/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */

Device (HIDD)							// HID Device
	Name (_HID, "INTC1051")					// Intel Ultrabook HID Platform Event Driver.
	Name (HBSY, 0)						// HID Busy
	Name (HIDX, 0)						// HID Index
	Name (HMDE, 0)						// HID Mode
	Name (HRDY, 0)						// HID Ready
	Name (BTLD, 0)						// Button Driver Loaded
	Name (BTS1, 0)						// Button Status
	Method (_STA, 0, Serialized)				// Status Method
		// Usually, ACPI will check if the OS is 0x07DD (2013 - Windows 8.1ish)
		// before showing the HID event filter. Seeing as we use Linux we show
		// it regardless.
		Return (0x0F)
	// HID Driver Descriptor Method - Called by HID Driver during initialization
	// to obtain HID Descriptor information.
	// Input:
	// None
	// Output:
	// Package containing a complete HID Descriptor information.
	Name (DPKG, Package(4)
	Method (HDDM, 0, Serialized)
		Return (DPKG)
	// HID Driver Event Method - Called by HID Driver to get the specific
	// platform event.
	// Input:
	// None
	// Output:
	// Mode 0 = Index of HID Input Report, per pre-defined Table.
	// Mode 1 = Package containing a complete HID Input Report.
	Method (HDEM, 0, Serialized)
		HBSY = 0x00						// Clear HID Busy.
		// Simple Mode is hardcoded for now.  Return Simple Mode HID Index Value.
		If (HMDE == 0x00)
			Return (HIDX)
		Return (HMDE)
	// HID Driver Mode Method - Called by HID Driver during initialization to get
	// the platform mode of operation.
	// Input:
	// None
	// Output:
	// 0 = Simple Mode.
	// 1 = Advanced Mode.
	Method (HDMM, 0, Serialized)
		Return (HMDE)						// Return Mode of operation.
	// HID Driver Status Method - called by HID Driver to report platform readiness status.
	// Input: Driver Status.
	// 0 = Driver Unloaded.
	// 1 = Driver Loaded and Ready.
	// Output: None
	Method (HDSM, 1, Serialized)
		HRDY = Arg0						// Store HID Ready Status.
		// Eventually code will communicate to platform the Driver status (enabled/disabled).
	// HID Platform Event Method - called by Platform to communicate HID Event to Driver.
	// Input:
	// Mode 0 = Index of HID Event.
	// Mode 1 = Package containing a complete HID Report.
	Method (HPEM, 1, Serialized)					// HID Platform Event Method.
		HBSY = 0x01						// Set HID Busy.
		// Simple Mode is hardcoded for now.  Simply store HID Index value.
		If (HMDE == 0x00)
			HIDX = Arg0
		} Else {
			HIDX = Arg0
		Notify (\_SB.HIDD, 0xC0)				// Notify Driver to get HID Event.
		Local0 = 0x00						// Initialize Local0 as a timeout counter.
		While((Local0 < 250) && HBSY)			// Wait <= 1 second for Driver to ACK success.
			Sleep (4)					// Delay 4 ms.
			Local0++					// Increment Timeout.
		If (HBSY == 0x01)						// Failure?
			HBSY = 0x00					// Yes.  Clear HID Busy Flag.
			HIDX = 0x00					// Set HID Simple Mode Index = 0 = Undefined.
			Return (0x01)					// Return Failure.
		} Else {
			Return (0x00)					// Return Success.
	// HID Button Load Method - called by Platform to say HID driver is capable of receiving
	// 5-button array notifications.
	// Input:
	// None
	// Output:
	// None
	Method (BTNL, 0, Serialized)					// HID Button Enable/Disable Method
		BTS1 = 0x00
	// HID Button Enable/Disable Method - called by Platform to disable/enable notification based
	// on button press
	// Input:
	// Arg0 = Bit mask of buttons to Enable or Disable:
	// 1 == Button should be Enabled
	// 0 == Button should be Disabled
	//   Bits[0]: Power Button N/A to disable
	//   Bits[1]: Windows Button
	//   Bits[2]: Volume Up Button
	//   Bits[3]: Volume Down Button
	//   Bits[4]: Rotation Lock Button
	//   Bits[5:31]: Reserved
	// Output:
	// None
	Method (BTNE, 1, Serialized)					// HID Button Enable/Disable Method
		Return (BTS1)
	// HID Button Status - called by Platform to get what buttons are enabled and disabled
	// Input:
	// None
	// Output:
	// Bit mask of buttons' current status:
	// 1 == Button is Enabled
	// 0 == Button is Disabled
	//   Bits[0]: Power Button N/A to disable
	//   Bits[1]: Windows Button
	//   Bits[2]: Volume Up Button
	//   Bits[3]: Volume Down Button
	//   Bits[4]: Rotation Lock Button
	//   Bits[5:31]: Reserved
	Method (BTNS, 0, Serialized)
		Return (BTS1)
	// HID Button Capabilities Method - called by Platform to determine what buttons are supported
	// Input:
	// None
	// Output:
	// Bit mask of buttons supported:
	// 1 == Button is Supported
	// 0 == Button is not Supported
	//   Bits[0]: Power Button (Must be 1)
	//   Bits[1]: Windows Button
