/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */ #include <arch/boot.h> #include <arch/encoding.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stddef.h> #define FW_DYNAMIC_INFO_VERSION_2 2 #define FW_DYNAMIC_INFO_MAGIC_VALUE 0x4942534f // "OSBI" /* * structure passed to OpenSBI as 3rd argument * NOTE: This structure may need to be updated when the OpenSBI submodule is updated. */ static struct __packed fw_dynamic_info { unsigned long magic; // magic value "OSBI" unsigned long version; // version number (2) unsigned long next_addr; // Next booting stage address (payload address) unsigned long next_mode; // Next booting stage mode (usually supervisor mode) unsigned long options; // options for OpenSBI library unsigned long boot_hart; // usually CONFIG_RISCV_WORKING_HARTID } info; void run_opensbi(const int hart_id, const void *fdt, const void *opensbi, const void *payload, const int payload_mode) { info.magic = FW_DYNAMIC_INFO_MAGIC_VALUE, info.version = FW_DYNAMIC_INFO_VERSION_2, info.next_mode = payload_mode, info.next_addr = (uintptr_t)payload, info.options = 0, info.boot_hart = CONFIG_OPENSBI_FW_DYNAMIC_BOOT_HART, write_csr(mepc, opensbi); // set program counter to OpenSBI (jumped to with mret) asm volatile ( "mv a0, %0\n\t" "mv a1, %1\n\t" "mv a2, %2\n\t" "mret" : : "r"(hart_id), "r"(fdt), "r"(&info) : "a0", "a1", "a2" ); }