chip soc/intel/cannonlake
	# FSP configuration

	register "SataSalpSupport" = "0"
	register "satapwroptimize" = "1"
	register "SataPortsDevSlp[1]" = "1"	# PCH_M2_SATA_DEVSLP1

	register "SataPortsEnable[0]" = "1"
	register "SataPortsEnable[1]" = "1"	# depends on SATAXPCIE1
	register "SataPortsEnable[2]" = "0"	# Not used for SATA
	register "SataPortsEnable[3]" = "0"	# Not used for SATA
	register "SataPortsEnable[4]" = "1"
	register "SataPortsEnable[5]" = "1"
	register "SataPortsEnable[6]" = "1"
	register "SataPortsEnable[7]" = "1"

	register "SataPortsHotPlug[0]" = "1"
	register "SataPortsHotPlug[1]" = "1"
	register "SataPortsHotPlug[2]" = "0"
	register "SataPortsHotPlug[3]" = "0"
	register "SataPortsHotPlug[4]" = "1"
	register "SataPortsHotPlug[5]" = "1"
	register "SataPortsHotPlug[6]" = "1"
	register "SataPortsHotPlug[7]" = "1"

	register "PchHdaDspEnable" = "0"
	register "PchHdaAudioLinkHda" = "1"

	register "PcieClkSrcUsage[0]" = "20"		# PCIe Slot1
	register "PcieClkSrcUsage[1]" = "0x40"		# PCIe Slot2
	register "PcieClkSrcUsage[2]" = "0x42"		# PCIe Slot4
	register "PcieClkSrcUsage[3]" = "0x41"		# PCIe Slot6
	register "PcieClkSrcUsage[4]" = "8"		# RP9 M2 Slot M x4
	register "PcieClkSrcUsage[5]" = "15"		# RP16 M2 Slot E x1
	register "PcieClkSrcUsage[6]" = "14"		# BMC
	register "PcieClkSrcUsage[7]" = "4"		# PHY 3
	register "PcieClkSrcUsage[8]" = "PCIE_CLK_RP0"	# PCIe Slot3
	register "PcieClkSrcUsage[9]" = "5"		# PHY 4
	register "PcieClkSrcUsage[10]" = "6"		# PHY 2
	register "PcieClkSrcUsage[11]" = "7"		# PHY 1
	register "PcieClkSrcUsage[12]" = "13"		# PHY 0
	register "PcieClkSrcUsage[13]" = "0x42"		# PB
	register "PcieClkSrcUsage[14]" = "PCIE_CLK_NOTUSED"
	register "PcieClkSrcUsage[15]" = "PCIE_CLK_NOTUSED"

	# Only enable CLKREQ# for M.2 slots
	register "PcieClkSrcClkReq[0]" = "PCIE_CLK_NOTUSED"
	register "PcieClkSrcClkReq[1]" = "PCIE_CLK_NOTUSED"
	register "PcieClkSrcClkReq[2]" = "PCIE_CLK_NOTUSED"
	register "PcieClkSrcClkReq[3]" = "PCIE_CLK_NOTUSED"
	register "PcieClkSrcClkReq[4]" = "4"			# M2_M_CLK_REQ_n
	register "PcieClkSrcClkReq[5]" = "5"			# M2_E_CLK_REQ_n
	register "PcieClkSrcClkReq[6]" = "PCIE_CLK_NOTUSED"
	register "PcieClkSrcClkReq[7]" = "PCIE_CLK_NOTUSED"
	register "PcieClkSrcClkReq[8]" = "PCIE_CLK_NOTUSED"
	register "PcieClkSrcClkReq[9]" = "PCIE_CLK_NOTUSED"
	register "PcieClkSrcClkReq[10]" = "PCIE_CLK_NOTUSED"
	register "PcieClkSrcClkReq[11]" = "PCIE_CLK_NOTUSED"
	register "PcieClkSrcClkReq[12]" = "PCIE_CLK_NOTUSED"
	register "PcieClkSrcClkReq[13]" = "PCIE_CLK_NOTUSED"