	//   Bits[2]: Volume Up Button
	//   Bits[3]: Volume Down Button
	//   Bits[4]: Rotation Lock Button
	//   Bits[5:31]: Reserved
	Method (BTNC, 0, Serialized)					// HID Button Capabilities Method
		Return (0x1F)

	// HEBC: HID Event Base Capabilities [31:0]- To specify the base button capabilities supported
	// on platform by returning a ULONG value with the following bit level definition
	// Input:
	// None
	// 0 = Button not supported
	// 1 = Button supported
	// Output:
	// Bits [0] - Windows Button (Windows 8.1 supported), Rotation Lock (Windows 8.1 supported):
	//	      Num Lock, Home, End, Page Up, Page Down
	// Bits [1] - Wireless Radio Control
	// Bits [2] - System Power Down (Windows 8.1 supported)
	// Bits [3] - System Hibernate
	// Bits [4] - System Sleep/ System Wake
	// Bits [5] - Scan Next Track
	// Bits [6] - Scan Previous Track
	// Bits [7] - Stop
	// Bits [8] - Play/Pause
	// Bits [9] - Mute
	// Bits [10] - Volume Increment (Windows 8.1 supported)
	// Bits [11] - Volume Decrement (Windows 8.1 supported)
	// Bits [12] - Display Brightness Increment
	// Bits [13] - Display Brightness Decrement
	// Bits [14] - Lock Tablet
	// Bits [15] - Release Tablet
	// Bits [16] - Toggle Bezel
	// Bits [17] - 5 button array (Windows 10 supported):
	//	       (Power, Windows Home, Volume Up, Volume Down, Rotation Lock)
	// Bits [18] - Button 1
	// Bits [19] - Button 2
	// Bits [20] - Button 3
	// Bits [21] - Button 4
	// Bits [22] - Button 5
	// Bits [23-31] - reserved
	// Modify below table if the target platform has different capabilities. Each bit
	// corresponding the above table definition.
	Name (HEB2, 0)							// Extended 32bit capability definition for future enhancements.
	Method (HEBC, 0, Serialized) {
		// It's possible to return (\HEB1)
		Return (0x00)
	Method (H2BC, 0, Serialized) {
		// It's possible to return (\HEB1)
		Return (0x00)
	// HEEC- Hid Event Extended Capabilities [32:63]
	Method (HEEC, 0, Serialized) {
		// It's possible to return (\HEB2)
		Return (0x00)
	// _DSM : Device Specific Method for the Windows Compatible Button Array.
	// Arg0: UUID Unique function identifier
	// Arg1: Integer Revision Level
	// Arg2: Integer Function Index
	// Arg3: Package Parameters
	Method (_DSM, 4, Serialized, 0, UnknownObj, {BuffObj, IntObj, IntObj, PkgObj})
		// Compare passed in UUID to supported UUID.
		If (Arg0 == ToUUID ("EEEC56B3-4442-408F-A792-4EDD4D758054"))
			If (0x01 == ToInteger(Arg1))				// Revision 1.
				Switch (ToInteger(Arg2))			// Switch to Function Index.
					// Function 0, Query of supported functions.
					Case (0x00)
						Return (Buffer() {0xFF, 0x03})		// Total 9 function indices are supported including this.
					// Function 1, BTNL. Button Load Method. No Input/Output.
					Case (0x01)
					// Function 2, HDMM. HID Driver Mode Method.
					// Input:None
					// Output:HDMM output. See HDMM
					Case (0x02)
						Return (HDMM())
					// Function 3, HDSM. HID Driver Status Method.
					// Input: 0 - The driver is not available. 1 - The driver is available.
					// Output: None
					Case (0x03)
						HDSM (DeRefOf(Arg3[0]))
					// Function 4, HDEM. HID Driver Event Method.
					// Input: None.
					// Output: Package contains Supported Keys (Mode 0)
					Case (0x04)
						Return (HDEM())
					// Function 5 BTNS. Button Status Method.
					// Input: None.
					// Output: Int32 which contains a bit map of Buttons' enable/disable states
					Case (0x05)
						Return (BTNS())
					// Function 6 BTNE. Button Enable/Disable Method.
					// Input: Int32 Bit mask of buttons enable/disable control:
					//	  1 = Button should be Enabled
					//	  0 = Button should be Disabled
					// Output: None.
					Case (0x06)
						BTNE (DeRefOf(Arg3[0]))
					// Function 7 HEBC. Button implemented state.
					// Input: None
					// Output: Int32 Bit map which shows what buttons are implemented on this system.
					Case (0x07)
						Return (HEBC())
					// Function 8 VGBS. Virtual GPIO Button Status.
					// Input: None
					// Output: Intger Bit map which shows what Virtual GPIO Button status. Currently only
					// Dock/Slate modes are supported.
					Case (0x08)
						Return (0x00)
					// Function 9 H2BC. Button implemented state.
					// Input: None
					// Output: Int32 Bit map which shows what buttons are implemented on this system.
					Case (0x09)
						Return (H2BC())
		// If the code falls through to this point, just return a buffer of 0.
		Return (Buffer() {0x00})