Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
Stefan thinks they don't add value.
Command used:
sed -i -e '/file is part of /d' $(git grep "file is part of " |egrep ":( */\*.*\*/\$|#|;#|-- | *\* )" | cut -d: -f1 |grep -v crossgcc |grep -v gcov | grep -v /elf.h |grep -v nvramtool)
The exceptions are for:
- crossgcc (patch file)
- gcov (imported from gcc)
- elf.h (imported from GNU's libc)
- nvramtool (more complicated header)
The removed lines are:
- fmt.Fprintln(f, "/* This file is part of the coreboot project. */")
-# This file is part of a set of unofficial pre-commit hooks available
-/* This file is part of coreboot */
-# This file is part of msrtool.
-/* This file is part of msrtool. */
- * This file is part of ncurses, designed to be appended after
-/* This file is part of pgtblgen. */
- * This file is part of the coreboot project.
- /* This file is part of the coreboot project. */
-# This file is part of the coreboot project.
-# This file is part of the coreboot project.
-## This file is part of the coreboot project.
--- This file is part of the coreboot project.
-/* This file is part of the coreboot project */
-/* This file is part of the coreboot project. */
-;## This file is part of the coreboot project.
-# This file is part of the coreboot project. It originated in the
- * This file is part of the coreinfo project.
-## This file is part of the coreinfo project.
- * This file is part of the depthcharge project.
-/* This file is part of the depthcharge project. */
-/* This file is part of the ectool project. */
- * This file is part of the GNU C Library.
- * This file is part of the libpayload project.
-## This file is part of the libpayload project.
-/* This file is part of the Linux kernel. */
-## This file is part of the superiotool project.
-/* This file is part of the superiotool project */
-/* This file is part of uio_usbdebug */
Change-Id: I82d872b3b337388c93d5f5bf704e9ee9e53ab3a9
Signed-off-by: Patrick Georgi <>
Reviewed-by: HAOUAS Elyes <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Change-Id: I160617babdc189d842ea84b0b68938d45fbe978f
Signed-off-by: Elyes HAOUAS <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Reviewed-by: Patrick Georgi <>
Used commands:
perl -i -p0e 's|\/\*[\s*]*.*is free software[:;][\s*]*you[\s*]*can[\s*]*redistribute[\s*]*it[\s*]*and\/or[\s*]*modify[\s*]*it[\s*]*under[\s*]*the[\s*]*terms[\s*]*of[\s*]*the[\s*]*GNU[\s*]*General[\s*]*Public[\s*]*License[\s*]*as[\s*]*published[\s*]*by[\s*]*the[\s*]*Free[\s*]*Software[\s*]*Foundation[;,][\s*]*version[\s*]*2[\s*]*of[\s*]*the[\s*]*License.[\s*]*This[\s*]*program[\s*]*is[\s*]*distributed[\s*]*in[\s*]*the[\s*]*hope[\s*]*that[\s*]*it[\s*]*will[\s*]*be[\s*]*useful,[\s*]*but[\s*]*WITHOUT[\s*]*ANY[\s*]*WARRANTY;[\s*]*without[\s*]*even[\s*]*the[\s*]*implied[\s*]*warranty[\s*]*of[\s*]*MERCHANTABILITY[\s*]*or[\s*]*FITNESS[\s*]*FOR[\s*]*A[\s*]*PARTICULAR[\s*]*PURPOSE.[\s*]*See[\s*]*the[\s*]*GNU[\s*]*General[\s*]*Public[\s*]*License[\s*]*for[\s*]*more[\s*]*details.[\s*]*\*\/|/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */|' $(cat filelist)
