/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */ #include <acpi/acpigen.h> #include <device/mmio.h> #include <console/console.h> #include <device/device.h> #include <device/i2c_bus.h> #include <device/i2c_simple.h> #include <string.h> #include <timer.h> #include <types.h> #include "dw_i2c.h" /* Use a ~10ms timeout for various operations */ #define DW_I2C_TIMEOUT_US 10000 /* Timeout for waiting for FIFO to flush */ #define DW_I2C_FLUSH_TIMEOUT_US 160000 /* High and low times in different speed modes (in ns) */ enum { /* SDA Hold Time */ DEFAULT_SDA_HOLD_TIME = 300, /* Standard Speed */ MIN_SS_SCL_HIGHTIME = 4000, MIN_SS_SCL_LOWTIME = 4700, /* Fast Speed */ MIN_FS_SCL_HIGHTIME = 600, MIN_FS_SCL_LOWTIME = 1300, /* Fast Plus Speed */ MIN_FP_SCL_HIGHTIME = 260, MIN_FP_SCL_LOWTIME = 500, /* High Speed */ MIN_HS_SCL_HIGHTIME = 60, MIN_HS_SCL_LOWTIME = 160, }; /* Frequency represented as ticks per ns. Can also be used to calculate * the number of ticks to meet a time target or the period. */ struct freq { uint32_t ticks; uint32_t ns; }; /* Control register definitions */ enum { CONTROL_MASTER_MODE = (1 << 0), CONTROL_SPEED_SS = (1 << 1), CONTROL_SPEED_FS = (2 << 1), CONTROL_SPEED_HS = (3 << 1), CONTROL_SPEED_MASK = (3 << 1), CONTROL_10BIT_SLAVE = (1 << 3), CONTROL_10BIT_MASTER = (1 << 4), CONTROL_RESTART_ENABLE = (1 << 5), CONTROL_SLAVE_DISABLE = (1 << 6), }; /* Command/Data register definitions */ enum { CMD_DATA_CMD = (1 << 8), CMD_DATA_STOP = (1 << 9), }; /* Status register definitions */ enum { STATUS_ACTIVITY = (1 << 0), STATUS_TX_FIFO_NOT_FULL = (1 << 1), STATUS_TX_FIFO_EMPTY = (1 << 2), STATUS_RX_FIFO_NOT_EMPTY = (1 << 3), STATUS_RX_FIFO_FULL = (1 << 4), STATUS_MASTER_ACTIVITY = (1 << 5), STATUS_SLAVE_ACTIVITY = (1 << 6), }; /* Enable register definitions */ enum { ENABLE_CONTROLLER = (1 << 0), }; /* Interrupt status register definitions */ enum { INTR_STAT_RX_UNDER = (1 << 0), INTR_STAT_RX_OVER = (1 << 1), INTR_STAT_RX_FULL = (1 << 2), INTR_STAT_TX_OVER = (1 << 3), INTR_STAT_TX_EMPTY = (1 << 4), INTR_STAT_RD_REQ = (1 << 5), INTR_STAT_TX_ABORT = (1 << 6), INTR_STAT_RX_DONE = (1 << 7), INTR_STAT_ACTIVITY = (1 << 8), INTR_STAT_STOP_DET = (1 << 9), INTR_STAT_START_DET = (1 << 10), INTR_STAT_GEN_CALL = (1 << 11), }; /* I2C Controller MMIO register space */ struct dw_i2c_regs { uint32_t control; /* 0x0 */ uint32_t target_addr; /* 0x4 */ uint32_t slave_addr; /* 0x8 */ uint32_t master_addr; /* 0xc */ uint32_t cmd_data; /* 0x10 */ uint32_t ss_scl_hcnt; /* 0x14 */ uint32_t ss_scl_lcnt; /* 0x18 */ uint32_t fs_scl_hcnt; /* 0x1c */ uint32_t fs_scl_lcnt; /* 0x20 */ uint32_t hs_scl_hcnt; /* 0x24 */ uint32_t hs_scl_lcnt; /* 0x28 */ uint32_t intr_stat; /* 0x2c */ uint32_t intr_mask; /* 0x30 */ uint32_t raw_intr_stat; /* 0x34 */ uint32_t rx_thresh; /* 0x38 */ uint32_t tx_thresh; /* 0x3c */ uint32_t clear_intr; /* 0x40 */ uint32_t clear_rx_under_intr; /* 0x44 */ uint32_t clear_rx_over_intr; /* 0x48 */ uint32_t clear_tx_over_intr; /* 0x4c */ uint32_t clear_rd_req_intr; /* 0x50 */ uint32_t clear_tx_abrt_intr; /* 