USE_DDR4) && ddr_type == MEMORY_TYPE_DDR4) return ddr4_speed_mhz_to_reported_mts(speed); else if (CONFIG(USE_LPDDR4) && ddr_type == MEMORY_TYPE_LPDDR4) return lpddr4_speed_mhz_to_reported_mts(speed); else if (CONFIG(USE_DDR5) && (ddr_type == MEMORY_TYPE_DDR5 || ddr_type == MEMORY_TYPE_LPDDR5)) return ddr5_speed_mhz_to_reported_mts(speed); printk(BIOS_ERR, "Unknown memory type %x\n", ddr_type); return 0; } /** * Return DDR voltage (in mV) based on memory type */ static uint16_t ddr_get_voltage(uint16_t ddr_type) { switch (ddr_type) { case MEMORY_TYPE_DDR4: return 1200; case MEMORY_TYPE_LPDDR4: case MEMORY_TYPE_DDR5: return 1100; case MEMORY_TYPE_LPDDR5: return 1050; default: printk(BIOS_ERR, "Unknown memory type %x\n", ddr_type); return 0; } } /** * Populate dimm_info using AGESA TYPE17_DMI_INFO. */ static void transfer_memory_info(const TYPE17_DMI_INFO *dmi17, struct dimm_info *dimm) { hexstrtobin(dmi17->SerialNumber, dimm->serial, sizeof(dimm->serial)); dimm->dimm_size = smbios_memory_size_to_mib(dmi17->MemorySize, dmi17->ExtSize); dimm->ddr_type = dmi17->MemoryType; dimm->configured_speed_mts = ddr_speed_mhz_to_reported_mts( dmi17->MemoryType, dmi17->ConfigSpeed); dimm->max_speed_mts = ddr_speed_mhz_to_reported_mts(dmi17->MemoryType, dmi17->Speed); dimm->rank_per_dimm = dmi17->Attributes; dimm->mod_type = smbios_form_factor_to_spd_mod_type( (smbios_memory_type)dmi17->MemoryType, (smbios_memory_form_factor)dmi17->FormFactor); dimm->bus_width = smbios_bus_width_to_spd_width(dmi17->MemoryType, dmi17->TotalWidth, dmi17->DataWidth); dimm->mod_id = dmi17->ManufacturerIdCode; dimm->bank_locator = 0; dimm->vdd_voltage = ddr_get_voltage(dmi17->MemoryType); strncpy((char *)dimm->module_part_number, dmi17->PartNumber, sizeof(dimm->module_part_number) - 1); } static void print_dimm_info(const struct dimm_info *dimm) { printk(BIOS_DEBUG, "CBMEM_ID_MEMINFO:\n" " dimm_size: %u\n" " ddr_type: 0x%hx\n" " max_speed_mts: %hu\n" " config_speed_mts: %hu\n" " vdd_voltage: %hu\n" " rank_per_dimm: %hhu\n" " channel_num: %hhu\n" " dimm_num: %hhu\n" " bank_locator: %hhu\n" " mod_id: %hx\n" " mod_type: 0x%hhx\n" " bus_width: %hhu\n" " serial: %02hhx%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx\n" " module_part_number(%zu): %s\n", dimm->dimm_size, dimm->ddr_type, dimm->max_speed_mts, dimm->configured_speed_mts, dimm->vdd_voltage, dimm->rank_per_dimm, dimm->channel_num, dimm->dimm_num, dimm->bank_locator, dimm->mod_id, dimm->mod_type, dimm->bus_width, dimm->serial[0], dimm->serial[1], dimm->serial[2], dimm->serial[3], strlen((const char *)dimm->module_part_number), (char *)dimm->module_part_number); } static void print_dmi_info(const TYPE17_DMI_INFO *dmi17) { printk(BIOS_DEBUG, "AGESA TYPE 17 DMI INFO:\n" " Handle: %hu\n" " TotalWidth: %hu\n" " DataWidth: %hu\n" " MemorySize: %hu\n" " DeviceSet: %hhu\n" " Speed: %hu\n" " ManufacturerIdCode: %llx\n" " Attributes: %hhu\n" " ExtSize: %u\n" " ConfigSpeed: %hu\n" " MemoryType: 0x%x\n" " FormFactor: 0x%x\n" " DeviceLocator: %8s\n" " BankLocator: %10s\n" " SerialNumber(%zu): %9s\n" " PartNumber(%zu): %19s\n", dmi17->Handle, dmi17->TotalWidth, dmi17->DataWidth, dmi17->MemorySize, dmi17->DeviceSet, dmi17->Speed, dmi17->ManufacturerIdCode, dmi17->Attributes, dmi17->ExtSize, dmi17->ConfigSpeed, dmi17->MemoryType, dmi17->FormFactor, dmi17->DeviceLocator, dmi17->BankLocator, strlen((const char *)dmi17->SerialNumber), dmi17->SerialNumber, strlen((const char *)dmi17->PartNumber), dmi17->PartNumber); } /** * Marshalls dimm info from AMD_FSP_DMI_HOB into CBMEM_ID_MEMINFO */ static void prepare_dmi_16_17(void *unused) { const DMI_INFO *dmi_table; const TYPE17_DMI_INFO *type17_dmi_info; struct memory_info *mem_info; struct dimm_info *dimm_info; char cbi_part_number[DIMM_INFO_PART_NUMBER_SIZE]; bool use_cbi_part_number = false; size_t dimm_cnt = 0; size_t amd_fsp_dmi_hob_size; const EFI_GUID amd_fsp_dmi_hob_guid = AMD_FSP_DMI_HOB_GUID; printk(BIOS_DEBUG, "Saving dimm info for smbios type 17\n"); /* Allocate meminfo in cbmem. */ mem_info = cbmem_add(CBMEM_ID_MEMINFO, sizeof(struct memory_info)); if (!mem_info) { printk(BIOS_ERR, "Failed to add memory info to CBMEM, DMI tables will be incomplete\n"); return; } memset(mem_info, 0, sizeof(struct memory_info)); /* Locate the memory info HOB. */ dmi_table = fsp_find_extension_hob_by_guid( (const uint8_t *)&amd_fsp_dmi_hob_guid, &amd_fsp_dmi_hob_size); if (dmi_table == NULL || amd_fsp_dmi_hob_size == 0) { printk(BIOS_ERR, "AMD_FSP_DMI_HOB not found, DMI table 17 will be incomplete\n"); return; } printk(BIOS_DEBUG, "AMD_FSP_DMI_HOB found\n"); if (CONFIG(EC_GOOGLE_CHROMEEC)) { /* Prefer DRAM part number from CBI. */ if (google_chromeec_cbi_get_dram_part_num( cbi_part_number, sizeof(cbi_part_number)) == 0) { use_cbi_part_number = true; } else { printk(BIOS_ERR, "Could not obtain DRAM part number from CBI\n"); } } for (unsigned int channel = 0; channel < MAX_CHANNELS_PER_SOCKET; channel++) { for (unsigned int dimm = 0; dimm < MAX_DIMMS_PER_CHANNEL; dimm++) { type17_dmi_info = &dmi_table->T17[0][channel][dimm]; /* DIMMs that are present will have a non-zero handle. */ if (type17_dmi_info->Handle == 0) continue; print_dmi_info(type17_dmi_info); dimm_info = &mem_info->dimm[dimm_cnt]; dimm_info->channel_num = channel; dimm_info->dimm_num = channel; transfer_memory_info(type17_dmi_info, dimm_info); if (use_cbi_part_number) { /* mem_info is memset to 0 above, so it's safe to assume module_part_number will be null terminated */ strncpy((char *)dimm_info->module_part_number, cbi_part_number, sizeof(dimm_info->module_part_number) - 1); /* These ID values match what's used in device/dram/spd.c */ switch (dimm_info->module_part_number[0]) { case 'H': dimm_info->mod_id = 0xad00; // Hynix break; case 'K': dimm_info->mod_id = 0x9801; // Kingston break; case 'M': dimm_info->mod_id = 0x2c00; // Micron break; case 'N': dimm_info->mod_id = 0x0b83; // Nanya break; } } print_dimm_info(dimm_info); dimm_cnt++; } } mem_info->dimm_cnt = dimm_cnt; mem_info->ecc_type = dmi_table->T16.MemoryErrorCorrection; } /* AMD_FSP_DMI_HOB is initialized very late, so check it just in time for writing tables. */ BOOT_STATE_INIT_ENTRY(BS_WRITE_TABLES, BS_ON_ENTRY, prepare_dmi_16_17, NULL);