perl -i -p0e 's|\/\*[\s*]*.*is[\s*]*free[\s*]*software[:;][\s*]*you[\s*]*can[\s*]*redistribute[\s*]*it[\s*]*and/or[\s*]*modify[\s*]*it[\s*]*under[\s*]*the[\s*]*terms[\s*]*of[\s*]*the[\s*]*GNU[\s*]*General[\s*]*Public[\s*]*License[\s*]*as[\s*]*published[\s*]*by[\s*]*the[\s*]*Free[\s*]*Software[\s*]*Foundation[;,][\s*]*either[\s*]*version[\s*]*2[\s*]*of[\s*]*the[\s*]*License,[\s*]*or[\s*]*.at[\s*]*your[\s*]*option.[\s*]*any[\s*]*later[\s*]*version.[\s*]*This[\s*]*program[\s*]*is[\s*]*distributed[\s*]*in[\s*]*the[\s*]*hope[\s*]*that[\s*]*it[\s*]*will[\s*]*be[\s*]*useful,[\s*]*but[\s*]*WITHOUT[\s*]*ANY[\s*]*WARRANTY;[\s*]*without[\s*]*even[\s*]*the[\s*]*implied[\s*]*warranty[\s*]*of[\s*]*MERCHANTABILITY[\s*]*or[\s*]*FITNESS[\s*]*FOR[\s*]*A[\s*]*PARTICULAR[\s*]*PURPOSE.[\s*]*See[\s*]*the[\s*]*GNU[\s*]*General[\s*]*Public[\s*]*License[\s*]*for[\s*]*more[\s*]*details.[\s*]*\*\/|/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */|' $(cat filelist)
perl -i -p0e 's|\/\*[\s*]*.*is[\s*#]*free[\s*#]*software[;:,][\s*#]*you[\s*#]*can[\s*#]*redistribute[\s*#]*it[\s*#]*and/or[\s*#]*modify[\s*#]*it[\s*#]*under[\s*#]*the[\s*#]*terms[\s*#]*of[\s*#]*the[\s*#]*GNU[\s*#]*General[\s*#]*Public[\s*#]*License[\s*#]*as[\s*#]*published[\s*#]*by[\s*#]*the[\s*#]*Free[\s*#]*Software[\s*#]*Foundation[;:,][\s*#]*either[\s*#]*version[\s*#]*3[\s*#]*of[\s*#]*the[\s*#]*License[;:,][\s*#]*or[\s*#]*.at[\s*#]*your[\s*#]*option.[\s*#]*any[\s*#]*later[\s*#]*version.[\s*#]*This[\s*#]*program[\s*#]*is[\s*#]*distributed[\s*#]*in[\s*#]*the[\s*#]*hope[\s*#]*that[\s*#]*it[\s*#]*will[\s*#]*be[\s*#]*useful[;:,][\s*#]*but[\s*#]*WITHOUT[\s*#]*ANY[\s*#]*WARRANTY[;:,][\s*#]*without[\s*#]*even[\s*#]*the[\s*#]*implied[\s*#]*warranty[\s*#]*of[\s*#]*MERCHANTABILITY[\s*#]*or[\s*#]*FITNESS[\s*#]*FOR[\s*#]*A[\s*#]*PARTICULAR[\s*#]*PURPOSE.[\s*#]*See[\s*#]*the[\s*#]*GNU[\s*#]*General[\s*#]*Public[\s*#]*License[\s*#]*for[\s*#]*more[\s*#]*details.[\s*]*\*\/|/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */|' $(cat filelist)
perl -i -p0e 's|(\#\#*)[\w]*.*is free software[:;][\#\s]*you[\#\s]*can[\#\s]*redistribute[\#\s]*it[\#\s]*and\/or[\#\s]*modify[\#\s]*it[\s\#]*under[\s \#]*the[\s\#]*terms[\s\#]*of[\s\#]*the[\s\#]*GNU[\s\#]*General[\s\#]*Public[\s\#]*License[\s\#]*as[\s\#]*published[\s\#]*by[\s\#]*the[\s\#]*Free[\s\#]*Software[\s\#]*Foundation[;,][\s\#]*version[\s\#]*2[\s\#]*of[\s\#]*the[\s\#]*License.*[\s\#]*This[\s\#]*program[\s\#]*is[\s\#]*distributed[\s\#]*in[\s\#]*the[\s\#]*hope[\s\#]*that[\s\#]*it[\s\#]*will[\#\s]*be[\#\s]*useful,[\#\s]*but[\#\s]*WITHOUT[\#\s]*ANY[\#\s]*WARRANTY;[\#\s]*without[\#\s]*even[\#\s]*the[\#\s]*implied[\#\s]*warranty[\#\s]*of[\#\s]*MERCHANTABILITY[\#\s]*or[\#\s]*FITNESS[\#\s]*FOR[\#\s]*A[\#\s]*PARTICULAR[\#\s]*PURPOSE.[\#\s]*See[\#\s]*the[\#\s]*GNU[\#\s]*General[\#\s]*Public[\#\s]*License[\#\s]*for[\#\s]*more[\#\s]*details.\s(#* *\n)*|\1 SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only\n\n|' $(cat filelist)
