-- SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only with Interfaces.C; with HW; use HW; package GMA.GFX_Init is procedure gfxinit (lightup_ok : out Interfaces.C.int); pragma Export (C, gfxinit, "gma_gfxinit"); ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- type lb_framebuffer is record tag : word32; size : word32; physical_address : word64; x_resolution : word32; y_resolution : word32; bytes_per_line : word32; bits_per_pixel : word8; red_mask_pos : word8; red_mask_size : word8; green_mask_pos : word8; green_mask_size : word8; blue_mask_pos : word8; blue_mask_size : word8; reserved_mask_pos : word8; reserved_mask_size : word8; end record; function fill_lb_framebuffer (framebuffer : in out lb_framebuffer) return Interfaces.C.int; pragma Export (C, fill_lb_framebuffer, "fill_lb_framebuffer"); end GMA.GFX_Init;