	# USB OC5-7: not connected
	register "usb2_ports" = "{

#define HERMES_USB2_CONFIG(pin) { \
	.enable        = 1, \
	.ocpin         = (pin), \
	.tx_bias       = USB2_BIAS_0MV, \
	.tx_emp_enable = USB2_DE_EMP_ON_PRE_EMP_ON, \
	.pre_emp_bias  = USB2_BIAS_28P15MV, \
	.pre_emp_bit   = USB2_FULL_BIT_PRE_EMP, \
		[0] = HERMES_USB2_CONFIG(OC0),		/* USB3 rear panel 1 */
		[2] = HERMES_USB2_CONFIG(OC1),		/* USB3 rear panel 2 */
		[4] = HERMES_USB2_CONFIG(OC2),		/* USB3 internal header CN_USB3_HDR */
		[6] = HERMES_USB2_CONFIG(OC3),		/* USB2 internal header USB2_HDR1 */
		[8] = HERMES_USB2_CONFIG(OC4),		/* USB2 internal header USB2_HDR1 */
		[11] = USB2_PORT_EMPTY,
		[12] = HERMES_USB2_CONFIG(OC_SKIP),	/* piggy-back */
		[13] = HERMES_USB2_CONFIG(OC_SKIP),	/* M.2 key E */

	# USB Config 2.0/3.0
	# Enumeration starts at 0
	# USB 3.0
	# USB OC0: RP1
	register "usb3_ports[0]" = "USB3_PORT_DEFAULT(OC0)"
	register "usb3_ports[1]" = "USB3_PORT_DEFAULT(OC0)"

	# USB OC1: RP2
	register "usb3_ports[2]" = "USB3_PORT_DEFAULT(OC1)"
	register "usb3_ports[3]" = "USB3_PORT_DEFAULT(OC1)"

	# USB OC2:  Internal Header CN_USB3_HDR
	register "usb3_ports[4]" = "USB3_PORT_DEFAULT(OC2)"
	register "usb3_ports[5]" = "USB3_PORT_DEFAULT(OC2)"

	# Thermal
	register "tcc_offset" = "1"     # TCC of 99C

	# Disable S0ix
	register "s0ix_enable" = "0"

	# Enable Turbo
	register "eist_enable" = "1"

	register "common_soc_config" = "{
		.gspi[0] = {
			.speed_mhz = 1,
			.early_init = 1,

	# VR Power Delivery Design
	register "VrPowerDeliveryDesign" = "0x12"

	register "SerialIoDevMode" = "{
		[PchSerialIoIndexI2C0]  = PchSerialIoDisabled,
		[PchSerialIoIndexI2C1]  = PchSerialIoDisabled,
		[PchSerialIoIndexI2C2]  = PchSerialIoDisabled,
		[PchSerialIoIndexI2C3]  = PchSerialIoDisabled,
		[PchSerialIoIndexI2C4]  = PchSerialIoDisabled,
		[PchSerialIoIndexI2C5]  = PchSerialIoDisabled,
		[PchSerialIoIndexSPI0]  = PchSerialIoPci,
		[PchSerialIoIndexSPI1]  = PchSerialIoDisabled,
		[PchSerialIoIndexUART0] = PchSerialIoPci,
		[PchSerialIoIndexUART1] = PchSerialIoPci,
		[PchSerialIoIndexUART2] = PchSerialIoPci,

	register "DisableHeciRetry" = "1"