perl -i -p0e 's|(\#\#*)[\w*]*.*is free software[:;][\s*]*you[\s*]*can[\s*]*redistribute[\s*]*it[\s*]*and\/or[\s*]*modify[\s*]*it[\s*]*under[\s*]*the[\s*]*terms[\s*]*of[\s*]*the[\s*]*GNU[\s*]*General[\s*]*Public[\s*]*License[\s*]*as[\s*]*published[\s*]*by[\s*]*the[\s*]*Free[\s*]*Software[\s*]*Foundation[;,][\s*]*version[\s*]*2[\s*]*of[\s*]*the[\s*]*License.[\s*]*This[\s*]*program[\s*]*is[\s*]*distributed[\s*]*in[\s*]*the[\s*]*hope[\s*]*that[\s*]*it[\s*]*will[\s*]*be[\s*]*useful,[\s*]*but[\s*]*WITHOUT[\s*]*ANY[\s*]*WARRANTY;[\s*]*without[\s*]*even[\s*]*the[\s*]*implied[\s*]*warranty[\s*]*of[\s*]*MERCHANTABILITY[\s*]*or[\s*]*FITNESS[\s*]*FOR[\s*]*A[\s*]*PARTICULAR[\s*]*PURPOSE.[\s*]*See[\s*]*the[\s*]*GNU[\s*]*General[\s*]*Public[\s*]*License[\s*]*for[\s*]*more[\s*]*details.\s(#* *\n)*|\1 SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only\n\n|' $(cat filelist)
Change-Id: Ia01908544f4b92a2e06ea621eca548e582728280
Signed-off-by: Patrick Georgi <>
Reviewed-by: HAOUAS Elyes <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
This replaces GPLv2-or-later and GPLv2-only long form text with the
short SPDX identifiers.
Commands used:
perl -i -p0e 's|/\*[*\n\t ]*This program is free software[:;].*you.*can.*redistribute.*it.*and/or.*modify.*it.*under.*the.*terms.*of.*the.*GNU.*General.*Public.*License.*as.*published.*by.*the.*Free.*Software.*Foundation[;,].*version.*2.*of.*the.*License.*or.*(at.*your.*option).*any.*later.*version.+This.*program.*is.*distributed.*in.*the.*hope.*that.*it.*will.*be.*useful,.*but.*;.*without.*even.*the.*implied.*warranty.*of.*MERCHANTABILITY.*or.*FITNESS.*FOR.*A.*PARTICULAR.*PURPOSE..*.*See.*the.*GNU.*General.*Public.*License for more details.[\n\t ]*\*/|/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */|s' $(cat filelist)
perl -i -p0e 's|/\*[*\n\t ]*This program is free software[:;].*you.*can.*redistribute.*it.*and/or.*modify.*it.*under.*the.*terms.*of.*the.*GNU.*General.*Public.*License.*as.*published.*by.*the.*Free.*Software.*Foundation[;,].*version.*2.+This.*program.*is.*distributed.*in.*the.*hope.*that.*it.*will.*be.*useful,.*but.*;.*without.*even.*the.*implied.*warranty.*of.*MERCHANTABILITY.*or.*FITNESS.*FOR.*A.*PARTICULAR.*PURPOSE..*.*See.*the.*GNU.*General.*Public.*License for more details.[\n\t ]*\*/|/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */|s' $(cat filelist)
perl -i -p0e 's|/\*[*\n\t ]*This program is free software[:;].*you.*can.*redistribute.*it.*and/or.*modify.*it.*under.*the.*terms.*of.*the.*GNU.*General.*Public.*License.*version.*2.*as.*published.*by.*the.*Free.*Software.*Foundation[.;,].+This.*program.*is.*distributed.*in.*the.*hope.*that.*it.*will.*be.*useful,.*but.*;.*without.*even.*the.*implied.*warranty.*of.*MERCHANTABILITY.*or.*FITNESS.*FOR.*A.*PARTICULAR.*PURPOSE..*.*See.*the.*GNU.*General.*Public.*License for more details.[\n\t ]*\*/|/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */|s' $(cat filelist)
