/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/ * Copyright (C) 2013 Google Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "pinmux.h" #include <arch/io.h> #include <config.h> static struct am335x_pinmux_regs *regs = (struct am335x_pinmux_regs *)(uintptr_t)AM335X_PINMUX_REG_ADDR; void am335x_pinmux_uart0(void) { writel(MODE(0) | PULLUP_EN | RXACTIVE, ®s->uart0_rxd); writel(MODE(0) | PULLUDEN, ®s->uart0_txd); } void am335x_pinmux_uart1(void) { writel(MODE(0) | PULLUP_EN | RXACTIVE, ®s->uart1_rxd); writel(MODE(0) | PULLUDEN, ®s->uart1_txd); } void am335x_pinmux_uart2(void) { // UART2_RXD writel(MODE(1) | PULLUP_EN | RXACTIVE, ®s->spi0_sclk); // UART2_TXD writel(MODE(1) | PULLUDEN, ®s->spi0_d0); } void am335x_pinmux_uart3(void) { // UART3_RXD writel(MODE(1) | PULLUP_EN | RXACTIVE, ®s->spi0_cs1); // UART3_TXD writel(MODE(1) | PULLUDEN, ®s->ecap0_in_pwm0_out); } void am335x_pinmux_uart4(void) { // UART4_RXD writel(MODE(6) | PULLUP_EN | RXACTIVE, ®s->gpmc_wait0); // UART4_TXD writel(MODE(6) | PULLUDEN, ®s->gpmc_wpn); } void am335x_pinmux_uart5(void) { // UART5_RXD writel(MODE(4) | PULLUP_EN | RXACTIVE, ®s->lcd_data9); // UART5_TXD writel(MODE(4) | PULLUDEN, ®s->lcd_data8); } void am335x_pinmux_mmc0(int cd, int sk_evm) { writel(MODE(0) | RXACTIVE | PULLUP_EN, ®s->mmc0_dat0); writel(MODE(0) | RXACTIVE | PULLUP_EN, ®s->mmc0_dat1); writel(MODE(0) | RXACTIVE | PULLUP_EN, ®s->mmc0_dat2); writel(MODE(0) | RXACTIVE | PULLUP_EN, ®s->mmc0_dat3); writel(MODE(0) | RXACTIVE | PULLUP_EN, ®s->mmc0_clk); writel(MODE(0) | RXACTIVE | PULLUP_EN, ®s->mmc0_cmd); if (!sk_evm) { // MMC0_WP writel(MODE(4) | RXACTIVE, ®s->mcasp0_aclkr); } if (cd) { // MMC0_CD writel(MODE(5) | RXACTIVE | PULLUP_EN, ®s->spi0_cs1); } } void am335x_pinmux_mmc1(void) { // MMC1_DAT0 writel(MODE(1) | RXACTIVE | PULLUP_EN, ®s->gpmc_ad0); // MMC1_DAT1 writel(MODE(1) | RXACTIVE | PULLUP_EN, ®s->gpmc_ad1); // MMC1_DAT2 writel(MODE(1) | RXACTIVE | PULLUP_EN, ®s->gpmc_ad2); // MMC1_DAT3 writel(MODE(1) | RXACTIVE | PULLUP_EN, ®s->gpmc_ad3); // MMC1_CLK writel(MODE(2) | RXACTIVE | PULLUP_EN, ®s->gpmc_csn1); // MMC1_CMD writel(MODE(2) | RXACTIVE | PULLUP_EN, ®s->gpmc_csn2); // MMC1_WP writel(MODE(7) | RXACTIVE | PULLUP_EN, ®s->gpmc_csn0); // MMC1_CD writel(MODE(7) | RXACTIVE | PULLUP_EN, ®s->gpmc_advn_ale); } void am335x_pinmux_i2c0(void) { writel(MODE(0) | RXACTIVE | PULLUDEN | SLEWCTRL, ®s->i2c0_sda); writel(MODE(0) | RXACTIVE | PULLUDEN | SLEWCTRL, ®s->i2c0_scl); } void