/* * This file is part of the coreboot project. * * Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include <northbridge/amd/pi/agesawrapper.h> #include <PlatformMemoryConfiguration.h> #define FILECODE PROC_GNB_PCIE_FAMILY_0X15_F15PCIECOMPLEXCONFIG_FILECODE static const PCIe_PORT_DESCRIPTOR PortList [] = { /* Initialize Port descriptor (PCIe port, Lanes 7:4, D2F1) for x4 slot */ { 0, PCIE_ENGINE_DATA_INITIALIZER (PcieUnusedEngine, 4, 7), PCIE_PORT_DATA_INITIALIZER_V2 (PortEnabled, ChannelTypeExt6db, 2, 1, HotplugDisabled, PcieGenMaxSupported, PcieGenMaxSupported, AspmL0sL1, 0x04, 0) }, /* Initialize Port descriptor (PCIe port, Lanes 1:0, D2F2) for M.2 */ { 0, PCIE_ENGINE_DATA_INITIALIZER (PcieUnusedEngine, 0, 1), PCIE_PORT_DATA_INITIALIZER_V2 (PortDisabled, ChannelTypeExt6db, 2, 2, HotplugDisabled, PcieGenMaxSupported, PcieGenMaxSupported, AspmL0sL1, 0x17, 0) }, { 0, PCIE_ENGINE_DATA_INITIALIZER (PcieUnusedEngine, 1, 1), PCIE_PORT_DATA_INITIALIZER_V2 (PortDisabled, ChannelTypeExt6db, 2, 3, HotplugDisabled, PcieGenMaxSupported, PcieGenMaxSupported, AspmL0sL1, 0x17, 0) }, /* Initialize Port descriptor (PCIe port, Lane 2, D2F4) for x1 slot */ { 0, PCIE_ENGINE_DATA_INITIALIZER (PciePortEngine, 2, 2), PCIE_PORT_DATA_INITIALIZER_V2 (PortEnabled, ChannelTypeExt6db, 2, 4, HotplugDisabled, PcieGenMaxSupported, PcieGenMaxSupported, AspmL0sL1, 0x13, 0) }, /* Initialize Port descriptor (PCIe port, Lane3, D2F5) for SD */ { DESCRIPTOR_TERMINATE_LIST, PCIE_ENGINE_DATA_INITIALIZER (PciePortEngine, 3, 3), PCIE_PORT_DATA_INITIALIZER_V2 (PortEnabled, ChannelTypeExt6db, 2, 5, HotplugDisabled, PcieGenMaxSupported, PcieGenMaxSupported, AspmL0sL1, 0x16, 0) }, /* Initialize Port descriptor (PCIe port, Lane 1, D2F3) for M.2 */ }; static const PCIe_DDI_DESCRIPTOR DdiList [] = { /* DDI0 - eDP */ { 0, PCIE_ENGINE_DATA_INITIALIZER (PcieDdiEngine, 8, 11), PCIE_DDI_DATA_INITIALIZER (ConnectorTypeEDP, Aux1, Hdp1) }, /* DDI1 - DP */ { 0, PCIE_ENGINE_DATA_INITIALIZER (PcieDdiEngine, 12, 15), PCIE_DDI_DATA_INITIALIZER (ConnectorTypeDP, Aux2, Hdp2) }, /* DDI2 - HDMI */ { DESCRIPTOR_TERMINATE_LIST, PCIE_ENGINE_DATA_INITIALIZER (PcieDdiEngine, 16, 19), PCIE_DDI_DATA_INITIALIZER (ConnectorTypeHDMI, Aux3, Hdp3) }, }; static const PCIe_COMPLEX_DESCRIPTOR PcieComplex = { .Flags = DESCRIPTOR_TERMINATE_LIST, .SocketId = 0, .PciePortList = PortList, .DdiLinkList = DdiList }; static const UINT32 AzaliaCodecAlc286Table[] = { 0x00172051, 0x001721C7, 0x00172222, 0x00172310, 0x0017FF00, 0x0017FF00, 0x0017FF00, 0x0017FF00, 0x01271C50, 0x01271D01, 0x01271EA6, 0x01271FB7, 0x01371C00, 0x01371D00, 0x01371E00, 0x01371F40, 0x01471C10, 0x01471D01, 0x01471E17, 0x01471F90, 0x01771CF0, 0x01771D11, 0x01771E11, 0x01771F41, 0x01871C40, 0x01871D10, 0x01871EA1, 0x01871F04, 0x01971CF0, 0x01971D11, 0x01971E11, 0x01971F41, 0x01A71CF0, 0x01A71D11, 0x01A71E11, 0x01A71F41, 0x01D71C2D, 0x01D71DA5, 0x01D71E67, 0x01D71F40, 0x01E71C30, 0x01E71D11, 0x01E71E45, 0x01E71F04, 0x02171C20, 0x02171D10, 0x02171E21, 0x02171F04, 0x02050071, 0x02040014, 0x02050010, 0x02040C22, 0x0205004F, 0x0204B029, 0x0205002B, 0x02040C50, 0x0205002D, 0x02041020, 0x02050020, 0x02040000, 0x02050019, 0x02040817, 0x02050035, 0x02041AA5, 0x02050063, 0x02042906, 0x02050063, 0x02042906, 0xffffffff }; CONST CODEC_VERB_TABLE_LIST CodecTableList[] = { { (UINT32) 0x10ec0286, AzaliaCodecAlc286Table}, { (UINT32) 0x0FFFFFFFF, (UINT32 *)0x0FFFFFFFF} }; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * OemCustomizeInitEarly * * Description: * This is the stub function will call the host environment through the binary block * interface (call-out port) to provide a user hook opportunity * * Parameters: * @param[in] **PeiServices * @param[in] *InitEarly * * @retval VOID * **/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID OemCustomizeInitEarly ( IN OUT AMD_EARLY_PARAMS *InitEarly ) { InitEarly->GnbConfig.PcieComplexList = &PcieComplex; InitEarly->PlatformConfig.AzaliaCodecVerbTable = (UINT64)(UINTN)CodecTableList; } static const PSO_ENTRY DDR4PlatformMemoryConfiguration[] = { DRAM_TECHNOLOGY(ANY_SOCKET, DDR4_TECHNOLOGY), NUMBER_OF_DIMMS_SUPPORTED (ANY_SOCKET, ANY_CHANNEL, 2), NUMBER_OF_CHANNELS_SUPPORTED (ANY_SOCKET, 2), MOTHER_BOARD_LAYERS (LAYERS_6), MEMCLK_DIS_MAP (ANY_SOCKET, ANY_CHANNEL, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00), CKE_TRI_MAP (ANY_SOCKET, ANY_CHANNEL, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff), ODT_TRI_MAP (ANY_SOCKET, ANY_CHANNEL, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff), CS_TRI_MAP (ANY_SOCKET, ANY_CHANNEL, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00), PSO_END }; void OemPostParams(AMD_POST_PARAMS *PostParams) { PostParams->MemConfig.PlatformMemoryConfiguration = (PSO_ENTRY *)DDR4PlatformMemoryConfiguration; }