perl -i -p0e 's|/\*[*\n\t ]*This software is licensed under.*the.*terms.*of.*the.*GNU.*General.*Public.*License.*version.*2.*as.*published.*by.*the.*Free.*Software.*Foundation,.+This.*program.*is.*distributed.*in.*the.*hope.*that.*it.*will.*be.*useful,.*but.*;.*without.*even.*the.*implied.*warranty.*of.*MERCHANTABILITY.*or.*FITNESS.*FOR.*A.*PARTICULAR.*PURPOSE..*.*See.*the.*GNU.*General.*Public.*License for more details.[\n\t ]*\*/|/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */|s' $(cat filelist)
Change-Id: I7a746088a35633c11fc7ebe86006e96458a1abf8
Signed-off-by: Patrick Georgi <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Reviewed-by: David Hendricks <>
Reviewed-by: HAOUAS Elyes <>
That makes it easier to identify "license only" headers (because they
are now license only)
Script line used for that:
perl -i -p0e 's|/\*.*\n.*This file is part of the coreboot project.*\n.*\*|/* This file is part of the coreboot project. */\n/*|' # ...filelist...
Change-Id: I2280b19972e37c36d8c67a67e0320296567fa4f6
Signed-off-by: Patrick Georgi <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Reviewed-by: David Hendricks <>
Reviewed-by: HAOUAS Elyes <>
Reviewed-by: Paul Menzel <>
Reviewed-by: Angel Pons <>
Change-Id: I2bf1eb87bb5476dd77b5a56dfe8846e82d414523
Signed-off-by: Elyes HAOUAS <>
Reviewed-by: Stefan Reinauer <>
Reviewed-by: Paul Menzel <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Done with sed and God Lines. Only done for C-like code for now.
Change-Id: I2adf28d805fe248d55a9514f74c38280c0ad9a78
Signed-off-by: Angel Pons <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Reviewed-by: HAOUAS Elyes <>
The romcc bootblock will be deprecated soon and most platforms use
C_ENVIRONMENT_BOOTBLOCK already. This patch drops the
where needed.
Change-Id: I773a76aade623303b7cd95ebe9b0411e5a7ecbaf
Signed-off-by: Arthur Heymans <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Reviewed-by: HAOUAS Elyes <>
Reviewed-by: Kyösti Mälkki <>
Reviewed-by: Michał Żygowski <>
This is more in line with how linker symbol for regions are defined.
Change-Id: I0bd7ae59a27909ed0fd38e6f7193816cb57e76af
Signed-off-by: Arthur Heymans <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Reviewed-by: Aaron Durbin <>
Add support for x86_64 bootblock on qemu.
Introduce a new approach to long mode support. The previous patch set
generated page tables at runtime and placed them in heap. The new
approach places the page tables in memory mapped ROM.
Introduce a new tool called pgtblgen that creates x86 long mode compatible
page tables and writes those to a file. The file is included into the CBFS
and placed at a predefined offset.
Add assembly code to load the page tables, based on a Kconfig symbol and
enter long in bootblock.
The code can be easily ported to real hardware bootblock.
Tested on qemu q35.
Change-Id: Iec92c6cea464c97c18a0811e2e91bc22133ace42
Signed-off-by: Patrick Rudolph <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Reviewed-by: Arthur Heymans <>
The x86 timers are a bit of a mess. Cases where different stages use
different counters and timestamps use different counters from udelays.
