/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include #include #include union eeprom_dimm_layout { struct __packed { char name[50]; char manufacturer[50]; uint8_t ranks; uint8_t controller_id; uint8_t data_width_bits; uint8_t bus_width_bits; uint32_t capacity_mib; uint32_t max_tdp_milliwatts; }; uint8_t raw[0x80]; }; _Static_assert(sizeof(union eeprom_dimm_layout) == 0x80, "union eeprom_dimm_layout has invalid size!"); struct __packed eeprom_board_layout { uint32_t signature; union { struct __packed { char cpu_name[50]; uint8_t cpu_count; uint32_t cpu_max_non_turbo_frequency; char pch_name[50]; union eeprom_dimm_layout dimm[4]; }; uint8_t raw_layout[617]; }; }; _Static_assert(sizeof(struct eeprom_board_layout) == (617 + sizeof(uint32_t)), "struct eeprom_board_layout has invalid size!"); struct __packed eeprom_board_settings { uint32_t signature; union { struct __packed { uint8_t secureboot; uint8_t primary_video; uint8_t deep_sx_enabled; uint8_t wake_on_usb; uint8_t usb_powered_in_s5; uint8_t power_state_after_g3; uint8_t blue_rear_vref; uint8_t front_panel_audio; uint8_t pxe_boot_capability; uint8_t pink_rear_vref; }; uint8_t raw_settings[10]; }; }; _Static_assert(sizeof(struct eeprom_board_settings) == (10 + sizeof(uint32_t)), "struct eeprom_board_settings has invalid size!"); struct __packed eeprom_bmc_settings { uint8_t pcie_mux; uint8_t hsi; }; #define HERMES_SERIAL_NUMBER_LENGTH 32 /* The EEPROM on address 0x57 has the following vendor defined layout: */ struct __packed eeprom_layout { union { uint8_t RawFSPMUPD[0x600]; FSPM_UPD mupd; }; union { uint8_t RawFSPSUPD[0xc00]; FSPS_UPD supd; }; union { uint8_t RawBoardLayout[0x400]; struct eeprom_board_layout BoardLayout; }; char system_serial_number[HERMES_SERIAL_NUMBER_LENGTH]; char board_serial_number[HERMES_SERIAL_NUMBER_LENGTH]; uint8_t BootOrder[0x8c0]; union { uint8_t RawBoardSetting[0xf8]; struct eeprom_board_settings BoardSettings; }; union { uint8_t RawBMCSetting[0x8]; struct eeprom_bmc_settings BMCSettings; }; }; _Static_assert(sizeof(FSPM_UPD) <= 0x600, "FSPM_UPD too big"); _Static_assert(sizeof(FSPS_UPD) <= 0xc00, "FSPS_UPD too big"); _Static_assert(sizeof(struct eeprom_layout) == 0x2000, "EEPROM layout size mismatch"); bool eeprom_read_buffer(void *blob, size_t read_offset, size_t size); int check_signature(const size_t offset, const uint64_t signature); struct eeprom_board_settings *get_board_settings(void); struct eeprom_bmc_settings *get_bmc_settings(void); uint8_t get_bmc_hsi(void); void report_eeprom_error(const size_t off); bool write_board_settings(const struct eeprom_board_layout *new_layout); #define READ_EEPROM(section_type, section_name, dest, opt_name) \ do { \ typeof(dest->opt_name) __tmp; \ size_t __off = offsetof(struct eeprom_layout, section_name); \ bool ret = eeprom_read_buffer(&__tmp, \ __off + offsetof(section_type, opt_name), \ sizeof(__tmp)); \ if (ret) { \ report_eeprom_error(__off + offsetof(section_type, opt_name)); \ } else { \ dest->opt_name = __tmp; \ } \ } while (0) #define READ_EEPROM_FSP_M(dest, opt_name) READ_EEPROM(FSPM_UPD, RawFSPMUPD, dest, opt_name) #define READ_EEPROM_FSP_S(dest, opt_name) READ_EEPROM(FSPS_UPD, RawFSPSUPD, dest, opt_name)