/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause */

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <symbols.h>

#include <console/console.h>
#include <arch/mmu.h>
#include <arch/lib_helpers.h>
#include <arch/cache.h>

/* This just caches the next free table slot (okay to do since they fill up from
 * bottom to top and can never be freed up again). It will reset to its initial
 * value on stage transition, so we still need to check it for UNUSED_DESC. */
static uint64_t *next_free_table = (void *)_ttb;

static void print_tag(int level, uint64_t tag)
	printk(level, tag & MA_MEM_NC ? "non-cacheable | " :
					"    cacheable | ");
	printk(level, tag & MA_RO ?	"read-only  | " :
					"read-write | ");
	printk(level, tag & MA_NS ?	"non-secure | " :
					"    secure | ");
	printk(level, tag & MA_MEM ?	"normal\n" :

/* Func : get_block_attr
 * Desc : Get block descriptor attributes based on the value of tag in memrange
 * region
static uint64_t get_block_attr(unsigned long tag)
	uint64_t attr;

	attr = (tag & MA_NS) ? BLOCK_NS : 0;
	attr |= (tag & MA_RO) ? BLOCK_AP_RO : BLOCK_AP_RW;
	attr |= BLOCK_ACCESS;

	if (tag & MA_MEM) {
		if (tag & MA_MEM_NC)
	} else {
		attr |= BLOCK_XN;

	return attr;

/* Func : setup_new_table
 * Desc : Get next free table from TTB and set it up to match old parent entry.
static uint64_t *setup_new_table(uint64_t desc, size_t xlat_size)
	while (next_free_table[0] != UNUSED_DESC) {
		next_free_table += GRANULE_SIZE/sizeof(*next_free_table);
		if (_ettb - (u8 *)next_free_table <= 0)
			die("Ran out of page table space!");

	void *frame_base = (void *)(desc & XLAT_ADDR_MASK);
	printk(BIOS_DEBUG, "Backing address range [%p:%p) with new page"
	       " table @%p\n", frame_base, frame_base +
	       (xlat_size << BITS_RESOLVED_PER_LVL), next_free_table);

	if (!desc) {
		memset(next_free_table, 0, GRANULE_SIZE);
	} else {
		/* Can reuse old parent entry, but may need to adjust type. */
		if (xlat_size == L3_XLAT_SIZE)
			desc |= PAGE_DESC;

		int i = 0;
		for (; i < GRANULE_SIZE/sizeof(*next_free_table); i++) {
			next_free_table[i] = desc;
			desc += xlat_size;

	return next_free_table;

/* Func: get_next_level_table
 * Desc: Check if the table entry is a valid descriptor. If not, initialize new
 * table, update the entry and return the table addr. If valid, return the addr
static uint64_t *get_next_level_table(uint64_t *ptr, size_t xlat_size)
	uint64_t desc = *ptr;

	if ((desc & DESC_MASK) != TABLE_DESC) {
		uint64_t *new_table = setup_new_table(desc, xlat_size);
		desc = ((uint64_t)new_table) | TABLE_DESC;
		*ptr = desc;
	return (uint64_t *)(desc & XLAT_ADDR_MASK);

/* Func : init_xlat_table
 * Desc : Given a base address and size, it identifies the indices within
 * different level XLAT tables which map the given base addr. Similar to table
 * walk, except that all invalid entries during the walk are updated
 * accordingly. On success, it returns the size of the block/page addressed by
 * the final table.
static uint64_t init_xlat_table(uint64_t base_addr,
				uint64_t size,
				uint64_t tag)
	uint64_t l0_index = (base_addr & L0_ADDR_MASK) >> L0_ADDR_SHIFT;
	uint64_t l1_index = (base_addr & L1_ADDR_MASK) >> L1_ADDR_SHIFT;
	uint64_t l2_index = (base_addr & L2_ADDR_MASK) >> L2_ADDR_SHIFT;
	uint64_t l3_index = (base_addr & L3_ADDR_MASK) >> L3_ADDR_SHIFT;
	uint64_t *table = (uint64_t *)_ttb;
	uint64_t desc;
	uint64_t attr = get_block_attr(tag);

	/* L0 entry stores a table descriptor (doesn't support blocks) */
	table = get_next_level_table(&table[l0_index], L1_XLAT_SIZE);

	/* L1 table lookup */
	if ((size >= L1_XLAT_SIZE) &&
	    IS_ALIGNED(base_addr, (1UL << L1_ADDR_SHIFT))) {
			/* If block address is aligned and size is greater than
			 * or equal to size addressed by each L1 entry, we can
			 * directly store a block desc */
			desc = base_addr | BLOCK_DESC | attr;
			table[l1_index] = desc;
			/* L2 lookup is not required */
			return L1_XLAT_SIZE;

	/* L1 entry stores a table descriptor */
	table = get_next_level_table(&table[l1_index], L2_XLAT_SIZE);