The original intention was to only flip TSC_CONSTANT_RATE Kconfig
to NOT_CONSTANT_TSC_RATE. The name would be incorrect though, those
counters do run with a constant rate but we just lack tsc_freq_mhz()
implementation for three platforms.
Note that for boards with UNKNOWN_TSC_RATE=y, each stage will have a
slow run of calibrate_tsc_with_pit(). This is easy enough to fix with
followup implementation of tsc_freq_mhz() for the platforms.
Implementations with LAPIC_MONOTONIC_TIMER typically will not have
tsc_freq_mhz() implemented and default to UNKNOWN_TSC_RATE. However,
as they don't use TSC for udelay() the slow calibrate_tsc_with_pit()
is avoided.
Because x86/tsc_delay.tsc was using two different guards and nb/via/vx900
claimed UDELAY_TSC, but pulled UDELAY_IO implementation, we also switch
that romstage to use UDELAY_TSC.
Change-Id: I1690cb80295d6b006b75ed69edea28899b674b68
Signed-off-by: Kyösti Mälkki <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Reviewed-by: Aaron Durbin <>
Change-Id: I72afb0c0d34157d1d2d9fe4ae6704cd2502f724d
Signed-off-by: Kyösti Mälkki <>
Reviewed-by: Arthur Heymans <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
As discussed on the mailing list and voted upon, the coreboot project
is going to move the majority of copyrights out of the headers and into
an AUTHORS file. This will happen a bit at a time, as we'll be unifying
license headers at the same time.
Signed-off-by: Martin Roth <>
Change-Id: Id6070fb586896653a1e44951a6af8f42f93b5a7b
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Reviewed-by: Patrick Georgi <>
This provides stack guards with checking and common
entry into postcar.
Change-Id: If0729721f0165187946107eb98e8bc754f28e517
Signed-off-by: Kyösti Mälkki <>
Reviewed-by: Patrick Rudolph <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
This allows for minor optimization as num_timestamps becomes
a constant zero for a function with local scope. The loop
with calls to timestamp_add() gets removed from bootblock.
Change-Id: Id230075c0e76fe377b6ea8c8ddf8318e07d29b91
Signed-off-by: Kyösti Mälkki <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Reviewed-by: Julius Werner <>
Also tidy up some register usage.
Change-Id: I5b4b4a29c854f4ca165cede4e9b6755a6c577e76
Signed-off-by: Kyösti Mälkki <>
Reviewed-by: Arthur Heymans <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Change-Id: Id56139a3d0840684b13179821a77bc8ae28e05ae
Signed-off-by: Kyösti Mälkki <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Reviewed-by: Nico Huber <>
This is really an inverse of SMM_TSEG to flag
platforms that should potentially move away
from ASEG implementation.
Change-Id: I3b9007c55c75a59a9e6acc0a0e701300f7d21f87
Signed-off-by: Kyösti Mälkki <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Reviewed-by: Furquan Shaikh <>
Change-Id: I01ecb9a16099ac6189ce3f0bdbd43c23ad7c621d
Signed-off-by: Kyösti Mälkki <>
Reviewed-by: Arthur Heymans <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
There's a typo in the cpu driver causing it to always use the weak
implementation defined in the devicetree instead of the real
Tested on qemu-q35, the CPU driver contains valid values.
Change-Id: I4a6bb447bfdb3df6053c0df8be9d7c6aa8f689be
Signed-off-by: Patrick Rudolph <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Reviewed-by: Stefan Reinauer <>
Reviewed-by: Patrick Georgi <>
Useful for testing stuff in C_ENVIRONMENT_BOOTBLOCK, like
VBOOT with separate verstage.
* Use symbols to set up CAR and STACK
* Zero CAR area
* Move BIST failure checking to cpu folder
* Rename functions where necessary
* qemu-2.11.2 machine pc
* qemu-2.11.2 machine q35
Test result:
* BIST error reporting is still working.
* Console starts in bootblock
* SeaBios 1.11.2 as payload is still working
Change-Id: Ibf341002c36d868b9b44c8b37381fa78ae5c4381
Signed-off-by: Patrick Rudolph <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Reviewed-by: Patrick Georgi <>
Use the TSC for delays on q35, ensuring that the TSC delay code is
included in the correct stages when selected.