am335x_pinmux_i2c1(void) { // I2C_DATA writel(MODE(2) | RXACTIVE | PULLUDEN | SLEWCTRL, ®s->spi0_d1); // I2C_SCLK writel(MODE(2) | RXACTIVE | PULLUDEN | SLEWCTRL, ®s->spi0_cs0); } void am335x_pinmux_spi0(void) { writel(MODE(0) | RXACTIVE | PULLUDEN, ®s->spi0_sclk); writel(MODE(0) | RXACTIVE | PULLUDEN | PULLUP_EN, ®s->spi0_d0); writel(MODE(0) | RXACTIVE | PULLUDEN, ®s->spi0_d1); writel(MODE(0) | RXACTIVE | PULLUDEN | PULLUP_EN, ®s->spi0_cs0); } void am335x_pinmux_gpio0_7(void) { writel(MODE(7) | PULLUDEN, ®s->ecap0_in_pwm0_out); } void am335x_pinmux_rgmii1(void) { writel(MODE(2), ®s->mii1_txen); writel(MODE(2) | RXACTIVE, ®s->mii1_rxdv); writel(MODE(2), ®s->mii1_txd0); writel(MODE(2), ®s->mii1_txd1); writel(MODE(2), ®s->mii1_txd2); writel(MODE(2), ®s->mii1_txd3); writel(MODE(2), ®s->mii1_txclk); writel(MODE(2) | RXACTIVE, ®s->mii1_rxclk); writel(MODE(2) | RXACTIVE, ®s->mii1_rxd0); writel(MODE(2) | RXACTIVE, ®s->mii1_rxd1); writel(MODE(2) | RXACTIVE, ®s->mii1_rxd2); writel(MODE(2) | RXACTIVE, ®s->mii1_rxd3); } void am335x_pinmux_mii1(void) { writel(MODE(0) | RXACTIVE, ®s->mii1_rxerr); writel(MODE(0), ®s->mii1_txen); writel(MODE(0) | RXACTIVE, ®s->mii1_rxdv); writel(MODE(0), ®s->mii1_txd0); writel(MODE(0), ®s->mii1_txd1); writel(MODE(0), ®s->mii1_txd2); writel(MODE(0), ®s->mii1_txd3); writel(MODE(0) | RXACTIVE, ®s->mii1_txclk); writel(MODE(0) | RXACTIVE, ®s->mii1_rxclk); writel(MODE(0) | RXACTIVE, ®s->mii1_rxd0); writel(MODE(0) | RXACTIVE, ®s->mii1_rxd1); writel(MODE(0) | RXACTIVE, ®s->mii1_rxd2); writel(MODE(0) | RXACTIVE, ®s->mii1_rxd3); writel(MODE(0) | RXACTIVE | PULLUP_EN, ®s->mdio_data); writel(MODE(0) | PULLUP_EN, ®s->mdio_clk); } void am335x_pinmux_nand(void) { writel(MODE(0) | PULLUP_EN | RXACTIVE, ®s->gpmc_ad0); writel(MODE(0) | PULLUP_EN | RXACTIVE, ®s->gpmc_ad1); writel(MODE(0) | PULLUP_EN | RXACTIVE, ®s->gpmc_ad2); writel(MODE(0) | PULLUP_EN | RXACTIVE, ®s->gpmc_ad3); writel(MODE(0) | PULLUP_EN | RXACTIVE, ®s->gpmc_ad4); writel(MODE(0) | PULLUP_EN | RXACTIVE, ®s->gpmc_ad5); writel(MODE(0) | PULLUP_EN | RXACTIVE, ®s->gpmc_ad6); writel(MODE(0) | PULLUP_EN | RXACTIVE, ®s->gpmc_ad7); writel(MODE(0) | RXACTIVE | PULLUP_EN, ®s->gpmc_wait0); writel(MODE(7) | PULLUP_EN | RXACTIVE, ®s->gpmc_wpn); writel(MODE(0) | PULLUDEN, ®s->gpmc_csn0); writel(MODE(0) | PULLUDEN, ®s->gpmc_advn_ale); writel(MODE(0) | PULLUDEN, ®s->gpmc_oen_ren); writel(MODE(0) | PULLUDEN, ®s->gpmc_wen); writel(MODE(0) | PULLUDEN, ®s->gpmc_be0n_cle); }