#ifndef AMDK8_F_H
#define AMDK8_F_H

/* Definitions of various K8 registers */
/* Function 0 */
#define  HTTC_DIS_RD_B_P            (1 << 0)
#define  HTTC_DIS_RD_DW_P           (1 << 1)
#define  HTTC_DIS_WR_B_P            (1 << 2)
#define  HTTC_DIS_WR_DW_P           (1 << 3)
#define  HTTC_DIS_MTS               (1 << 4)
#define  HTTC_CPU1_EN               (1 << 5)
#define  HTTC_CPU_REQ_PASS_PW       (1 << 6)
#define  HTTC_CPU_RD_RSP_PASS_PW    (1 << 7)
#define  HTTC_DIS_P_MEM_C           (1 << 8)
#define  HTTC_DIS_RMT_MEM_C         (1 << 9)
#define  HTTC_DIS_FILL_P            (1 << 10)
#define  HTTC_RSP_PASS_PW           (1 << 11)
#define  HTTC_CHG_ISOC_TO_ORD       (1 << 12)
#define  HTTC_BUF_REL_PRI_SHIFT     13
#define  HTTC_BUF_REL_PRI_MASK      3
#define   HTTC_BUF_REL_PRI_64       0
#define   HTTC_BUF_REL_PRI_16       1
#define   HTTC_BUF_REL_PRI_8        2
#define   HTTC_BUF_REL_PRI_2        3
#define  HTTC_LIMIT_CLDT_CFG        (1 << 15)
#define  HTTC_LINT_EN               (1 << 16)
#define  HTTC_APIC_EXT_BRD_CST      (1 << 17)
#define  HTTC_APIC_EXT_ID           (1 << 18)
#define  HTTC_APIC_EXT_SPUR         (1 << 19)
#define  HTTC_SEQ_ID_SRC_NODE_EN    (1 << 20)
#define   HTTC_DS_NP_REQ_LIMIT_1    1
#define   HTTC_DS_NP_REQ_LIMIT_4    2
#define   HTTC_DS_NP_REQ_LIMIT_8    3

/* Function 1 */
#define PCI_IO_BASE0       0xc0
#define PCI_IO_BASE1       0xc8
#define PCI_IO_BASE2       0xd0
#define PCI_IO_BASE3       0xd8
#define PCI_IO_BASE_VGA_EN (1 << 4)
#define PCI_IO_BASE_NO_ISA (1 << 5)

/* Function 2 */
#define DRAM_CSBASE	   0x40
#define DRAM_CSMASK	   0x60
#define DRAM_BANK_ADDR_MAP 0x80

#define DRAM_CTRL	0x78
#define  DC_RdPtrInit_SHIFT 0
#define  DC_RdPrtInit_MASK  0xf
#define  DC_RdPadRcvFifoDly_SHIFT 4
#define  DC_RdPadRcvFifoDly_MASK  7
#define   DC_RdPadRcvFiloDly_1_5_CLK 2
#define   DC_RdPadRcvFiloDly_2_CLK 3
#define   DC_RdPadRcvFiloDly_2_5_CLK 4
#define   DC_RdPadRcvFiloDly_3_CLK 5
#define   DC_RdPadRcvFiloDly_3_5_CLK 6
#define  DC_AltVidC3MemClkTriEn (1<<16)
#define  DC_DllTempAdjTime_SHIFT 17
#define  DC_DllTempAdjTime_MASK 1
#define   DC_DllTempAdjTime_5_MS 0
#define   DC_DllTempAdjTime_1_MS 1
#define  DC_DqsRcvEnTrain (1<<18)

#define DRAM_INIT	0x7c
#define  DI_MrsAddress_SHIFT 0
#define  DI_MrsAddress_MASK 0xffff
#define  DI_MrsBank_SHIFT 16
#define  DI_MrsBank_MASK 7
#define  DI_SendRchgAll (1<<24)
#define  DI_SendAutoRefresh (1<<25)
#define  DI_SendMrsCmd   (1<<26)
#define  DI_DeassertMemRstX (1<<27)
#define  DI_AssertCke   (1<<28)
#define  DI_EnDramInit  (1<<31)