	/* L2 table lookup */
	if ((size >= L2_XLAT_SIZE) &&
	    IS_ALIGNED(base_addr, (1UL << L2_ADDR_SHIFT))) {
		/* If block address is aligned and size is greater than
		 * or equal to size addressed by each L2 entry, we can
		 * directly store a block desc */
		desc = base_addr | BLOCK_DESC | attr;
		table[l2_index] = desc;
		/* L3 lookup is not required */
		return L2_XLAT_SIZE;

	/* L2 entry stores a table descriptor */
	table = get_next_level_table(&table[l2_index], L3_XLAT_SIZE);

	/* L3 table lookup */
	desc = base_addr | PAGE_DESC | attr;
	table[l3_index] = desc;
	return L3_XLAT_SIZE;

/* Func : sanity_check
 * Desc : Check address/size alignment of a table or page.
static void sanity_check(uint64_t addr, uint64_t size)
	assert(!(addr & GRANULE_SIZE_MASK) &&
	       !(size & GRANULE_SIZE_MASK) &&
	       (addr + size < (1UL << BITS_PER_VA)) &&
	       size >= GRANULE_SIZE);

/* Func : get_pte
 * Desc : Returns the page table entry governing a specific address. */
static uint64_t get_pte(void *addr)
	int shift = L0_ADDR_SHIFT;
	uint64_t *pte = (uint64_t *)_ttb;

	while (1) {
		int index = ((uintptr_t)addr >> shift) &
			    ((1UL << BITS_RESOLVED_PER_LVL) - 1);

		if ((pte[index] & DESC_MASK) != TABLE_DESC ||
		    shift <= GRANULE_SIZE_SHIFT)
			return pte[index];

		pte = (uint64_t *)(pte[index] & XLAT_ADDR_MASK);

/* Func : assert_correct_ttb_mapping
 * Desc : Asserts that mapping for addr matches the access type used by the
 * page table walk (i.e. addr is correctly mapped to be part of the TTB). */
static void assert_correct_ttb_mapping(void *addr)
	uint64_t pte = get_pte(addr);
	       == BLOCK_INDEX_MEM_NORMAL && !(pte & BLOCK_NS));

/* Func : mmu_config_range
 * Desc : This function repeatedly calls init_xlat_table with the base
 * address. Based on size returned from init_xlat_table, base_addr is updated
 * and subsequent calls are made for initializing the xlat table until the whole
 * region is initialized.
void mmu_config_range(void *start, size_t size, uint64_t tag)
	uint64_t base_addr = (uintptr_t)start;
	uint64_t temp_size = size;

	printk(BIOS_INFO, "Mapping address range [%p:%p) as ",
	       start, start + size);
	print_tag(BIOS_INFO, tag);

	sanity_check(base_addr, temp_size);

	while (temp_size)
		temp_size -= init_xlat_table(base_addr + (size - temp_size),
					     temp_size, tag);

	/* ARMv8 MMUs snoop L1 data cache, no need to flush it. */

/* Func : mmu_init
 * Desc : Initialize MMU registers and page table memory region. This must be
 * called exactly ONCE PER BOOT before trying to configure any mappings.
void mmu_init(void)
	/* Initially mark all table slots unused (first PTE == UNUSED_DESC). */
	uint64_t *table = (uint64_t *)_ttb;
	for (; _ettb - (u8 *)table > 0; table += GRANULE_SIZE/sizeof(*table))
		table[0] = UNUSED_DESC;

	/* Initialize the root table (L0) to be completely unmapped. */
	uint64_t *root = setup_new_table(INVALID_DESC, L0_XLAT_SIZE);
	assert((u8 *)root == _ttb);

	/* Initialize TTBR */

	/* Initialize MAIR indices */

	/* Initialize TCR flags */
	raw_write_tcr_el3(TCR_TOSZ | TCR_IRGN0_NM_WBWAC | TCR_ORGN0_NM_WBWAC |
			  TCR_SH0_IS | TCR_TG0_4KB | TCR_PS_256TB |

/* Func : mmu_save_context
 * Desc : Save mmu context (registers and ttbr base).
void mmu_save_context(struct mmu_context *mmu_context)

	/* Back-up MAIR_ATTRIBUTES */
	mmu_context->mair = raw_read_mair_el3();

	/* Back-up TCR value */
	mmu_context->tcr = raw_read_tcr_el3();

/* Func : mmu_restore_context
 * Desc : Restore mmu context using input backed-up context
void mmu_restore_context(const struct mmu_context *mmu_context)

	/* Restore TTBR */

	/* Restore MAIR indices */

	/* Restore TCR flags */

	/* invalidate tlb since ttbr is updated. */

void mmu_enable(void)
	assert_correct_ttb_mapping(_ettb - 1);

	uint32_t sctlr = raw_read_sctlr_el3();
	sctlr |= SCTLR_C | SCTLR_M | SCTLR_I;