/* * This file is part of the coreboot project. * * Copyright (C) 2012 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include <device/azalia.h> #include <AGESA.h> #include <northbridge/amd/agesa/BiosCallOuts.h> #include <northbridge/amd/agesa/state_machine.h> #include <FchPlatform.h> const BIOS_CALLOUT_STRUCT BiosCallouts[] = { {AGESA_DO_RESET, agesa_Reset }, {AGESA_READ_SPD, agesa_ReadSpd }, {AGESA_READ_SPD_RECOVERY, agesa_NoopUnsupported }, {AGESA_RUNFUNC_ONAP, agesa_RunFuncOnAp }, {AGESA_GET_IDS_INIT_DATA, agesa_EmptyIdsInitData }, {AGESA_HOOKBEFORE_DQS_TRAINING, agesa_NoopSuccess }, {AGESA_HOOKBEFORE_EXIT_SELF_REF, agesa_NoopSuccess }, {AGESA_GNB_GFX_GET_VBIOS_IMAGE, agesa_GfxGetVbiosImage } }; const int BiosCalloutsLen = ARRAY_SIZE(BiosCallouts); /** * CODEC Initialization Table for Azalia HD Audio using Realtek ALC662 chip */ static const CODEC_ENTRY Alc662_VerbTbl[] = { { 0x14, /*01014010*/ /* Port D - green headphone jack */ (AZALIA_PINCFG_PORT_JACK << 30) | ((AZALIA_PINCFG_LOCATION_EXTERNAL | AZALIA_PINCFG_LOCATION_REAR) << 24) | (AZALIA_PINCFG_DEVICE_LINEOUT << 20) | (AZALIA_PINCFG_CONN_MINI_HEADPHONE_JACK << 16) | (AZALIA_PINCFG_COLOR_GREEN << 12) | (1 << 4) | (0 << 0) }, { 0x15, /*0x90170120*/ /* Port A - white speaker header */ (AZALIA_PINCFG_PORT_FIXED << 30) | (AZALIA_PINCFG_LOCATION_INTERNAL << 24) | (AZALIA_PINCFG_DEVICE_SPEAKER << 20) | (AZALIA_PINCFG_CONN_OTHER_ANALOG << 16) | (AZALIA_PINCFG_COLOR_WHITE << 12) | (AZALIA_PINCFG_MISC_IGNORE_PRESENCE << 8) | (2 << 4) | (0 << 0) }, { 0x16, 0x411111F0 }, /* Port G - not connected */ { 0x18, /*0x01A19040*/ /* Port B - pink headphone jack */ (AZALIA_PINCFG_PORT_JACK << 30) | ((AZALIA_PINCFG_LOCATION_EXTERNAL | AZALIA_PINCFG_LOCATION_REAR) << 24) | (AZALIA_PINCFG_DEVICE_MICROPHONE << 20) | (AZALIA_PINCFG_CONN_MINI_HEADPHONE_JACK << 16) | (AZALIA_PINCFG_COLOR_PINK << 12) | (4 << 4) | (0 << 0) }, { 0x19, /*0x02A19050*/ /* Port F - front panel header mic */ (AZALIA_PINCFG_PORT_NC << 30) | ((AZALIA_PINCFG_LOCATION_EXTERNAL | AZALIA_PINCFG_LOCATION_FRONT) << 24) | (AZALIA_PINCFG_DEVICE_MICROPHONE << 20) | (AZALIA_PINCFG_CONN_MINI_HEADPHONE_JACK << 16) | (AZALIA_PINCFG_COLOR_PINK << 12) | (5 << 4) | (0 << 0) }, { 0x1A, /*0x0181304F*/ /* Port C - NL blue headphone jack */ (AZALIA_PINCFG_PORT_NC << 30) | ((AZALIA_PINCFG_LOCATION_EXTERNAL | AZALIA_PINCFG_LOCATION_REAR) << 24) | (AZALIA_PINCFG_DEVICE_LINEIN << 20) | (AZALIA_PINCFG_CONN_MINI_HEADPHONE_JACK << 16) | (AZALIA_PINCFG_COLOR_BLUE << 12) | (4 << 4) | (0xF << 0) }, { 0x1B, /*0x02214030*/ /* Port E - front panel line-out */ (AZALIA_PINCFG_PORT_NC << 30) | ((AZALIA_PINCFG_LOCATION_EXTERNAL | AZALIA_PINCFG_LOCATION_FRONT) << 24) | (AZALIA_PINCFG_DEVICE_HP_OUT << 20) | (AZALIA_PINCFG_CONN_MINI_HEADPHONE_JACK << 16) | (AZALIA_PINCFG_COLOR_GREEN << 12) | (3 << 4) | (0 << 0) }, { 0x1C, 0x411111F0 }, /* CD-in - Not Connected */ { 0x1D, 0x411111F0 }, /* PC Beep - Not Connected */ { 0x1E, 0x411111F0 }, /* S/PDIF - Not connected */ { 0xFF, 0xFFFFFFFF }, }; static const CODEC_TBL_LIST CodecTableList[] = { {0x10ec0662, (CODEC_ENTRY*)Alc662_VerbTbl}, {(UINT32)0x0FFFFFFFF, (CODEC_ENTRY*)0x0FFFFFFFFUL} }; void board_FCH_InitReset(struct sysinfo *cb_NA, FCH_RESET_DATA_BLOCK *FchParams_reset) { } void board_FCH_InitEnv(struct sysinfo *cb_NA, FCH_DATA_BLOCK *FchParams_env) { /* Azalia Controller OEM Cqodec Table Pointer */ FchParams_env->Azalia.AzaliaOemCodecTablePtr = (CODEC_TBL_LIST*)CodecTableList; }