0x54 */ uint32_t clear_rx_done_intr; /* 0x58 */ uint32_t clear_activity_intr; /* 0x5c */ uint32_t clear_stop_det_intr; /* 0x60 */ uint32_t clear_start_det_intr; /* 0x64 */ uint32_t clear_gen_call_intr; /* 0x68 */ uint32_t enable; /* 0x6c */ uint32_t status; /* 0x70 */ uint32_t tx_level; /* 0x74 */ uint32_t rx_level; /* 0x78 */ uint32_t sda_hold; /* 0x7c */ uint32_t tx_abort_source; /* 0x80 */ uint32_t slv_data_nak_only; /* 0x84 */ uint32_t dma_cr; /* 0x88 */ uint32_t dma_tdlr; /* 0x8c */ uint32_t dma_rdlr; /* 0x90 */ uint32_t sda_setup; /* 0x94 */ uint32_t ack_general_call; /* 0x98 */ uint32_t enable_status; /* 0x9c */ uint32_t fs_spklen; /* 0xa0 */ uint32_t hs_spklen; /* 0xa4 */ uint32_t clr_restart_det; /* 0xa8 */ uint32_t reserved[18]; /* 0xac - 0xf0 */ uint32_t comp_param1; /* 0xf4 */ uint32_t comp_version; /* 0xf8 */ uint32_t comp_type; /* 0xfc */ } __packed; /* Constant value defined in the DesignWare DW_apb_i2c Databook. */ #define DW_I2C_COMP_TYPE 0x44570140 static const struct i2c_descriptor { enum i2c_speed speed; struct freq freq; int min_thigh_ns; int min_tlow_ns; } speed_descriptors[] = { { .speed = I2C_SPEED_STANDARD, .freq = { .ticks = 100, .ns = 1000*1000, }, .min_thigh_ns = MIN_SS_SCL_HIGHTIME, .min_tlow_ns = MIN_SS_SCL_LOWTIME, }, { .speed = I2C_SPEED_FAST, .freq = { .ticks = 400, .ns = 1000*1000, }, .min_thigh_ns = MIN_FS_SCL_HIGHTIME, .min_tlow_ns = MIN_FS_SCL_LOWTIME, }, { .speed = I2C_SPEED_FAST_PLUS, .freq = { .ticks = 1, .ns = 1000, }, .min_thigh_ns = MIN_FP_SCL_HIGHTIME, .min_tlow_ns = MIN_FP_SCL_LOWTIME, }, { /* 100pF max capacitance */ .speed = I2C_SPEED_HIGH, .freq = { .ticks = 3400, .ns = 1000*1000, }, .min_thigh_ns = MIN_HS_SCL_HIGHTIME, .min_tlow_ns = MIN_HS_SCL_LOWTIME, }, }; static const struct soc_clock { int clk_speed_mhz; struct freq freq; } soc_clocks[] = { { .clk_speed_mhz = 120, .freq = { .ticks = 120, .ns = 1000, }, }, { .clk_speed_mhz = 133, .freq = { .ticks = 400, .ns = 3000, }, }, { .clk_speed_mhz = 150, .freq = { .ticks = 600, .ns = 4000, }, }, { .clk_speed_mhz = 216, .freq = { .ticks = 1080, .ns = 5000, }, }, }; static const struct i2c_descriptor *get_bus_descriptor(enum i2c_speed speed) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(speed_descriptors); i++) if (speed == speed_descriptors[i].speed) return &speed_descriptors[i]; return NULL; } static const struct soc_clock *get_soc_descriptor(int ic_clk) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(soc_clocks); i++) if (ic_clk == soc_clocks[i].clk_speed_mhz) return &soc_clocks[i]; return NULL; } static int counts_from_time(const struct freq *f, int ns) { return DIV_ROUND_UP(f->ticks * ns, f->ns); } static int counts_from_freq(const struct freq *fast, const struct freq *slow) { return DIV_ROUND_UP(fast->ticks * slow->ns, fast->ns * slow->ticks); } /* Enable this I2C controller */ static void dw_i2c_enable(struct dw_i2c_regs *regs) { uint32_t enable = read32(®s->enable); if (!