#define DRAM_TIMING_LOW	   0x88
#define	 DTL_TCL_SHIFT	   0
#define	 DTL_TCL_MASK	   7
#define	  DTL_TCL_BASE 	   1
#define	  DTL_TCL_MIN	   3
#define	  DTL_TCL_MAX	   6
#define	 DTL_TRCD_SHIFT	   4
#define	 DTL_TRCD_MASK	   3
#define	  DTL_TRCD_BASE	   3
#define	  DTL_TRCD_MIN	   3
#define   DTL_TRCD_MAX     6
#define	 DTL_TRP_SHIFT	   8
#define	 DTL_TRP_MASK	   3
#define	  DTL_TRP_BASE	   3
#define	  DTL_TRP_MIN	   3
#define   DTL_TRP_MAX      6
#define	 DTL_TRTP_SHIFT	   11
#define	 DTL_TRTP_MASK	   1
#define	  DTL_TRTP_BASE	   2
#define	  DTL_TRTP_MIN	   2  /* 4 for 64 bytes*/
#define   DTL_TRTP_MAX     3  /* 5 for 64 bytes */
#define	 DTL_TRAS_SHIFT	   12
#define	 DTL_TRAS_MASK	   0xf
#define	  DTL_TRAS_BASE	   3
#define	  DTL_TRAS_MIN	   5
#define	  DTL_TRAS_MAX	   18
#define	 DTL_TRC_SHIFT	   16
#define	 DTL_TRC_MASK	   0xf
#define	  DTL_TRC_BASE	   11
#define	  DTL_TRC_MIN	   11
#define	  DTL_TRC_MAX	   26
#define	 DTL_TWR_SHIFT	   20
#define	 DTL_TWR_MASK	   3
#define	  DTL_TWR_BASE	   3
#define	  DTL_TWR_MIN	   3
#define	  DTL_TWR_MAX	   6
#define  DTL_TRRD_SHIFT    22
#define   DTL_TRRD_MASK    3
#define   DTL_TRRD_BASE    2
#define   DTL_TRRD_MIN	   2
#define   DTL_TRRD_MAX     5
#define  DTL_MemClkDis_SHIFT 24    /* Channel A */
#define  DTL_MemClkDis3       (1 << 26)
#define  DTL_MemClkDis2       (1 << 27)
#define  DTL_MemClkDis1       (1 << 28)
#define  DTL_MemClkDis0       (1 << 29)
#define  DTL_MemClkDis1_AM2       (0x51 << 24)
#define  DTL_MemClkDis0_AM2       (0xa2 << 24)
#define  DTL_MemClkDis0_S1g1      (0xa2 << 24)

/* DTL_MemClkDis for m2 and s1g1 is different */

#define DRAM_TIMING_HIGH   0x8c
#define  DTH_TRWTTO_SHIFT  4
#define  DTH_TRWTTO_MASK   7
#define   DTH_TRWTTO_BASE   2
#define   DTH_TRWTTO_MIN    2
#define   DTH_TRWTTO_MAX    9
#define	 DTH_TWTR_SHIFT	   8
#define	 DTH_TWTR_MASK	   3
#define	  DTH_TWTR_BASE	   0
#define	  DTH_TWTR_MIN	   1
#define	  DTH_TWTR_MAX	   3
#define	 DTH_TWRRD_SHIFT   10
#define	 DTH_TWRRD_MASK	   3
#define	  DTH_TWRRD_BASE   0
#define	  DTH_TWRRD_MIN	   0
#define	  DTH_TWRRD_MAX	   3
#define  DTH_TWRWR_SHIFT   12
#define  DTH_TWRWR_MASK    3
#define   DTH_TWRWR_BASE   1
#define   DTH_TWRWR_MIN    1
#define   DTH_TWRWR_MAX    3
#define  DTH_TRDRD_SHIFT   14
#define  DTH_TRDRD_MASK    3
#define   DTH_TRDRD_BASE   2
#define   DTH_TRDRD_MIN    2
#define   DTH_TRDRD_MAX    5
#define	 DTH_TREF_SHIFT	   16
#define	 DTH_TREF_MASK	   3
#define	  DTH_TREF_7_8_US  2
#define	  DTH_TREF_3_9_US  3
#define  DTH_TRFC0_SHIFT   20 /* for Logical DIMM0 */
#define  DTH_TRFC_MASK      7
#define	  DTH_TRFC_75_256M   0
#define	  DTH_TRFC_105_512M  1
#define   DTH_TRFC_127_5_1G  2
#define   DTH_TRFC_195_2G    3
#define   DTH_TRFC_327_5_4G  4
#define  DTH_TRFC1_SHIFT   23 /*for Logical DIMM1 */
#define  DTH_TRFC2_SHIFT   26 /*for Logical DIMM2 */
#define  DTH_TRFC3_SHIFT   29 /*for Logical DIMM3 */

