/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ /* * MultiMediaCard (MMC), eMMC and Secure Digital (SD) common code which * transitions the card from the standby state to the transfer state. The * common code supports read operations, erase and write operations are in * a separate modules. This code is controller independent. */ #include <commonlib/storage.h> #include "sd_mmc.h" #include "storage.h" #include <string.h> #define DECIMAL_CAPACITY_MULTIPLIER 1000ULL #define HEX_CAPACITY_MULTIPLIER 1024ULL struct capacity { const char *const units; uint64_t bytes; }; static void display_capacity(struct storage_media *media, int partition_number) { uint64_t capacity; uint64_t decimal_divisor; const char *decimal_units; uint64_t hex_divisor; const char *hex_units; int index; const char *name; const char *separator; const struct capacity decimal_list[] = { {"TB", DECIMAL_CAPACITY_MULTIPLIER * DECIMAL_CAPACITY_MULTIPLIER * DECIMAL_CAPACITY_MULTIPLIER * DECIMAL_CAPACITY_MULTIPLIER}, {"GB", DECIMAL_CAPACITY_MULTIPLIER * DECIMAL_CAPACITY_MULTIPLIER * DECIMAL_CAPACITY_MULTIPLIER}, {"MB", DECIMAL_CAPACITY_MULTIPLIER * DECIMAL_CAPACITY_MULTIPLIER}, {"KB", DECIMAL_CAPACITY_MULTIPLIER}, {"B", 1} }; const struct capacity hex_list[] = { {"TiB", HEX_CAPACITY_MULTIPLIER * HEX_CAPACITY_MULTIPLIER * HEX_CAPACITY_MULTIPLIER * HEX_CAPACITY_MULTIPLIER}, {"GiB", HEX_CAPACITY_MULTIPLIER * HEX_CAPACITY_MULTIPLIER * HEX_CAPACITY_MULTIPLIER}, {"MiB", HEX_CAPACITY_MULTIPLIER * HEX_CAPACITY_MULTIPLIER}, {"KiB", HEX_CAPACITY_MULTIPLIER}, {"B", 1} }; /* Get the partition name */ capacity = media->capacity[partition_number]; name = storage_partition_name(media, partition_number); separator = ""; if (CONFIG(COMMONLIB_STORAGE_MMC) && !IS_SD(media)) separator = ": "; /* Determine the decimal divisor for the capacity */ for (index = 0; index < ARRAY_SIZE(decimal_list) - 1; index++) { if (capacity >= decimal_list[index].bytes) break; } decimal_divisor = decimal_list[index].bytes; decimal_units = decimal_list[index].units; /* Determine the hex divisor for the capacity */ for (index = 0; index < ARRAY_SIZE(hex_list) - 1; index++) { if (capacity >= hex_list[index].bytes) break; } hex_divisor = hex_list[index].bytes; hex_units = hex_list[index].units; /* Display the capacity */ sdhc_debug("%3lld.%03lld %sytes (%3lld.%03lld %sytes)%s%s\n", capacity / decimal_divisor, (capacity / (decimal_divisor / 1000)) % 1000, decimal_units, capacity / hex_divisor, ((capacity / (hex_divisor / 1024)) * 1000 / 1024) % 1000, hex_units, separator, name); } void storage_display_setup(struct storage_media *media) { int partition_number; /* Display the device info */ sd_mmc_debug("Man %06x Snr %u ", media->cid[0] >> 24, (((media->cid[2] & 0xffff) << 16) | ((media->cid[3] >> 16) & 0xffff))); sd_mmc_debug("Product %c%c%c%c", media->cid[0] & 0xff, (media->cid[1] >> 24), (media->cid[1] >> 16) & 0xff, (media->cid[1] >> 8) & 0xff); if (!IS_SD(media)) /* eMMC product string is longer */ sd_mmc_debug("%c%c", media->cid[1] & 0xff, (media->cid[2] >> 24) & 0xff); sd_mmc_debug(" Revision %d.%d\n", (media->cid[2] >> 20) & 0xf, (media->cid[2] >> 16) & 0xf); /* Display the erase block size */ sdhc_debug("Erase block size: 0x%08x\n", media->erase_blocks * media->write_bl_len); /* Display the partition capacities */ if (CONFIG(SDHC_DEBUG)) { for (partition_number = 0; partition_number < ARRAY_SIZE(media->capacity); partition_number++) { if (!media->capacity[partition_number]) continue; display_capacity(media, partition_number); } } } int storage_startup(struct storage_media *media) { int err; uint64_t capacity; uint64_t cmult, csize; struct mmc_command cmd; struct sd_mmc_ctrlr *ctrlr = media->ctrlr; /* Determine the storage capacity */ if (media->high_capacity) { cmult = 8; csize = sd_mmc_extract_uint32_bits(media->csd, 58, 22); } else { csize = sd_mmc_extract_uint32_bits(media->csd, 54, 12); cmult = sd_mmc_extract_uint32_bits(media->csd, 78, 3); } capacity = (csize + 1) << (cmult + 2); capacity *= media->read_bl_len; media->capacity[0] = capacity; /* Limit the block size to 512 bytes */ if (media->read_bl_len > 512) media->read_bl_len = 512; if (media->write_bl_len > 512) media->write_bl_len = 512; /* Get the erase size in blocks */ media->erase_blocks = (sd_mmc_extract_uint32_bits(media->csd, 47, 3) + 1) * (sd_mmc_extract_uint32_bits(media->csd, 42, 5) + 1); /* Select the card, and put it into Transfer Mode */ cmd.cmdidx = MMC_CMD_SELECT_CARD; cmd.resp_type = CARD_RSP_R1; cmd.cmdarg = media->rca << 16; cmd.flags = 0; err = ctrlr->send_cmd(ctrlr, &cmd, NULL); if (err) return err; /* Increase the bus frequency */ if (CONFIG(COMMONLIB_STORAGE_SD) && IS_SD(media)) err = sd_change_freq(media); else if (CONFIG(COMMONLIB_STORAGE_MMC)) { err = mmc_change_freq(media); if (!err) mmc_update_capacity(media); } if (err) return err; /* Restrict card's capabilities by what the controller can do */ media->caps &= ctrlr->caps; /* Increase the bus width if possible */ if (CONFIG(COMMONLIB_STORAGE_SD) && IS_SD(media)) err = sd_set_bus_width(media); else if (CONFIG(COMMONLIB_STORAGE_MMC)) err = mmc_set_bus_width(media); if (err) return err; /* Display the card setup */ storage_display_setup(media); return 0; } int storage_setup_media(struct storage_media *media, struct sd_mmc_ctrlr *ctrlr) { int err; memset(media, 0, sizeof(*media)); media->ctrlr = ctrlr; err = sd_mmc_enter_standby(media); if (err) return err; return storage_startup(media); } static int storage_read(struct storage_media *media, void *dest, uint32_t start, uint32_t block_count) { struct mmc_command cmd; struct sd_mmc_ctrlr *ctrlr = media->ctrlr; cmd.resp_type = CARD_RSP_R1; cmd.flags = 0; if (block_count > 1) cmd.cmdidx = MMC_CMD_READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCK; else cmd.cmdidx = MMC_CMD_READ_SINGLE_BLOCK; if (media->high_capacity) cmd.cmdarg = start; else cmd.cmdarg = start * media->read_bl_len; struct mmc_data data; data.dest = dest; data.blocks = block_count; data.blocksize = media->read_bl_len; data.flags = DATA_FLAG_READ; if (ctrlr->send_cmd(ctrlr, &cmd, &data)) return 0; if ((block_count > 1) && !(ctrlr->caps & DRVR_CAP_AUTO_CMD12)) { cmd.cmdidx = MMC_CMD_STOP_TRANSMISSION; cmd.cmdarg = 0; cmd.resp_type = CARD_RSP_R1b; cmd.flags = CMD_FLAG_IGNORE_INHIBIT; if (ctrlr->send_cmd(ctrlr, &cmd, NULL)) { sd_mmc_error("Failed to send stop cmd\n"); return 0; } /* Waiting for the ready status */ sd_mmc_send_status(media, SD_MMC_IO_RETRIES); } return block_count; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // BlockDevice utilities and callbacks int storage_block_setup(struct storage_media *media, uint64_t start, uint64_t count, int is_read) { struct sd_mmc_ctrlr *ctrlr = media->ctrlr; int partition_number; if (count == 0) return 0; uint32_t bl_len = is_read ? media->read_bl_len : media->write_bl_len; /* Validate the block range */ partition_number = media->partition_config & EXT_CSD_PART_ACCESS_MASK; if (((start * bl_len) > media->capacity[partition_number]) || (((start + count) * bl_len) > media->capacity[partition_number])) { sd_mmc_error("Block range exceeds device capacity\n"); return 0; } /* * CMD16 only applies to single data rate mode, and block * length for double data rate is always 512 bytes. */ if ((ctrlr->timing == BUS_TIMING_UHS_DDR50) || (ctrlr->timing == BUS_TIMING_MMC_DDR52) || (ctrlr->timing == BUS_TIMING_MMC_HS400) || (ctrlr->timing == BUS_TIMING_MMC_HS400ES)) return 1; if (sd_mmc_set_blocklen(ctrlr, bl_len)) return 0; return 1; } uint64_t storage_block_read(struct storage_media *media, uint64_t start, uint64_t count, void *buffer) { uint8_t *dest = (uint8_t *)buffer; if (storage_block_setup(media, start, count, 1) == 0) return 0; uint64_t todo = count; struct sd_mmc_ctrlr *ctrlr = media->ctrlr; do { uint32_t cur = (uint32_t)MIN(todo, ctrlr->b_max); if (storage_read(media, dest, start, cur) != cur) return 0; todo -= cur; sd_mmc_trace("%s: Got %d blocks, more %d (total %d) to go.\n", __func__, (int)cur, (int)todo, (int)count); start += cur; dest += cur * media->read_bl_len; } while (todo > 0); return count; } int storage_set_partition(struct storage_media *media, unsigned int partition_number) { int err; /* Select the partition */ err = -1; if (CONFIG(COMMONLIB_STORAGE_SD) && IS_SD(media)) err = sd_set_partition(media, partition_number); else if (CONFIG(COMMONLIB_STORAGE_MMC)) err = mmc_set_partition(media, partition_number); if (err) sd_mmc_error("Invalid partition number!\n"); return err; } const char *storage_partition_name(struct storage_media *media, unsigned int partition_number) { const char *name; /* Get the partition name */ name = NULL; if (CONFIG(COMMONLIB_STORAGE_SD) && IS_SD(media)) name = sd_partition_name(media, partition_number); else if (CONFIG(COMMONLIB_STORAGE_MMC)) name = mmc_partition_name(media, partition_number); return name; } unsigned int storage_get_current_partition(struct storage_media *media) { return media->partition_config & EXT_CSD_PART_ACCESS_MASK; }