(enable & ENABLE_CONTROLLER)) write32(®s->enable, enable | ENABLE_CONTROLLER); } /* Disable this I2C controller */ static enum cb_err dw_i2c_disable(struct dw_i2c_regs *regs) { uint32_t enable = read32(®s->enable); if (enable & ENABLE_CONTROLLER) { struct stopwatch sw; write32(®s->enable, enable & ~ENABLE_CONTROLLER); /* Wait for enable bit to clear */ stopwatch_init_usecs_expire(&sw, DW_I2C_TIMEOUT_US); while (read32(®s->enable_status) & ENABLE_CONTROLLER) if (stopwatch_expired(&sw)) return CB_ERR; } return CB_SUCCESS; } /* Wait for this I2C controller to go idle for transmit */ static enum cb_err dw_i2c_wait_for_bus_idle(struct dw_i2c_regs *regs) { struct stopwatch sw; /* Start timeout for up to 16 bytes in FIFO */ stopwatch_init_usecs_expire(&sw, DW_I2C_FLUSH_TIMEOUT_US); while (!stopwatch_expired(&sw)) { uint32_t status = read32(®s->status); /* Check for master activity and keep waiting */ if (status & STATUS_MASTER_ACTIVITY) continue; /* Check for TX FIFO empty to indicate TX idle */ if (status & STATUS_TX_FIFO_EMPTY) return CB_SUCCESS; } /* Timed out while waiting for bus to go idle */ return CB_ERR; } /* Transfer one byte of one segment, sending stop bit if requested */ static enum cb_err dw_i2c_transfer_byte(struct dw_i2c_regs *regs, const struct i2c_msg *segment, size_t byte, int send_stop) { struct stopwatch sw; uint32_t cmd = CMD_DATA_CMD; /* Read op */ stopwatch_init_usecs_expire(&sw, CONFIG_I2C_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT_US); if (!(segment->flags & I2C_M_RD)) { /* Write op only: Wait for FIFO not full */ while (!(read32(®s->status) & STATUS_TX_FIFO_NOT_FULL)) { if (stopwatch_expired(&sw)) { printk(BIOS_ERR, "I2C transmit timeout\n"); return CB_ERR; } } cmd = segment->buf[byte]; } /* Send stop on last byte, if desired */ if (send_stop && byte == segment->len - 1) cmd |= CMD_DATA_STOP; write32(®s->cmd_data, cmd); if (segment->flags & I2C_M_RD) { /* Read op only: Wait for FIFO data and store it */ while (!(read32(®s->status) & STATUS_RX_FIFO_NOT_EMPTY)) { if (stopwatch_expired(&sw)) { printk(BIOS_ERR, "I2C receive timeout\n"); return CB_ERR; } } segment->buf[byte] = read32(®s->cmd_data); } return CB_SUCCESS; } static enum cb_err _dw_i2c_transfer(unsigned int bus, const struct i2c_msg *segments, size_t count) { struct stopwatch sw; struct dw_i2c_regs *regs; size_t byte; enum cb_err ret = CB_ERR; bool seg_zero_len = segments->len == 0; regs = (struct dw_i2c_regs *)dw_i2c_base_address(bus); if (!regs) { printk(BIOS_ERR, "I2C bus %u base address not found\n", bus); return CB_ERR; } /* The assumption is that the host controller is disabled -- either after running this function or from performing the initialization sequence in dw_i2c_init(). */ /* Set target slave address */ write32(®s->target_addr, segments->slave); dw_i2c_enable(regs); if (seg_zero_len) /* stop immediately */ write32(®s->cmd_data, CMD_DATA_STOP); /* Process each segment */ while (count--) { if (CONFIG(DRIVERS_I2C_DESIGNWARE_DEBUG)) { printk(BIOS_DEBUG, "i2c %u:%02x %s %d bytes : ", bus, segments->slave, (segments->flags & I2C_M_RD) ? "R" : "W", segments->len); } /* Read or write each