#define DRAM_CONFIG_LOW	   0x90
#define	 DCL_InitDram	   (1<<0)
#define	 DCL_ExitSelfRef   (1<<1)
#define  DCL_DramTerm_SHIFT 4
#define  DCL_DramTerm_MASK  3
#define   DCL_DramTerm_No   0
#define   DCL_DramTerm_75_OH 1
#define   DCL_DramTerm_150_OH 2
#define   DCL_DramTerm_50_OH 3
#define  DCL_DrvWeak	   (1<<7)
#define  DCL_ParEn	   (1<<8)
#define  DCL_SelfRefRateEn (1<<9)
#define  DCL_BurstLength32 (1<<10)
#define  DCL_Width128	   (1<<11)
#define  DCL_X4Dimm_SHIFT  12
#define  DCL_X4Dimm_MASK   0xf
#define  DCL_UnBuffDimm    (1<<16)
#define	 DCL_DimmEccEn	   (1<<19)

#define DRAM_CONFIG_HIGH   0x94
#define  DCH_MemClkFreq_SHIFT 0
#define  DCH_MemClkFreq_MASK  7
#define   DCH_MemClkFreq_200MHz 0
#define   DCH_MemClkFreq_266MHz 1
#define   DCH_MemClkFreq_333MHz 2
#define	  DCH_MemClkFreq_400MHz 3
#define  DCH_MemClkFreqVal	(1<<3)
#define	 DCH_MaxAsyncLat_SHIFT  4
#define	 DCH_MaxAsyncLat_MASK   0xf
#define	  DCH_MaxAsyncLat_BASE  0
#define	  DCH_MaxAsyncLat_MIN   0
#define	  DCH_MaxAsyncLat_MAX   15
#define  DCH_RDqsEn	      (1<<12)
#define  DCH_DisDramInterface (1<<14)
#define  DCH_PowerDownEn      (1<<15)
#define  DCH_PowerDownMode_SHIFT 16
#define  DCH_PowerDownMode_MASK 1
#define   DCH_PowerDownMode_Channel_CKE 0
#define   DCH_PowerDownMode_ChipSelect_CKE 1
#define  DCH_FourRankSODimm	(1<<17)
#define  DCH_FourRankRDimm	(1<<18)
#define  DCH_SlowAccessMode 	(1<<19)
#define  DCH_BankSwizzleMode    (1<<22)
#define  DCH_DcqBypassMax_SHIFT 24
#define  DCH_DcqBypassMax_MASK  0xf
#define   DCH_DcqBypassMax_BASE 0
#define   DCH_DcqBypassMax_MIN  0
#define   DCH_DcqBypassMax_MAX  15
#define  DCH_FourActWindow_SHIFT 28
#define  DCH_FourActWindow_MASK 0xf
#define   DCH_FourActWindow_BASE 7
#define   DCH_FourActWindow_MIN 8
#define   DCH_FourActWindow_MAX 20

// for 0x98 index and 0x9c data
#define  DCAO_DctOffset_SHIFT  0
#define  DCAO_DctOffset_MASK   0x3fffffff
#define  DCAO_DctAccessWrite   (1<<30)
#define  DCAO_DctAccessDone    (1<<31)


#define  DODCC_CkeDrvStren_SHIFT 0
#define  DODCC_CkeDrvStren_MASK  3
#define   DODCC_CkeDrvStren_1_0X  0
#define   DODCC_CkeDrvStren_1_25X 1
#define   DODCC_CkeDrvStren_1_5X  2
#define   DODCC_CkeDrvStren_2_0X  3
#define  DODCC_CsOdtDrvStren_SHIFT 4
#define  DODCC_CsOdtDrvStren_MASK  3
#define   DODCC_CsOdtDrvStren_1_0X  0
#define   DODCC_CsOdtDrvStren_1_25X 1
#define   DODCC_CsOdtDrvStren_1_5X  2
#define   DODCC_CsOdtDrvStren_2_0X  3
#define  DODCC_AddrCmdDrvStren_SHIFT 8
#define  DODCC_AddrCmdDrvStren_MASK  3
#define   DODCC_AddrCmdDrvStren_1_0X  0
#define   DODCC_AddrCmdDrvStren_1_25X 1
#define   DODCC_AddrCmdDrvStren_1_5X  2
#define   DODCC_AddrCmdDrvStren_2_0X  3
#define  DODCC_ClkDrvStren_SHIFT 12
#define  DODCC_ClkDrvStren_MASK  3
#define   DODCC_ClkDrvStren_0_75X  0
#define   DODCC_ClkDrvStren_1_0X 1
#define   DODCC_ClkDrvStren_1_25X  2
#define   DODCC_ClkDrvStren_1_5X  3
#define  DODCC_DataDrvStren_SHIFT 16
#define  DODCC_DataDrvStren_MASK  3
#define   DODCC_DataDrvStren_0_75X  0
#define   DODCC_DataDrvStren_1_0X 1
#define   DODCC_DataDrvStren_1_25X  2
#define   DODCC_DataDrvStren_1_5X  3
#define  DODCC_DqsDrvStren_SHIFT 20
#define  DODCC_DqsDrvStren_MASK  3
#define   DODCC_DqsDrvStren_0_75X  0
#define   DODCC_DqsDrvStren_1_0X 1
#define   DODCC_DqsDrvStren_1_25X  2
#define   DODCC_DqsDrvStren_1_5X  3
#define  DODCC_ProcOdt_SHIFT 28
#define  DODCC_ProcOdt_MASK  3
#define   DODCC_ProcOdt_300_OHMS  0
#define   DODCC_ProcOdt_150_OHMS 1
#define   DODCC_ProcOdt_75_OHMS  2

