/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include <console/console.h> #include <drivers/ipmi/ipmi_if.h> #include <string.h> #include "ipmi_ocp.h" static int ipmi_add_sel_entry(int port, unsigned char *data, int size) { return ipmi_message(port, IPMI_NETFN_STORAGE, 0, IPMI_ADD_SEL_ENTRY, data, size, NULL, 0); } void ipmi_send_to_bmc(unsigned char *data, size_t size) { if (CONFIG(IPMI_KCS)) { _Static_assert(CONFIG_BMC_KCS_BASE != 0, "\tBMC_ERROR: Unable to send record: Port #:0\n"); ipmi_add_sel_entry(CONFIG_BMC_KCS_BASE, data, size); } } void ipmi_send_sel_iio_err(uint8_t iio_stack_num, uint8_t err_id) { struct ipmi_sel_iio_err ubslp = { .record_id = SEL_RECORD_ID, .record_type = CONFIG_RAS_SEL_VENDOR_ID, .general_info = SEL_PCIE_IIO_ERR, .iio_stack_num = iio_stack_num, .iio_err_id = err_id, }; ipmi_send_to_bmc((unsigned char *)&ubslp, sizeof(ubslp)); printk(BIOS_DEBUG, "\tsending PCIE IIO device error record to BMC\n"); printk(BIOS_DEBUG, "\tstack # = %x\n", ubslp.iio_stack_num); } void ipmi_send_sel_pcie_dev_err(pci_devfn_t bdf, uint16_t prmry_cnt, uint8_t sec_id, uint8_t prmry_id) { struct pci_dev_fn *inbdf = (struct pci_dev_fn *)&bdf; struct ipmi_sel_pcie_dev_err ubslp = { .record_id = SEL_RECORD_ID, .record_type = CONFIG_RAS_SEL_VENDOR_ID, .general_info = SEL_PCIE_DEV_ERR, .timestamp = 0, /* BMC will apply timestamp */ .aux_loc = 0, .bdf.bus = inbdf->bus, .bdf.dev = inbdf->dev, .bdf.func = inbdf->func >> 12, .primary_err_count = prmry_cnt, .primary_id = prmry_id, .secondary_id = sec_id, }; ipmi_send_to_bmc((unsigned char *)&ubslp, sizeof(ubslp)); printk(BIOS_DEBUG, "\tsending PCIE device error record to BMC\n"); printk(BIOS_DEBUG, "\tbdf = %x:%x:%x\n", ubslp.bdf.bus, ubslp.bdf.dev, ubslp.bdf.func); printk(BIOS_DEBUG, "\tubslp.primary_id = %x\n", ubslp.primary_id); printk(BIOS_DEBUG, "\tsecondary_id = %x\n", ubslp.secondary_id); } void ipmi_send_sel_pcie_dev_fail(uint16_t sts_reg, uint16_t src_id, enum fail_type code) { struct ipmi_sel_pcie_dev_fail ubslp = { .record_id = SEL_RECORD_ID, .record_type = CONFIG_RAS_SEL_VENDOR_ID, .general_info = SEL_PCIE_DEV_FAIL_ID, .timestamp = 0, /* BMC will apply timestamp */ .type = code, .failure_details1 = sts_reg, .failure_details2 = src_id, }; ipmi_send_to_bmc((unsigned char *)&ubslp, sizeof(ubslp)); printk(BIOS_DEBUG, "\tsending PCI device FAILURE record to BMC\n"); printk(BIOS_DEBUG, "\terror_code = %x, src_id = %x\n", ubslp.type, ubslp.failure_details2); } enum cb_err ipmi_get_board_config(const int port, struct ipmi_config_rsp *config) { int ret; struct ipmi_oem_rsp { struct ipmi_rsp resp; struct ipmi_config_rsp data; } __packed; struct ipmi_oem_rsp rsp; ret = ipmi_message(port, IPMI_NETFN_OEM, 0x0, IPMI_OEM_GET_BOARD_ID, NULL, 0, (unsigned char *)&rsp, sizeof(rsp)); if (ret < sizeof(struct ipmi_rsp) || rsp.resp.completion_code) { printk(BIOS_ERR, "IPMI: %s command failed (ret=%d resp=0x%x)\n", __func__, ret, rsp.resp.completion_code); return CB_ERR; } *config = rsp.data; return CB_SUCCESS; } __weak uint8_t get_blade_id(void) { struct ipmi_config_rsp rsp = {.slot_id = UINT8_MAX}; if (CONFIG(IPMI_KCS) && CONFIG_BMC_KCS_BASE != 0) { if (ipmi_get_board_config(CONFIG_BMC_KCS_BASE, &rsp) != CB_SUCCESS) return UINT8_MAX; } return rsp.slot_id; }