chip northbridge/amd/amdk8/root_complex		# Root complex
  device cpu_cluster 0 on			# (L)APIC cluster
    chip cpu/amd/socket_F			# CPU socket
      device lapic 0 on end			# Local APIC of the CPU
  device domain 0 on			# PCI domain
    subsystemid 0x10f1 0x2912 inherit
    chip northbridge/amd/amdk8			# Northbridge / RAM controller
      device pci 18.0 on end
      device pci 18.0 on end
      device pci 18.0 on
        chip southbridge/nvidia/mcp55		# Southbridge
          device pci 0.0 on end			# HT
          device pci 1.0 on			# LPC
            chip superio/winbond/w83627hf	# Super I/O
              device pnp 2e.0 off		# Floppy
                io 0x60 = 0x3f0
                irq 0x70 = 6
                drq 0x74 = 2
              device pnp 2e.1 off		# Parallel port
                io 0x60 = 0x378
                irq 0x70 = 7
              device pnp 2e.2 on		# Com1
                io 0x60 = 0x3f8
                irq 0x70 = 4
              device pnp 2e.3 on		# Com2
                io 0x60 = 0x2f8
                irq 0x70 = 3
              device pnp 2e.5 on		# PS/2 keyboard
                io 0x60 = 0x60
                io 0x62 = 0x64
                irq 0x70 = 1
                irq 0x72 = 12
              device pnp 2e.6 off		# SFI
                io 0x62 = 0x100
              device pnp 2e.7 off		# GPIO, game port, MIDI
                io 0x60 = 0x220
                io 0x62 = 0x300
                irq 0x70 = 9
              device pnp 2e.8 off end		# WDTO PLED
              device pnp 2e.9 off end		# GPIO SUSLED
              device pnp 2e.a off end		# ACPI
              device pnp 2e.b on		# Hardware monitor
                io 0x60 = 0x290
                irq 0x70 = 5
          device pci 1.1 on			# SM 0
            chip drivers/generic/generic	# DIMM 0-0-0
              device i2c 50 on end
            chip drivers/generic/generic	# DIMM 0-0-1
              device i2c 51 on end
            chip drivers/generic/generic	# DIMM 0-1-0
              device i2c 52 on end
            chip drivers/generic/generic	# DIMM 0-1-1
              device i2c 53 on end
            chip drivers/generic/generic	# DIMM 1-0-0
              device i2c 54 on end
            chip drivers/generic/generic	# DIMM 1-0-1
              device i2c 55 on end
            chip drivers/generic/generic	# DIMM 1-1-0
              device i2c 56 on end
            chip drivers/generic/generic	# DIMM 1-1-1
              device i2c 57 on end
          device pci 1.1 on			# SM 1
            # PCI device SMBus address will
            # depend on addon PCI device, do
            # we need to scan_smbus_bus?
            # chip drivers/generic/generic	# PCIXA slot 1
            #   device i2c 50 on end
            # end
            # chip drivers/generic/generic	# PCIXB slot 1
            #   device i2c 51 on end
            # end
            # chip drivers/generic/generic	# PCIXB slot 2
            #   device i2c 52 on end
            # end
            # chip drivers/generic/generic	# PCI slot 1
            #   device i2c 53 on end
            # end
            # chip drivers/generic/generic	# Master MCP55 PCI-E
            #   device i2c 54 on end
            # end
            # chip drivers/generic/generic	# Slave MCP55 PCI-E
            #   device i2c 55 on end
            # end
            chip drivers/generic/generic	# MAC EEPROM
              device i2c 51 on end
          device pci 2.0 on end			# USB 1.1
          device pci 2.1 on end			# USB 2
          device pci 4.0 on end			# IDE
          device pci 5.0 on end			# SATA 0
          device pci 5.1 on end			# SATA 1
          device pci 5.2 on end			# SATA 2
          device pci 6.0 on end			# PCI
          device pci 6.1 off end		# AZA
          device pci 8.0 on end			# NIC
          device pci 9.0 on end			# NIC
          device pci a.0 on end			# PCI E 5
          device pci b.0 off end		# PCI E 4
          device pci c.0 off end		# PCI E 3
          device pci d.0 on end			# PCI E 2
          device pci e.0 off end		# PCI E 1
          device pci f.0 on end			# PCI E 0
          register "ide0_enable" = "1"
          register "sata0_enable" = "1"
          register "sata1_enable" = "1"
          # 1: SMBus under 2e.8, 2: SM0 3: SM1
          register "mac_eeprom_smbus" = "3"
          register "mac_eeprom_addr" = "0x51"
      device pci 18.1 on end
      device pci 18.2 on end
      device pci 18.3 on end
  # chip drivers/generic/debug
  #   device pnp 0.0 off end			# chip name
  #   device pnp 0.1 on end			# pci_regs_all
  #   device pnp 0.2 on end			# mem
  #   device pnp 0.3 off end			# cpuid
  #   device pnp 0.4 on end			# smbus_regs_all
  #   device pnp 0.5 off end			# dual core msr
  #   device pnp 0.6 off end			# cache size
  #   device pnp 0.7 off end			# tsc
  #   device pnp 0.8 off end			# io
  #   device pnp 0.9 off end			# io
  # end