#define  DWDTCL_WrDatTimeByte0_SHIFT 0
#define  DWDTC_WrDatTimeByte_MASK  0x3f
#define   DWDTC_WrDatTimeByte_BASE 0
#define   DWDTC_WrDatTimeByte_MIN  0
#define   DWDTC_WrDatTimeByte_MAX  47
#define  DWDTCL_WrDatTimeByte1_SHIFT 8
#define  DWDTCL_WrDatTimeByte2_SHIFT 16
#define  DWDTCL_WrDatTimeByte3_SHIFT 24

#define  DWDTCH_WrDatTimeByte4_SHIFT 0
#define  DWDTCH_WrDatTimeByte5_SHIFT 8
#define  DWDTCH_WrDatTimeByte6_SHIFT 16
#define  DWDTCH_WrDatTimeByte7_SHIFT 24

#define  DWDETC_WrChkTime_SHIFT 0
#define  DWDETC_WrChkTime_MASK  0x3f
#define   DWDETC_WrChkTime_BASE 0
#define   DWDETC_WrChkTime_MIN  0
#define   DWDETC_WrChkTime_MAX  47

#define  DATC_CkeFineDelay_SHIFT 0
#define  DATC_CkeFineDelay_MASK  0x1f
#define   DATC_CkeFineDelay_BASE 0
#define   DATC_CkeFineDelay_MIN  0
#define   DATC_CkeFineDelay_MAX 31
#define  DATC_CkeSetup	(1<<5)
#define  DATC_CsOdtFineDelay_SHIFT 8
#define  DATC_CsOdtFineDelay_MASK  0x1f
#define   DATC_CsOdtFineDelay_BASE 0
#define   DATC_CsOdtFineDelay_MIN  0
#define   DATC_CsOdtFineDelay_MAX 31
#define  DATC_CsOdtSetup   (1<<13)
#define  DATC_AddrCmdFineDelay_SHIFT 16
#define  DATC_AddrCmdFineDelay_MASK  0x1f
#define   DATC_AddrCmdFineDelay_BASE 0
#define   DATC_AddrCmdFineDelay_MIN  0
#define   DATC_AddrCmdFineDelay_MAX 31
#define  DATC_AddrCmdSetup   (1<<21)

#define  DRDTCL_RdDqsTimeByte0_SHIFT 0
#define  DRDTC_RdDqsTimeByte_MASK  0x3f
#define   DRDTC_RdDqsTimeByte_BASE 0
#define   DRDTC_RdDqsTimeByte_MIN  0
#define   DRDTC_RdDqsTimeByte_MAX  47
#define  DRDTCL_RdDqsTimeByte1_SHIFT 8
#define  DRDTCL_RdDqsTimeByte2_SHIFT 16
#define  DRDTCL_RdDqsTimeByte3_SHIFT 24

#define  DRDTCH_RdDqsTimeByte4_SHIFT 0
#define  DRDTCH_RdDqsTimeByte5_SHIFT 8
#define  DRDTCH_RdDqsTimeByte6_SHIFT 16
#define  DRDTCH_RdDqsTimeByte7_SHIFT 24

#define  DRDETC_RdDqsTimeCheck_SHIFT 0
#define  DRDETC_RdDqsTimeCheck_MASK  0x3f
#define   DRDETC_RdDqsTimeCheck_BASE 0
#define   DRDETC_RdDqsTimeCheck_MIN  0
#define   DRDETC_RdDqsTimeCheck_MAX  47