Tested on qemu-35 and wedge-100s (for no regressions).
Change-Id: I3f8368509807974bfcf2a0fcff7a4aa21adf47ed
Signed-off-by: Michael van der Westhuizen <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Reviewed-by: Paul Menzel <>
Reviewed-by: Patrick Rudolph <>
Reviewed-by: Philipp Deppenwiese <>
There is currently no case where a struct cpu_device_id instance needs
to be modified. Thus, declare all instances as const.
Change-Id: I5ec7460b56d75d255b3451d76a46df76a51d6365
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Neuschäfer <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins) <>
Reviewed-by: Paul Menzel <>
Reviewed-by: Aaron Durbin <>
QEMU can do this for a while now.
Change-Id: I3a5027a7afc9dd18463d26cb42fe68747a89f6b0
Signed-off-by: Patrick Georgi <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins)
Reviewed-by: Stefan Reinauer <>
Reviewed-by: Paul Menzel <>
It encourages users from writing to the FSF without giving an address.
Linux also prefers to drop that and their (that we
imported) looks out for that.
This is the result of util/scripts/ with no further
Change-Id: Ie96faea295fe001911d77dbc51e9a6789558fbd6
Signed-off-by: Patrick Georgi <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins)
Reviewed-by: Alexandru Gagniuc <>
Reviewed-by: Ronald G. Minnich <>
Recently qemu stopped doing a basic lapic setup and expects the
firmware to handle this properly (like on real hardware). So
let's do that so coreboot works properly on qemu 2.4+.
Here is the qemu commit message for the change:
commit b8eb5512fd8a115f164edbbe897cdf8884920ccb
Author: Nadav Amit <>
Date: Mon Apr 13 02:32:08 2015 +0300
target-i386: disable LINT0 after reset
Due to old Seabios bug, QEMU reenable LINT0 after reset. This bug is long gone
and therefore this hack is no longer needed. Since it violates the
specifications, it is removed.
Signed-off-by: Nadav Amit <>
Message-Id: <>
Signed-off-by: Paolo Bonzini <>
Change-Id: I022f3742475d3f3477fc838b1e2bce69287b6b8e
Signed-off-by: Gerd Hoffmann <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins)
Reviewed-by: Paul Menzel <>
Tested-by: Raptor Engineering Automated Test Stand <>
Reviewed-by: Patrick Georgi <>
As per discussion with lawyers[tm], it's not a good idea to
shorten the license header too much - not for legal reasons
but because there are tools that look for them, and giving
them a standard pattern simplifies things.
However, we got confirmation that we don't have to update
every file ever added to coreboot whenever the FSF gets a
new lease, but can drop the address instead.
util/kconfig is excluded because that's imported code that
we may want to synchronize every now and then.
$ find * -type f -exec sed -i "s:Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, *MA[, ]*02110-1301[, ]*USA:Foundation, Inc.:" {} +
$ find * -type f -exec sed -i "s:Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335, USA:Foundation, Inc.:" {} +
$ find * -type f -exec sed -i "s:Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place[-, ]*Suite 330, Boston, MA *02111-1307[, ]*USA:Foundation, Inc.:" {} +
$ find * -type f -exec sed -i "s:Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.:Foundation, Inc.:" {} +
$ find * -type f
-a \! -name \*.patch \
-a \! -name \*_shipped \
-a \! -name LICENSE_GPL \
-a \! -name LGPL.txt \
-a \! -name COPYING \
-a \! -name DISCLAIMER \
-exec sed -i "/Foundation, Inc./ N;s:Foundation, Inc.* USA\.* *:Foundation, Inc. :;s:Foundation, Inc. $:Foundation, Inc.:" {} +
Change-Id: Icc968a5a5f3a5df8d32b940f9cdb35350654bef9
Signed-off-by: Patrick Georgi <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins)
Reviewed-by: Vladimir Serbinenko <>
This reverts the revert commit 5780d6f3876723b94fbe3653c9d87dad6330862e
and fixes the build issue that cuased it to be reverted.
Verstage will host vboot2 for firmware verification.