	device cpu_cluster 0 on
		device lapic 0 on end

	device domain 0 on
		device pci 00.0 on  end # Host Bridge
		device pci 01.0 on # PEG x8             / Slot 2
			smbios_slot_desc "SlotTypePciExpressGen3X16" "SlotLengthOther" "SLOT2" "SlotDataBusWidth8X"
		device pci 01.1 on # PEG x4 or x8       / Slot 6
			smbios_slot_desc "SlotTypePciExpressGen3X16" "SlotLengthOther" "SLOT6" "SlotDataBusWidth4X"
		device pci 01.2 on # PEG x4 or disabled / Slot 4
			smbios_slot_desc "SlotTypePciExpressGen3X16" "SlotLengthOther" "SLOT4" "SlotDataBusWidth4X"
		device pci 02.0 on end	# Integrated Graphics Device
		device pci 04.0 on  end # SA Thermal device
		device pci 08.0 on  end # Gaussian Mixture
		device pci 12.0 on  end # Thermal Subsystem
		device pci 14.0 on  end # USB xHCI
		device pci 14.1 off end # USB xDCI (OTG)
		device pci 14.2 on  end # RAM controller
		device pci 14.3 on
			chip drivers/wifi/generic
				register "wake" = "PME_B0_EN_BIT"
				device generic 0 on end
		end  # CNVi wifi
		device pci 14.5 off end # SDCard
		device pci 16.0 on  end # Management Engine Interface 1
		device pci 16.1 on  end # Management Engine Interface 2
		device pci 16.4 off end # Management Engine Interface 3
		device pci 17.0 on  end # SATA
		# This device does not have any function on CNP-H, but it needs
		# to be here so that the resource allocator is aware of UART 2.
		device pci 19.0 hidden end
		chip soc/intel/common/block/uart
			device pci 19.2 hidden
				register "devid" = "PCI_DID_INTEL_CNP_H_UART2"
			end # UART #2, in ACPI mode
		device pci 1b.4 on	# PCIe root port 21 (Slot 1)
			smbios_slot_desc "SlotTypePciExpressGen3X16" "SlotLengthOther" "SLOT1" "SlotDataBusWidth4X"
			register "PcieRpEnable[20]" = "1"
			register "PcieRpLtrEnable[20]" = "1"
			register "PcieRpSlotImplemented[20]" = "1"
			register "PcieRpMaxPayload[20]" = "RpMaxPayload_256"
			register "PcieRpAdvancedErrorReporting[20]" = "1"
			register "PcieRpAspm[20]" = "AspmDisabled"
		device pci 1c.0 on	# PCIe root port 1 (Slot 3)
			smbios_slot_desc "SlotTypePciExpressGen3X16" "SlotLengthOther" "SLOT3" "SlotDataBusWidth4X"
			register "PcieRpEnable[0]" = "1"
			register "PcieRpLtrEnable[0]" = "1"
			register "PcieRpSlotImplemented[0]" = "1"
			register "PcieRpMaxPayload[0]" = "RpMaxPayload_256"
			register "PcieRpAdvancedErrorReporting[0]" = "1"
			register "PcieRpAspm[0]" = "AspmDisabled"
		device pci 1c.4 on	# PCIe root port 5 (PHY 3)
			register "PcieRpEnable[4]" = "1"
			register "PcieRpLtrEnable[4]" = "1"
			device pci 00.0 on
				smbios_dev_info 3
		device pci 1c.5 on	# PCIe root port 6 (PHY 4)
			register "PcieRpEnable[5]" = "1"
			register "PcieRpLtrEnable[5]" = "1"
			device pci 00.0 on
				smbios_dev_info 4
		device pci 1c.6 on	# PCIe root port 7 (PHY 2)
			register "PcieRpEnable[6]" = "1"
			register "PcieRpLtrEnable[6]" = "1"
			device pci 00.0 on
				smbios_dev_info 2
		device pci 1c.7 on	# PCIe root port 8 (PHY 1)
			register "PcieRpEnable[7]" = "1"
			register "PcieRpLtrEnable[7]" = "1"
			device pci 00.0 on
				smbios_dev_info 1
		device pci 1d.0 on	# PCIe root port 9 (M2 M)
			smbios_slot_desc "SlotTypePciExpressGen3X16" "SlotLengthOther" "M2 M" "SlotDataBusWidth4X"
			register "PcieRpEnable[8]" = "1"
			register "PcieRpLtrEnable[8]" = "1"
			register "PcieRpSlotImplemented[8]" = "1"
		device pci 1d.5 on	# PCIe root port 14 (PHY 0)
			register "PcieRpEnable[13]" = "1"
			register "PcieRpLtrEnable[13]" = "1"
			device pci 00.0 on
				smbios_dev_info 0
		device pci 1d.6 on	# PCIe root port 15 (BMC)
			device pci 00.0 on	# Aspeed PCI Bridge
				device pci 00.0 on end  # Aspeed 2500 VGA
			register "PcieRpEnable[14]" = "1"
			register "PcieRpLtrEnable[14]" = "1"
			register "PcieRpSlotImplemented[14]" = "1"
		device pci 1d.7 on	# PCIe root port 16 (M.2 E/CNVi)
			# Disabled when CNVi is present
			register "PcieRpEnable[15]" = "1"
			register "PcieRpLtrEnable[15]" = "1"
			register "PcieRpSlotImplemented[15]" = "1"
		device pci 1e.0 on  end # UART #0
		device pci 1e.1 on  end # UART #1
		device pci 1e.2 off end # GSPI #0
		device pci 1e.3 off end # GSPI #1
		device pci 1f.0 on	# LPC Interface
			chip drivers/pc80/tpm
				device pnp 0c31.0 on end
			# AST2500, but not enabled to decode LPC cycles
		device pci 1f.1 on     end # P2SB
		device pci 1f.2 hidden end # Power Management Controller
		device pci 1f.3 on     end # Intel HDA
		device pci 1f.4 on     end # SMBus
		device pci 1f.5 on     end # PCH SPI