This software and ancillary information (herein called SOFTWARE )
called LinuxBIOS          is made available under the terms described
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/* Copyright 2000, Ron Minnich, Advanced Computing Lab, LANL
 * rminnich@lanl.gov

/** Start code to put an i386 or later processor into 32-bit 
 * protected mode. 

/* .section ".rom.text" */
#include <arch/rom_segs.h>
.globl _start
.type _start, @function

	/* Save the BIST result */
	movl	%eax, %ebp

/* thanks to kmliu@sis.tw.com for this TBL fix ... */
/* IMMEDIATELY invalidate the translation lookaside buffer before executing*/
/* any further code.  Even though paging is disabled we could still get*/
/*false address translations due to the TLB if we didn't invalidate it.*/
	xorl	%eax, %eax
	movl	%eax, %cr3    /* Invalidate TLB*/

	/* Invalidating the cache here seems to be a bad idea on
	 * modern processors.  Don't.
	 * If we are hyperthreaded or we have multiple cores it is bad,
	 * for SMP startup.  On Opterons it causes a 5 second delay.
	 * Invalidating the cache was pure paranoia in any event.
	 * If you cpu needs it you can write a cpu dependent version of
	 * entry16.inc.

	/* Note: gas handles memory addresses in 16 bit code very poorly.
	 * In particular it doesn't appear to have a directive allowing you
	 * associate a section or even an absolute offset with a segment register.
	 * This means that anything except cs:ip relative offsets are
	 * a real pain in 16 bit mode.  And explains why it is almost
	 * imposible to get gas to do lgdt correctly.
	 * One way to work around this is to have the linker do the
	 * math instead of the assembler.  This solves the very
	 * pratical problem of being able to write code that can
	 * be relocated.
	 * An lgdt call before we have memory enabled cannot be 
	 * position independent, as we cannot execute a call
	 * instruction to get our current instruction pointer.
	 * So while this code is relocateable it isn't arbitrarily
	 * relocatable.
	 * The criteria for relocation have been relaxed to their 
	 * utmost, so that we can use the same code for both
	 * our initial entry point and startup of the second cpu.
	 * The code assumes when executing at _start that:
	 * (((cs & 0xfff) == 0) and (ip == _start & 0xffff))
	 * or
	 * ((cs == anything) and (ip == 0)).
	 * The restrictions in reset16.inc mean that _start initially
	 * must be loaded at or above 0xffff0000 or below 0x100000.
	 * The linker scripts computs gdtptr16_offset by simply returning
	 * the low 16 bits.  This means that the intial segment used
	 * when start is called must be 64K aligned.  This should not
	 * restrict the address as the ip address can be anything.

	movw	%cs, %ax
	shlw	$4, %ax
	movw	$gdtptr16_offset, %bx
	subw	%ax, %bx
	data32  lgdt %cs:(%bx)

	movl	%cr0, %eax
	andl	$0x7FFAFFD1, %eax /* PG,AM,WP,NE,TS,EM,MP = 0 */
	orl	$0x60000001, %eax /* CD, NW, PE = 1 */
	movl	%eax, %cr0

	/* Restore BIST to %eax */
	movl	%ebp, %eax

	/* Now that we are in protected mode jump to a 32 bit code segment. */
	data32	ljmp	$ROM_CODE_SEG, $__protected_start

	 * The gdt is defined in entry32.inc, it has a 4 Gb code segment
	 * at 0x08, and a 4 GB data segment at 0x10;
.align	4
.globl gdtptr16
	.word	gdt_end - gdt -1 /* compute the table limit */
	.long	gdt		 /* we know the offset */

.globl _estart