 * This file is part of the coreboot project.
 * Copyright (C) 2011 The ChromiumOS Authors.  All rights reserved.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of
 * the License.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,
 * MA 02110-1301 USA

/* These devices are created at runtime */
External (\_PR.CP00, DeviceObj)
External (\_PR.CP01, DeviceObj)
External (\_PR.CP02, DeviceObj)
External (\_PR.CP03, DeviceObj)
External (\_PR.CP04, DeviceObj)
External (\_PR.CP05, DeviceObj)
External (\_PR.CP06, DeviceObj)
External (\_PR.CP07, DeviceObj)

/* Notify OS to re-read CPU tables, assuming ^2 CPU count */
Method (PNOT)
	If (LGreaterEqual (\PCNT, 2)) {
		Notify (\_PR.CP00, 0x81)  // _CST
		Notify (\_PR.CP01, 0x81)  // _CST
	If (LGreaterEqual (\PCNT, 4)) {
		Notify (\_PR.CP02, 0x81)  // _CST
		Notify (\_PR.CP03, 0x81)  // _CST
	If (LGreaterEqual (\PCNT, 8)) {
		Notify (\_PR.CP04, 0x81)  // _CST
		Notify (\_PR.CP05, 0x81)  // _CST
		Notify (\_PR.CP06, 0x81)  // _CST
		Notify (\_PR.CP07, 0x81)  // _CST

/* Notify OS to re-read CPU _PPC limit, assuming ^2 CPU count */
Method (PPCN)
	If (LGreaterEqual (\PCNT, 2)) {
		Notify (\_PR.CP00, 0x80)  // _PPC
		Notify (\_PR.CP01, 0x80)  // _PPC
	If (LGreaterEqual (\PCNT, 4)) {
		Notify (\_PR.CP02, 0x80)  // _PPC
		Notify (\_PR.CP03, 0x80)  // _PPC
	If (LGreaterEqual (\PCNT, 8)) {
		Notify (\_PR.CP04, 0x80)  // _PPC
		Notify (\_PR.CP05, 0x80)  // _PPC
		Notify (\_PR.CP06, 0x80)  // _PPC
		Notify (\_PR.CP07, 0x80)  // _PPC

/* Notify OS to re-read Throttle Limit tables, assuming ^2 CPU count */
Method (TNOT)
	If (LGreaterEqual (\PCNT, 2)) {
		Notify (\_PR.CP00, 0x82)  // _TPC
		Notify (\_PR.CP01, 0x82)  // _TPC
	If (LGreaterEqual (\PCNT, 4)) {
		Notify (\_PR.CP02, 0x82)  // _TPC
		Notify (\_PR.CP03, 0x82)  // _TPC
	If (LGreaterEqual (\PCNT, 8)) {
		Notify (\_PR.CP04, 0x82)  // _TPC
		Notify (\_PR.CP05, 0x82)  // _TPC
		Notify (\_PR.CP06, 0x82)  // _TPC
		Notify (\_PR.CP07, 0x82)  // _TPC

/* Return a package containing enabled processor entries */
Method (PPKG)
	If (LGreaterEqual (\PCNT, 8)) {
		Return (Package() {\_PR.CP00, \_PR.CP01, \_PR.CP02, \_PR.CP03,
				   \_PR.CP04, \_PR.CP05, \_PR.CP06, \_PR.CP07})
	} ElseIf (LGreaterEqual (\PCNT, 4)) {
		Return (Package() {\_PR.CP00, \_PR.CP01, \_PR.CP02, \_PR.CP03})
	} ElseIf (LGreaterEqual (\PCNT, 2)) {
		Return (Package() {\_PR.CP00, \_PR.CP01})
	} Else {
		Return (Package() {\_PR.CP00})