/* * This file is part of the libpayload project. * * Copyright (C) 2010 coresystems GmbH * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <libpayload.h> #include "ehci.h" #include "ehci_private.h" static void dump_td(u32 addr) { qtd_t *td = phys_to_virt(addr); printf("td at phys(%x): active: %x, halted: %x, data_buf_err: %x\n babble: %x, xact_err: %x, missed_mframe: %x\n splitxstate: %x, perr: %x\n\n", addr, td->active, td->halted, td->data_buf_err, td->babble, td->xact_err, td->missed_mframe, td->splitxstate, td->perr); printf("- cerr: %x, total_len: %x\n\n", td->cerr, td->total_len); } static void ehci_start (hci_t *controller) { EHCI_INST(controller)->operation->rs = 1; } static void ehci_stop (hci_t *controller) { EHCI_INST(controller)->operation->rs = 0; } static void ehci_reset (hci_t *controller) { } static void ehci_shutdown (hci_t *controller) { } enum { EHCI_OUT=0, EHCI_IN=1, EHCI_SETUP=2 }; /* returns handled bytes */ int fill_td(qtd_t *td, void* data, int datalen) { u32 total_len = 0; u32 page_minus_1 = 0; u32 start = virt_to_phys(data); u32 page = start & ~4095; u32 offset = start & 4095; u32 page_len = 4096 - offset; td->c_page = 0; td->bufptr0 = page; td->cur_off = offset; if (datalen <= page_len) { total_len = datalen; } else { datalen -= page_len; total_len += page_len; do { /* we have a continguous mapping between virtual and physical memory */ page += 4096; td->bufptrs[page_minus_1] = page; if (datalen <= 4096) { total_len += datalen; break; } page_minus_1++; datalen -= 4096; total_len += 4096; } while (page_minus_1<4); } td->total_len = total_len; return total_len; } /* free up data structures */ void free_qh_and_tds(ehci_qh_t *qh, qtd_t *cur) { qtd_t *next; while (cur) { next = (qtd_t*)phys_to_virt(cur->next_qtd & ~31); free(cur); cur = next; } free(qh); } int wait_for_tds(qtd_t *head) { int result = 0; qtd_t *cur = head; while (1) { if (0) dump_td(virt_to_phys(cur)); while (cur->active && !cur->halted) udelay(60); if (cur->halted) { printf("ERROR with packet\n"); dump_td(virt_to_phys(cur)); printf("-----------------\n"); return 1; } if (cur->next_qtd & 1) { return 0; } if (0) dump_td(virt_to_phys(cur)); /* helps debugging the TD chain */ if (0) printf("\nmoving from %x to %x\n", cur, phys_to_virt(cur->next_qtd)); cur = phys_to_virt(cur->next_qtd); } return result; } static int ehci_bulk (endpoint_t *ep, int size, u8 *data, int finalize) { int result = 0; int endp = ep->endpoint & 0xf; int pid = (ep->direction==IN)?EHCI_IN:EHCI_OUT; qtd_t *head = memalign(32, sizeof(qtd_t)); qtd_t *cur = head; while (1) { memset(cur, 0, sizeof(qtd_t)); cur->active = 1; cur->pid = pid; cur->cerr = 0; u32 chunk = fill_td(cur, data, size); size -= chunk; data += chunk; cur->alt_terminate = 1; if (size == 0) { cur->next_qtd = virt_to_phys(0); cur->terminate = 1; break; } else { qtd_t *next = memalign(32, sizeof(qtd_t)); cur->next_qtd = virt_to_phys(next); cur = next; } } /* create QH */ ehci_qh_t *qh = memalign(32, sizeof(ehci_qh_t)); memset(qh, 0, sizeof(ehci_qh_t)); qh->horiz_link_ptr = virt_to_phys(qh); qh->type = 1; // FIXME: proper symbols for type. this is QH qh->addr = ep->dev->address; qh->ep = endp; qh->eps = ep->dev->speed; qh->dtc = 0; qh->reclaim_head = 1; qh->max_packet_len = ep->maxpacketsize; qh->nak_cnt_reload = 0; qh->pipe_multiplier = 3; qh->td.next_qtd = virt_to_phys(head); qh->td.dt = ep->toggle; head->dt = ep->toggle; /* hook up QH */ EHCI_INST(ep->dev->controller)->operation->asynclistaddr = virt_to_phys(qh); /* start async schedule */ EHCI_INST(ep->dev->controller)->operation->async_sched_enable = 1; while (!EHCI_INST(ep->dev->controller)->operation->async_sched_status) ; /* wait */ /* wait for result */ result = wait_for_tds(head); /* disable async schedule */ EHCI_INST(ep->dev->controller)->operation->async_sched_enable = 0; while (EHCI_INST(ep->dev->controller)->operation->async_sched_status) ; /* wait */ ep->toggle = cur->dt; free_qh_and_tds(qh, head); return result; } /* FIXME: Handle control transfers as 3 QHs, so the 2nd stage can be >0x4000 bytes */ static int ehci_control (usbdev_t *dev, direction_t dir, int drlen, void *devreq, int dalen, u8 *data) { int endp = 0; // this is control. always 0 (for now) int toggle = 0; int mlen = dev->endpoints[0].maxpacketsize; int result = 0; /* create qTDs */ qtd_t *head = memalign(32, sizeof(qtd_t)); qtd_t *cur = head; memset(cur, 0, sizeof(qtd_t)); cur->active = 1; cur->dt = toggle; cur->pid = EHCI_SETUP; cur->cerr = 3; if (fill_td(cur, devreq, drlen) != drlen) { printf("ERROR: couldn't send the entire device request\n"); } qtd_t *next = memalign(32, sizeof(qtd_t)); cur->next_qtd = virt_to_phys(next); cur->alt_terminate = 1; /* FIXME: We're limited to 16-20K (depending on alignment) for payload for now. * Figure out, how toggle can be set sensibly in this scenario */ if (dalen > 0) { toggle ^= 1; cur = next; memset(cur, 0, sizeof(qtd_t)); cur->active = 1; cur->dt = toggle; cur->pid = (dir == OUT)?EHCI_OUT:EHCI_IN; cur->cerr = 3; if (fill_td(cur, data, dalen) != dalen) { printf("ERROR: couldn't send the entire control payload\n"); } next = memalign(32, sizeof(qtd_t)); cur->next_qtd = virt_to_phys(next); cur->alt_terminate = 1; } toggle = 1; cur = next; memset(cur, 0, sizeof(qtd_t)); cur->active = 1; cur->dt = toggle; cur->pid = (dir == OUT)?EHCI_IN:EHCI_OUT; cur->cerr = 0; fill_td(cur, NULL, 0); cur->next_qtd = virt_to_phys(0); cur->terminate = 1; cur->alt_terminate = 1; /* create QH */ ehci_qh_t *qh = memalign(32, sizeof(ehci_qh_t)); memset(qh, 0, sizeof(ehci_qh_t)); qh->horiz_link_ptr = virt_to_phys(qh); qh->type = 1; // FIXME: proper symbols for type. this is QH qh->addr = dev->address; qh->ep = endp; qh->eps = dev->speed; qh->dtc = 1; /* Take data toggle from TD, as control transfers are special */ qh->reclaim_head = 1; qh->max_packet_len = mlen; qh->non_hs_control_ep = 0; // no support for non-HS devices at this time qh->nak_cnt_reload = 0; qh->pipe_multiplier = 3; qh->td.next_qtd = virt_to_phys(head); /* hook up QH */ EHCI_INST(dev->controller)->operation->asynclistaddr = virt_to_phys(qh); /* start async schedule */ EHCI_INST(dev->controller)->operation->async_sched_enable = 1; while (!EHCI_INST(dev->controller)->operation->async_sched_status) ; /* wait */ result = wait_for_tds(head); /* disable async schedule */ EHCI_INST(dev->controller)->operation->async_sched_enable = 0; while (EHCI_INST(dev->controller)->operation->async_sched_status) ; /* wait */ free_qh_and_tds(qh, head); return result; } static void* ehci_create_intr_queue (endpoint_t *ep, int reqsize, int reqcount, int reqtiming) { return NULL; } static void ehci_destroy_intr_queue (endpoint_t *ep, void *queue) { } static u8* ehci_poll_intr_queue (void *queue) { return NULL; } hci_t * ehci_init (pcidev_t addr) { int i; hci_t *controller = new_controller (); if (!controller) usb_fatal("Could not create USB controller instance.\n"); controller->instance = malloc (sizeof (ehci_t)); if(!controller->instance) usb_fatal("Not enough memory creating USB controller instance.\n"); #define PCI_COMMAND 4 #define PCI_COMMAND_IO 1 #define PCI_COMMAND_MEMORY 2 #define PCI_COMMAND_MASTER 4 u32 pci_command = pci_read_config32(addr, PCI_COMMAND); pci_command = (pci_command | PCI_COMMAND_MEMORY) & ~PCI_COMMAND_IO ; pci_write_config32(addr, PCI_COMMAND, pci_command); controller->start = ehci_start; controller->stop = ehci_stop; controller->reset = ehci_reset; controller->shutdown = ehci_shutdown; controller->bulk = ehci_bulk; controller->control = ehci_control; controller->create_intr_queue = ehci_create_intr_queue; controller->destroy_intr_queue = ehci_destroy_intr_queue; controller->poll_intr_queue = ehci_poll_intr_queue; for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) { controller->devices[i] = 0; } init_device_entry (controller, 0); EHCI_INST(controller)->capabilities = phys_to_virt(pci_read_config32(addr, USBBASE)); EHCI_INST(controller)->operation = (hc_op_t *)(phys_to_virt(pci_read_config32(addr, USBBASE)) + EHCI_INST(controller)->capabilities->caplength); /* default value for frame length adjust */ pci_write_config8(addr, FLADJ, FLADJ_framelength(60000)); /* Enable operation of controller */ controller->start(controller); /* take over all ports. USB1 should be blind now */ EHCI_INST(controller)->operation->configflag = 1; /* TODO lots of stuff missing */ controller->devices[0]->controller = controller; controller->devices[0]->init = ehci_rh_init; controller->devices[0]->init (controller->devices[0]); return controller; }