/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */ #include <assert.h> #include <boardid.h> #include <console/console.h> #include <ec/google/chromeec/ec.h> #include <soc/auxadc.h> #include "panel.h" /* board_id is provided by ec/google/chromeec/ec_boardid.c */ #define ADC_LEVELS 8 enum { /* RAM IDs */ RAM_ID_LOW_CHANNEL = 2, RAM_ID_HIGH_CHANNEL = 3, /* PANEL IDs */ PANEL_ID_HIGH_CHANNEL = 4, PANEL_ID_LOW_CHANNEL = 5, }; static const unsigned int ram_voltages[] = { /* ID : Voltage (unit: uV) */ [0] = 74296, [1] = 211673, [2] = 365055, [3] = 524272, [4] = 706302, [5] = 899119, [6] = 1108941, [7] = 1342616, }; _Static_assert(ARRAY_SIZE(ram_voltages) == ADC_LEVELS, "Wrong array size of ram_voltages"); static const unsigned int panel_voltages[] = { /* ID : Voltage (unit: uV) */ [0] = 0, [1] = 282774, [2] = 472379, [3] = 652542, [4] = 830258, [5] = 1011767, [6] = 1209862, [7] = 1427880, }; _Static_assert(ARRAY_SIZE(panel_voltages) == ADC_LEVELS, "Wrong array size of panel_voltages"); static const unsigned int *adc_voltages[] = { [RAM_ID_LOW_CHANNEL] = ram_voltages, [RAM_ID_HIGH_CHANNEL] = ram_voltages, [PANEL_ID_HIGH_CHANNEL] = panel_voltages, [PANEL_ID_LOW_CHANNEL] = panel_voltages, }; static uint32_t get_adc_index(unsigned int channel) { unsigned int value = auxadc_get_voltage_uv(channel); assert(channel < ARRAY_SIZE(adc_voltages)); const unsigned int *voltages = adc_voltages[channel]; assert(voltages); /* Find the closest voltage */ uint32_t id; for (id = 0; id < ADC_LEVELS - 1; id++) if (value < (voltages[id] + voltages[id + 1]) / 2) break; printk(BIOS_DEBUG, "ADC[%u]: Raw value=%u ID=%u\n", channel, value, id); return id; } /* Returns the ID for LCD module (type of panel). */ uint32_t panel_id(void) { static uint32_t cached_panel_id = BOARD_ID_INIT; if (cached_panel_id == BOARD_ID_INIT) cached_panel_id = get_adc_index(PANEL_ID_HIGH_CHANNEL) << 4 | get_adc_index(PANEL_ID_LOW_CHANNEL); return cached_panel_id; } uint32_t sku_id(void) { static uint32_t cached_sku_code = BOARD_ID_INIT; if (cached_sku_code == BOARD_ID_INIT) { cached_sku_code = google_chromeec_get_board_sku(); if (cached_sku_code == CROS_SKU_UNKNOWN || cached_sku_code == CROS_SKU_UNPROVISIONED) { printk(BIOS_WARNING, "SKU code from EC: %s\n", (cached_sku_code == CROS_SKU_UNKNOWN) ? "CROS_SKU_UNKNOWN" : "CROS_SKU_UNPROVISIONED"); /* Reserve last 8 bits to report PANEL_IDs */ cached_sku_code = 0x7FFFFF00UL | panel_id(); } printk(BIOS_DEBUG, "SKU Code: %#02x\n", cached_sku_code); } return cached_sku_code; } uint32_t ram_code(void) { static uint32_t cached_ram_code = BOARD_ID_INIT; if (cached_ram_code == BOARD_ID_INIT) { cached_ram_code = (get_adc_index(RAM_ID_HIGH_CHANNEL) << 4 | get_adc_index(RAM_ID_LOW_CHANNEL)); printk(BIOS_DEBUG, "RAM Code: %#02x\n", cached_ram_code); } return cached_ram_code; }