/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */ #include "pci_xhci.h" #include <acpi/acpigen.h> #include <acpi/acpigen_pci.h> #include <console/console.h> #include <device/pci.h> #include <device/pci_ids.h> #include <device/xhci.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define PCI_XHCI_CLASSCODE 0x0c0330 /* USB3.0 xHCI controller */ static unsigned int controller_count; static const struct device_operations xhci_pci_ops; struct port_counts { unsigned int high_speed; unsigned int super_speed; }; __weak enum cb_err pci_xhci_get_wake_gpe(const struct device *dev, int *gpe) { *gpe = -1; return CB_SUCCESS; } static void xhci_count_ports(void *context, const struct xhci_supported_protocol *data) { struct port_counts *counts = context; switch (data->major_rev) { case 3: counts->super_speed += data->port_count; return; case 2: counts->high_speed += data->port_count; return; default: printk(BIOS_INFO, "%s: Unknown USB Version: %#x\n", __func__, data->major_rev); return; } } static bool xhci_port_exists(const struct device *dev, const struct usb_path *path) { /* Cache the counts so we don't have to iterate on each invocation. */ static struct { const struct device *dev; struct port_counts counts; } cache; if (cache.dev != dev) { cache.counts.high_speed = 0; cache.counts.super_speed = 0; cache.dev = dev; xhci_for_each_supported_usb_cap(dev, &cache.counts, xhci_count_ports); } /* port_ids are 0 based */ switch (path->port_type) { case 3: return path->port_id < cache.counts.super_speed; case 2: return path->port_id < cache.counts.high_speed; default: printk(BIOS_INFO, "%s: Unknown USB Version: %#x\n", __func__, path->port_type); return false; } } static const struct device *get_xhci_dev(const struct device *dev) { while (dev && dev->ops != &xhci_pci_ops) { if (dev->path.type == DEVICE_PATH_ROOT) return NULL; dev = dev->bus->dev; } return dev; } static const char *xhci_acpi_name(const struct device *dev) { char *name; unsigned int port_id; const char *pattern; const struct device *xhci_dev; /* Generate ACPI names for the usb_acpi driver */ if (dev->path.type == DEVICE_PATH_USB) { /* Ports index start at 1 */ port_id = dev->path.usb.port_id + 1; switch (dev->path.usb.port_type) { case 0: return "RHUB"; case 2: pattern = "HS%02d"; break; case 3: pattern = "SS%02d"; break; default: printk(BIOS_INFO, "%s: Unknown USB Version: %#x\n", __func__, dev->path.usb.port_type); return NULL; } xhci_dev = get_xhci_dev(dev); if (!xhci_dev) die("%s: xHCI controller not found for %s\n", __func__, dev_path(dev)); /* * We only want to return an ACPI name for a USB port if the controller * physically has the port. This has the desired side effect of making the * usb_acpi driver skip generating an ACPI node for a device which has * no port. This prevents writing an invalid SSDT table which the OS then * complains about. */ if (!xhci_port_exists(xhci_dev, &dev->path.usb)) { printk(BIOS_WARNING, "%s: %s does not exist on xHC ", __func__, dev_path(dev)); /* dev_path uses a static buffer :( */ printk(BIOS_WARNING, "%s\n", dev_path(xhci_dev)); return NULL; } name = malloc(ACPI_NAME_BUFFER_SIZE); snprintf(name, ACPI_NAME_BUFFER_SIZE, pattern, port_id); name[4] = '\0'; return name; } else if (dev->ops == &xhci_pci_ops) { return dev->name; } printk(BIOS_ERR, "%s: Unknown device %s\n", __func__, dev_path(dev)); return NULL; } static void xhci_generate_port_acpi(void *context, const struct xhci_supported_protocol *data) { const char *format; char buf[16]; struct port_counts *counts = context; unsigned int *dev_num; xhci_print_supported_protocol(data); if (data->major_rev == 3) { format = "SS%02d"; dev_num = &counts->super_speed; } else if (data->major_rev == 2) { format = "HS%02d"; dev_num = &counts->high_speed; } else { printk(BIOS_INFO, "%s: Unknown USB Version: %#x\n", __func__, data->major_rev); return; } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < data->port_count; ++i) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), format, ++(*dev_num)); acpigen_write_device(buf); acpigen_write_name_byte("_ADR", data->port_offset + i); acpigen_pop_len(); } } static void xhci_add_devices(const struct device *dev) { /* Used by the callback to track how many ports have been seen. */ struct port_counts counts = {0, 0}; acpigen_write_device("RHUB"); acpigen_write_name_integer("_ADR", 0x00000000); xhci_for_each_supported_usb_cap(dev, &counts, xhci_generate_port_acpi); acpigen_pop_len(); } static void xhci_fill_ssdt(const struct device *dev) { int gpe; const char *scope = acpi_device_scope(dev); const char *name = acpi_device_name(dev); if (!scope || !name) return; printk(BIOS_DEBUG, "xHCI SSDT generation\n"); acpigen_write_scope(scope); acpigen_write_device(name); acpigen_write_ADR_pci_device(dev); acpigen_write_name_string("_DDN", "xHC - Extensible Host Controller"); acpigen_write_STA(acpi_device_status(dev)); if (pci_xhci_get_wake_gpe(dev, &gpe) == CB_SUCCESS) { printk(BIOS_DEBUG, "%s: Got GPE %d for %s\n", __func__, gpe, dev_path(dev)); } else { printk(BIOS_ERR, "%s: Error getting GPE for : %s\n", __func__, dev_path(dev)); gpe = -1; } if (gpe > 0) { acpigen_write_PRW(gpe, SLP_TYP_S3); acpigen_write_name_integer("_S0W", ACPI_DEVICE_SLEEP_D0); acpigen_write_name_integer("_S3W", ACPI_DEVICE_SLEEP_D3_COLD); acpigen_write_name_integer("_S4W", ACPI_DEVICE_SLEEP_D3_COLD); } xhci_add_devices(dev); acpigen_pop_len(); acpigen_pop_len(); } static void xhci_enable(struct device *dev) { char *name; uint32_t class = pci_read_config32(dev, PCI_CLASS_REVISION); /* Class code, the upper 3 bytes of PCI_CLASS_REVISION. */ class >>= 8; if (class != PCI_XHCI_CLASSCODE) { printk(BIOS_ERR, "Incorrect xHCI class code: %#x\n", class); dev->enabled = 0; return; } name = malloc(ACPI_NAME_BUFFER_SIZE); snprintf(name, ACPI_NAME_BUFFER_SIZE, "XHC%d", controller_count++); dev->name = name; } static const struct device_operations xhci_pci_ops = { .read_resources = pci_dev_read_resources, .set_resources = pci_dev_set_resources, .enable_resources = pci_dev_enable_resources, .init = pci_dev_init, .scan_bus = scan_static_bus, .enable = xhci_enable, .ops_pci = &pci_dev_ops_pci, .acpi_fill_ssdt = xhci_fill_ssdt, .acpi_name = xhci_acpi_name, }; static const unsigned short amd_pci_device_ids[] = { PCI_DID_AMD_FAM17H_MODEL18H_XHCI0, PCI_DID_AMD_FAM17H_MODEL18H_XHCI1, PCI_DID_AMD_FAM17H_MODEL20H_XHCI0, PCI_DID_AMD_FAM17H_MODEL60H_XHCI, PCI_DID_AMD_FAM17H_MODELA0H_XHCI0, PCI_DID_AMD_FAM17H_MODELA0H_XHCI1, PCI_DID_AMD_FAM17H_MODELA0H_XHCI2, 0 }; static const struct pci_driver xhci_pci_driver __pci_driver = { .ops = &xhci_pci_ops, .vendor = PCI_VID_AMD, .devices = amd_pci_device_ids, };