# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only chip soc/intel/cannonlake # Lock Down register "common_soc_config" = "{ .i2c[0] = { .speed = I2C_SPEED_FAST, .rise_time_ns = 80, .fall_time_ns = 110, }, }" # CPU (soc/intel/cannonlake/cpu.c) # Power limit register "power_limits_config" = "{ .tdp_pl1_override = 20, .tdp_pl2_override = 30, }" # Enable Enhanced Intel SpeedStep register "eist_enable" = "1" # FSP Memory (soc/intel/cannonlake/romstage/fsp_params.c) register "SaGv" = "SaGv_Enabled" register "enable_c6dram" = "1" # FSP Silicon (soc/intel/cannonlake/fsp_params.c) # Serial I/O register "SerialIoDevMode" = "{ [PchSerialIoIndexI2C0] = PchSerialIoPci, [PchSerialIoIndexUART2] = PchSerialIoPci, }" # Misc register "AcousticNoiseMitigation" = "1" # Power register "PchPmSlpS3MinAssert" = "3" # 50ms register "PchPmSlpS4MinAssert" = "1" # 1s register "PchPmSlpSusMinAssert" = "2" # 500ms register "PchPmSlpAMinAssert" = "4" # 2s # Thermal register "tcc_offset" = "12" # Serial IRQ Continuous register "serirq_mode" = "SERIRQ_CONTINUOUS" # PM Util (soc/intel/cannonlake/pmutil.c) # GPE configuration # Note that GPE events called out in ASL code rely on this # route. i.e. If this route changes then the affected GPE # offset bits also need to be changed. register "gpe0_dw0" = "PMC_GPP_C" register "gpe0_dw1" = "PMC_GPP_D" register "gpe0_dw2" = "PMC_GPP_E" # Actual device tree device cpu_cluster 0 on end device domain 0 on device ref igpu on register "gfx" = "GMA_STATIC_DISPLAYS(0)" end device ref dptf on register "Device4Enable" = "1" end device ref thermal on end device ref xhci on register "usb2_ports" = "{ [0] = USB2_PORT_MID(OC_SKIP), /* USB-A */ [1] = USB2_PORT_MID(OC_SKIP), /* 3G / LTE */ [2] = USB2_PORT_TYPE_C(OC_SKIP), /* USB-C */ [3] = USB2_PORT_MID(OC_SKIP), /* USB-A */ [6] = USB2_PORT_MAX(OC_SKIP), /* Camera */ [9] = USB2_PORT_MID(OC_SKIP), /* Bluetooth */ }" register "usb3_ports" = "{ [0] = USB3_PORT_DEFAULT(OC_SKIP), /* USB-A */ [1] = USB3_PORT_DEFAULT(OC_SKIP), /* 4G on galp3-c, NC on darp5 */ [2] = USB3_PORT_DEFAULT(OC_SKIP), /* USB-C */ [3] = USB3_PORT_DEFAULT(OC_SKIP), /* USB-A */ [4] = USB3_PORT_EMPTY, /* Used by TBT */ [5] = USB3_PORT_EMPTY, /* Used by TBT */ }" end device ref cnvi_wifi on chip drivers/wifi/generic register "wake" = "PME_B0_EN_BIT" device generic 0 on end end end device ref i2c0 on end device ref sata on register "SataPortsEnable" = "{ [0] = 1, [2] = 1, }" end device ref uart2 on end device ref pcie_rp1 on end device ref pcie_rp5 on # PCI Express Root port #5 x4, Clock 4 (TBT) register "PcieRpEnable[4]" = "1" register "PcieRpLtrEnable[4]" = "1" register "PcieRpHotPlug[4]" = "1" register "PcieClkSrcUsage[4]" = "4" register "PcieClkSrcClkReq[4]" = "4" end device ref pcie_rp9 on # PCI Express Root port #9 x1, Clock 3 (LAN) register "PcieRpEnable[8]" = "1" register "PcieRpLtrEnable[8]" = "1" register "PcieClkSrcUsage[3]" = "8" register "PcieClkSrcClkReq[3]" = "3" end device ref pcie_rp10 on # PCI Express Root port #10 x1, Clock 2 (WLAN) register "PcieRpEnable[9]" = "1" register "PcieRpLtrEnable[9]" = "0" register "PcieClkSrcUsage[2]" = "9" register "PcieClkSrcClkReq[2]" = "2" end device ref pcie_rp13 on # PCI Express Root port #13 x4, Clock 5 (NVMe) register "PcieRpEnable[12]" = "1" register "PcieRpLtrEnable[12]" = "1" register "PcieClkSrcUsage[5]" = "12" register "PcieClkSrcClkReq[5]" = "5" end device ref lpc_espi on register "gen1_dec" = "0x000c0081" register "gen2_dec" = "0x00040069" register "gen3_dec" = "0x00fc0e01" register "gen4_dec" = "0x00fc0f01" chip drivers/pc80/tpm device pnp 0c31.0 on end end end device ref hda on register "PchHdaAudioLinkHda" = "1" register "PchHdaAudioLinkDmic0" = "1" register "PchHdaAudioLinkDmic1" = "1" end device ref smbus on end end end