byte in segment */ for (byte = 0; byte < segments->len; byte++) { /* * Set stop condition on final segment only. * Repeated start will be automatically generated * by the controller on R->W or W->R switch. */ if (dw_i2c_transfer_byte(regs, segments, byte, count == 0) != CB_SUCCESS) { printk(BIOS_ERR, "I2C %s failed: bus %u " "addr 0x%02x\n", (segments->flags & I2C_M_RD) ? "read" : "write", bus, segments->slave); goto out; } } if (CONFIG(DRIVERS_I2C_DESIGNWARE_DEBUG)) { int j; for (j = 0; j < segments->len; j++) printk(BIOS_DEBUG, "%02x ", segments->buf[j]); printk(BIOS_DEBUG, "\n"); } segments++; } /* Wait for interrupt status to indicate transfer is complete */ stopwatch_init_usecs_expire(&sw, CONFIG_I2C_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT_US); while (!(read32(®s->raw_intr_stat) & INTR_STAT_STOP_DET)) { if (stopwatch_expired(&sw)) { printk(BIOS_ERR, "I2C stop bit not received\n"); goto out; } } /* Read to clear INTR_STAT_STOP_DET */ read32(®s->clear_stop_det_intr); /* Check TX abort */ if (read32(®s->raw_intr_stat) & INTR_STAT_TX_ABORT) { printk(seg_zero_len ? BIOS_SPEW : BIOS_ERR, "I2C TX abort detected (%08x)\n", read32(®s->tx_abort_source)); /* clear INTR_STAT_TX_ABORT */ read32(®s->clear_tx_abrt_intr); goto out; } /* Wait for the bus to go idle */ if (dw_i2c_wait_for_bus_idle(regs) != CB_SUCCESS) { printk(BIOS_ERR, "I2C timeout waiting for bus %u idle\n", bus); goto out; } /* Flush the RX FIFO in case it is not empty */ stopwatch_init_usecs_expire(&sw, DW_I2C_FLUSH_TIMEOUT_US); while (read32(®s->status) & STATUS_RX_FIFO_NOT_EMPTY) { if (stopwatch_expired(&sw)) { printk(BIOS_ERR, "I2C timeout flushing RX FIFO\n"); goto out; } read32(®s->cmd_data); } ret = CB_SUCCESS; out: read32(®s->clear_intr); dw_i2c_disable(regs); return ret; } static enum cb_err dw_i2c_transfer(unsigned int bus, const struct i2c_msg *msg, size_t count) { const struct i2c_msg *orig_msg = msg; size_t i; size_t start; uint16_t addr; if (count == 0 || !msg) return -1; /* Break up the transfers at the differing slave address boundary. */ addr = orig_msg->slave; for (i = 0, start = 0; i < count; i++, msg++) { if (addr != msg->slave) { if (_dw_i2c_transfer(bus, &orig_msg[start], i - start) != CB_SUCCESS) return CB_ERR; start = i; addr = msg->slave; } } return _dw_i2c_transfer(bus, &orig_msg[start], count - start); } /* Global I2C bus handler, defined in include/device/i2c_simple.h */ int platform_i2c_transfer(unsigned int bus, struct i2c_msg *msg, int count) { return dw_i2c_transfer(bus, msg, count < 0 ? 0 : count) == CB_SUCCESS ? 0 : -1; } static enum cb_err dw_i2c_set_speed_config(unsigned int bus, const struct dw_i2c_speed_config *config) { struct dw_i2c_regs *regs; void *hcnt_reg, *lcnt_reg; regs = (struct dw_i2c_regs *)dw_i2c_base_address(bus); if (!regs || !config) return CB_ERR; /* Nothing to do if no values are set */ if (!config->scl_lcnt && !config->scl_hcnt && !config->sda_hold) return CB_SUCCESS; if (config->speed >= I2C_SPEED_HIGH) { /* High and Fast Ultra speed */ hcnt_reg = ®s->hs_scl_hcnt; lcnt_reg = ®s->hs_scl_lcnt; } else if (config->speed >= I2C_SPEED_FAST) { /* Fast and Fast-Plus speed */ hcnt_reg = ®s->fs_scl_hcnt; lcnt_reg = ®s->fs_scl_lcnt; } else { /* Standard speed */ hcnt_reg = ®s->ss_scl_hcnt; lcnt_reg = ®s->ss_scl_lcnt; } /* SCL count must be set after the speed is selected */ if (config->scl_hcnt) write32(hcnt_reg, config->scl_hcnt); if (config->scl_lcnt) write32(lcnt_reg, config->scl_lcnt); /* Set SDA Hold Time register */ if (config->sda_hold) write32(®s->sda_hold, config->sda_hold); return CB_SUCCESS; } static enum cb_err dw_i2c_gen_config_rise_fall_time(struct dw_i2c_regs *regs, enum i2c_speed speed, const struct dw_i2c_bus_config *bcfg, int ic_clk, struct dw_i2c_speed_config *config) { const struct i2c_descriptor *bus; const struct soc_clock *soc; int fall_cnt, rise_cnt, min_tlow_cnt, min_thigh_cnt, spk_cnt; int hcnt, lcnt, period_cnt, diff, tot; int data_hold_time_ns; bus = get_bus_descriptor(speed); soc = get_soc_descriptor(ic_clk); if (bus == NULL) { printk(BIOS_ERR, "dw_i2c: invalid bus speed %d\n", speed); return CB_ERR; } if (soc == NULL) { printk(BIOS_ERR, "dw_i2c: invalid SoC clock speed %d MHz\n", ic_clk); return CB_ERR; } /* Get the proper spike suppression count based on target speed. */ if (speed >= I2C_SPEED_HIGH) spk_cnt = read32(®s->hs_spklen); else spk_cnt = read32(®s->fs_spklen); /* Find the period, rise, fall, min tlow, and min thigh in terms of * counts of SoC clock. */ period_cnt = counts_from_freq(&soc->freq, &bus->freq); rise_cnt = counts_from_time(&soc->freq, bcfg->rise_time_ns); fall_cnt = counts_from_time(&soc->freq, bcfg->fall_time_ns); min_tlow_cnt = counts_from_time(&soc->freq, bus->min_tlow_ns); min_thigh_cnt = counts_from_time(&soc->freq, bus->min_thigh_ns); printk(DW_I2C_DEBUG, "dw_i2c: SoC %d/%d ns Bus: %d/%d ns\n", soc->freq.ticks, soc->freq.ns, bus->freq.ticks, bus->freq.ns); printk(DW_I2C_DEBUG, "dw_i2c: period %d rise %d fall %d tlow %d thigh %d spk %d\n", period_cnt, rise_cnt, fall_cnt, min_tlow_cnt, min_thigh_cnt, spk_cnt); /* * Back solve for hcnt and lcnt according to the following equations. * SCL_High_time = [(HCNT + IC_*_SPKLEN + 7) * ic_clk] + SCL_Fall_time * SCL_Low_time = [(LCNT + 1) * ic_clk] - SCL_Fall_time + SCL_Rise_time */ hcnt = min_thigh_cnt - fall_cnt - 7 - spk_cnt; lcnt = min_tlow_cnt - rise_cnt + fall_cnt - 1; if (hcnt < 0 || lcnt < 0) { printk(BIOS_ERR, "dw_i2c: bad counts. hcnt = %d lcnt = %d\n", hcnt, lcnt); return CB_ERR; } /* Now add things back up to ensure the period is hit. If off, * split the difference and bias to lcnt for remainder. */ tot = hcnt + lcnt + 7 + spk_cnt + rise_cnt + 1; if (tot < period_cnt) { diff = (period_cnt - tot) / 2; hcnt += diff; lcnt += diff; tot = hcnt + lcnt + 7 + spk_cnt + rise_cnt + 1; lcnt += period_cnt - tot; } config->speed = speed; config->scl_lcnt = lcnt; config->scl_hcnt = hcnt; /* Use internal default unless other value is specified. */ data_hold_time_ns = DEFAULT_SDA_HOLD_TIME; if (bcfg->data_hold_time_ns) data_hold_time_ns = bcfg->data_hold_time_ns; config->sda_hold = counts_from_time(&soc->freq, data_hold_time_ns); printk(DW_I2C_DEBUG, "dw_i2c: hcnt = %d lcnt = %d sda hold = %d\n", hcnt, lcnt, config->sda_hold); return CB_SUCCESS; } enum cb_err dw_i2c_gen_speed_config(uintptr_t dw_i2c_addr, enum i2c_speed speed, const struct dw_i2c_bus_config *bcfg, struct dw_i2c_speed_config *config) { const int ic_clk = CONFIG_DRIVERS_I2C_DESIGNWARE_CLOCK_MHZ; struct dw_i2c_regs *regs; int i; regs = (struct dw_i2c_regs *)dw_i2c_addr; _Static_assert(CONFIG_DRIVERS_I2C_DESIGNWARE_CLOCK_MHZ != 0, "DRIVERS_I2C_DESIGNWARE_CLOCK_MHZ can't be zero!"); /* Apply board specific override for this speed if found */ for (i = 0; i < DW_I2C_SPEED_CONFIG_COUNT; i++) { if (bcfg->speed_config[i].speed != speed) continue; memcpy(config, &bcfg->speed_config[i], sizeof(*config)); return CB_SUCCESS; } /* Use the time calculation. */ return dw_i2c_gen_config_rise_fall_time(regs, speed, bcfg, ic_clk, config); } static enum cb_err dw_i2c_set_speed(unsigned int bus, enum i2c_speed speed, const struct dw_i2c_bus_config *bcfg) { struct dw_i2c_regs *regs; struct dw_i2c_speed_config config; uint32_t control; /* Clock must be provided by Kconfig */ regs = (struct dw_i2c_regs *)dw_i2c_base_address(bus); if (!regs || !speed) return CB_ERR; control = read32(®s->control); control &= ~CONTROL_SPEED_MASK; if (speed >= I2C_SPEED_HIGH) { /* High and Fast-Ultra speed share config registers */ control |= CONTROL_SPEED_HS; } else if (speed >= I2C_SPEED_FAST) { /* Fast speed and Fast-Plus */ control |= CONTROL_SPEED_FS; } else { /* Standard speed */ control |= CONTROL_SPEED_SS; } /* Generate speed config based on clock */ if (dw_i2c_gen_speed_config((uintptr_t)regs, speed, bcfg, &config) != CB_SUCCESS) return CB_ERR; /* Select this speed in the control register */ write32(®s->control, control); /* Write the speed config that was generated earlier */ dw_i2c_set_speed_config(bus, &config); return CB_SUCCESS; } /* * Initialize this bus controller and set the speed. * * The bus speed can be passed in Hz or using values from device/i2c.h and * will default to I2C_SPEED_FAST if it is not provided. */ enum cb_err dw_i2c_init(unsigned int bus, const struct dw_i2c_bus_config *bcfg) { struct dw_i2c_regs *regs; enum i2c_speed speed; if (!bcfg) return CB_ERR; speed = bcfg->speed ? : I2C_SPEED_FAST; regs = (struct dw_i2c_regs *)dw_i2c_base_address(bus); if (!regs) { printk(BIOS_ERR, "I2C bus %u base address not found\n", bus); return CB_ERR; } if (read32(®s->comp_type) != DW_I2C_COMP_TYPE) { printk(BIOS_ERR, "I2C bus %u has unknown type 0x%x.\n", bus, read32(®s->comp_type)); return CB_ERR; } printk(BIOS_DEBUG, "I2C bus %u version 0x%x\n", bus, read32(®s->comp_version)); if (dw_i2c_disable(regs) != CB_SUCCESS) { printk(BIOS_ERR, "I2C timeout disabling bus %u\n", bus); return CB_ERR; } /* Put controller in master mode with restart enabled */ write32(®s->control, CONTROL_MASTER_MODE | CONTROL_SLAVE_DISABLE | CONTROL_RESTART_ENABLE); /* Set bus speed to FAST by default */ if (dw_i2c_set_speed(bus, speed, bcfg) != CB_SUCCESS) { printk(BIOS_ERR, "I2C