It's a stage in the sense that it has its own set of toolchains,
compiler flags,
and includes. This allows us to easily add object files as needed. But
it's directly linked to bootblock. This allows us to avoid code
duplication for stage loading and jumping (e.g. cbfs driver) for the
where bootblock has to run in a different architecture (e.g. Tegra124).
To avoid name space conflict, verstage symbols are prefixed with
TEST=Built with VBOOT2_VERIFY_FIRMWARE on/off. Booted Nyan Blaze.
Original-Signed-off-by: Daisuke Nojiri <>
Original-Change-Id: Iad57741157ec70426c676e46c5855e6797ac1dac
Original-Reviewed-by: Randall Spangler <>
(cherry picked from commit 27940f891678dae975b68f2fc729ad7348192af3)
Signed-off-by: Marc Jones <>
Change-Id: I2a83b87c29d98d97ae316091cf3ed7b024e21daf
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins)
Reviewed-by: Stefan Reinauer <>
Make all three coreboot stages (bootblock, romstage and ramstage) aware of the
architecture specific to that stage i.e. we will have CONFIG_ARCH variables for
each of the three stages. This allows us to have an SOC with any combination of
architectures and thus every stage can be made to run on a completely different
architecture independent of others. Thus, bootblock can have an x86 arch whereas
romstage and ramstage can have arm32 and arm64 arch respectively. These stage
specific CONFIG_ARCH_ variables enable us to select the proper set of toolchain
and compiler flags for every stage.
These options can be considered as either arch or modes eg: x86 running in
different modes or ARM having different arch types (v4, v7, v8). We have got rid
of the original CONFIG_ARCH option completely as every stage can have any
architecture of its own. Thus, almost all the components of coreboot are
identified as being part of one of the three stages (bootblock, romstage or
ramstage). The components which cannot be classified as such e.g. smm, rmodules
can have their own compiler toolset which is for now set to *_i386. Hence, all
special classes are treated in a similar way and the compiler toolset is defined
using create_class_compiler defined in Makefile.
In order to meet these requirements, changes have been made to CC, LD, OBJCOPY
and family to add CC_bootblock, CC_romstage, CC_ramstage and similarly others.
Additionally, CC_x86_32 and CC_armv7 handle all the special classes. All the
toolsets are defined using create_class_compiler.
Few additional macros have been introduced to identify the class to be used at
various points, e.g.: CC_$(class) derives the $(class) part from the name of
the stage being compiled.
as they do not make any sense for coreboot as a whole. All these attributes are
associated with each of the stages.
Change-Id: I923f3d4fb097d21071030b104c372cc138c68c7b
Signed-off-by: Furquan Shaikh <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins)
Reviewed-by: Aaron Durbin <>
CONFIG_ARCH is a property of the cpu or soc rather than a property of the
board. Hence, move ARCH_* from every single board to respective cpu or soc
Kconfigs. Also update abuild to ignore ARCH_ from mainboards.
Change-Id: I6ec1206de5a20601c32d001a384a47f46e6ce479
Signed-off-by: Furquan Shaikh <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins)
Reviewed-by: Kyösti Mälkki <>
Add support for the new q35 chipset emulation
added in qemu 1.4.
Change-Id: Iabfaa1310dc7b54c9d224635addebdfafe1fbfaf
Signed-off-by: Gerd Hoffmann <>
Reviewed-by: Paul Menzel <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins)
Reviewed-by: Ronald G. Minnich <>
This patch adds a qemu x86 cpu chip. It has no initialization function
as this isn't needed on virtual hardware. A virtual machine can have
pretty much any CPU: qemu emulates a wide range of x86 CPUs (try 'qemu
-cpu ? for a list), also with 'qemu -cpu host' the guest will see a cpu
which is (almost) identical to the one on the host machine. So I've
added X86_VENDOR_ANY as wildcard match for the cpu_table.
Change-Id: Ib01210694b09702e41ed806f31d0033e840a863f
Signed-off-by: Gerd Hoffmann <>
Tested-by: build bot (Jenkins)
Reviewed-by: Stefan Reinauer <>