/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ /* This file is part of the coreboot project. */ #include <types.h> #include <device/mmio.h> #include <ramdetect.h> #include <arch/exception.h> #include <arch/transition.h> static enum { ABORT_CHECKER_NOT_TRIGGERED, ABORT_CHECKER_TRIGGERED, } abort_state = ABORT_CHECKER_NOT_TRIGGERED; static int abort_checker(struct exc_state *state, uint64_t vector_id) { if (raw_read_esr_el3() >> 26 != 0x25) return EXC_RET_IGNORED; /* Not a data abort. */ abort_state = ABORT_CHECKER_TRIGGERED; state->elx.elr += sizeof(uint32_t); /* Jump over faulting instruction. */ raw_write_elr_el3(state->elx.elr); return EXC_RET_HANDLED; } static struct exception_handler sync_el0 = {.handler = &abort_checker}; int probe_mb(const uintptr_t dram_start, const uintptr_t size) { uintptr_t addr = dram_start + (size * MiB) - sizeof(uint32_t); void *ptr = (void *)addr; abort_state = ABORT_CHECKER_NOT_TRIGGERED; exception_handler_register(EXC_VID_CUR_SP_EL0_SYNC, &sync_el0); read32(ptr); exception_handler_unregister(EXC_VID_CUR_SP_EL0_SYNC, &sync_el0); return abort_state == ABORT_CHECKER_NOT_TRIGGERED; }