/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */

#include "ubtc.asl"

Scope (\_SB.PCI0.LPCB)
	#include "cmos.asl"

	Device (EC)
		Name (_HID, EisaId ("PNP0C09"))
		Name (_UID, 0x01)
		Name (ECAV, 0x00)
		Name (ECTK, 0x01)
		Name (B2ST, 0x00)
		Name (CFAN, 0x00)
		Name (CMDR, 0x00)
		Name (DOCK, 0x00)
		Name (PLMX, 0x00)
		Name (PECH, 0x00)
		Name (PECL, 0x00)
		Name (PENV, 0x00)
		Name (PINV, 0x00)
		Name (PPSH, 0x00)
		Name (PPSL, 0x00)
		Name (PSTP, 0x00)
		Name (RPWR, 0x00)
		Name (VPWR, 0x00)
		Name (WTMS, 0x00)
		Name (AWT2, 0x00)
		Name (AWT1, 0x00)
		Name (AWT0, 0x00)
		Name (DLED, 0x00)
		Name (SPT2, 0x00)
		Name (PB10, 0x00)
		Name (IWCW, 0x00)
		Name (IWCR, 0x00)
		Name (PVOL, 0x00)
		Mutex (ECMT, 0x00)

		Name (BFFR, ResourceTemplate()
			IO(Decode16, 0x0062, 0x0062, 0x00, 0x01)
			IO(Decode16, 0x0066, 0x0066, 0x00, 0x01)

		Method (_CRS, 0, Serialized)
			Return (BFFR)

		Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized)
			\LIDS = 0x03
			Return (0x0F)

		OperationRegion (SIPR, SystemIO, 0xB2, 0x1)
		Field (SIPR, ByteAcc, Lock, Preserve) {
			SMB2, 8

		#include "emem.asl"

		// ECRD (Embedded Controller Read Method)
		// Handle all commands sent to EC by BIOS
		// Arguments:
		// Arg0 = Object to Read
		// Return Value:
		// Read Value
		Method (ECRD, 1, Serialized, 0, IntObj, FieldUnitObj)
			// Check for ECDT support, set ECAV to 1 if ECDT is supported by OS
			// Only check once at beginning since ECAV might be clear later in certain conditions
			If (ECTK) {
				If (_REV >= 0x02) {
					ECAV = 0x01
				ECTK = 0x00					// Clear flag for checking once only

			Local0 = Acquire (ECMT, 1000)				// Save Acquired Result
			If (Local0 == 0x00)					// Check for Mutex Acquisition
				If (ECAV) {
					Local1 = DerefOf (Arg0)			// Execute Read from EC
					Release (ECMT)
					Return (Local1)
				} Else {
					Release (ECMT)
			Return (0)						// Return in case Arg0 doesn't exist

		// ECWR (Embedded Controller Write Method)
		// Handle all commands sent to EC by BIOS
		// Arguments:
		// Arg0 = Value to Write
		// Arg1 = Object to Write to
		// Return Value:
		// None
		Method (ECWR, 2, Serialized,,,{IntObj, FieldUnitObj})
			Local0 = Acquire (ECMT, 1000)				// Save Acquired Result
			If (Local0 == 0x00)					// Check for Mutex Acquisition
				If (ECAV) {
					Arg1 = Arg0				// Execute Write to EC
					Local1 = 0x00
					While (1) {
						If (Arg0 == DerefOf (Arg1)) {
						Sleep (1)
						Arg1 = Arg0
						Local1 += 1
						If (Local1 == 0x03) {
				Release (ECMT)

		#include "ac.asl"
		#include "battery.asl"
		#include "events.asl"
		#include "lid.asl"

		Method (_REG, 2, NotSerialized)
			If ((Arg0 == 0x03) && (Arg1 == 0x01))
				// Load EC Driver
				ECAV = 0x01

				// Initialise the Lid State
				\LIDS = LSTE

				// Initialise the OS State
				OSFG = 0x01

				// Initialise the Power State
				PWRS = (ECRD (RefOf(ECPS)) & 0x01)

				// Inform the platform code