/* $Id: ncurses_cfg.h,v 1.8 2006/12/28 01:02:03 wmcbrine Exp $ * * This file is only used with the ncurses test programs. * * Have ncurses-5.6 unpacked in your $(HOME) (you don't need to build * it), or edit ncurses_testdir appropriately in the Makefile. Configure * and build PDCurses for X11. (Sorry, other ports won't work yet.) * Change to this directory, and: * * "make ncurses_tests" to start. * "make ncurses_clean" when you're done. * * Builds: bs gdc hanoi knight tclock ncurses */ #define NCURSES_MOUSE_VERSION 2 #include "../config.h" #include <curses.h> #define ExitProgram exit #define HAVE_CURSES_VERSION 1 #define HAVE_GETBEGX 1 #define HAVE_GETCURX 1 #define HAVE_GETMAXX 1 #define HAVE_GETNSTR 1 #define HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY 1 #define HAVE_GETWIN 1 #define HAVE_LIBPANEL 1 #define HAVE_LOCALE_H 1 #define HAVE_NAPMS 1 #define HAVE_PANEL_H 1 #define HAVE_PUTWIN 1 #define HAVE_SLK_COLOR 1 #define HAVE_SLK_INIT 1 #define HAVE_WRESIZE 1 #ifdef PDC_WIDE # define USE_WIDEC_SUPPORT 1 #endif /* Fool ncurses.c so it gives us all the tests, and doesn't redefine ACS_ chars */ #define NCURSES_VERSION PDCURSES