#define  DDRET_DqsRcvEnDelay_SHIFT 0
#define  DDRET_DqsRcvEnDelay_MASK 0xff
#define   DDRET_DqsRcvEnDelay_BASE 0
#define   DDRET_DqsRcvEnDelay_MIN  0
#define   DDRET_DqsRcvEnDelay_MAX  0xae   /* unit is 50ps */


/* there are index        0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x30, 0x33, 0x36, 0x39
that are corresponding to 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x10, 0x13, 0x16, 0x19
#define DRAM_CTRL_MISC 0xa0
#define  DCM_MemClrStatus (1<<0)
#define  DCM_DisableJitter (1<<1)
#define  DCM_RdWrQByp_SHIFT 2
#define  DCM_RdWrQByp_MASK  3
#define   DCM_RdWrQByp_2 0
#define   DCM_RdWrQByp_4 1
#define   DCM_RdWrQByp_8 2
#define   DCM_RdWrQByp_16 3
#define  DCM_Mode64BitMux (1<<4)
#define  DCM_DCC_EN (1<<5)
#define  DCM_ILD_lmt_SHIFT 6
#define  DCM_ILD_lmt_MASK 7
#define   DCM_ILD_lmt_0 0
#define   DCM_ILD_lmt_4 1
#define   DCM_ILD_lmt_8 2
#define   DCM_ILD_lmt_16 3
#define   DCM_ILD_lmt_32 4
#define   DCM_ILD_lmt_64 5
#define   DCM_ILD_lmt_128 6
#define   DCM_ILD_lmt_256 7
#define  DCM_DramEnabled (1<<9)
#define  DCM_MemClkDis_SHIFT 24                /* Channel B */
#define  DCM_MemClkDis3       (1 << 26)
#define  DCM_MemClkDis2       (1 << 27)
#define  DCM_MemClkDis1       (1 << 28)
#define  DCM_MemClkDis0       (1 << 29)

/* Function 3 */
#define MCA_NB_CONFIG      0x44
#define   MNC_ECC_EN       (1 << 22)
#define   MNC_CHIPKILL_EN  (1 << 23)

#define SCRUB_CONTROL	   0x58
#define	  SCRUB_NONE	    0
#define	  SCRUB_40ns	    1
#define	  SCRUB_80ns	    2
#define	  SCRUB_160ns	    3
#define	  SCRUB_320ns	    4
#define	  SCRUB_640ns	    5
#define	  SCRUB_1_28us	    6
#define	  SCRUB_2_56us	    7
#define	  SCRUB_5_12us	    8
#define	  SCRUB_10_2us	    9
#define	  SCRUB_20_5us	   10
#define	  SCRUB_41_0us	   11
#define	  SCRUB_81_9us	   12
#define	  SCRUB_163_8us	   13
#define	  SCRUB_327_7us	   14
#define	  SCRUB_655_4us	   15
#define	  SCRUB_1_31ms	   16
#define	  SCRUB_2_62ms	   17
#define	  SCRUB_5_24ms	   18
#define	  SCRUB_10_49ms	   19
#define	  SCRUB_20_97ms	   20
#define	  SCRUB_42ms	   21
#define	  SCRUB_84ms	   22
#define	 SC_DRAM_SCRUB_RATE_MASK   0x1f
#define	 SC_L2_SCRUB_RATE_SHIFT	   8
#define	 SC_L2_SCRUB_RATE_MASK	   0x1f
#define	 SC_L1D_SCRUB_RATE_SHIFT   16
#define	 SC_L1D_SCRUB_RATE_MASK	   0x1f

#define SCRUB_ADDR_LOW	   0x5C

#define SCRUB_ADDR_HIGH	   0x60

#define NORTHBRIDGE_CAP	   0xE8
#define	 NBCAP_128Bit	      (1 << 0)
#define	 NBCAP_MP	      (1 << 1)
#define	 NBCAP_BIG_MP	      (1 << 2)
#define	 NBCAP_ECC	      (1 << 3)
#define	 NBCAP_CHIPKILL_ECC   (1 << 4)
#define	 NBCAP_MEMCLK_MASK    3
#define	  NBCAP_MEMCLK_200MHZ  3
#define	  NBCAP_MEMCLK_266MHZ  2
#define	  NBCAP_MEMCLK_333MHZ  1
#define	 NBCAP_MEMCTRL	      (1 << 8)
#define  NBCAP_HtcCap		(1<<10)
#define  NBCAP_CmpCap_SHIFT	12
#define  NBCAP_CmpCap_MASK	3

