/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */ #include <arch/romstage.h> #include <cbmem.h> #include <console/console.h> #include <cpu/x86/msr.h> #include <cpu/x86/mtrr.h> #include <cpu/x86/smm.h> #include <program_loading.h> #include <reset.h> #include <rmodule.h> #include <stage_cache.h> #include <timestamp.h> #include <security/vboot/vboot_common.h> static inline void stack_push(struct postcar_frame *pcf, uint32_t val) { uint32_t *ptr; pcf->stack -= sizeof(val); ptr = (void *)pcf->stack; *ptr = val; } static void postcar_frame_prepare(struct postcar_frame *pcf) { var_mtrr_context_init(&pcf->ctx, pcf); } int postcar_frame_init(struct postcar_frame *pcf, size_t stack_size) { void *stack; /* * Use default postcar stack size of 4 KiB. This value should * not be decreased, because if mainboards use vboot, 1 KiB will * not be enough anymore. */ if (stack_size == 0) stack_size = 4 * KiB; stack = cbmem_add(CBMEM_ID_ROMSTAGE_RAM_STACK, stack_size); if (stack == NULL) { printk(BIOS_ERR, "Couldn't add %zd byte stack in cbmem.\n", stack_size); return -1; } postcar_frame_prepare(pcf); pcf->stack = (uintptr_t)stack; pcf->stack += stack_size; return 0; } static void postcar_var_mtrr_set(const struct var_mtrr_context *ctx, uintptr_t addr, size_t size, msr_t base, msr_t mask) { struct postcar_frame *pcf = ctx->arg; printk(BIOS_DEBUG, "MTRR Range: Start=%lx End=%lx (Size %zx)\n", addr, addr + size, size); stack_push(pcf, mask.hi); stack_push(pcf, mask.lo); stack_push(pcf, base.hi); stack_push(pcf, base.lo); } void postcar_frame_add_mtrr(struct postcar_frame *pcf, uintptr_t addr, size_t size, int type) { var_mtrr_set_with_cb(&pcf->ctx, addr, size, type, postcar_var_mtrr_set); } void postcar_frame_add_romcache(struct postcar_frame *pcf, int type) { if (!CONFIG(BOOT_DEVICE_MEMORY_MAPPED)) return; postcar_frame_add_mtrr(pcf, CACHE_ROM_BASE, CACHE_ROM_SIZE, type); } static void postcar_frame_common_mtrrs(struct postcar_frame *pcf) { if (pcf->skip_common_mtrr) return; /* Cache the ROM as WP just below 4GiB. */ postcar_frame_add_romcache(pcf, MTRR_TYPE_WRPROT); } /* prepare_and_run_postcar() determines the stack to use after * cache-as-ram is torn down as well as the MTRR settings to use. */ void prepare_and_run_postcar(struct postcar_frame *pcf) { if (postcar_frame_init(pcf, 0)) die("Unable to initialize postcar frame.\n"); fill_postcar_frame(pcf); postcar_frame_common_mtrrs(pcf); run_postcar_phase(pcf); /* We do not return here. */ } static void postcar_commit_mtrrs(struct postcar_frame *pcf) { /* * Place the number of used variable MTRRs on stack then max number * of variable MTRRs supported in the system. */ stack_push(pcf, pcf->ctx.used_var_mtrrs); stack_push(pcf, pcf->ctx.max_var_mtrrs); } static void finalize_load(uintptr_t *stack_top_ptr, uintptr_t stack_top) { *stack_top_ptr = stack_top; /* * Signal to rest of system that another update was made to the * postcar program prior to running it. */ prog_segment_loaded((uintptr_t)stack_top_ptr, sizeof(uintptr_t), SEG_FINAL); } static void load_postcar_cbfs(struct prog *prog, struct postcar_frame *pcf) { struct rmod_stage_load rsl = { .cbmem_id = CBMEM_ID_AFTER_CAR, .prog = prog, }; vboot_run_logic(); if (rmodule_stage_load(&rsl)) die_with_post_code(POST_INVALID_ROM, "Failed to load after CAR program.\n"); /* Set the stack pointer within parameters of the program loaded. */ if (rsl.params == NULL) die_with_post_code(POST_INVALID_ROM, "No parameters found in after CAR program.\n"); finalize_load(rsl.params, pcf->stack); stage_cache_add(STAGE_POSTCAR, prog); } /* * Cache the TSEG region at the top of ram. This region is * not restricted to SMM mode until SMM has been relocated. * By setting the region to cacheable it provides faster access * when relocating the SMM handler as well as using the TSEG * region for other purposes. */ void postcar_enable_tseg_cache(struct postcar_frame *pcf) { uintptr_t smm_base; size_t smm_size; smm_region(&smm_base, &smm_size); postcar_frame_add_mtrr(pcf, smm_base, smm_size, MTRR_TYPE_WRBACK); } static void postcar_cache_invalid(void) { printk(BIOS_ERR, "postcar cache invalid.\n"); board_reset(); } void run_postcar_phase(struct postcar_frame *pcf) { struct prog prog = PROG_INIT(PROG_POSTCAR, CONFIG_CBFS_PREFIX "/postcar"); postcar_commit_mtrrs(pcf); if (resume_from_stage_cache()) { stage_cache_load_stage(STAGE_POSTCAR, &prog); /* This is here to allow platforms to pass different stack parameters between S3 resume and normal boot. On the platforms where the values are the same it's a nop. */ finalize_load(prog.arg, pcf->stack); if (prog_entry(&prog) == NULL) postcar_cache_invalid(); } else load_postcar_cbfs(&prog, pcf); /* As postcar exist, it's end of romstage here */ timestamp_add_now(TS_END_ROMSTAGE); console_time_report(); prog_set_arg(&prog, cbmem_top()); prog_run(&prog); }