FSP 1.1
x86 FSP 1.1 Integration
Firmware Support Package (FSP) integration requires System-on-a-Chip (SoC)
and board support. The combined steps are listed
The development steps for FSP are listed below:
- Required Files
- Add the FSP Binary File to the coreboot File System
- Enable coreboot/FSP Debugging
FSP Documentation:
- Intel® Firmware Support Package External Architecture Specification V1.1
- Create the following directories if they do not already exist:
- src/vendorcode/intel/fsp/fsp1_1/<Chip Family>
- 3rdparty/blobs/mainboard/<Board Vendor>/<Board Name>
The following files may need to be copied from the FSP build or release into the
directories above if they are not present or are out of date:
- FspUpdVpd.h: src/vendorcode/intel/fsp/fsp1_1/<Chip Family>/FspUpdVpd.h
- FSP.bin: 3rdparty/blobs/mainboard/<Board Vendor>/<Board Name>/fsp.bin
Add the FSP binary to the coreboot flash image using the following command:
util/cbfstool/cbfstool build/coreboot.rom add -t fsp -n fsp.bin -b <base address> -f fsp.bin
This command relocates the FSP binary to the 4K byte aligned location in CBFS so that the
FSP code for TempRamInit may be executed in place.
Set the following Kconfig values:
- CONFIG_DISPLAY_FSP_ENTRY_POINTS - Display the FSP entry points in romstage
- CONFIG_DISPLAY_HOBS - Display and verify the hand-off-blocks (HOBs) returned by MemoryInit
- CONFIG_DISPLAY_VBT - Display Video BIOS Table (VBT) used for GOP
- CONFIG_DISPLAY_UPD_DATA - Display the user specified product data passed to MemoryInit and SiliconInit
Modified: 17 May 2016