#define LinkConnected     (1 << 0)
#define InitComplete      (1 << 1)
#define NonCoherent       (1 << 2)
#define ConnectionPending (1 << 4)

#include "raminit.h"
//struct definitions

struct dimm_size {
	uint8_t per_rank; // it is rows + col + bank_lines + data lines */
	uint8_t rows;
	uint8_t col;
	uint8_t bank; //1, 2, 3 mean 2, 4, 8
	uint8_t rank;
} __attribute__((packed));

struct mem_info { // pernode
	uint32_t dimm_mask;
	struct dimm_size sz[DIMM_SOCKETS];
	uint32_t x4_mask;
	uint32_t x16_mask;
	uint32_t single_rank_mask;
	uint32_t page_1k_mask;
//	uint32_t ecc_mask;
//	uint32_t registered_mask;
	uint8_t is_opteron;
	uint8_t is_registered;
	uint8_t is_ecc;
	uint8_t is_Width128;
	uint8_t is_64MuxMode;
	uint8_t memclk_set; // we need to use this to retrieve the mem param
	uint8_t rsv[2];
} __attribute__((packed));

struct link_pair_st {
	pci_devfn_t udev;
	uint32_t upos;
	uint32_t uoffs;
	pci_devfn_t dev;
	uint32_t pos;
	uint32_t offs;

} __attribute__((packed));

struct sys_info {
	uint8_t ctrl_present[NODE_NUMS];
	struct mem_info meminfo[NODE_NUMS];
	struct mem_controller ctrl[NODE_NUMS];
	uint8_t mem_trained[NODE_NUMS]; //0: no dimm, 1: trained, 0x80: not started, 0x81: recv1 fail, 0x82: Pos Fail, 0x83:recv2 fail
	uint32_t tom_k;
	uint32_t tom2_k;

	uint32_t mem_base[NODE_NUMS];
	uint32_t cs_base[NODE_NUMS*8]; //8 cs_idx
	uint32_t hole_reg[NODE_NUMS]; // can we spare it to one, and put ctrl idx in it

	uint8_t dqs_delay_a[NODE_NUMS*2*2*9]; //8 node channel 2, direction 2 , bytelane *9
	uint8_t dqs_rcvr_dly_a[NODE_NUMS*2*8]; //8 node, channel 2, receiver 8
	uint32_t nodes;
	struct link_pair_st link_pair[16];// enough? only in_conherent
	uint32_t link_pair_num;
	uint32_t ht_c_num;
	uint32_t sbdn;
	uint32_t sblk;
	uint32_t sbbusn;
} __attribute__((packed));

#ifdef __PRE_RAM__
#include <arch/early_variables.h>
struct sys_info sysinfo_car CAR_GLOBAL;

#include <reset.h>

#if ((CONFIG_MEM_TRAIN_SEQ != 1) && defined(__PRE_RAM__)) || \
	((CONFIG_MEM_TRAIN_SEQ == 1) && !defined(__PRE_RAM__))
static inline void wait_all_core0_mem_trained(struct sys_info *sysinfo)

	int i;
	uint32_t mask = 0;
	unsigned needs_reset = 0;

	if (sysinfo->nodes == 1) return; // in case only one CPU installed

	for (i=1; i<sysinfo->nodes; i++) {
		/* Skip everything if I don't have any memory on this controller */
		if (sysinfo->mem_trained[i]==0x00) continue;

		mask |= (1<<i);


	i = 1;
	while (1) {
		if (mask & (1<<i)) {
			if ((sysinfo->mem_trained[i])!=0x80) {
				mask &= ~(1<<i);

		if (!mask) break;

#if 0
		/* cpu_relax */
		__asm__ __volatile__("rep;nop": : :"memory");


	for (i=0; i<sysinfo->nodes; i++) {
		printk(BIOS_DEBUG, "mem_trained[%02x]=%02x\n", i, sysinfo->mem_trained[i]);
		switch(sysinfo->mem_trained[i]) {
		case 0: //don't need train
		case 1: //trained
		case 0x81: //recv1: fail
		case 0x82: //Pos :fail
		case 0x83: //recv2: fail
			needs_reset = 1;
	if (needs_reset) {
		printk(BIOS_DEBUG, "mem trained failed\n");
#ifdef __PRE_RAM__


#endif /* AMDK8_F_H */