#Define gpp_configuration,	A=0, B=1, C=2, D=3, E=4(default)
#Define port_enable, (bit map): GFX(2,3), GPP(4,5,6,7)
#Define gfx_dev2_dev3, 0: a link will never be established on Dev2 or Dev3,
#			1: the system allows a PCIE link to be established on Dev2 or Dev3.
#Define gfx_dual_slot, 0: single slot, 1: dual slot
#Define gfx_lane_reversal, 0: disable lane reversal, 1: enable
#Define gfx_tmds, 0: didn't support TMDS, 1: support
#Define gfx_compliance, 0: didn't support compliance, 1: support
#Define gfx_reconfiguration, 0: short reconfiguration, 1(default): long reconfiguration
#Define gfx_link_width, 0: x16, 1: x1, 2: x2, 3: x4, 4: x8, 5: x12 (not supported), 6: x16
chip northbridge/amd/amdk8/root_complex
	device cpu_cluster 0 on
		chip cpu/amd/socket_S1G1
		device lapic 0 on end
	device domain 0 on
		subsystemid 0x110a 0x4076 inherit
		chip northbridge/amd/amdk8
			device pci 18.0 on #  southbridge
				chip southbridge/amd/rs690
					device pci 0.0 on  # Northbridge configuration space (0x7910)
					device pci 1.0 on  # Internal Graphics P2P bridge 0x7912
						device pci 5.0 on # Internal Graphics 0x791F
						device pci 5.2 on #
					device pci 2.0 on  #  PCIE P2P bridge 0x7913  (external GFX-port0)
					device pci 3.0 off  # PCIE P2P bridge 0x791b (external GFX-port1)
					device pci 4.0 on  #  PCIE P2P bridge port 0 (0x7914)
					device pci 5.0 on  #  PCIE P2P bridge port 1  (0x7915)
					device pci 6.0 on  #  PCIE P2P bridge port 2  (0x7916)
					device pci 7.0 on  #  PCIE P2P bridge port 3  (0x7917)
					device pci 8.0 off  # NB/SB Link P2P bridge
					register "gpp_configuration" = "4"
					register "port_enable" = "0xfc"
					register "gfx_dev2_dev3" = "1"
					register "gfx_dual_slot" = "0"
					register "gfx_lane_reversal" = "0"
					register "gfx_tmds" = "1" # needed for DVI output, but this results in a conflict if PLX installed !
					register "gfx_compliance" = "0"
					register "gfx_reconfiguration" = "1"
					register "gfx_link_width" = "0" # 4 (0x8) if PLX installed
				chip southbridge/amd/sb600 # it is under NB/SB Link, but on the same pri bus
					device pci 12.0 on end # SATA  0x4380
					device pci 13.0 on end # USB   0x4387
					device pci 13.1 on end # USB   0x4388
					device pci 13.2 on end # USB   0x4389
					device pci 13.3 on end # USB   0x438a
					device pci 13.4 on end # USB   0x438b
					device pci 13.5 on end # USB 2 0x4386
	 				device pci 14.0 on     # SM    0x4385
						chip drivers/generic/generic #dimm 0-0-0
							device i2c 50 on end
						chip drivers/generic/generic #dimm 0-0-1
							device i2c 51 on end
						chip drivers/generic/generic #dimm 0-1-0
							device i2c 52 on end
						chip drivers/generic/generic #dimm 0-1-1
							device i2c 53 on end
					end # SM
					device pci 14.1 on end # IDE    0x438c
					device pci 14.2 on end # HDA    0x4383
					device pci 14.3 on # LPC	0x438d
						chip superio/ite/it8712f
							device pnp 2e.0 off #  Floppy
								io 0x60 = 0x3f0
								irq 0x70 = 6
								drq 0x74 = 2
							device pnp 2e.1 on #  Com1
								io 0x60 = 0x3f8
								irq 0x70 = 4
							device pnp 2e.2 on #  Com2
								io 0x60 = 0x2f8
								irq 0x70 = 3
							device pnp 2e.3 off #  Parallel Port
								io 0x60 = 0x378
								irq 0x70 = 7
							device pnp 2e.4 off end #  EC
							device pnp 2e.5 on #  Keyboard
								io 0x60 = 0x60
								io 0x62 = 0x64
								irq 0x70 = 1
							device pnp 2e.6 on #  Mouse
								irq 0x70 = 12
							device pnp 2e.7 off #  GPIO, must be closed for unresolved reason.
							device pnp 2e.8 off #  MIDI
								io 0x60 = 0x300
								irq 0x70 = 9
							device pnp 2e.9 off #  GAME
								io 0x60 = 0x220
							device pnp 2e.a off end #  CIR
						end	#superio/ite/it8712f
					end		#LPC
					device pci 14.4 on end # PCI 0x4384
					device pci 14.5 on end # ACI 0x4382
					device pci 14.6 on end # MCI 0x438e
#						register "ide0_enable" = "1"
#						register "sata0_enable" = "1"
						register "hda_viddid" = "0x10ec0882"
				end	#southbridge/amd/sb600
			end #  device pci 18.0

			device pci 18.0 on end
			device pci 18.0 on end
			device pci 18.1 on end
			device pci 18.2 on end
			device pci 18.3 on end
		end		#northbridge/amd/amdk8
	end #domain
end		#northbridge/amd/amdk8/root_complex