/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include <boot/coreboot_tables.h> #include <device/mmio.h> #include <cbfs.h> #include <cf9_reset.h> #include <commonlib/bsd/compression.h> #include <commonlib/fsp.h> #include <console/console.h> #include <fsp/util.h> #include <string.h> #include <types.h> static bool looks_like_fsp_header(const uint8_t *raw_hdr) { if (memcmp(raw_hdr, FSP_HDR_SIGNATURE, 4)) { printk(BIOS_ALERT, "Did not find a valid FSP signature\n"); return false; } if (read32(raw_hdr + 4) != FSP_HDR_LEN) { printk(BIOS_ALERT, "FSP header has invalid length\n"); return false; } return true; } enum cb_err fsp_identify(struct fsp_header *hdr, const void *fsp_blob) { const uint8_t *raw_hdr = fsp_blob; if (!looks_like_fsp_header(raw_hdr)) return CB_ERR; hdr->spec_version = read8(raw_hdr + 10); hdr->revision = read8(raw_hdr + 11); hdr->fsp_revision = read32(raw_hdr + 12); memcpy(hdr->image_id, raw_hdr + 16, ARRAY_SIZE(hdr->image_id)); hdr->image_id[ARRAY_SIZE(hdr->image_id) - 1] = '\0'; hdr->image_size = read32(raw_hdr + 24); hdr->image_base = read32(raw_hdr + 28); hdr->image_attribute = read16(raw_hdr + 32); hdr->component_attribute = read16(raw_hdr + 34); hdr->cfg_region_offset = read32(raw_hdr + 36); hdr->cfg_region_size = read32(raw_hdr + 40); hdr->temp_ram_init_entry = read32(raw_hdr + 48); hdr->temp_ram_exit_entry = read32(raw_hdr + 64); hdr->notify_phase_entry_offset = read32(raw_hdr + 56); hdr->memory_init_entry_offset = read32(raw_hdr + 60); hdr->silicon_init_entry_offset = read32(raw_hdr + 68); if (CONFIG(PLATFORM_USES_FSP2_2)) hdr->multi_phase_si_init_entry_offset = read32(raw_hdr + 72); return CB_SUCCESS; } enum cb_err fsp_validate_component(struct fsp_header *hdr, void *fsp_file, size_t file_size) { void *raw_hdr = fsp_file + FSP_HDR_OFFSET; if (file_size < FSP_HDR_OFFSET + FSP_HDR_LEN) { printk(BIOS_CRIT, "FSP blob too small.\n"); return CB_ERR; } if (fsp_identify(hdr, raw_hdr) != CB_SUCCESS) { printk(BIOS_CRIT, "No valid FSP header\n"); return CB_ERR; } if (CONFIG(DISPLAY_FSP_HEADER)) fsp_print_header_info(hdr); /* Check if size specified in the header matches the cbfs file size */ if (file_size < hdr->image_size) { printk(BIOS_CRIT, "Component size bigger than cbfs file.\n"); return CB_ERR; } if (ENV_ROMSTAGE) soc_validate_fsp_version(hdr); return CB_SUCCESS; } static bool fsp_reset_requested(uint32_t status) { return (status >= FSP_STATUS_RESET_REQUIRED_COLD && status <= FSP_STATUS_RESET_REQUIRED_8); } void fsp_handle_reset(uint32_t status) { if (!fsp_reset_requested(status)) return; printk(BIOS_SPEW, "FSP: handling reset type %x\n", status); switch (status) { case FSP_STATUS_RESET_REQUIRED_COLD: full_reset(); break; case FSP_STATUS_RESET_REQUIRED_WARM: system_reset(); break; case FSP_STATUS_RESET_REQUIRED_3: case FSP_STATUS_RESET_REQUIRED_4: case FSP_STATUS_RESET_REQUIRED_5: case FSP_STATUS_RESET_REQUIRED_6: case FSP_STATUS_RESET_REQUIRED_7: case FSP_STATUS_RESET_REQUIRED_8: chipset_handle_reset(status); break; default: break; } } static inline bool fspm_env(void) { if (ENV_ROMSTAGE) return true; return false; } static inline bool fspm_xip(void) { /* FSP-M is assumed to be loaded in romstage. */ if (fspm_env() && CONFIG(FSP_M_XIP)) return true; return false; } /* Load the FSP component described by fsp_load_descriptor from cbfs. The FSP * header object will be validated and filled in on successful load. */ enum cb_err fsp_load_component(struct fsp_load_descriptor *fspld, struct fsp_header *hdr) { size_t output_size; void *dest; struct prog *fsp_prog = &fspld->fsp_prog; dest = cbfs_alloc(prog_name(fsp_prog), fspld->alloc, fspld, &output_size); if (!dest) return CB_ERR; /* Don't allow FSP-M relocation. */ if (!fspm_env() && fsp_component_relocate((uintptr_t)dest, dest, output_size) < 0) { printk(BIOS_ERR, "Unable to relocate FSP component!\n"); return CB_ERR; } prog_set_area(fsp_prog, dest, output_size); if (fsp_validate_component(hdr, dest, output_size) != CB_SUCCESS) { printk(BIOS_ERR, "Invalid FSP header after load!\n"); return CB_ERR; } /* Signal that FSP component has been loaded. */ prog_segment_loaded(hdr->image_base, hdr->image_size, SEG_FINAL); return CB_SUCCESS; } /* Only call this function when FSP header has been read and validated */ void fsp_get_version(char *buf) { struct fsp_header *hdr = &fsps_hdr; union fsp_revision revision; revision.val = hdr->fsp_revision; snprintf(buf, FSP_VER_LEN, "%u.%u-%u.%u.%u.%u", (hdr->spec_version >> 4), hdr->spec_version & 0xf, revision.rev.major, revision.rev.minor, revision.rev.revision, revision.rev.bld_num); } /* Check if the signature in the UPD header matches the expected one. If it doesn't match, the FSP binaries in CBFS are for a different platform than the platform code trying to use it in which case the function calls die(). */ void fsp_verify_upd_header_signature(uint64_t upd_signature, uint64_t expected_signature) { if (upd_signature != expected_signature) { /* The UPD signatures are non-zero-terminated ASCII stored as a little endian uint64_t, so this needs some casts. */ die_with_post_code(POST_INVALID_VENDOR_BINARY, "Invalid UPD signature! FSP provided \"%8s\", expected was \"%8s\".\n", (char *)&upd_signature, (char *)&expected_signature); } } /* Add FSP version to coreboot table LB_TAG_PLATFORM_BLOB_VERSION */ void lb_string_platform_blob_version(struct lb_header *header) { struct lb_string *rec; size_t len; char fsp_version[FSP_VER_LEN] = {0}; fsp_get_version(fsp_version); rec = (struct lb_string *)lb_new_record(header); rec->tag = LB_TAG_PLATFORM_BLOB_VERSION; len = strlen(fsp_version); rec->size = ALIGN_UP(sizeof(*rec) + len + 1, 8); memcpy(rec->string, fsp_version, len+1); } __weak void soc_validate_fsp_version(const struct fsp_header *hdr) { }