## This file is part of the coreboot project.
## Copyright (C) 2007-2008 coresystems GmbH
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Status Register A
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Status Register B
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Status Register C
#96           4       r       0        status_c_rsvd
#100          1       r       0        uf_flag
#101          1       r       0        af_flag
#102          1       r       0        pf_flag
#103          1       r       0        irqf_flag
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Status Register D
#104          7       r       0        status_d_rsvd
#111          1       r       0        valid_cmos_ram
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Diagnostic Status Register
#112          8       r       0        diag_rsvd1

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
0          120       r       0        reserved_memory
#120        264       r       0        unused

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# RTC_BOOT_BYTE (coreboot hardcoded)
384          1       e       4        boot_option
388          4       r       0        reboot_bits
#390          2       r       0        unused?

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# coreboot config options: console
392          3       e       5        baud_rate
395          4       e       6        debug_level
#399          1       r       0        unused

# coreboot config options: cpu
400          1       e       2        hyper_threading
#401          7       r       0        unused

# coreboot config options: southbridge
408          1       e       1        nmi
409          2       e       7        power_on_after_fail
#411          5       r       0        unused

# coreboot config options: bootloader
416        512       s       0        boot_devices
928          8       h       0        boot_default
936          1       e       11       cmos_defaults_loaded
#937         11       r       0        unused

# coreboot config options: mainboard specific options
948          2       e       8        cpufan_cruise_control
950          2       e       8        sysfan_cruise_control
952          4       e       9        cpufan_speed
#956          4       e       10       cpufan_temperature
960          4       e       9        sysfan_speed
#964          4       e       10       sysfan_temperature

968          1       e       2        ethernet1
969          1       e       2        ethernet2
970          1       e       2        ethernet3
971          1       e       1        lpt

#972          12       r       0        unused

# coreboot config options: check sums
984         16       h       0        check_sum
#1000        24       r       0        amd_reserved

# ram initialization internal data
1024         8       r       0        C0WL0REOST
1032         8       r       0        C1WL0REOST
1040         8       r       0        RCVENMT
1048         4       r       0        C0DRT1
1052         4       r       0        C1DRT1

# -----------------------------------------------------------------


#ID value   text
1     0     Disable
1     1     Enable
2     0     Enable
2     1     Disable
4     0     Fallback
4     1     Normal
5     0     115200
5     1     57600
5     2     38400
5     3     19200
5     4     9600
5     5     4800
5     6     2400
5     7     1200
6     1     Emergency
6     2     Alert
6     3     Critical
6     4     Error
6     5     Warning
6     6     Notice
6     7     Info
6     8     Debug
6     9     Spew
7     0     Disable
7     1     Enable
7     2     Keep
# Fan Cruise Control
8     0     Disabled
8     1     Speed
#8     2     Thermal
# Fan Speed (Rotations per Minute)
9     0     5625
9     1     5192
9     2     4753
9     3     4326
9     4     3924
9     5     3552
9     6     3214
9     7     2909
9     8     2636
9     9     2393
9    10     2177
9    11     1985
9    12     1814
9    13     1662
9    14     1527
9    15     1406
# Temperature (°C/°F)
#10     0     30/86
#10     1     33/91
#10     2     36/96
#10     3     39/102
#10     4     42/107
#10     5     45/113
#10     6     48/118
#10     7     51/123
#10     8     54/129
#10     9     57/134
#10    10     60/140
#10    11     63/145
#10    12     66/150
#10    13     69/156
#10    14     72/161
#10    15     75/167
11    0     No
11    1     Yes
# -----------------------------------------------------------------

checksum 392 983 984