failed to set speed for bus %u\n", bus); return CB_ERR; } /* Set RX/TX thresholds to smallest values */ write32(®s->rx_thresh, 0); write32(®s->tx_thresh, 0); /* Enable stop detection and TX abort interrupt */ write32(®s->intr_mask, INTR_STAT_STOP_DET | INTR_STAT_TX_ABORT); printk(BIOS_INFO, "DW I2C bus %u at %p (%u KHz)\n", bus, regs, speed / KHz); return CB_SUCCESS; } /* * Write ACPI object to describe speed configuration. * * ACPI Object: Name ("xxxx", Package () { scl_lcnt, scl_hcnt, sda_hold } * * SSCN: I2C_SPEED_STANDARD * FMCN: I2C_SPEED_FAST * FPCN: I2C_SPEED_FAST_PLUS * HSCN: I2C_SPEED_HIGH */ static void dw_i2c_acpi_write_speed_config( const struct dw_i2c_speed_config *config) { if (!config) return; if (!config->scl_lcnt && !config->scl_hcnt && !config->sda_hold) return; if (config->speed >= I2C_SPEED_HIGH) acpigen_write_name("HSCN"); else if (config->speed >= I2C_SPEED_FAST_PLUS) acpigen_write_name("FPCN"); else if (config->speed >= I2C_SPEED_FAST) acpigen_write_name("FMCN"); else acpigen_write_name("SSCN"); /* Package () { scl_lcnt, scl_hcnt, sda_hold } */ acpigen_write_package(3); acpigen_write_word(config->scl_hcnt); acpigen_write_word(config->scl_lcnt); acpigen_write_dword(config->sda_hold); acpigen_pop_len(); } /* * The device should already be enabled and out of reset, * either from early init in coreboot or SiliconInit in FSP. */ void dw_i2c_dev_init(struct device *dev) { const struct dw_i2c_bus_config *config; int bus = dw_i2c_soc_dev_to_bus(dev); if (bus < 0) return; config = dw_i2c_get_soc_cfg(bus); if (!config) return; dw_i2c_init(bus, config); } /* * Generate I2C timing information into the SSDT for the OS driver to consume, * optionally applying override values provided by the caller. */ void dw_i2c_acpi_fill_ssdt(const struct device *dev) { const struct dw_i2c_bus_config *bcfg; uintptr_t dw_i2c_addr; struct dw_i2c_speed_config sgen; int bus; const char *path; unsigned int speed, i; bus = dw_i2c_soc_dev_to_bus(dev); if (bus < 0) return; bcfg = dw_i2c_get_soc_cfg(bus); if (!bcfg) return; dw_i2c_addr = dw_i2c_base_address(bus); if (!dw_i2c_addr) return; path = acpi_device_path(dev); if (!path) return; /* Ensure a default speed is available */ speed = (bcfg->speed == 0) ? I2C_SPEED_FAST : bcfg->speed; /* Report currently used timing values for the OS driver */ acpigen_write_scope(path); if (dw_i2c_gen_speed_config(dw_i2c_addr, speed, bcfg, &sgen) == CB_SUCCESS) { dw_i2c_acpi_write_speed_config(&sgen); } /* Now check if there are more speed settings available and report them as well. */ for (i = 0; i < DW_I2C_SPEED_CONFIG_COUNT; i++) { if (bcfg->speed_config[i].speed && speed != bcfg->speed_config[i].speed) dw_i2c_acpi_write_speed_config(&bcfg->speed_config[i]); } acpigen_write_scope_end(); } static int dw_i2c_dev_transfer(struct device *dev, const struct i2c_msg *msg, size_t count) { return dw_i2c_transfer(dw_i2c_soc_dev_to_bus(dev), msg, count); } const struct i2c_bus_operations dw_i2c_bus_ops = { .transfer = dw_i2c_dev_transfer, };